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Posts posted by Aerinndis.2730

  1. You might want to add that the Mastery for United Legions Waystation Synchronization is the one you want to train first as the EMP gives you a pretty powerful weapon right off and is better for getting through the Pillage missions since you can destroy multiple barricades and tents with the pulse.

  2. Seems to be bugged for the mine and the village. I sat on the towers in both places multiple times today and the event never popped. The one up by the village had a bugged intel collection. He showed up you could collect the intel but could not turn it in. You can destroy the towers at other times which seem odd. You cannot target the tower but it takes damage and you can eventually destroy it but get no credit for doing so. I was able to destroy the towers under Dominion control and our control.


    It would be nice to just get credit for destroying them while the Dominion has control over the area or at least make it clearer when the event is actually going on.

  3. I had very little success using siege until I got the EMP and then was able to get credit a lot easier. Barricades and tents seemed to be the ones that triggered easily with the EMP. The ram worked on gates but folk get theirs down so fast it is usually open by the time I got up there and tried to lay mine down. I used the catapult mainly as it was the only one consistently doing damage. Also I could fling it over the wall and hit stuff inside and get credit. I saw I was damaging with my weapon skills when structures were already damaged but am sure I never got any credit for what I hit.

  4. > @"Image.8630" said:

    > > @"miraude.2107" said:

    > > I'm surprised they didn't update the Hall of Monuments Portal Stone.

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_Monuments_Portal_Stone

    > >

    > > It would have been a nice solution. They could make it like the Spearmarshal's Plea where it could take you to Sun's Refuge (once you unlocked it) or the Griffon Sanctuary. The same thing could have been done with the Portal Stone. Present it to Aurene after completing the story missions to have her modify it or something.

    > >


    > That is the 1st thing I used when I read about the story... place was empty, I was completely confused. Tried it a few times , logged off.. and still nothing.

    > Why create a 2nd Eye of the north instance? weird





    You have to go to the map and click on the WP and it tells you that you are going out of the instance and takes you to the current EotN. I think it cost me 1 silver 37 copper.

  5. I have been using the [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_Monuments_Portal_Stone](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_Monuments_Portal_Stone) and then using the map to hit the EOTN WP at a lower cost. It would be nice to add a link option to the portal stone that would take us to the new EOTN as well as Hall of Monuments. The only two places you can go directly back to EOTN are from Mistlock Sanctuary and your Guild Hall right now. (I did not check out Armistice Bastion) I did buy the additional portal destinations in EOTN. At least if you have those you should be able to travel back via a gate from any of those locations. Please add some options to travel back to EOTN especially if you opened the portal destinations out of there to the cities.

  6. I am on NA server IP 238 and cannot get into the Snowman raid. Earlier I was in the race and it bugged so I logged out and back in and the race was not showing as active yet I saw announcements of who came in second and third. Definitely the gremlins are at play somewhere.


    When reporting an issue it is always helpful to put the IP you are currently in.

  7. Even though this was a short episode (but I felt the cadence was right to set up for the next section) at the end where our character says, " We still need a way through the mountains. You (Cresia) and Rytlock scout for a path." I see us going south instead of west as I look at the map. Since Aurene was not with us in this story, I am wondering if we are trying to figure out if Jormag is wanting to truly ally with Aurene or if he is trying to lure her to corrupt her and we must figure out what to do to prepare her to make a good decision. I suspect he does not realize she ate Joko and cannot really be killed but do think he knows she potentially could be corrupted. Is Aurene in more danger in the next episode and are we going to have to figure a way to help her realize Jormag may be or not be what she may think he is?

  8. I have this issue always at the first brazier no matter if I just pick up the torch and try to run out to light it further out or light it right there and try to get as far as I can. The timer goes away before I can even leave the area. Once it bugs I can't even pick up a torch again. My bar shows no buffs either. Once the second brazier is lit I have no issues at all and am able to complete the mission. I have gotten to the point that I just run up to the second brazier, kill any mobs in the area and wait for the next part to start.

  9. I do hope a workable solution is found for those who have lag and other issues in trying to get this achieve.


    When I first saw I had to do this, I was worried also because I have problems with timed stuff. I have never been able to do the Chef Mastery Point in Crystal Oasis. However, I have done other similar events which were not timed such as the Heart at the Necropolis in Vabbi where you have to catch the organ and put it in the proper jar or the Heart in Thunderhead Peaks (History's End Waypoint) where you catch the artifacts and put them in their containers. They ended up being good practice for this achievement. Also I did watch [AyinMaiden's video](

    ") to see where to stand. Those things did help me get through that particular achieve.
  10. > @"Kitta.3657" said:

    > It's sad this just is being ignored (as is the Akili Event bug) because not many people have it yet but this bug is really annoying so I hope more people sees this and it doesn't get buried so it can be fixed as quickly as possible like the other Aurora/Vision related bugs :)


    I suspect they will fix this soon enough. People have only just started getting Vision completed and I am thinking most are pairing it with Aurora if they have it. I have no idea if the bug occurs with just Vision alone but it definitely does when the two are used together. I had no issues the whole time I have had Aurora so I can only assume there is something incompatible between the two that just needs tweaking. It is annoying because we are obviously proud of our achievement and want to show it off but I figure it will get fixed soon enough.


    As for Akili the only thing I can recommend is to check the IP (type in /IP in chat) and make a bug report showing which IP it is in which will help them isolate the problem better. I used to do this when doing the Giant Killer achieve in Brisban and the U.N.I.T. event would bug out a lot. It usually got fixed pretty quick if you added which IP the bug was occurring in.

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