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hotte in space.2158

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Posts posted by hotte in space.2158

  1. > @"The Light In The Darkness.6742" said:

    > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:


    > I'm saying that revenge of capricorn and djinn's dominion should both be separate game modes. Stronghold used to be in ranked rotations and they removed it.

    > Things will change ...


    But what are your arguments why revenge of capricorn should be deleted ?

  2. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:


    > alot of utilities on alot of classes should be looked at, every utility should be at the very least playable.


    Absolutely^^ All utilities on all classes should be looked at !


  3. Yes, but good intentions dont lead necessarily to a good result !

    Skills/traits that abuse amulets should get nerfed, instead of deleting the amulets. There are classes/professions that have sustain just by their mechanical design and they dont need 4 stats to still doing damage. Classes that gain their survivability by having a bit of vitality/healing, already have disadvantages and wouldnt be played anymore at all then.

  4. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > significant reduction of Stealth duration and removal of finishing while stealthed,

    I absolutely agree with this point

    >removing evade from several skills, most notoriously Death Blossom and Daggerstorm

    the one ore another evade skill should be touched and will be touched, but I think its the right strategy to first see how PvP works after the patch

    >no more finishing with Shrink Elixir or other immunities

    not a big issue but could be discussed when a certain level of balance has been achieved

    >If nothing can touch you, you shouldn't be able to touch anything either

    doesnt necessarily have to be seen like this

    >Barrier application should get toned down a bit, too

    eventually/probably yes, but I think here too, that its good to wait and see the effects of the patch first

    >Also, rather than making Weapon skills with CC on them deal no damage, the CC should get nerfed.

    >Let utility skills do the utility and have weapons do damage.

    thats a bit too much of in general in my opinion. Weapon/utility/all skills should be looked at, but in an individual way


    To balance the mess we were in the last 3 years is not an easy job. It will take at least a year and can only be done step by step !

    Give dev-team a chance :)

  5. > @"The Ace.9105" said:


    > The system would reduce the amount of afk players cause it would matter to gain more score to not lose so much rating.


    Today I had a troll player in my team who was following me the whole match, but without fighting. He used very obscene names for his ranger pets btw.

    Eventually a bot ??? I dont know, but the next match he was in the opponent team and he was actively playing then.

    These kind of players dont care about loosing rating, and I think afk players in generally dont care for anything.


    Apart from that, imagine you win 3 close matches, hard ones. And then you loose one very high, no matter for what reason. You would have won 0 points then. lol

    I would rather knit myself a bobble hat then


  6. > @"Rickster.8752" said:

    > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:


    > We won't see those thing addressed ever. They had 5 years to address them and never did. And it is the biggest problem in the game by far. Its so easy for them to fix too. Just go through all evade/invuln skills and edit the numbers (cooldowns in particular) in pvp only. SOOO easy to do but basically ZERO PERCENT chance they do it. Its over.


    Do you know that PvP dev-team has got a new chief ? Cal Cohen, hes a PvP player, he knows what its all about and since he is here, things are starting to get happen.


    1) hugest patch ever coming soon

    2) previews

    3) they listen to our feedback and even give feedback

    4) balance patches intended every 6 weeks plus hotfixes

    5) although the next patch makes everbody gasp, most players agree that its the right direction

    6) and no, I dont get paid by arena-net


    What could we want more in the current situation ? In terms of the future of PvP, I was pessimistic the last years. But now its time for hope again :)

  7. > @"The Ace.9105" said:

    > What I've always wondered is that why don't we have a rating system based on the score of the game? Let's say that the maximum amount of rating you could earn is 20 and the minimum amount of rating is 5. If you win the match 500-0 you gain +20 and If you lose 500-0 you'd lose -20 rating.


    > Then the rating would be scaled based on the points your team gets vs the points of the enemy team so that if you lose the match for like 450-500 you'd lose -5 and if you lose 400-500 you'd lose -7 etc. and the winning team gets that amount of rating.


    That would mean, having an afk-player in team, we get punished even double then. Very bad idea.

  8. > @"Walker.7204" said:


    > I would like to concentrate on 1 build/profession to really learn to get things going again.... Any recomendations for the best surviveable, fun build going atm?


    There will be a patch with huge changes on all classes on 25 february. But if you cant wait til release day, I could recomend firebrand, as its strong now and will be strong then. Beetle is fun for the racing competitions and WvW mount is very easy to acquire.


  9. Guard, necro, S/D thief, and there could be classes/professions coming up by surprise too.

    But no reason to be concerned, as the patch, previews and feedback proved that Cal Cohen and his team are worth to be trusted. I am confident that they will have an eye on everything and overperforming stuff will get balanced. It could be even possible that maybe there might eventually, but not sure, happen something, newer players dont even know anymore. Its something formerly known as Hotfix, but maybe I`ve gone too far now :p

  10. > @"bravan.3876" said:


    > Btw also still don't know what the trade off for Tempest overload mechanic is, that comes on top of core. And the FB trade off i miss too. Pls enlighten me.


