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Posts posted by Oxstar.7643

  1. Uh. Rev is one of my fav classes to play. I have specced my renegade rev to be a survivable and it still hits pretty decently for being nowhere close to optimized for damage. It's... really not in any way a weak class. Your self heal is absurdly good with battle scars, you can do amazing aoe and control with Kalla's warband and your shortbow, and you can do great support both from renegade and herald with buffs to fury and might. Being able to give a whole group in meta on demand 15 might stacks and an aoe field that both amps their damage and allows them insane self heal is no joke either. There are also times when it helps a lot to have an anti ranged shield. Revs dominate the field of saying no to projectiles, outdoing even guardians. While this is limited application in groups, it can sometimes be a downright blessing solo, and also if you use planar protection from the heal with protective solace and your hammer shield then you can stay protected from missile basically forever while still dishing out damage.

  2. Final Fantasy is a near and dear household name in the industry, hype is super beneficial there. GW2 is an underdog compared and their resources are likely better spent on working on the future rather than hyping people up. Esp since the result in the past when they did release content was boo this and foo that. No sense is giving people a larger expectation than they can actually meet.

  3. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > > > > * They don't need a new Personal Story, and the old stories don't need to be adapted for them. New races get a short introduction, and then start their story right as the expansion begins. Previous stories are not available (play the old races if you want to experience them).

    > > >

    > > > How does that work with the story? Currently, it makes sense since the story builds up to our character becoming Aurene's champion to bring balance to the world.

    > > >

    > > > Now you want to throw in a new race, which was not part of the pact previously, and they are Aurene's champion out of nowhere? And the forthgoing story keeps treating us as the guy who was always at Aurene's side since her birth, yet we were not around when that actually happened?

    > > >

    > > > If the story is supposed to make any sense with a new race, then you have to add them retrospectively. Not just as a random soldier who joined the fight when we travelled towards Cantha.

    > >

    > > But this concept has been done before in mmorpgs. Remember WoW and the death knights? They skipped over a large part of the story but had their unique own story, and then joined the main story after that. Now let's assume a new race that starts in Cantha is pre-leveled to the lowest level area and this is where they start. It would focus on what most people come to the expansion for anyways, and bring a unique sense to the race. It could actually work.


    > I never played WoW, so I am not sure how that was handled there exactly and how the story plays out.


    > Is there something similar like the Aurene situation? Like I mentioned, the difficult part is that the protagonist is supposed to be Aurene's champion since her birth. We have a strong link to her and it is defining the entire story. Our relationship with Aurene is the base of everything that is going on, how we are defeating the elder dragons and let Aurene take their place in the natural order and such.


    > New races would struggle to find into this story, since they simply **can't** be Aurene's champion when they joined the pact just with our travel to Cantha. That's why the race would need to get added retrospectively, which comes with it's own problems.


    Uhm. Not to my knowledge. The whole thing with being the chosen champoion of an elder dragon born to sheperd the world into a new age is... fairly unique. As unique as the chosen one trope can get anyways. But new races can be written in as a continuation of that arc, if they start at a later point in the story.

  4. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > > * They don't need a new Personal Story, and the old stories don't need to be adapted for them. New races get a short introduction, and then start their story right as the expansion begins. Previous stories are not available (play the old races if you want to experience them).


    > How does that work with the story? Currently, it makes sense since the story builds up to our character becoming Aurene's champion to bring balance to the world.


    > Now you want to throw in a new race, which was not part of the pact previously, and they are Aurene's champion out of nowhere? And the forthgoing story keeps treating us as the guy who was always at Aurene's side since her birth, yet we were not around when that actually happened?


    > If the story is supposed to make any sense with a new race, then you have to add them retrospectively. Not just as a random soldier who joined the fight when we travelled towards Cantha.


    But this concept has been done before in mmorpgs. Remember WoW and the death knights? They skipped over a large part of the story but had their unique own story, and then joined the main story after that. Now let's assume a new race that starts in Cantha is pre-leveled to the lowest level area and this is where they start. It would focus on what most people come to the expansion for anyways, and bring a unique sense to the race. It could actually work.

  5. > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > @"Zakka.2153" said:

    > > SKritt or get out, the Skritt are smart enough and I don't feel they deserve to be put under Primitive. There is a whole quest in the Asura area saying if enough skritt get together they can become smarter then even Asura.

    > >

    > > Plus SHINES!


    > Seeing how Skritt gain their intelligence from numbers, I request being able to play as a group of three Skritt. It would be one model, but it would feature three Skritt.

    > The right and center Skritt each carry a copy of the right hand weapon and the left Skritt carries the left hand weapon. In case of a two handed weapon each Skritt carries a copy. They take turns attacking when going through an auto attack chain and every skill is carried out by one or more of them. When riding a mount they all sit behind each other. It would be hillarious.


    This very concept has been done before in mmorgs much older than this. It's absolutely within ANet's scope, assuming they know how to do it. It would be creative, cool, and draw on Skritt's inate ability to vastly improve on their intelligence with numbers. I'm actually fine with this.

  6. Look. Aurene is a benevolent ED. She is on our side. It doesn't matter if you don't like her. However, with no greater threats to unify the races of Tyria they might fight amonst themselves, but her task is also to maintain balance so we will see.


