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hotte in space.2158

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Posts posted by hotte in space.2158

  1. When we wanted devs to touch stealth, it wasnt meant to be like this :


    Black Powder: Increased the radius of the area of blinding and smoke field around the thief from 120 to 180 lol :p


    There are several good ideas around how to nerf stealth, but I think the only thing we can achieve, is to make devs realise, that the majority of players is, to say it carefully, very unhappy with the current state of stealth in PvP, and just make them starting to think about that maybe it couldnt be a bad idea to nerf stealth.


  2. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > This is the first time in years ive seen a nerf stealth or by extension thief that has actually developed into a actual legitimate conversation about what would tone down the actual problematic aspects of stealth while maintaining some thought towards keeping the class viable lol.

    > I say good job!


    Thx man^^ yeeeaaahhh just blue sky boys here :P

    But seriously, we´re talking bout balancing here and balancing means approaching to a status quo with which everybody can be happy, including thief players of course !

  3. > @"Loboling.5293" said:

    > Stealth should impose a damage debuff that stacks. After 3 seconds in stealth, -20%; After 5 seconds -30%; After 7 seconds -50%. Only in PvP & WvW. Fades as soon as you come out of stealth/deal damage.


    > You still have 3 seconds to setup your full burst, but if someone is running from you, playing defensive, not giving you an opening, it makes sense that you'd deal less damage with the opener. And also stacking 9+ seconds of stealth into a burst won't be nearly so viable anymore.


    Yes I agree too, good idea, something like this could do the job, seems fair and wouldnt cause other problematic stuff

  4. More arguments why stealth succks

    1) We will never ever see again a team, opening a mAT final wihout stealth. 4(!) thiefs in last EU mAT final. How boring!

    2) Being killed out of stealth doesnt bring fun down to 0, it brings fun down to -10

    3) Thief burst gets nerfed with next patch. This means that spiking other players takes them now 1,5 sec instead of 1 sec. GREAT^^

    4) I have downed an opponent and watch him dieing while decapping his node, but omg noooo he gets rezzed by a stealth thief (funfactor -15)

    5) Anything worse than a stealth thief? Yes, two of them! Even when winning such a match, its not fun


    Anyway how stealth can get nerfed but it has to get nerfed! All we non-thief-players want to fight in PvP instead of "guess where the thief is"

    But if you want Sindrener to be on top for the next 10 years, then leave everything like it is


    PS: theres too much mobility in PvP as well. A character just having perma swiftness without any long-range jumps or superspeed is a lame duck



  5. > @"Cal Cohen.2358" said:

    S O S core ele and tempest need help !

    Obsidian Flesh: This skill now locks the player's skill bar while invulnerable.

    This nerf targeted on weaver but kills focus core ele and focus tempest forever. Although there had been left just a few of them the past 3 years.

    IN THE NAME OF DIVERSITY please establish this change just for weaver, at least in PvP.

    For six years now I`m a passionate dagger/focus tempest player.15000 matches with my beloved character in PvP.

    And now this one and only essential defense skill gets destroyed?

    If this change happens I would be very very disappointed PLEASE HELP



  6. > @"rrusse.7058" said:

    > Losing stability is a big 'Oof', I know as Holosmith is getting the same treatment in that respect as well. Was Celestial core Ele only good until 2014 though? It was dominating for a good amount of time past 2014.


    Until release of PoF and from then on weaver was braindead OP.

  7. 1) no more powercreep

    2) PvP will be more skillful (killing just by pushing 3 or 4 buttons will not be enough anymore)

    3) Cal Cohen has a plan and dev-team is finally doing something/a lot

    4) I m convinced balancing will come too (balance-patch intended every 6 weeks)

    5) dev-team makes previews and listens to our feedback

    P v P I S A L I V E ! ! !


    Elemental Bastion: Increased internal cooldown from 30 seconds to 40 seconds. Reduced base heal from 522 to 391. Reduced healing coefficient from 0.55 to 0.4125

    Increased CD is fine and ok for me. But reduced base heal makes me gasp.

    Weaver was sooo superior compared to tempest and with this detail-change it will remain superior.

    Please rethink and give tempest a chance to compete in PvP again.

    In terms of the whole patch, its a great job dev-team has done. When all this changes will get balanced the next months, then I think that "PvP IS ALIVE" :)

  9. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:


    what are your suggestions for "nerfing stealth"?


