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hotte in space.2158

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Posts posted by hotte in space.2158

  1. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > Obsidian Flesh never needed this nerf tbh. Like it's strong, but it had an appropriately long cooldown.


    Exactly ! Its been there for many years, then its duration got nerfed from 4 sec to 3sec because of bunker-tempest and now its got nerfed to the ground

    because of bunker-weaver. Seems like devs wanted to nerf the easy way instead of going into actual responsible reasons

  2. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

    > > We all knew that FB/guard, necro and thief will be strong after patch. But I see classes like scrapper, tempest or druid performing really well in 2v2. Who would have expected this ?

    > > Weaver, rev and warrior do their business as usaual and also mesmer is still on the list.

    > > In my impression, its not anymore that important what class you play, but how you play it. Thats the way it should be !

    > > Of course there is still a lot of work to be done for the dev-team, but I am very optimistic that the announced balancing will bring even more improvement in terms of equal leveled classes.

    > > Go dev-team go, make BALANCE KILL META =)

    > > After years of depression I am close to be hyped again^^

    > > PS : 2v2 is great but we want 3v3 deathmatch as well :)

    > >


    > How are you working out druid spec? mind showing so i can test?


    > Is it a dps druid build? i'm guessing it is.


    It was a druid in the opponent team. I just can say that he was very hard to kill and did decent damage

  3. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > Scrapper was never bad lmao.

    > What am i reading.

    > Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?


    > Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.

    > We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.


    I played tempest and was positively surprised. If it wasnt like that, I would be the first one here in the forum, who attacks his own class

  4. > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > Diversity always comes back after a major shake up until people figure everything out. I can pretty much guarantee you that the number of builds considered viable will be much lower a month from now than they were pre patch.


    I agree with you, this can happen of course. What I posted is a first impression

  5. We all knew that FB/guard, necro and thief will be strong after patch. But I see classes like scrapper, tempest or druid performing really well in 2v2. Who would have expected this ?

    Weaver, rev and warrior do their business as usaual and also mesmer is still on the list.

    In my impression, its not anymore that important what class you play, but how you play it. Thats the way it should be !

    Of course there is still a lot of work to be done for the dev-team, but I am very optimistic that the announced balancing will bring even more improvement in terms of equal leveled classes.

    Go dev-team go, make BALANCE KILL META =)

    After years of depression I am close to be hyped again^^

    PS : 2v2 is great but we want 3v3 deathmatch as well :)


  6. > @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

    > Funny story. Last night I got stuck in the wall in pvp. Didn't know about the /stuck, so I couldn't do anything but wait for the other team to kill me. But at least four of the other team member were bots, because the tried to get to me, but couldn't and couldn't damage me enough to kill me. So while I was stuck my team, mostly bots, captured the points and ignored the bots trying to get to me. I was a huge, funny mess


    Four players with a sense for fairplay ? . . . must have been bots !

  7. > @"scarydogie.3024" said:

    > if the respawn time for typing /stuck was 15s you could just do that every time you got bled out for a faster respawn time. you would effectively be deleting that whole aspect of the game


    As soon as a player moves /stuck gets interrupted and it shouldnt be a problem to not make it work when in downstate

  8. > @"rng.1024" said:

    > The challenge is on! Top 250 EU next season on core ele exclusively, place your bets ;)

    I like challengers :) Well, as you seem to be a very good core-ele specialist I would say :

    You will probably make it up to top 250 during the season, but you wont manage it, to stay there til end of the season^^

    Thats my prophecy as its this what happend to me.

    The core problem of core-ele is its lack of stability (and there are so many CCs around) but lets see how PvP works after the patch.

    But I really wish you good luck - I respect everybody who makes it up with a non OP class !

    It is possible ! (dont forget to make screenshots to prove that its just been core-ele)

    Core-ele is the last class I actually want to play but if I should find an interesting build maybe I join your challenge


  9. For all who didnt know it : When stuck in a wall, type /stuck in log window and you will get respawned after 30 seconds then.


    30 seconds of waiting time until respawn is much too long ! Playing against a good team that doesnt help anymore and the match is lost.

    15 seconds is long enough to prevent this tool from being abused !


    Devs announced hotfixes, now this here would be an easy one




  10. > @"rng.1024" said:

    > it's **not okay** for Tempest to do dmg on overloads, since it's extra damage/sec that core ele doesn't have.


    When overloading the attunement, CD is 20 sec then instead of 10 sec, so there is a trade off. Also tempest trait-line is pretty weak.

    Tempest and core-ele are on the same level and if you want to reach top 250 in ranked, both of them are useless.


    > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > Also weaver tradeoff isnt really a tradeoff


    Weaver is the only class with no tradeoff at all, although they gain perma double stats plus dual skills plus incredibly strong weaver sword.

    Thats got nothing to do with balance. Weaver killed tempest and core-ele, very sad !

  11. > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

    > Yes i also made discussion on removing rally from pvp and keeping downed state with rezz and stomp mechanics. Rally is carrying this meta and nobody see that because it isn t as obvious as some op skills. But if you see revs and thiefs having strong cleave and mobility thats where rally shines and push already great classes to even be able to rezz with cleave.


    I guess its not exaggerated to say that 10% of all matches get decided by rally. That actually doesnt even fit to anets philosophy, as for years now devs nerfed passives to make PvP more skillful, but lucky-punch-rally remains untouched. Its a lack of consequence here because : more skillful = no rally


  12. > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

    I agree with you. Rally has nothing got to do with skillful playing. It hasnt anything got to do with playing at all. Its more a kind of a lottery winning that favours the team which is already in advantage as its got the first stomp. Theres a poll here in the forum about rally but people werent much interested yet



  13. > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > @"Uncle Dalty.8327" said:

    >An entire team shouldn't rally cause one idiot ran in and got insta killed.


    >one of your teammates runs into a sea of downed people and manages to die before any one of them


    Yeah who doesnt know that^^ Whole opponent team is in downstate while team-moron runs in to get insta killed by them and they all come up again.

    A convincing example of uncompromising realism !


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