    Regarding the CD times of weapon skills, ele is designed to permanently change attunements to gain all benefits, the builds offer.

    The CD of attunements is 10 seconds. When overloading an attunement its 20 seconds.

    Did this answer your question ? (I am german and as my english isnt perfect, I wasnt 100% sure what you mean with trade off :) )

  11. > @"bravan.3876" said:


    > It is simple: If you want ppl to play less facetanky and less lame builds on a specific class, then you better do not kill these less lame and more skilled builds as a spin-off while nerfing op and braindead facetanky builds on that class (at least as long as you have other possible ways to nerf op builds without touching not op builds and in most cases you have other ways).





  12. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > As for Tempest and Ele becoming "absolutely useless" in sPvP I honestly think that has less to do with how they worked and more to do with how overtuned Weaver has become

    Thats a wrong assumption. Tempest wouldnt be represented in current PvP even without weaver.


    > The least access to stability of all classes

    > Low mobility. Compared to ranger, warrior, thief, mesmer, engi its a lame duck

    > Evades ? Not worth to mention

    > Less healing than warrior (compared with equal amulets), except using a build with all heal skills/traits, but then it doesnt do anymore damage

    > Blocks ? Just obsidian flesh (3sec with 50/40sec CD)

    > Light armor class

    > Sustain mechanics/abilities ? zero

    > Hard to play (it needs a very good feeling for timing and it has to be played in an extremely foreseeing way, to be in the right attunements when fighting)

    > Elite skill "rebound" is close to useless


    To say it simple : theres too much damage/CCs around for tempest and core ele. By nerfing obsidian flesh tempest gets sacrificed now just because devs found no other way to nerf weaver ???


    I once was legendary with my cheesy damage tempest, now I am just average and soon I will be nothing anymore :p HELP ! ! !

  13. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > You rly should consider to rethink balance planes about Obsidian Flesh on Ele


    Thx bravan for mentioning OBSIDIAN FLESH.

    Nerfing this skill was intended to reduce tankyness of weaver. But as many weavers didnt even use focus, they will be able to compensate this change and still be viable in the future.

    For all core eles and tempests its the end. Obsidian Flesh is the one and only, most essential, indispensable defensive skill for them. Core ele and tempest were the weakest specs in PvP the last years, and the plan to nerf Obsidian Flesh means to bring them down from useless to absolutely useless.

    Playing tempest with a damage build (sage amulet/fire-stone traitline) I made it even up to P2 a few times (when lucky with matchmaking), but realistically P1 was the maximum possible to achieve the last seasons. There had been just a few core ele and tempest specialists left in PvP, but if this change on Obsidian Flesh should be realised, there will be non of them anymore. In the name of balance and diversity : DONT NERF OBSIDIAN FLESH !

    As there are not many playing core ele or tempest, there is also no lobby, no major feedback for them. Thats why I am happy about everybody who puts his finger on that problem. So thx again bravan^^

  14. > @"N A T E.3108" said:

    > So, scrapper has been on the extreme low side of effectiveness for a while... and it's obviously getting hit very hard in this update (along with everything else).... **I think the healing turret nerf is overkill** directed at nerfing Holo. It is getting nerfed worse than any other heal pretty much. On the other side of this, **you all are really forcing scrapper to only be viable by taking the inventions line AND alchemy lines**. Please reconsider this. **Allow scrapper to be traited for more than tank- because you frankly haven't given it the ability to be a tank in pvp**, and this update is just beating a dead horse in that respect.


    Scrapper is considered to be weak. But I know there are at least two of them in Platin2. One is tanky but the other one plays a cheesy build doing even good dmg.

    These guys are definetely experianced scrapper-specialists and it might take time to find out how to play scrapper strong, but its possible.

  15. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

    > > Together with pre-nerf mirage, weaver is the most ridiculous broken braindead OP-class in history of PvP. Something insane like this should have never existed !

    > > Another reason why patch-release-day will be a good day^^


    > so young, so naive


    I know that after the patch nothing will be better in terms of balance. Maybe even worse.

    But at least weaver is nerfed then :p

  16. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > We need to nerf the affect that player salt has on the DEVs for real.

    > Maybe then we get good pvp again.


    ^this is the best :p


    Assumed this is right, that would mean:


    PvP dev-team just pretends to be friendly with their community. In reality they are pretty pisssed because of all the incompetent and toxic stuff written in the forum.

    As an act of conspiracy they make OP-classes like weaver or thief and never balance anything to take revenge and to punish the players.


    So lets all go to the gem-store, spending huge money bills there and just write only nice comments without any kinds of criticism.


    And they praised for arena-net, and arena-net finally gave them balance and they lived happy together til the end of times.


    Sounds plausible, that could work it out !

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