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Posts posted by AgentMoore.9453

  1. If you ask me, **all** of the mounts could use tune-ups now and then. I don't care what mode they were originally "meant" for.


    Mounts are clearly a money-making opportunity for ArenaNet and a good reason to purchase Path of Fire, so I see no reason not to improve them where sensible. The Warclaw was kind of fun when it was new, but now it just feels hamstrung no matter where I use it. I think it could stand to see some attention, even if only in PvE. Improving existing mounts is the way to go instead of hoping for new ones altogether (only so many hotkeys available).


    I see some good arguments about the Warclaw being a good first mount for people, and it being a basic 4-legged beastie only solidifies my desire for it to have a Dolyak or Bull skin made available. It gets people interested in mounts and WvW - what's not to like? Fix it up, make a good thing better.

  2. The weirdest part of this quest line is that it has a cutscene set in the open world that can conceivably be ruined by 30 people dropping their mounts and scampering around in range of the camera.


    I'd like if it could be repeated. I feel the same way about other side-stories and easter eggs as well (Auris Weirdbringer, anyone?) After LS1, players were pretty clear about disliking one-time-only content. I know this is a lesser version of that, but it still doesn't feel great.

  3. > @"Lynx.9058" said:

    > I already put the 30$ or so into buying the standard edition so I've got the character slots unlocked and heart of thorns/path of fire. Not sure what you mean by buying all the living world episodes...


    Living world episodes are small DLC that get released in between expansions. Now that you have the game (and the first two expansions), any new living story that comes out will be free for you if you log in while the release is new (no special action needed, you just log in and they unlock for your account). If you want the older ones, you'll have to purchase them separately since the free period is over for those.


    I do recommend playing through the core game first though, since it teaches you a lot about the mechanics of the game and really lets you get immersed in the world. It also lets you start accruing game currency as you explore, which is handy because you can trade that for shop currency (gems) and later use that to buy the living story chapters you missed if you don't want to spend any additional real world money on them.

  4. Welcome to the game!


    One of the most useful things for me when I was new was the /wiki command. You can type /wiki anywhere in the game to pull up information about events, NPCs, loot, gear, maps, achievements, and just about anything else you might be stumped by. (ie: /wiki butter)


    The wiki is compiled and maintained by players, but as with most wikis, it's ruled with a nerdy iron fist and is therefore pretty accurate most of the time.


    Take your time, see the sights, and enjoy Tyria; you really do get a lot of bang for your buck just with the core game, but the expansions and living story chapters add a lot as well.

  5. Very happy about this, if it's done well.


    I'm one of those rare players who actually really enjoys the swimming and water combat in this game, and I highly recommend swimming around the perimeter of Sandswept Isles just for the visuals under the surface. Even if they don't add a single new map to couple with this feature, I can already think of at least five places that will become a lot faster to farm and explore.

  6. > @"Apokriphos.7042" said:

    > Norn are not human and should look otherworldly. Similarly, Charr are not human.


    Yes. This so much heckabunch. If people don't like the weird proportions of Norn, they don't like what Norn are.


    > If anything, Anets only mistake was making norn females look like overscaled humans.

    Also yes; there's no good reason why the females also shouldn't have that bestial framework. If there's a change to be made, it should be to make them less Human than they are right now. Wouldn't hold my breath 8 years into the game though.


    > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > But it does sell, so nothing will ever change.

    As lame as this is, it's absolutely correct. I have hope that this kind of thing will one day stop in gaming, but it's here to stay until consumers force the hand of publishers. So far, no movement on that.

  7. It should be a rare drop with a wardobe unlock functionality and a far more realistic guaranteed recipe/acquisition method. All of the infusions in the game should be that way.


    People should still have to work toward them in some manner (or get lucky with RNG), but the current implementation is ridiculous in a game where the actual progression is fashion after you hit level 80, especially if they're going to wiggle infusions at people in trailers. These carrots would be a lot more motivational for players if they had a reasonable hope of actually getting them.


    Also a good time to bang the pots and pans of 'give us a show/hide player effects' toggle so if infusions _do_ become more reasonable to acquire, people can choose whether they see them or not.

