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hotte in space.2158

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Posts posted by hotte in space.2158

  1. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    >threw Profession roles to the trash

    Its right what you say !

    But this is an issue that cant be turned back. There are more specs than profession roles right now and with the next expansion there even might be more.

    Can you imagine the threads here in the forum if no new specs had been established the last years ?

  2. Today I had to fight DH with this rune and now I understand why DH has such a high winrate.


    . . . a small nerf is definetely not enough

    And I say this although I am not a friend of deleting/removing things

  3. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > We still need a "conquest versus AI".

    . . . leveled like the fractals 1-100 yeah that would be very nice, a good idea^^

    Although I doubt that AI is good enough to do smart tactics like snowballing or ambushing in stealth or other such things. It would need a whole new

    dev-team to create something like this. But similar to 2v2 or 3v3 mini-season I could imagine that this would be possible.

    Or even a totally new mode vs AI, fantasy has no limits.


  4. GW2 PvP has such a high potential !


    Build diversity is high. Balancing is on a good way (all recent patches were reasonable). All maps, especially the classical ones, are great.

    Most veterans, after years of playing this game, still are passionate for PvP.

    But player population is low.

    What could be done to bring back GW2 PvP and make it great again?


    1) We need yearly world championships again. Look how the upcoming "masters of the arena tournament" already boosted PvP. New strong teams have been formed

    and its going to be really intersting who will win. Anet lacks, or doesnt even even show up, any engagement in term of championships although this would be the best

    public relation possible.

    2) The community needs more information. Dear balancing team, let us know that you have recognized overperforming specs/traits, let us know what you are looking at,

    and in the best case let us know when the next balance patch is coming up. Communicate please, everything´s better than silence.

    3) Hotfixes and small adjustments for obviously overperforming specs (example rev) last much too long.

    4) "Good players" should not blame "bad players". We need them and rising the player population starts from the bottom.


    Its all about increasing player population. More players = better matchmaking = less q-time = more money for Anet = world championships = everythings better.


    There could be other positive proposals. What does the community think ?

    (I´ld like to see more constructive thoughts instead of negative criticism in this thread)

  5. > @"Avatar.3568" said:

    > Guildwars needs something like a battlefield mode

    > with 16vs16 on medium sized maps, just like conquest but in a way bigger area 2.5 times sized

    > that would rock

    > but with a well designed map, many options to hide, or making ambushes and some openerfields heights and maybe undergrunds

    Sounds good^^ I think players would like that


  6. > @"viquing.8254" said:

    > Like sind who want to buff thief while there is 8 thieves over 10 in top 10 ? (seems mobility and rotation is more useful than damage in 5v5.)

    > Mean they clearly know better how to rotate, have good reflexes etc but sometimes they are biased on their class. I can't count the amount of mesmer is op from vast >majority of top streamers while they very rarely play this and are unable to perform with it.

    > So no even high end top players haven't the absolute balance globality.

    ^True words from a top player^^

    According to your recent buff mesmer posts I presume you know what you are talking about ;)



  7. > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > Im tired of seeing the same team in AT (Automatic Tournaments) Win every single time

    1) Its not always the same team, its always the same teams

    2) Any P3 team has a realistic chance to win, apart from prime time ATs

    3) In off times even a good P2 team can win (eventually)

    4) The rest doesnt deserve it

  8. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    >playing ping pong

    >when 3 or 4 other cc classes start targeting

    ^this is the best^^ killing just by damage is boring. A bit of pulling before, a nice knockdown, aahhh I love it :) like the animations too^^


  9. > @"Xenon.4537" said:

    > Maybe they should just make it so that if you press any button on your keyboard, you get dazed. Everyone can just stare at each other the whole match.

    Nah, pulling and pushing is more fun :)


  10. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > This is what a good LR Weaver played (asked him myself): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAg2lZwgYSsIGKW0XavMA-z5IWGZWA9mAmMA

    > 1145 ferocity when attuned to air + 70% crit chance without fury

    > If this seems too easy to kill, you can change to Avatar amulet and you will still have 645 ferocity (825 with fury), which is still pretty good.

    A good weaver? Seriously??? Hihihihihi huhuhuhuhu hahahahaha =)

    This is an absolute suicidebomb-garbage-build ! ! !

    It has exactly only one skill that cleanses condis which is 3 every 25 seconds (magnetic wave)

    Must have been 1 april when this dude told you his build^^


    I checked my combat log several times when I got hit by LR and the average damage was, believe it or not, 1,5 K !

    For some argument-resistant dudes here in this discussion, this is of course just nonsense.

    But I dont care for LR anyway, I just defended it in terms of balance and fairness.

    I am out of this senseless thread now

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