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Posts posted by AgentMoore.9453

  1. I've seen a lot of remarks to the effect of 'PvE players don't have Warclaw so they made it a Jackal' but uh.. I'm a PvE player and I have a Warclaw.


    Its primary function is running between objectives, carrying players with supply, and pulling on gates - it's a beast of burden. Applying an ox skin to a mount like that seems like a huge no-brainer. I find WvW to basically be PvE with occasional PvP combat, so WvW and PvE are essentially the same thing to me, hence how I was able to get the mount without much trouble.


    I hope that future hoofbeasts are assigned to Warclaws, but after seeing the deer skin and now an ox be given to Jackal, those hopes aren't super high.

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > > There were some definite improvements made, though! I like that the Challenge now requires people to actively participate


    > I just tested it this morning and you can still indeed not participate for the majority of the Challenge. I had done the rat challenge, turned in three things which gave me silver event completion credit, ran around the rest of the time without getting credit for the other challenges, and was able to open the large chest plus two of the smaller ones. If someone wants to not participate, they most certainly are able to as they were last year.


    So you contributed less and got less loot than people who contributed more - sounds like it's working as intended!


    Technically they could require a certain amount of buffs before you're able to open the big chest (though the loot tables don't seem very different between the chests) to try and cut down even more on leeching, but I think that'd just annoy people and you'd still have leeching players. No measure will ever completely eliminate them, but it's definitely more cost effective to participate than to sit on your thumbs this year, which is what I meant.


    EDIT: Patch notes also indicated that some popular ways of leeching (auto-attacking mobs) got removed from the mini-game this year which was a good call. Attacking mobs when it's not the goal of the challenge no longer gives event credit (or shouldn't, I'm going based on the notes here).

  3. > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > Actually the thing with people competing vs each other: It sounded interesting to keep activity high in the Celestial Challenge. But in the end ... I guess it feels pretty demotivating if some superior player with speedy and strong + better skills keeps dominating. Even more so because it always is mentioned who had the highest contribution. (Saw some that regularly got this. And got 1 more stack of the buff.)


    Yeah, hi, I was that guy yesterday (which was kinda shocking given how badly I was lagging in there). The public announcement of whoever did best for the round made me feel weird. I know some activities have a little leader board that pops up at the end, and most people click right past it if they don't care to compete, but in the Celestial Challenge, you get a constant reminder each round that you can't click away from reminding you that Fasty McSpeederson is getting double the loot that you're getting, even if you did your best.


    4-6 rounds in a row.


    It felt awkward for me to be McSpeederson, and I can only imagine how demoralizing it was for everyone else. Just something to think about if you're a dev looking for tweaks to make next year. Leader board instead of instance-wide announcement?


    There were some definite improvements made, though! I like that the Challenge now requires people to actively participate and the changes they've made to how the lucky aura buffs work (spreading them among multiple chests instead of making you do the challenge multiple times before opening one chest) was such a good idea! The activity now feels a lot more rewarding and worth the time put in to complete it.


    Last year, I only played it to meet the achievement quota - yesterday I played it multiple times because it was fun (and because my friends were able to get into my instance).


  4. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > I'd like to see some pics of it. I'm very tempted


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/7f19loa.png "")



    - You can dye it to look like a yogurt-dipped pretzel

    - Snout

    - Dainty jump animation

    - Happy little mouth

    - Little flower stamped on its chest plate

    - 4 dye channels (Horns/hooves, snout/tailtip, front legs/chest/back legs, back/tail/underbelly)



    - Horns are uncomfortably large

    - It's not a Tyrian Ox or Dolyak

    - It might have worked better as a Warclaw skin

    - No awoo animation (or a-moo, I guess)

    - Skin transitions from weirdly smooth and veiny to scruffily furred, looks a bit like it rolled in craft feathers

    - Nothing is holding the saddle onto it, so good luck

    - **You cannot change the eye color** - eyes are undyeable and will remain sharp blue


    If you're just looking for a clonking hoofbeast, this has you covered. If you're a stickler for model quality or lore maybe not.

  5. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > What have they done?


    They've added a loot bag you can buy as many of as you want (provided you have the luck to pay for them). The bags are affected by magic find, and of the few hundred I opened, the value of the objects therein was about 1.5 gold. Total.


