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Just a flesh wound.3589

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Everything posted by Just a flesh wound.3589

  1. No screenshots? Edit: yeah, probably an [[Endless Miniature Tonic]](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Endless_Miniature_Tonic)
  2. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said: > > I’ll go for scepter for warrior > > > > Skill one: hit enemy with scepter > > Skill two: hit enemy harder. Causes stun. > > Skill three: stab enemy with sharp bottom end of scepter, causes bleeding. > > Please no... See @"Smoosh.2718" I seem to remember a dev saying that with the addition of elite specs, eventually all professions will have access to all weapons. “You hear that, Mr. Anderson? That's the sound of inevitability,”
  3. I’ll go for scepter for warrior Skill one: hit enemy with scepter Skill two: hit enemy harder. Causes stun. Skill three: stab enemy with sharp bottom end of scepter, causes bleeding.
  4. > @"XYLO.7031" said: > Do guild wars dyes have RGB ratings? OP is asking for a black that's blacker than Shadow Abyss (which I think would be pretty cool RGB: 0, 0, 0? Or is that too extreme?) but I don't really even know what Shadow Abyss is. Is Shadow Abyss RGB: 25, 25, 25? Is there a way to find out? If I’m reading this chart right it’s 0,0,0 [[Kulinda’s GW2 Dyes]](https://kulinda.github.io/dyes/#dye/Shadow_Abyss)
  5. You also need to kick one of the Ebonhawke chickens. It’s a rite of passage for all gw2 players and you cannot truthfully call yourself a veteran player until you do so.
  6. > @"Nugget.7203" said: > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said: > > > @"Nugget.7203" said: > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said: > > > > Try hanging around Lions Arch or the racial cities. Those are the places where people go to talk. Most people don’t talk while doing events, etc because it’s too difficult to type and play at the same time. > > > > > > How do you talk in LA? is there a discord hangout? > > > > > > > The talking I’ve seen is regular map chat. > > You type in map chat though, how is that talking? > Here is the [[Meriam Webster definition]](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/talk) of the word talk. Among several definitions of the word are. * to convey information or communicate in any way * written analysis or discussion presented in an informal or conversational manner
  7. > @"Nugget.7203" said: > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said: > > Try hanging around Lions Arch or the racial cities. Those are the places where people go to talk. Most people don’t talk while doing events, etc because it’s too difficult to type and play at the same time. > > How do you talk in LA? is there a discord hangout? > The talking I’ve seen is regular map chat.
  8. Try hanging around Lions Arch or the racial cities. Those are the places where people go to talk. Most people don’t talk while doing events, etc because it’s too difficult to type and play at the same time.
  9. If Arenanet doesn’t want to make new content for gw1 maybe they could contract it out to others to make new content for a cut of the profits. Since it would be too hard to keep any new lore compatible with gw2 it could be understood that none of the new lore is canon.
  10. The problem is that not only do dyes vary according to the material (cloth, metal, leather) they’re put on but it also matters which race it is. > Also, each race has a cultural palette that reflects the character of the species. This means a red color for a human may not look the same as a red color for a norn or charr. [[source]](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dye) Possibly Shadow Abyss could be redesigned so that it’s the same for each material and each race but I think it’s more likely that they’d add another dye that dyes black in places where Shadow Abyss dyes gray.
  11. > @"Dragon.4782" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from. > > The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts... The devs said they would not be in game at launch. They never said they weren’t an option at a later date. If you have a dev quote saying that they would never be in the game then you should post it. > Eric (Flannum): Any of the major (non-capturable) waypoints that a player has unlocked can be travelled to regardless of the distance involved. Prices do vary depending on distance though, and asura gates are free, so a player might find it advantageous to use asura gates in some circumstances. Other than waypoints and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 **upon initial release.**
  12. I skipped a bunch of Mastery Points in HoT. My goal is to get them and finish my last 2 Mastery lines for that expansion.
  13. I’m in favor. I have a bunch of books sitting on different character’s inventories. I’d love to have a library to put them in.
  14. > @"Seera.5916" said: > > @"sorudo.9054" said: > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said: > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said: > > > > nothing here.... > > > > > > had to go buy it for 0 gems > > > > again, nothing.... > > It was a one day only sale on Christmas. If you didn't log into the game on Christmas Day, you missed out. > > Or is that nothing here relating to something else? If so, maybe be a bit more descriptive in what you're trying to convey. It was actually available for 3 days, from 10AM Pacific Time Dec 24 to 10AM Dec 27th.
