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hotte in space.2158

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Posts posted by hotte in space.2158

  1. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > I feel that once you clear a certain Condi you should be immune to that Condi and it can not be reapplied for like 1-3 seconds. Just so it stops spam of the same Condi. Like u just cleared 8 stacks of intense 4k burning a tick. But immediately after u get 4 more stacks? What was the point of clearing specifically the burn if it come immediately back? There should be a second or a few of immunity after you clear zed Condi just to midigate the spam of condis.


    Thats got too much taste of resistance boon. Condi cleans would have to be reduced then as well. High damage conditions shouldn`t be available nonstop and the job is done.

  2. > In talking about max stacks here, no more 25 of anything!

    I think high stacks of boons/condis shouldn`t be given as a present just by pressing a few buttons anymore. That should be earned and deserved, combined with risk/skill. For example: the tempest just stacks might by using skills when in fire-attunement in which he`s pretty vulnerable and in danger of beeing killed. That`s the way it should be.

  3. Dear Anet team !


    1) Reduce damage for all PoF spec classes for at least 10 percent. Attacks with more than 6K damage points are just ridiculous.

    2) Very strong attacks should be connected with some risk or/and high cooldown.

    3) Stop boon spam. Especially stability should be reduced for certain classes.

    4) Reduce condition spam.

    5) High damage conditions shouldn`t be available nonstop.

    6) Create an ingame button with which insult-offenders can be reportet easily.

    7) Authorize just one account for each player in ranked matches to stop wintrading. Happens rarely but happens.

    8) Rise the budget for the PvP dev team. Otherwise the balance between PoF specs, HoT specs and core builds will never be realised.

    9) Work on the balance ! ! ! This is what all players want, and its way more important than any swiss tournaments or other stuff.

    10) Let the players vote ! ! ! A democratic vote how temporary PvP should change and about future plans/developments.

    There already had been votes for the players in the past by Anet and that could bring endless discussions about solo queue, duo queue or team queue finally to an end.


    I have 15000 ranked matches and still love this game. But something has to change. Caused by this fast-pace high damage style, its much too easy to kill a player within less than half a second. Especially when beeing stunned, interrupted etc one cant do anything against it. That happens much too often. That leads to frustration. That made many players leave this game. That has to change !


    If positive changes were made maybe lost players and veterans would come back, then maybe match-making would improve, then maybe there could be championships again,

    but maybe thats just a dream

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