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hotte in space.2158

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Posts posted by hotte in space.2158

  1. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

    > > . . .than fight a necro in 2v2

    > Fixed it for you


    Fighting one bunker-necro = At least theres hope to kill his mate

    Fighting two bunker-necros = Just uncompromising optimists still have hope ! Not even making incredible huge damage amounts will help your team to kil at least one of them and you finally die by 7K dmg per hit lichform. I always need a break then.


    Sometimes bunker-necro reminds me of indestrucible target-golem ?

    Probably because of its health-bar - as soon as its close to zero it suddenly goes up to max again.

  2. > @"Wayne.6253" said:

    > 51 lostes against a necro/X comp and 15 lostes against FB/REV comp.

    Dont worry, you are not the only one. I just played a match against two necros, did 550 000 dmg (what is decent in 5v5) but was not even close to kill one of them.

    Of course lost again, but when I see two necros in opponent team I already know how that ends

  3. > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > I used to think that downed state and resurrections weren't an issue. That is...until 2v2.


    > I'm just going to come right out and say it. Rangers and necros are the biggest culprits of this. The speed at which they rez combined with their downed skills is broken and simply shouldn't exist. This isnt' really a hit specifically against rangers and necros but against any class that can rez super quickly. It shouldn't happen, simple as that.


    > I've had matches when we constantly down a player like FOUR times only for them to be resurrected in a blink of an eye. It's ridiculous. It promotes bad habits. Period.


    Absolutely agree with this.

    Its actually that frustrating and ridiculous, that its already nearly kind of funny again.

  4. > @"Fantasylife.7981" said:

    > Necro is ridiculous and lich form is out of control, Downstate in this game is a joke very unbalance.

    Every non-necro-player agrees with this

    >This new patch has brought a lot of problems where before at least if you pull the right dmg anyone could go down now you just take it and can't kill someone hard counters now Exist.

    Patience ! I am optimistic that dev-team will fix these problems.

  5. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > Did you try CC?

    We get CCed !

    . . . . when playing against two necros I get feared every 10 seconds =)

    . . . . and when stomping a necro you get feared again (what can make it pretty easy for a mate to rez him)

    Two equal classes/swap classes before match, should not be allowed in 2v2 ! ! !


  6. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


    > > Lol this is a good example of gw2 balancing right here. This team better start making some good decisions soon or this game is sank.


    > They did, they stopped the power creep train, as they and many others said, there's going to be outliers but give them chance to work on the adjustments. It's not even been 2 weeks!

    Yes I think the same. Since Cal Cohen joined, I defended dev-team as their plans were a sign that they havnt given up PvP and their first steps went in the right direction.

    Its time to still be patient because problems like necro-fiesta probably cant be quickly hotfixed. But until beginning of next season they have to deliver now of course.


  7. Menyus.4610

    I Had a match where we downed a necro 4 times and the fb 2 times.

    So when the last time the necro got downed ofc the fb immediately started to revive him, but we finally managed to down the fb too the necro had like 98% hp when the gua got downed, me and my team8 had 5-10%hp, and the necro with his downed aa skill revived himself, i instantly jump on him with heartseeker bamm 7.8k necro activates shroud presses skill 1 me and my team8 insta die, then he presses shroud4 and basically kills us he aint bother reviving the fb.


    @hotte in space.2158 said:

    The biggest problem with necro is, that its so hard to stomp. You get feared first and then he gets rezzed. Thats especially a problem, when necro has classes like FB/guard or ranger on his side.

    I had several matches now, when we had downed the necro, but we couldnt kill him and he came up again. That has to be fixed !


  8. Ranger is anets darling^^ In history of PvP its the only class which really never was in crises. It always was the best in being the second best of everything.

    Aaaahhh the good old times when rugged groth healed 600 hp/s, running black bear pet gave you 10 sec of damage reduction every 30 sec and people started

    insulting you because even two players couldnt chase you off node =)

  9. > @"Odik.4587" said:

    > As everyone are concerned about the most broken classes - FB,core necro, condi rev, its 4th the most broken right after them,

    I wonder why nobody has fresh air water weaver on the list ??? The four classes you mention are pretty nasty but at least its possible to kill them.