  15. > @"Game of Bones.8975" said: > I had an old Revenant/Renegade Charr named "Pogrom Redclaw." > > The backstory I had created for him, along with the game story, was a young warrior cub whose village was wiped out by those who wished to kill all Charr in the name of racial purity. He entered the Mists and came out a Revenant bent on helping those in need so no-one else would ever feel what he had gone through. > > He chose the new name as a reminder that a "Pogrom" is a fight to wipe out racial/ethnic/religious groups and "Redclaw" because he wasn't afraid of getting blood on his hands. > > The problem with the name is that a "Pogrom" is a term not only used in the generic term for ethnic cleansing , but has a specific meaning for the Jews in Russia from the early 1900s through to WWII. I didn't receive any notices, but took the character down anyway. > > **If ANET deems a character name offensive, they should provide a soul-bound name-change contract for free and lock the character in an instance until an appropriate name is chosen.** If a character has a sanctioned name you can’t completely log on until you change it. The change is free. [[Naming Policy]](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-naming-policy/) > If a character name is reported to us and is in violation of the guidelines above, for the first offense, you will be required to rename your character upon your next login....
  16. I’m putting in my vote for ANet decreasing agro range and increasing respawn time. I don’t play on those maps and it’s primarily for those reasons. Examples of too fast respawn and too far agro I encountered 1) trying to get a hero point that requires defeating a mob. The area was surrounded by multiple mobs, a hydra, sand snakes and a shark. I cleared them out first and start the hero point fight. Right after I started the fight the surrounding mobs start respawning. I end up fighting the hero point while trying to fend off a hydra fireballing the area plus the other miscellaneous mobs putting in their 2 cents. Once I clear an area around a hero point it should stay cleared longer than a minute or two. 2) I went through a sand portal that led into a cavern and to another sand portal. I was dismounted so I needed to kill the mobs (and their friends) to remount. I killed them but I was still in combat because of condition damage still ticking as I had already used my heal during the fight. Then they all respawned. I killed them. I was still in combat. They respawned. I killed them. I was still in combat, they respawned, Rinse. Repeat. I finally managed to climb up on some rocks so I was out of reach for long enough to get out of combat. 3) I came across an escort event while playing solo so I thought I’d try it. In my opinion it wasn’t scaled well for one person as the event mobs coming to meet the escort had veterans as well as regular mobs, but whatever. What made it hard was the escort pulling in more mobs and their friends from further away so there was a bunch of mobs coming in while I was trying kill the event mobs. Eventually I was overwhelmed by too many mobs in the fight and had to back off from the event. Granted, some people are going to say ‘get gud’ but imo non meta events, hero points, just traversing the map, shouldn’t end up with the average player getting overwhelmed by mobs pouring in from far away or by respawns so fast that it’s difficult to get out of combat.
  17. Have you ever been to an ‘end of the world’? You can stand on the edge and see that the map is very thin. For a Mount to be able to dig tunnels either the maps would need to be remade or digging could only happen in specific places, which would mean that the rest of the time it’s a Mount with no special use.
  18. > @"Stealthunit.3802" said: > seems like thats all Gem store items. Fallen balthazar outfit is not a gemstore item sadly... will it still be posted on that thread? Probably not. However the game update notes say what changes are made to Statuettes. For example, [[this set of update notes]](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/120308/game-update-notes-december-15-2020#latest) has newest changes for Dec 14th (bottom of that post). If you check the update notes with each major update you can see if it’s available.
  19. Mount skins request Plush skins like Griffin Plush Mount skin for all the other mounts
  20. I’d like them to be accessible account wide to all chars. They can make it a questline you do once for each race to unlock. As they are they aren’t used much. I don’t even remember the last time I used most of them, probably back at launch. By making them accessible to all chars they could be buffed so they are worth using and it would give all chars new skills. If need be they could be restricted to one set of racial skills per character at one time, not mix and match.
  21. New advertisement in LA: Guild raider for hire. I will join your guild for X gold for Y days to help clear guild raids (pings raid currency as proof of proficiency).
  22. Yeah. You’ve gotten to 80 twice. You don’t have to use the newly boosted char in group content until you’re ready to. You can use your other level 80s for that and play other content on your guardian until you’re comfortable with it.
  23. > @"Arjuna.3894" said: > Same here, but only with my Second Account ! My Main-Acc. it never happens. ! I couldn't find any scheme behind it after monhs . > I received also no Answer from the Support . Sometimes drop the Mystic Coin , sometimes not on all different Maps. I have no Clue why this happens ? I do that event every day and diminishing returns hits fast. If you play on the same character, same map, two days in a row without playing on another map for a while, then after that you won’t get a mystic coin on that character and on that map. You need to either do it on another character, do the Ley Line Event on a different map (there are 3 maps it occurs on) or play for a while on a different map.
  24. I’d buy more. As the old expression goes, ‘the junk you have expands to fill the room you have‘ so I’ll be able to find more stuff to put in more slots.
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