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Posts posted by Oxstar.7643

  1. Isn't the tone of the story kinda shifting too much?

    1. Zhaitan must die.

    2. Also Mordremoth

    3. No actually, this is bad, they are vital to the balance of the world

    4. But let's kill one of the worlds gods.

    5. Okay, now a new ED that is our friend replaced Kralky

    6. Also we are going to kill another ED


    I mean... isn't Jormag also a part of the life force of the world? Is killing him really such a good idea? I don't think Aurene can balance out the loss of ANOTHER elder dragon.

    As for the spirits replacing Jormag, this sort of life force surgical proceedure sounds very... out of nowhere?

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Well dungeons, raids and fractals are basicly the same thing too. I also find them boring, but they are only tedious if there are people not bringing PvE builds. Or a brain for that matter. 2 people with good dps will breeze through a DRM... I've seen 5 people take 3x the time to kill things.


    Dungeons were optional story content, not mandatory. DST should have been the same, with time spent on expanding the story more.

  3. I for one do not want Tengu. Birdmen feels super generic, especially if they like to live high up and favor archery, which seems to be the case if you go by the tribes we have seen. We have races that are much more interesting, but tbh, I would personally want Kodan to be playable. Their religion, magic, and culture is present through much of the game, but never properly explored, but it's heavily indicated they got a pretty long history.


    As for elite speccs, I want something to finally be done about turrets. They should have been fixed properly rather than poorly replaced by gyros, and if not a turret elite specc then at least improve them in some way - give them ammunition, give us back controlled overdrives, or give them upgrade tiers by hitting them with the tool kit, TF2 style.

  4. > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > Lack of creativity and self-confidence

    > End of Dragons/ End of Jedi

    > Heart of Thorns / Game of Thrones


    > Very embarrassing....



    > Being original is a risk for big companies now


    If it ain't broken then don't fix it. Heart of Thorn was a very apt name for an expansion about a jungle dragon.

    As is Game of Thrones for a show about political power play with the crown.

    That they happen to sound similar doesn't really mean anything. In fact, you could even argue that having a name that sounds semi-similar to a popular ip makes the name more likable.

  5. Weird title but I'm unsure what to call it. In this story mission, which happens if you are an asura and chooses to join the Durmand Priory, the quest concludes with a cutscene where Zojja is supposed to say "Once you're settled in at the Durmand Priory, I may call on you again". However, the actual voice line says Vigil instead. This is a pretty interesting oversight to have neglected for over eight years. I assume that the proper voice line exists and if so, it should be implemented. The text is correct though.

  6. I tried doing weaver, really. But I just did a lot worse than with tempest. The range is too short on the hard hitting skills, the cc is not reliable enough, and some of the weave attacks just seems to suck. I tried practicing against the red frogs at teku nuhoch, got destroyed by the veteran beetle, then after about an hour of this, went on my engineer, destroyed them all, then tried tempest, destroyed them all. But, I also have years of engineer experience and not even a days worth of weaver experience.


    So now I come to you to ask - how does one smackdown ax weaver? What are the skills, rotation, and traits, if I just want things to die while still maintaining weavers amazing self sustain? I don't want to give up on this specc, combining elements is a favorite concept for me, but I... need help. Or at least advice.

  7. However. Combos have enough of an impact and are accessible enough that you do not actually need to bend your playstyle to use at least one. Unless you're playing some quite niche builds. In most cases the simply truth is that you can do combos without changing a thing about your build, and not doing so just means you make things harder on yourself.

  8. > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said:

    > @"Oxstar.7643"


    > This is what frustrates me about the current storyline. The average, normative mind has it that dark triad people are their friends and HSPs are deadly enemies and it's very tiresome. I mean, you can see that in how billionaires are defended—it's the differently abled, immigrants, and foreigners who're the real villains. The way people look at the world is topsy-turvy and wrong.


    > I mean, with Jormag, they're clear as day a traumatised, jaded HSP to me. All they've done is tried to defend their babies—such as Drakkar—and save lives. I mean, what they did with the charr war ended it quickly, decisively, and with the least amount of lost life. The collaring of Bangar was clever. If Jormag was a villain, there were far more harmful and destructive things they could've done whilst still maintaining a veneer of innocence. It's what they choose to do and how they go about it that tells me their truth.


    > As an HSP myself? I've tried to help "normal" people. The problem is is that "normal" people don't believe that kindness motivated by empathy can exist. It's a manipulation, a means of control, or I'm trying to reduce them and take their place, I'm attacking them either directly or abstractly by attempting to replace them in regards to their social standing. This is the kind of world they live in, and it's... sickening.


    > I mean, Jormag's only known norns who've been brainwashed by evil Spirits—who _eat children_—to throw away their lives in an effort to kill them. The Spirits want to eat Jormag, to take their place, so what do they do? "Oh hi norns, we're your Gods now. We say what it means to be a complete norn. So amuse us, almost die for us by attacking Jormag and their lot. If you do, maaaybe we'll bestow upon you your form and then you can be a true norn." We see this happening to Braham with Wolf in the Icebrood Saga itself.