    I respect you for responding with facts and arguments in an objective manner^^

    And I agree with most of what you say. With the next patch big changes will take place. Everything gets leveld down. Reduced dmg, reduced healing, even weak traits/skills of weak classes will get nerfed from useless to absolutely useless. But what about something extrordinary powerful/nasty/unfunny like stealth? lol I cant find any big changes. Thats not suitable. A joke, made by some prankster developers :p


    So how to nerf stealth (in my opinion) :


    In league of legends they had the same problem. They solved it by splitting up stealth in two different kinds

    1) invisible, which is like stealth

    2) camouflage, which gets you revealed as soon as you come in range of opponents, and which gets you revealed when you are using skills


    This would solve the problem, make PvP even more interesting and I think all you thief-players out there could like that too :)



  10. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > Stealth is a lot worse than evades or block (like, a *lot* worse) at anything in-combat. Out of combat stealth has its big uses, but now burst isnt really going to work anymore, so all its good for is sneaking past people who are respawning. Which is not that big.


    1) Its good for sneaking respawners, its good for sneaking sidenoders, its good for sneaking anybody.

    2) Stealth lasts much too long (talking bout thief here), thats why we want it to get nerfed. We dont want to delete stealth, but the duration has to get shaved hard to make it more fair.

    3) No class can spam blocks, but thief can spam stealth.

    4) If you dont miss the right moment, you can escape easily instead of being killed. Half of all classes cant escape at all because of being to slow.

    5) When I m fighting a thief on half way between our free close cap and fought over mid cap, I dont know where to run then. If I take the wrong choice, the match could be decided by this. In a case like this, stealth is effective just because of being in stealth.

    6) When theres a team opening a match in stealth while the other team hasnt got stealth, its mostly a free kill for the stealth team.


    Of course stealth is not a combat ability, but it gives you so much tactical advantages, that if I had the choice between block or stealth, I would immediately chose to have stealth. I can understand that you defend your class, but in my and many other players opinion, PvP would be much more fair balanced and enjoyable, when theres less stealth. I mean much less !

  11. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:> "Counterplay Is Important"


    Oh there is counterplay against stealth: guess where the thief could be now and do some coincidental lucky strike AOE-damage then. Anet thinks this is strong :p


  12. > @"Tayga.3192" said:


    > With the next patch, vitality and toughness on 4 stat amulets will be nerfed to 500 from 560. This has some consequences.

    If I remember correctly, heavy-armor classes take 13% less damage compared to light-armor classes. I am not sure, but dont heavy-armor classes gain even more advantage now? I mean as this difference didnt change, but as theres less damage now? As you seem to like math & statistics :p maybe you, or somebody else, can answer that question?

  13. Its by far the most effective unfair unfun ability of whole PvP, better than any blocks or evades, and has even got very little to do with skillful playing. In conjunction with high mobility the perfect tool for map control. And this will be now the only thing that doesnt get nerfed hard? Hallelujah

  14. > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > I’d say in ranked it’s fine the way it is, but it’s a good idea. Anything that would make ats more competitive and less likely to end from 1 point- example could implement this for ats in general and make finals(at least for mats) BO3. This would just make ats, the most watchable thing in pvp rn, longer and a tiny bit more interesting for viewers and viewers don’t wanna see these match explode and end instantly


    Yes BO3 is a very good idea - but just for the half finals. For the finals we want BO5 then :p like back in good old world-championship days

  15. It doesnt happen often, but during all the years of playing PvP I had this like a 15 - 20 times. The team that at first gets a lead is the winner then and the match suddenly ends. In my opinion an overtime of 5 minutes would not just be more fair, it also would be extremely exciting and could create unforgettable legendary matches. And even as its just a rare case, I think most/all players would love it. Imagine an MAT final in overtime, yeah that would be really really a hell of a thriller, and mighty teapot would probably be close to a heartattack then :p . What do you guys think about this? Should dev-team check this out?

  16. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > You guys know what the real issue? everything is too power crept not just stability, but ccs, so before you start nerfing stab, start nerfing ccs first.


    > You shouldn't be able to spam ccs and be impossible to counter, because, that's just ridiculous.


    > Everything is simply too power crept.


    > Mobility leaps teleport, its all far too prevalent, and keeps other classes from being able to exist.


    > Classes like thief mesmer warrior revenant and holosmith hurt the game, and all of these need to be nerfed in how much mobility and teleports.




    Exactly ! Many Players wouldnt have left PvP if this had been done already 2 years ago. Everybody wants this game to be balanced, but when any OP stuff is going to be nerfed, the players who are successful with it, start complaing. I hope that Cal Cohen is courageously going his way to get this job done. The next patches are my big (last) hope ! And dont forget to nerf the stability spam of weaver. Then it ll be finally over with weaver bunker.

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