    Not worth it to me, but I'm sure someone out there has been looking for something to do with their massive luck stockpile.

  6. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > Kinda want to make some kinda GameStonk joke but nothing clever is coming to me atm.


    ♪ There was an effect put to TP, the name of the thing was confetti. Demand was high and supply dipped down. Hoard, my baron boys, hoard.


    _Soon may the particles come, to send framerates into the sun. One day, when the farming is done, we'll take our loot and go._


    She had not been 5 years in game, when players cried "Drop rates are lame!" Then ANet called all staff and swore they'd make it drop much more.


    _Soon may the particles come, to send framerates into the sun. One day, when the farming is done, we'll take our loot and go._


    Before the news had broke the quiet, Redditors began to riot. PvE players thought "I might buy it now that it sells in-game."


    _Soon may the particles come, to send framerates into the sun. One day, when the farming is done, we'll take our loot and go._ ♪♪♪

  7. I think the answer has come in the form of the weapon reskins we've been getting over the years. Festivals especially are perfect examples of this. [Rimed Verdant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rimed_Verdant_Weapons) weapons, [shining Aureate](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shining_Aureate_weapons), [Holographic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Holographic_weapons), [Demon Haunted](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Demon-Haunted_weapons).


    I'm sure you get the point. Couple that with the multiple versions of the Tengu and Dragon Slayer sets in their latest update, and you realize ArenaNet is using those as 'carrots' to keep people doing content, festival or otherwise. Allowing dyeing would remove that option, which I don't think they're eager to do.


    So, a nice thought. Unlikely to be gotten through.

  8. I actually really enjoy the Human male VA because most of the time he sounds like he thinks the things happening to and around him are as sus as I do. His vaguely uncomfortable/skeptical/frustrated tones are super relatable. I also like the male Sylvari VA because he either sounds smug or ready to flip a table at any moment - and who wouldn't if they had to live in Tyria with Braham?

  9. It's possible DRMs were meant to simply be Living World story steps (with the usual mediocre rewards) and were later adapted into repeatable content when the dev team suddenly had "Hey guys, we're doing an expansion now" dropped into their laps mid-production. Not only does it feel that way from the perspective of a player, but recent Guild Chat remarks suggest the same.


    Something that seems like it was meant to be one and done is now being marketed as a.) a new type of content (it isn't) and b.) something that players are expected to grind repeatedly. If they are doing this to fill the space between here and End of Dragons, they need to continue refining DRMs so that the rewards and enjoyability are proportional to the effort of repetition that goes into doing them and listening to the same voice lines over and over.


    Perhaps the Volcanic Stormcaller weapon set is supposed to be the carrot that keeps people playing DRMs the way Tequatl and Drakkar weapons keep people doing those metas? Unclear, but more (or at least more desirable) rewards need to be added to DRMs or people will only do the bare minimum before ultimately abandoning DRMs completely.

  10. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > Proves that undergoing the Rite of the Great Dwarf was by free will, not forced upon every dwarf like many claim.


    You should give [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Books:_Records_of_the_Stone_Summit) a read.


    As for the infusion, I think it can be _made_ to look good using other infusions and effects, but by itself it just looks blurry and overly smooth and outlines the break areas between armor pieces and hair/head in an awful way. The 'doesn't cover the eyes' thing works for players who want to have their eyes burning through, but it's **very** disturbing to see it on the actual dwarven NPCs. And of course, my perennial complaint, infusions should be wardrobe unlocks in some form as the current system is clunky.


    In other news, I used it with [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Polyluminescent_Undulating_Refractor_(Black)) to make Mothman, _and_ it was cheap to get, so I guess I can't be too mad about it.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/2CT9upJ.png "")


  11. Can confirm that this is a thing. It happened to me when I went back to finish the last achievements I needed for the two /shiver emotes. To my dismay, Champions had totally started over. Even if you don't 'quit' the Champions episode, it counts it as a quit if you replay anything else in the downtime between releases.


    I've been doing the DRMs again anyway since there's now an achievement for doing 20 of them (not to mention the community event dailies), but _man_ has that been a pain in the spine.


    I have several friends who can't stand the drip-pace of the Champions chapter who are being discouraged from playing in between releases altogether because this has happened to them when they tried to find other things to do while waiting for more content.


    Does not feel great.

