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Posts posted by Oxstar.7643

  1. No thanks. GW2 isn't that kind of game. You wanna have guild versus guild, start rivalries with the common guilds from other servers in WvW, or go play WoW.

    Also, I really don't want events and farming to be ruined by guilds battling each other.


    Oh and it needs to be mentioned that the game is balanced around PvE and PvP seperately. Skills do different numbers in PvP. This change would require a massive re-balance. No thanks.

  2. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > > These "insignificant things" are part of what's called polish. Something I see come up a lot lately.

    > >

    > > So in your opinion, lack of polish indicates not caring? That's rather sensational considering there are more important things to deal with wouldn't you agree?

    > That's a general problem with this game. Apparently, there are _always_ "more important" and more recent things to deal with instead of polishing old content. Which is why the game is covered with carcasses of abandoned content and mechanics. Nobody wants to fix/tweak older stuff because it is a drudge work. It's far more glamorous to work on new things, and keep throwing stuff at the wall hoping this time it will stick.


    > In the end, that "we have more important stuff to do" approach is hurting the game longterm.


    To be fair, AreaNet is owned by NCsoft, and all the founders of the company are gone. They sold their ability to have the final word on what to do with the game and disillusioned important members and suffered layoffs. I am of the opinion that if they had gone with a slow and steady approach then they would not have had to sell themselves to NCsoft, could have devoted much more time to making a game with less but much more polished content, and kept their founders onboard to this day.

    Rushing is bad.

  3. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > It isn't. If you are 1-shotting anything then you are either way overleveled for that area or have incredibly good gear. None of these applies to new players.


    >90% of mobs in core being literally one-shotable or to be killed by holding down Auto Attack


    Again. This isn't happening. I have 9 80's. I have played since closed beta. And I play in both core and expansion zones. Trust me - everyone going around in meh gear and 1-shotting all the mobs with auto attack is not what's going on. Could you argue the game is too easy if you don't go out of your way to seek the difficult stuff? Depends on your level of skill. GW2 isn't made to be a hard game. Not as its default setting anyways.



  4. > @"Kodama.6453" said:




    > It would also be highly welcomed to have some condition damage utility skills which are not kits. There is a condition damage build for holosmith, but it is still hard locked to pick 3 kits (bomb, grenade, flamethrower), since all our condition damage comes from kits.

    > Holosmith and scrapper gave engineer some other utility skills we can pick for power damage, so we are no longer hard forced to pick 3 kits for a power damage build. I think the next elite spec should do the same for condition builds.


    No? The current condition build for holosmith on the board uses ONE kit, flamethrower. The other two is for elixir B, for might, fury, and retaliation, and hard light arena, for more fury and some momentary tanking. Also, kits is a core mechanic of the class, I'm not sure why people keeps asking for anything that does away with it.

    Then again, turrets was supposed to also be a core mechanic and they happily did away with that.



  5. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > >

    > > The asura racial is very bad to the point where nobody uses it and it doesn't utilize even a fraction of the potential. The reason why a piloted mech is currently the leading suggestion is because people want it done right, and have it be a reliable main feature, rather than a lengthy cooldown for a terribad, clunky, unwieldy ugly suit of junk.


    > So basically this suggestion boils down to "Yes, I want to explore something that is already in the game again, because I think it is not implemented properly".

    > Which feeds into one of my points: it provides nothing new. It is just rebuilding something that is already in the game, which would take out alot of the excitement about it for me.


    > So, I would pay to get a stronger version of something I already have. Hard pass for me and actually a reason not to consider to buy this expansion.

    > Then there is also still the point about the aesthetics you didn't mention at all still: we already have an elite spec with heavy Asuran flair, holosmith. It was the very last elite spec we got. A golem mecha suit will most definitely also use the Asuran aesthetic, since this kind of technology just makes the most sense with Asuran tech in the lore.


    > Also do you have any data about this being "the leading suggestion"? I see it mentioned alot, but would still not consider this to be the leading suggestion. And that doesn't mean it wouldn't be bad for the game, even if it would be the leading one... I see AI minions suggested for engineer a ton and still have to argue to people why this would just be a terrible idea.