  8. > @"Discobizkit.6531" said:

    > Rock on thanks for the reply. Its such a chaotic meta I dont think i have seen them in the room prior to use. lol


    o7 It's absolutely chaos. Like the concert in Bound By Blood, except it lasts for two hours if you do the whole thing in one bite.


    If/when you do get a car, your first objective will be to destroy the tank's shield generators - there's one on either side of the tank, so you'll want to move occasionally to get at the side of the tank you need and also to avoid being slowly run over while your corpse gets dragged along by the treads (this is hilarious - painful, but hilarious).


    The harpoon skill that breaks the generators works just like the Steel Warband's tank in the Steel & Fire vision of the past; shoot and hold for several continuous pulses of damage (your car won't be able to move while you're doing this, so pick a nice safe spot).


    > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > This sounds like fun. Sad that there is a limited number but it makes sense. I take it they are isolated to this one spot on the map?


    Yes, the cars are located in a row against the back wall in the tank room. I find it helps to run ahead of the group. You'll interact with the car and a confirmation window will pop up asking you to spend the supply. This is sort of pesky because it means someone else can do it faster than you and roll away in your sweet ride, but that's war, innit?

  9. Iirc, you pay 200 war supply to repair and use one of the Charr cars, then you use the 3# skill to hit and do pulling damage to the barriers on the tank. The bummer is that the cycles are limited in number like the armors in Tarir, though they do respawn at different periods during the fight as people die.

  10. I really don't like how they've handled most of the infusions, if I'm honest.


    You either get extremely lucky on a drop or you pour your soul into farming out mats/gold only to receive an item you have to bind to a single weapon or piece of gear. Infusions, especially if they're going to demand so much effort, should be a wardrobe unlock of some kind, and there should be a slot next to each gear piece where you can put an infusion's visuals on as many of them as you wish without having to bind it to the gear itself.


    Either infusions should be simpler cosmetics to obtain, or they should be less awkward to use. I don't even try for them currently because of the imbalance of those two things.

  11. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > > Just a whole lot of chaos.


    > These problems could be avoided if the colour changes were client side instead of server side.

    > Then only you could see your personal changes and other people only see their own changes.



    Yeah, that'd be one way for them to do it. I'm usually in full support of optional features. Can't speak to whether they'd do something that big just for clientside or if they'd try to monetize it, but opt-in solves most issues associated with the idea.

  12. In a game with serious visual noise problems, I think we're super unlikely to get customizable skill effects as it would make things so much more hectic.


    As synk pointed out up there, people rely on the sights and sounds of effects to determine where to stand, friend or foe, and other mechanics. If you thought it was annoying already just trying to squint through people's layered infusions, imagine the frustration of not knowing whether you're dueling a Mesmer or an Elementalist? Imagine trying to PUG through content with a party of people in custom skill colors, dodge-rolling away from a heal because it looks like a flame trap or bull-rushing into an AoE from an enemy because it looks like your party's custom buffs.


    Just a whole lot of chaos.

  13. *Opossum noises*


    Best leave the general discussion trash heap alone. When mods see a more specific home for a thread, it gets moved. If it's a more general topic then, well, seems like we're in the right place. This is the catch-all bin, this is the clearance section; you shouldn't expect it to be tidy.


    People complain about duplicate threads and necromancy threads and suggestions from 84 years ago that a new player thinks are fresh, but that's the nature of general forums no matter where you are. It doesn't matter if a thread is a suggestion or just an observation, it will become a discussion and therefore this is exactly where it deserves to be. Stirring the toilet around doesn't actually achieve anything - Ya gotta flush.


    This is also probably a good time to mention that clickbait titles about WE when expressing a _personal opinion_ and NEED when expressing a _want_ regarding DOOM as it pertains to forum maintenance _outside of the game_ are not super convincing ways to get people to take you seriously.

  14. Well, I think your thread might eventually get moved to the [bug forum](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/bugs%3A-game-forum-website) which is good, because it'll be of more use over there.