    > So on one side, Jormag is being hunted by the Spirits. On the other, Jormag is being hunted by a very abusive dragon with anger management issues—that'd be Primordus—and all they can really do is run and hide. Aurene noticed this when Jormag first woke up, that they're just running around in the Mists, they aren't eating, destroying, corrupting, or anything. They're just running scared.


    > Even with Lake Doric, if Primordus had taken it it would've resulted in stampedes. So many would've died. Jormag saved lives. It doesn't matter, because an elder dragon can't be selfless. I mean, this thread even deals with distrust for Aurene. Why? Aurene is very "foreign," she's not very dark triad-y, so she's distrusted. We live in Topsy Turvia.


    > I've been dealing with this my whole life as an HSP. I've made my mistakes—just as Jormag and Aurene have—but what I want is always to help. It doesn't matter because my kind of person can't exist. There always has to be some scheme, some plot, some vile machination. Meanwhile, dark triad persons—who're brilliant chameleons—continue to groom people into being ever more easily manipulated by them.


    > It's very tiring. So, yes, Joramg's a traumatised, jaded HSP—but because HSPs can't exist and Jormag's a dragon? They're an evil, sociopathic manipulator, despite acting more like a neurodiverse person than any dark triad person I've ever known. I've known a few, and I've researched many more.


    Interesting. However, I believe you are extrapolating overmuch.

    Kralkatorrik was consuming the mists.

    Jormag is manipulatiuve.

    Aurene is a beneveolent ED and people have a hard time dealing with that.

    And Bangar could indeed have done much more destruction, but I believe the point wasn't to make him the villain as much as a pawn in a greater scheme.

    As for Primordus, I believe he simply just lives to consume. Like fire does. Seems like some elder dragons are smarter than others.

  9. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > There is plenty of content in this game that cannot be solo'ed.

    > How is this Anet "agreeing with you"?


    It's an mmorpg. You are not supposed to be able to solo everything or even close to it.


    > @"Yggranya.5201" .1506" said:

    > What, is EVERYTHING supposed to be for everyone? That's not how reality works.


    So much this.




  10. I feel like most people who voted don't actually understand what 1-10 is. 1 means it was a waste of money, you had no fun with it at all, and regret ever buying it.

    1 is representative of the worst possible time you could have. If you had any degree of fun then 1 is not a proper number, 2 at worst. Rather than putting an arbitrary 1-10 vote poll that will mostly be misused by people who use the lowest score to vent personal grievances without real consideration, it would be better to just focus on sollicting nuanced feedback. 1-10 is as nuanced as peoples butt reaction, which is to say, not very much so. Also, I bet most people who voted haven't even bothered to detail their problems, and if you can't do that much then your opinion isn't worth a whole lot, sorry.

  11. Woah. That's some cool news. And yes, balancing will be tough, as it always is, but this game has been about challenging the traditional mmorpg concepts since day 1, and newity is always a good idea because it opens the door to refinement, or at least it lights a torch for others to carry. Bring on the new weapons, bring on the new skills, those who don't like the brave approach can go play WoW, kthxbai.


    Edit: Read some of the other comments, if it's just skins then my opinion still stands, but I want actual content, not vanity.

  12. As others have said, GW1 and 2 are too different. GW1 is not an open world game, GW2 is. Also, there has been enough faffing about with which game is better, the whole "lol GW1 better" debate was pretty cancerous to be exposed to when this game was younger, and I for one don't wish to see that particular hatchet unburied.

    Let those who like GW1 better play it, and those of us who prefer the second game can do the same. It's all good, competition is not necessary.

  13. From a lore perspective I mean. I think I asked this quetion years ago, and some said Lyssa, but since that isn't established in the main game (iirc anyways) I always interpreted it as a firm belief that life itself is sacred, and that the defense of your fellow man is a holy charge, upheld and persecuted by guardians. That's just my take on it though. Is there anything in the lore about what guardians swear or follow? If not, what do you all think?

  14. Not so much a bug as plain developer oversight, but not sure where else to post this.

    In the whole segment where you play as a charr, if you are not a charr but happen to be an engineer then as soon as you activate holo forge you lose your charr appearance and take on your real appearance until turning it off. At least this was the case for me with my norn. For the sake of immersion this should be fixed.

  15. I see gyros as a defeat. They tried to add a new minion mechanic instead of fixing turrets. I, to this day, do not see why. They could have fixed them and used the slots for creative inventions, like you say. And even then, even now, who uses any gyro but barrier and the one you get automatically that can res people and do dazes if traited for it? Especially since gyros are slaved to scrapper which means no holo forge, which is bad since holo forge is just so good for adding damage to the class.

    They should revisit the core engineer, apply fixes, and work on refining the elite speccs.

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