    To be short: Yes, I AM asking for them to expand upon a concept that is currently a weak racial nobody uses into a full and worthy elite specc. And that won't change, thank you. And when I say leading suggestion, I obviously meant out of the ones in the poll of this thread. Out of those who have voted, the majority thus far wants this. As for the aesthetics, those can be anything. You're actually the only one here thinking it has to be asuran. And, where does it say holosmith is asuran tech? I've never seen them make solid weapons out of light, have you?


    Also please no condition speccs, the game is already saturated with condition builds. That would unironically be LESS creative than a well executed piloted mech concept. There is already a very strong condition build with mid to melee range for holosmith, and it's one of the top thread. No need to invent a new elite specc out of something we already have, and have done very well.

  6. To adress the suggestion of party completion of hearts... while I am not against letting others contribute to a hearts completion as long as they are in your party, I think such a feature must be limited to parties only. Squads running around power completing hearts would make it too easy imo, and also remove much of the exploration factor. Of course, this would be limited to hearts. Not points of interests, not vistas, and not waypoints.

  7. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > These "insignificant things" are part of what's called polish. Something I see come up a lot lately.


    > So in your opinion, lack of polish indicates not caring? That's rather sensational considering there are more important things to deal with wouldn't you agree?

    I never said not caring. I said not caring enough to redfine the base game, as the OP suggests. Of course they are going to fix game breaking stuff.

    Also, can you please stop misquoting me? Again - never said they don't care.

  8. No. The point that I was making is that I THINK what the OP is trying to say is that they are tired of cookie cutter builds and dominant classes. I never said, or insinuated that I AGREE with that notion, or that I KNOW if that is true for this game. In factm that is why I added the hyperbole part. So that someone wouldn't start trying to "fact check" me. However, cookie cutter builds and dominant classes are a common issue in MMORPGS, and, surprise surprise, a lot of people don't like it.

    That was all I was saying.

  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > Guys. All laughs aside, maybe the OP is simply asking for more effort being put into making every class viable in the PvE meta? I for one would quickly get bored if 60% of my classes just weren't strong enough for it.


    > That's not a problem in this game ... you can play a very wide range of builds that AREN'T meta and still be very successful playing this game. If not being meta is a barrier for people, that's not a game mechanics issue.


    > The "I'm bored" issue is certainly not because there isn't a large variety in playstyles available between all the classes and builds to keep people occupied.




    The part you conveniently left out says it was a hyperbolic statement to make a point.

  10. Guys. All laughs aside, maybe the OP is simply asking for more effort being put into making every class viable in the PvE meta? I for one would quickly get bored if 60% of my classes just weren't strong enough for it.


    The 60% is just a bit of hyperbole to get the point across, I'm just trying to see it from their perspective.

  11. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > Pretty much. A combat mech to pilot and kick butt in. This is actually a pretty classic concept and people still like it. I'm not against something more creative. But I'm banking on a classic concept with plenty of inspiration to draw on rather than a much more original concept that has a much higher chance to fail.


    > What about the other points I provided....

    > It doesn't add anything new to the game, we already piloted a mecha suit endless times, both in the story and in stuff like WvW.

    > Also the thing about reusing the Asura aesthetic after holosmith again.


    > I understand that it kinda is a power fantasy for some engineer players to pilot such a thing.... but you already can. Just use the Asura racials if it's really about that fantasy, as I said.


    The asura racial is very bad to the point where nobody uses it and it doesn't utilize even a fraction of the potential. The reason why a piloted mech is currently the leading suggestion is because people want it done right, and have it be a reliable main feature, rather than a lengthy cooldown for a terribad, clunky, unwieldy ugly suit of junk.

  12. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > @"Danikat.8537" allow me to break down your argument in order to show you where I disagree with you.


    > > That's my thinking too. If I started a new game and a friend offered to help me get started but then I found out anything they completed also showed up as completed for me I'd want to stop playing with them and do it solo. I don't play games to get them over with as quickly as possible, I play them to, well, play. I don't want someone to complete content for me or let me skip it because that just means I have less to do.

