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Posts posted by AgentMoore.9453

  1. Interesting point. By the third expansion, they may expect most players to have mounts to make up for reduced WPs, but I suspect they'll have to include them in some form for those who don't. Rather than Asuratech, you might instead see magical teleporters a bit like the god shrines in Siren's Landing (in addition to ley gliding and other mobility options).


    HoT gave us gliding and mushrooms, PoF gave us mounts, Drizzlewood gave us parachute dropping. What EoD gives us in terms of movement remains to be seen, but it's gonna be present in some form, guaranteed.

  2. I _used_ to feel like the target group because I'm a casual player who would still occasionally chip away at long-term goals or challenge myself with puzzle and riddles peppered through the game. I'm also someone who would be excited to see what neat thing got put into the gem store next and had no problems budgeting each month for gem purchases to support the game. Back then, it felt like they spread their efforts across a variety of difficulties and content types and you could either cartwheel through the game or minmax at your leisure.


    That has changed.


    ..now I feel like the target group is some combination of people who are willing to buy low-rez, low-effort items from the gem store (compared to past offerings, I miss you, armor sets) and folks who enjoy bullet hell mechanics, heavy visual noise, and exacting content like raids and upper-level strikes/fractals. I also feel like the lag, bugs, and lack of attention to game maintenance has accelerated in recent years - old problems that have gotten so much worse.


    In summation, it feels like an effort is being made to focus on stretching content with grind while catering to a more intense crowd and simultaneously quality is falling short in areas like map design, story scripting, accessibility, QoL, and gem store offerings. Stuff's getting tedious. It worries me.


    As a disclaimer, this could also just be me playing a game for 7 years and seeing the wear and tear on an old toy. I doubt it, though.

  3. I suspect the eye effect has something to do with what the glow is 'attached' to (To the eyeball rigging? The air in front of the face?) and it's an issue with other skins like the [Toy Shell Infusion](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toy-Shell_Infusion) and [sun-Blessed Vision](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun-Blessed_Vision), both of which have weird twitchy dots of light that don't exactly line up with the eyes instead of making the eyes themselves glow. What's especially weird is that I don't remember that being a problem with older skins like [Glint's Gaze](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glint%27s_Gaze_Mask_(medium_skin)) which seem to have the glow set perfectly into the eyes.


    Don't know if I have any characters who'd wear this outfit, but some pieces of it look quite nice - just not those eyes for the weirdness stated above.

  4. Hate the compact feature. In short, **it messes up the order of your inventory and gives you less control over the arrangement of your loot, utilities, and other items.**


    In a game that is this junk, loot, and gizmo-heavy, it blows my mind that they'd pick Halloween, one of the most inventory-centric festivals of the year, to revert this particular QoL and make a significant change to the inventory UI. I'd have been perfectly fine with this if you could hide one (or both) of the new buttons or opt to keep the old drop-down - instead people now get to worry about something that was fixed four years ago.


    Let me be clear that I understand that some people like the compact function and there is nothing wrong with the fact that they like it. My problem lies in the fact that I don't have the option to turn it off and it makes a mess of things whenever I accidentally use it.

  5. 1.) While I get that some people like to squad for lab, some commanders have no idea what they're doing and you don't always have time to sit and watch them faceroll the Viscount/Lich/Steve during their door run when you're just there for dailies. Undoubtedly some people do go into the lab to troll, but most of the time it's just players enjoying the lab on their own or knocking out daily achievements.


    In short, differing playstyles aren't really something that needs 'fixing', and applying a callout to lab doors would do more harm than good. You'd be trading one problem for another.


    2.) This seems reasonable. I've seen the people you're talking about for years now.


    3.) I wish they'd change a lot about leveling up, like the flash and sound, but the knockback is disruptive and not even something a player can control when they level. Not a huge deal, but certainly annoying in the labyrinth.


    Also, and this isn't in response to anything the OP proposed, but the [weekly trader](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Candy_Corn_Vendor_(Weekly)) for this festival has horrid prices. A candy corn cob for a single transmutation charge? I also wouldn't mind seeing some of the raven minis come down in price; even after years of doing this festival I can never justify their price.