    Anyways, that's not the topic of the thread. If your hatred for a fictonal character is so strong that you'd derail a thread to talk about it then I... urge you to reconsider. Let's keep it to the races. I've said it before but I would like more done with the Kodan. Part of it is likely due to me just being close to northen themed stuff due to being scandinavia, but I also find their religion and their magic, and their connection to the world and history with it facsinating.

  7. They are as interesting as the stories written about them. How interesting is the base concept of scandinavia viking era people (norns) or plant elves (sylvari)? Each race is a potential for stories only limited by the writers, and the mere fact that their culture is hinted at yet never properly explored is a springboard waiting for stories to be told. All it needs is the will to do so and the proper storytelling. I'll be honest - if ANet ever does this it will likely be years. However, if they plan to keep this game going then they need ideas. Deepening the understanding of the various races of Tyria can do them nothing but good, assuming they do it well.

    But bad writing will torpedo any story, regardless of race.


    Your mindset shouldn't be "this race is not interesting" because nothing is with nothing said or done. It should be "do I want more stories?". Limiting yourself to just the ones with a good story is self defeating because they would not be interesting without that story. And a good story can be written about basically anything.

  8. Of course neither should come at the expense of each other. As I make clear in the original post, this is just a statement of interest, and everyone knows ANet does not have the time or resources to focus fully on two sides. However, someday in the future they might add something about the non-player races once they are done with the core ones. Not everybody cares about that, but I believe enough people does for there to be merit for it, at some point.

  9. I've been pondering the world of Tyria a bit and come to the conclusion that we have too many doom scenarios and too few stories about the non-player races of Tyria. We have a lot of interesting things - the remarkably resilient and wise quaggans (for their size) with the own brand of connection to the worlds magic, the kodan who has an entire history and religion and their quite powerful magic of Koda's flame, the assassin slash warrior race of Largos, and the Skritt, who gets smarter the more there are together, with no documented upper limit. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Which makes me wonder - let's pretend ANet has time and resources to spare even in the face of layoffs and being panned by their own community, would you all want a sort of mini stories thing separate from the living world story and the expansion story that is just dedicated to exploring all these cool races, learning of their history and their connection to the world and its magic? I for one sure would.

  10. There still is a lengthy story arc unique to the races. Sure, it doesn't matter to anyone who have played for a long time, but to any new players it certainly does. I'm just stating the naked fact. If you don't care about races then good for you. Also, like I said before, being certain races have dialogue changes at some points in the story, and while I won't spoil them, little details like this matters to more people than you might think, because it adds flavor to the story. Not to mention that the VA' s for the races have different points of emotional highs and lows in some parts where others don't. Details, detail, details! They matter.

  11. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > > > Again. You are wrong. Different story, different skills, and different dialogue may not matter to YOU. But you are not the center of the universe. It matters to people who like story and aesthetics in their games. Many do. You are free to care about whatever you want. But blanket statements like that doesn't belong in matters of preferences and opinions.

    > > >

    > > > Combat tonic and switch class pof you got all 3 of your criterias right there

    > >

    > > No. Story doesn't. The fact that every race had a lengthy story arc unique to that race was a core strength of the game when it launched. The stories had different tones and feelings, and you hopefully understand that atmosphere is important for immersion, and immersion is important for enjoying the story. I think people want a new race because 1. it would also mean a new area for them 2. Novelty and more story. 3. The wombo combo would be a new race AND class.

    > > Of course, neither is likely to happen.


    > The whole expansion is a new areas for everyone, why lock down some of that for a new race that everyone wont make use off?


    Maybe there just is a demand for it.

  12. > @"Berryblossom.8921" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > You say this. And yet, there are people who can solo legendary world bosses because they have mastered their skills and know their enemy. There is an undeniable level of skill. But I agree it can get spammy as well.


    > nah, they just run broken meta classes.

    > I solo'd some myself and the hardest part was: not falling asleep during.

    > Most times you don't even need to bother with ''mechanics'' just LoS and walk around AoE's

    > but If you get caught, because you ran out of stamina and CD's, it's like I said.


    Is engineer meta? Coz they do it too. (It was burning)

  13. I understand you. The overuse of knockdowns and stuns is a weakness of this game. I understand that due to dodging being so much easier to do here than in traditional mmorpgs you have to compensate somehow, but I'd rather see more individual strengths in enemies and have a little less knockdown for a little more raw power.


    That said, it all comes down to knowing the enemy and yourself. You will stop getting slapped aroun once you get better at the game. That's a bum deal, I know, but the first part ís always the hardest.

  14. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > Again. You are wrong. Different story, different skills, and different dialogue may not matter to YOU. But you are not the center of the universe. It matters to people who like story and aesthetics in their games. Many do. You are free to care about whatever you want. But blanket statements like that doesn't belong in matters of preferences and opinions.


    > Combat tonic and switch class pof you got all 3 of your criterias right there


    No. Story doesn't. The fact that every race had a lengthy story arc unique to that race was a core strength of the game when it launched. The stories had different tones and feelings, and you hopefully understand that atmosphere is important for immersion, and immersion is important for enjoying the story. I think people want a new race because 1. it would also mean a new area for them 2. Novelty and more story. 3. The wombo combo would be a new race AND class.

    Of course, neither is likely to happen.

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