    > That would be your choice, we are already free to choose if we wanted to complete the game content on our own or by asking players to play with us. I would be ok if the devs changed just how karma hearts worked with an amount of progress needed equivalent to the number of people partying up to complete it.


    > > Early on it also adds the problem that you never learn how to play. If I see a vista at the top of a cliff and I'm not sure how to get up there having someone else do it for me (especially via a method that won't be available to me for a long time, like using the skyscale) teaches me nothing, except maybe giving me the false impression that it's impossible to complete base game maps without late-game mounts. I never find the cave around the corner that leads to a path up the cliff to the vista, I don't know that's a possibility. Later on I'm playing on my own doing my story or whatever and it's directing me to a place I can't obviously reach. Based on what I've learned so far this is content I cannot complete until I get to level 80 and get the skyscale. So now I have to give up on my story and find another way to gain XP because most of the game is unplayable until the maximum level.

    > You made a reasonable point here, however I am going to disagree with you because the changes to the leveling system are not going to add a negative impact and the reason is if someone asked 4 more players to help complete a story chapter, for example "hearts and minds" and the player who needs help was defeated at the start of the story that same person wouldn't have a chance to learn how to do it on his/her own anyway. If someone wants to learn to solo all the game content they can already do that. How different is it for you to take a mesmer portal at the end of a jumping puzzle and having a friend helping you with it? You can already use the teleport to friend to reach places you couldn't reach on your own, how different is it if someone else helps you with it? Again, inconsistent logic...Sadly. All the negativity you are throwing at my suggestion suddendly doesn't make sense and loses all validity


    > > Thankfully that didn't happen to me, but I do know similar things have happened to people in my guild. Their early experience is anything moderately difficult to reach is achieved by a level 80 player doing it on a mount then creating a portal for other people to get up. As far as they know that's how the game works, so they assume anything which isn't obviously accessible is impossible solo at low levels.

    > You can currently ask a mesmer to open a portal for you allowing you to cross places where a certain mount is needed, like the access to the springer ranch in Desert Highlands requiring canyon jumping on the raptor mastery. It would still be entirely your choice to party up with a friend, to ask a mesmer friend to make a portal for you or to do it on your own unlocking the mastery. Again, all the negativity just don't make sense and I am curious to know what is really driving you to be so strongly against my suggestion to make leveling a better social experience.


    > @"maddoctor.2738"

    > > Right now you are being "slowed" by your friends who don't know how to get hearts and POIs, with such a change you will be slowed as your friends will be far behind in level.

    > False, nobody would feel slowed because the experience would be shared. The current system however has the flaw you so strongly pointed out, and now I wonder how can you be ok with the current system and strongly against the new one I am suggesting here. Math is not something you can interpret, numbers are what they are. If you don't believe me experience it yourself leveling up with a friend


    Look. You are not going to get a way for players to afk while someone in their party completes the map for them. Nor are you going to get the power leveling the experience from that would also bring. YOU will simply have to wait for your friends, and take the time to help them get faster and better, like a good friend would do. If that's too much to ask of you then maybe you are better off playing solo, or just go watch something on youtube while your friends does it and give encouragement - again, like a good friend would do. But, personally I would never want to rob them of the joy of exploration and learning, its one of this games core strength.


    > @"Touchme.1097" said:


    > Your post is totally out of topic, I have never suggested the introduction of power completion and will be flagged as spam. Try harder with your flaws, you might get luckier next time


    I don't think you understand what spam is =) You're asking for peopel being able to sit down and do nothing while someone else in the party gets them experience points and map completion. *That is power completion. And power leveling.* Why do you even for a moment think that any changes will be made to the game that removes effort from it? C'mon.



    tl;dr - the problem is not the game. The problem is that you seem to be an impatient person, and a bad friend.


    PS: How the hell is it more antisocial to actually share the effort with others than just waiting for them to do it, what even...

  13. > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > Festivals are about fun, not profit. While you should absolutely be able to do both, if all you care about is making gold then you're missing the spirit of it.

    > > That said, I too am displeased with the festival, but for different reasons.


    > MMO players are usually driven by rewards because of how unforgiving they are with all the time gating, etc.


    If that's how you have fun in games then more power to ya =)

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