  6. My best drops this week have been cheapies from the [Trick or Treat Bags](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trick-or-Treat_Bag) like minis and Halloween weapons and some of the less pricy undulating refractors that change the color of your character. I've mostly been giving these away as gifts, but it was still nice to loot them.


    About a month ago, I managed to get an [Endless Repair Contract](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Repair_Canister) from a Black Lion Chest which technically is the best thing I've looted this year given how often I die.

  7. Even though I'm rather good at this puzzle now, I wouldn't be opposed to difficulty choices (or different pathing like the Wintersday puzzle). It's part of the yearly meta. It's needed to complete [Lunatic's Wardrobe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lunatic_Wardrobe). Optional, but also kinda not.


    I think different levels of challenge (with proportional rewards) are a great way to handle content (fractals do this very well, imho) and it should be available for things like raids, strike missions, and other instanced content. Not only would this give players more leeway with how they complete content, but it also addresses the fact that difficulty sometimes has nothing to do with gaming skill (lag, PC specs, physical limitations, etc.)


    For this JP in particular, doing something about the wait time between attempts would have to happen at the same time as any other changes. Get all that QoL in at once.

  8. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > Gear loadouts don't work with outfits, do they?


    They don't, no. OP is talking about outfits made from actual gear/armor pieces, and those _do_ work with the loadouts. ..if you want to pay the fee per character to unlock them.


    [Outfits](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Outfit) are a separate system entirely, and a pretty clunky one given that you can't assign unique dyes between the various outfits you've unlocked. They tried to streamline it a little by reducing the number of dye channels, but it just restricts players even more.


    Fashion, the real endgame content.

  9. Ooh, yes please.


    Also wouldn't mind a Dungeon Mystery Tonic (which would rotate through dungeon mobs/bosses as possible transformations like the fractal version does) either as a rush reward or maybe something you can buy with a stack of each dungeon's currency through the dungeon rewards NPC in Lion's Arch.


    Dungeons may be old content, but I still like them quite a lot.

  10. Yikes, good to know.


    I've participated in all of these (so bonus boxes were all she offered me), but my friends who hadn't done previous rushes were telling me that previous rush rewards were on offer from the vendor with no indication that they wouldn't be getting credit if they bought them. As a precaution, I told those friends to buy at least one bonus box each day, but I didn't expect this would actually be a problem.


    Anyone who spent any trophies with the NPC outside the fractal portal for anything she was offering should have gotten full credit for this rush.

  11. It's actually just a rework of an old downed skill from Heart of Thorns (I think?)


    > Spectral Agony: This skill has been renamed Channeled Agony, and it has been significantly reworked. Its base damage has been increased by 77%, from 0.9 to 1.6 multiplier. The baseline damage over time from agony has been increased by 100%, from 500 per second to 1,000 per second at level 80. This skill no longer inflicts confusion or cripple. The duration of torment has been increased from 3 seconds to 6 seconds. It now grants 3 stacks of stability for 3 seconds when the skill is activated. The visual effect has been sped up to better match with the filling circle, and the animation length has been aligned to match that, reducing the casting time from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. The tooltip description of this skill has been fixed.


    So, bigger (huge, actually, compared to how it used to work), faster, does more damage, does more damage over time, gives stability, doesn't confuse or cripple anymore, still launches dudes up into the air/away from you.


    As for why they changed it, I.. I don't know. It does make me yearn for a 'show/hide player effects' setting real bad though.

  12. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > The problem has been when Anet posts on the forum, some people take what they say as gospel and when things don't pan out they're insulted and called liars. I blame the community here for the lack of developer interaction.


    Imagine having a customer service job where you can just stop answering phone calls and running the front desk if a few customers are rude.