    Aside from that, some of what you describe sounds like lag or your computer not loading in enemy models. It's really hard to say what's causing that without knowing where you were or the specs of your machine, since the same problem can be caused by a number of different things. Lag in particular has been hitting the game very hard lately (I normally notice this when trying to use a mount while my character sits in one place for 30 seconds doing the riding animation until the game catches up).


    What Fort Trinity mission were you trying to complete? Do you remember what quest you were trying to turn in?

  15. I dunno about this specific log-in screen, but I know I'd enjoy being able to set which screen and music I see at log-in (and during character selection).


    Even if they automatically replaced it whenever a new one was released, that'd be fine as long as I could then revert it to older ones later. I see this screen a lot when I'm patching or when I'm reading the news articles before fully entering the game. Just a mood setter, not terribly important but still nice.


    (Yes, there are ways to do this client-side, but I'd rather it was an official feature.)

  16. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > **If** your change made people spend less money on bag slots, what would you recommend that ArenaNet do to make up the difference?


    My remarks are based on my evaluation that it would reduce revenue and I posed the question based on that evaluation. I'm pretty sure it's obvious that I'm not an authority on the subject.


    > @"Waffler.1257" said:

    > You don't know that making inventory expansion slots account bound would reduce revenue, you suspect that it might, but you don't have any data to support that assertion. It is very possible that many people would purchase more inventory slots if they could use them on all of their characters. Personally, I pre-ordered the deluxe edition of GW2 and have been playing ever since the early access period and I don't have a single character that has every inventory slot unlocked, but I would definitely unlock them if it meant having them on all of my characters.


    And your remarks are based on your own personal opinions and experiences and have no data to support them. We're essentially in the same position here, we just disagree about the money involved in bag slot purchases.

  17. > @"Waffler.1257" said:

    > > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > > Which encouraged people who would never bother with the high price to suddenly find it worth their while.


    > Interesting, and why do you find that this concept does not apply to inventory expansion slots?


    It might not be enough to offset the losses incurred by making a limited number of accountwide slots more cost-effective than buying lots of character-locked slots.


    It's information I don't have access to, so I can only interpret it with speculation, the same way that people are speculating the opposite. Given that gathering tools are the only method of gathering whereas you have multiple different ways to store items besides bag slots, I don't think I can reasonably equate the two in terms of how valuable they are to players.

  18. > @"Waffler.1257" said:

    > Infinite use gathering tools used to be soulbound, then Anet changed them to account bound.

    Which encouraged people who would never bother with the high price to suddenly find it worth their while. They also started _monetizing_ gathering upgrades. :+1:

    > Crafting recipes used to be soulbound, then Anet changed them to account bound.

    This encouraged people to craft more, which helped the health of the game economy.

    > Dye unlocks used to be soulbound, then Anet changed them to account bound.

    ..which increased the versatility and appeal of dyes and encouraged people to _buy_ dye packs. They also removed unidentified dye from the drop table of plants around the same time.

    > All item and armor skins used to be soulbound with the transmutation system, then Anet changed to account bound with the wardrobe system.

    Which seems very useful given how many armors are available for _sale_ in the gem store.


    A lot of their decisions regarding QoL are either monetary losses they can accept or monetary losses that can be made up in another area of the game. It's possible that making bag slots accountwide could generate some sort of bump in their revenue, but at the moment it seems to me people are investing more into slots for their many characters than they would for a small amount of accountwide slots. That's something for their number-crunching department to figure out.


    It's not about being against a change like this, it's about practicality. A free-to-play game needs to make money somewhere in its model. Suggesting a paid feature be changed requires that we consider the effects.

  19. There seem to be two ways to interpret what you're saying:

    - Buying a bag slot should add a bag slot to any character you make (like how accountwide inventory slots work)

    - Buying a bag slot should let you physically move the extra slot between characters (if you start to use one character more than the other, for instance)


    Both interpretations would reduce revenue compared to the current system. We don't know how much money the average player pours into bag slots, but evidently it's _some_ amount. If your change made people spend less money on bag slots, what would you recommend that ArenaNet do to make up the difference?

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