  10. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > The diversity is actually a result of build experimentation tbh

    Thats a point ! Less OP stuff + less underperforming stuff = less META = more balance = more build variety = more diversity

    Of course perfect balance doesnt exist and it will take another year to come at least close to it, but in my opinion devs are on the right way




    > @"toxic.3648" said:

    > anet is looking out for outliers and us players are by default the beta testers so take this as an "outlier reporting" whatever u wanna call it :)

    Well done that you adressed this^^ 17K damage is just ridiculous, not even 10K should be possible anymore



  12. > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > @"Tman.6349" said:

    > > Do you play a build that generally has high mobility and allows you to choose weak matchups and quickly beat them into submission or be be on your way to 'win' in some other way elsewhere as you desire?


    > I play core, DPS staff elementalist.


    Now I understand why you dont like 2v2. If there is any class absolutely wrong choice for 2v2 then its core staff ele.

    There are just two solutions for you :

    1) Play another class instead of core staff ele

    2) Dont play 2v2

    btw I like miniseason, 2v2 can really be big fun

  13. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > Anyone running condi with a necro is viable. Certain thief builds are doing well like daredevil. Full signet thief can 2 shot you.


    > Warriors are okay.

    > All ranger builds are okay.

    > All ele builds are okay.

    > Dh and core guard is okay

    > Condi rev is op if you dont have lots of cleanse


    > Engi is under performing

    > Mesmer is underperforming


    > Biggest things that need addressing is lich form and life force. Being.able to apply 10 or more stacks of burn is not okay. Burn honestly needs a cap of like 8 stacks in pvp.



    I agree with this. Although I would say that engi and mesmer (when played well) are not that bad

  14. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > there's such little risk of dying unless there's like 3 people on you.

    That seems a bit exaggerated. Ok my experiance is more based on 2v2 miniseason, but there everbody gets killed when +1.

    Classes like FB or weaver still are too tanky and should be looked at of course.

    When playing tempest before patch, there was nearly no chance to beat certain classes like for example warrior. No matter of played skillful or not.

    Now I have a chance against every class, it depends on skillful playing now again. Thats my diversity.



  15. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > lol Diversity.


    > Sure.


    > Picking the most gimmicky cc spammable builds you can find. Or rolling bunker condi.


    > Difference from the previous metas does not equal diversity.


    > People are just acting pleased about the patch right now because the season hasn't started yet. When it does you can bet you'll be seeing the same 3-4 builds over and over again all season, they just won't be the same builds we had last season.


    With "diversity is back" I didnt mean that everything is fine, but in my opinion its better now than before patch. And of course 2v2 is something different than 5v5.

    Classes like mesmer or thief might be better in 5v5 while classes like necro or guard might be better in 2v2. My impression is based more on 2v2.

    I am optimistic (if announced balance gets realized) that there could (maybe eventually but not sure) be more than just 3-4 builds taking a role next season.

    Maybe I will be proven wrong but my first impression is positive

  16. > @"Rouien.5234" said:


    > I agree with this. Of course there are a few specs that're stronger than others but this new shift allows more room for people to be diverse and still play/not get stomped as quickly as before.


    > Any skilled player can make something work to their advantage and it doesn't mean just getting kills-- And people just don't want to admit that things are becoming more skill based or they might not have as much skill as they THINK they do now that people don't die as fast.


    > That's how I feel like it should be. Hopefuily the changes stay as they are now and people can either learn to play with what they have now, allow meta's to rise and fall and just see how things play out.

    Hey you are the first one who agrees with this thread =) Its a subjective first impression, not more not less, but maybe I was just too positive.

    Apart from the fact that criticism is something very important, it seems like bashing and complaining is much more popular than agreeing and approval





    > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > But you should because you are right, Obsidian is heavily overnerfed for no good reason. Btw bunker Ele still insane tanky, so the Obsidian nerf didn't even solve anything

    Thats the point ! Most weavers use dagger now instead of focus anyway. Bravan for dev-team =)



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