    I know precisely how forums are, but this isn't a realistic reason for why company communication is sparse. A better theory (in my opinion) is that ArenaNet simply doesn't think PR is important enough to assign someone to it on a regular basis. They know if they put something in the gemstore or release a feature they can usually just sit back and watch it get bought regardless of complaints. The effort to maintain steady communication is likely viewed as an optional garnish instead of a basic part of their branding equation.


    As it stands, the dev relationship with the community seems to be based solely on what individual devs feel like sharing in their free time.


    I take my hat off to the fractal team since I see them posting on the regular, but I think we'd all be happy to see more of a presence on the forum from devs in other areas of the game. Some people will always be sour no matter what a dev says, but it doesn't mean nothing should be said at all. I always appreciate a dev taking the time to post, even if it's just with a :) emoji.


    They can't always share the details of what they're working on or address every suggestion and inquiry, but sheer presence is a huge deal for people like me.

  13. Buying the precursors/weapons is usually loads cheaper and more efficient if you're just looking to get the legendary, but most people I know are doing the collections for AP and occasionally for the novelties you obtain as you complete certain steps.


    It's sort of weird that AP and tonics would be the reason to do a legendary journey and not the legendary itself, but it be like that sometimes.

  14. A lot of people like the backpack items for FashionWars2 reasons, so ArenaNet might figure they can convince people to bite the bullet and buy the glider bundle for a bit of extra revenue. The glider also does still have its uses in no-mount zones and during metas where all you need to do during certain stages is hop into an updraft or glide down to the next platform.


    ..but they should still make more mount skins and maybe reconsider the randomized nature of how you complete a set of them.

  15. The game does have a lot of things that could be mistaken for biblical, but they're actually tied to things in Tyrian religion and lore.


    [Demons](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Demon), for example, are malevolent entities that spawn from negative energies and magic in the Mists and they occasionally sneak into Tyria (and other worlds) through summoning rituals or by tricking mortals. Some of these entities are encountered in the game coming through via portals or are awakened when artifacts are found and they are unsealed from captivity. Horns, bat wings, and other such cosmetics seem hell-related, but they're not.


    Angels are in the game too, but their involvement is less direct. They're said to be servants of the goddess [Dwayna](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dwayna) who, herself, is a giant woman with large feathered wings and a gentle face. The feathery wings and halos are likely in reference to her and her followers, not to heaven. Curiously, [Harpies](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Harpy) are rumored to be the offspring of angels/servants of Dwayna who fell out of her favor.


    Churches, temples, and houses of worship in Tyria are meant to revere the Human gods, powerful beings (demons, champion beasts, or even just big rocks if you ask the Grawl), ancestoral entities, and races like the [Forgotten](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forgotten) and the [Mursaat](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mursaat). Stained glass and congregation-style architecture and decoration are also crafted to give homage to these things.


    So no, it's technically not AngelWars2, but Tyria does have its own worldbuilding and lore that includes religion unrelated to our world.

  16. Sounds like OP is asking for ArenaNet to put LS content in a better all-inclusive package for easy purchase - not asking for LS to be cheaper or free.


    In which case heck yeah. LS is overdue to be offered up front at the time someone is purchasing the GW2 so we can finally do away with the unpleasant surprise of finding out you didn't actually buy the whole game.


    I've always thought paying for LS was fine, but the way it's packaged right now is goofy and poorly-communicated to new players.

  17. Sorry, but the Commander is destined to be starved of love and sympathy for the entirety of their lives, so desperate for that spark of romance that they're willing to [go to literal war](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jormag_Rising_(achievements)#achievement5367) and [travel across actual continents](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Searching_for_Inspiration) in search of scruffy old copies of Snargle Goldclaw smoochybooks in the hopes of inspiring some vestige of emotional security in time to meet the next threat to Tyria.


    At least there's Canach.

  18. I have plenty of other reasons to play GW2, but on those days when I'm nailed down by a migraine or don't have a lot of time to give to the game, dailies give you a sense that you did something and sometimes they take you back to parts of the game you haven't visited for a long time. I like 'em.


    When I hit the daily AP cap, I'm going to be sad, but I'll probably still do dailies here and there.

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