  12. There are many other threads about this, but every time I see one I get sad all over again.


    Daily AP are a nice way for me to chip toward my fashionwars reward goals (AP rewards contain armors and weapon sets), and I dread the day I hit 15k and can't get them anymore. It isn't that I don't do other things that grant AP, I do (and maybe more often than is healthy), but the dailies bring me back to parts of the game I haven't visited in a long time and give traffic to maps that really need it for collections and other purposes.


    After I hit the cap, I'll still get some currency for doing dailies, but AP are the main incentive for me. I can farm game currency anywhere I want and as often as I want, but AP not so much. Some people are really particular about where they get their AP from, but I'm happy enough seeing the number slowly go up whether it's from stationary achievements or dailies. I'd be glad to see the cap removed.

  13. The best way to incentivize multimode play is to make all the modes fun to play. That's it. That's the incentive.


    I do PvE, Living World, WvW, Fractals, Dungeons, Cat Camp (The Steel & Fire vision of the past), jumping puzzles, festivals, map completion, and collections because I find those things fun.


    I ignore raids, strikes, PvP, upper-level fractals, challenge mode dragon response missions (and grudgingly do regular DRMs because I need to for story and fashion/emote rewards), and most HoT and PoF adventures (especially the griffon courses) because they're boring or way more work than they're worth for me to find entertainment in them.


    For me, the issue isn't complex. Make stuff fun and people will do it. Try to force it, and watch the content completion numbers taper miserably across the playerbase.

  14. I have a low priority idea: **Add an uncommon drop to [Pocket Raptors](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pocket_Raptor) called Pocket Lint.**


    The lint would be a crafting material (for tailor, I guess) that would allow players to collect heaps of the stuff and ultimately craft a Pocket Raptor backpack. Additionally, you could have the lint double as a Scribing material that allows Scribes to craft little plush Raptors as guild hall decorations.


    Until now, I've been justifying killing hundreds of them by explaining to myself that the Sawgill Mushrooms were worth it, but adding an additional incentive would help me sleep at night.

  15. > @"StarSilverZero.5673" said:

    > However, i wonder if expansion released and system requirements will be remain same or different info? O,o


    The game is still running on the same old spaghetti engine and code it had back in 2012, so I don't think you'll need to worry about spec requirements when End of Dragons comes out.


    Also (for better or worse) GW2 isn't a very well-optimized game, so whether you have a fancy computer or a potato, people seem to have the same problems with server lag and frame drops (Your mileage may vary of course) - This means that whatever PC you've bought (or plan to buy?) to replace your Mac should be just fine to run the game even if it isn't top-of-the-line.


    Added bonus: In my experience PCs are typically less expensive than Mac machines, so yay money.

  16. Yeah, I'd be down for this.


    It isn't even out of a desire for 'sexy' armor pieces either, but some nice form-fitting garments, tactical bodysuits, vests to show off arms, cropped tops for a punk look, ripped garments, shorts (capri or otherwise), laced-up shirts, etc. would really broaden the scope of my fashion war. People always assume requests like this are for oo lala purposes, but for me there are a wide range of stylistic and fashion choices I can't replicate in the game.


    Gimme more choices, and never forget that someone at ArenaNet took one look at the [starborn Outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/d/d4/Starborn_Outfit_human_male_front.jpg) and said 'yeah, that checks out'.



  17. When people express disdain that the Griffon is hard to get, posters often swoop in with the 'well it's optional' 'well you don't really need it' 'well it's supposed to be a _prestige_ mount'.


    If it's supposed to be prestige, it's about time it acted like it. Mounts didn't take away my desire to walk, and giving the Griffon the ability to ride updrafts won't take away my desire to glide. Heck, I still miss fall damage reduction since they never replaced it with anything. Improving the mounts we already have sounds like a great idea, and there's already precedent for this with the Skimmer being given a dive ability (which for the record hasn't stopped me from swimming manually either).


    Good suggestion. Do the thing.

  18. This is nothing. Take your Sylvari through a few chairs and watch as your limbs magically twist off of your body or, in some cases, don't actually connect with the chair they're seated on/clip down into it.


    I liked the idea of chairs when they first came out, but I've been continually let down by how anatomically horrific and uncomfortable some of the posing has been. Even the environmental seating in bars and open world maps have similar issues. I wish they'd revisit chairs and fix these problems - I might actually buy chairs if they did this.

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