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Posts posted by Aerinndis.2730

  1. I think a lot of frustration is happening because events are taking so long to spawn and there is little to no information for some of them as to whether you have to find an NPC somewhere to get it started or if it just happens periodically. The Gate Keeper one is a prime example. The Wiki shows the assault the mordred encampment where you have to talk to NPC Second Lieutenant Sefu who is suppose to be with Scout Kamara. When I was looking for the event I needed I checked the wiki and figured based on what I was seeing that most likely the first event (the assault) had to spawn and most likely fail in order for there to be hostages and gate keepers. Based on other events in the past you would think that would be true.Turns out neither are apparently connected to one another even though they do follow each other. I guess Anet decided to do it this way so that it was not gated behind a failed event which really is not a bad thing since we have been complaining about things being gated behind failed events.


    When I was looking for Lt. Sefu and Scout Kamara I went all over the area and never found them and this was across several days and IPs. The one event I finally stumbled into someone must have found him and got the first event started. The whole time it was going on no one there knew if the event needed to succeed or fail so we decided to let it fail just in case since most of us had waited days to find the event we needed. So I can see folk being frustrated with lack of knowledge when an event might spawn and how often and if it is actually connected to the event that happens just before it. I also realize a lot of these maps are new and it will take some time for the wiki to catch up.

  2. I did not mind having to do collections for this item however it was the alternate 'time gating' of events trying to figure out if and when they might spawn and waiting around sometimes for hours only to find out your ip was bugged that made this frustrating. For some events it was hard to figure out what might trigger the event. (and yes, I checked the wiki to make sure first) It felt like sheer luck to get in the right place at the right time when some of these events finally showed up.

  3. The sequence of events is totally non-intuitive and disconnected from one another. Logically for there to be hostages you would think the first event would need to fail but instead you have an attack the Mordred encampment which can succeed and suddenly there are hostages there a bit later for no connected reason. Also more than one of us were on the maps (and over several ips) for hours waiting for something to pop in that area and neither event ever showed. I got lucky finally to see the attack the encampment show up which we failed because we had no idea whether succeeding it would ruin the next event which is the one we needed. It is good to know that the two are evidently not connected and it just requires patience and time for the events to spawn. I guess this is a new version of time gating.....

  4. Several days now on IP 70, IP 58, and now IP 53 I go to the Salt Flats where the event is suppose to be and it appears to be stalled or just plain broke. The pack dolyaks were there in each instance which leads me to believe the event which probably comes before (Assault the Mordred Encampment Before Reinforcements Arrive) some how bugged. I am assuming that event has to fail in order for there to be hostages and the second event there. Several of us have been here for hours over the last couple of days and have yet to see either event pop at this location. Also the NPCs that start the Assault the Mordred Encampment (Second Lt. Sefu and Kamara) do not seem to be found in the fort or any of the smaller camps nearby.

  5. The Garrison one in Desert Highlands [Kill Gatekeepers and Take Their Keys to Free Hostages](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kill_Gatekeepers_and_take_their_keys_to_free_hostages "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kill_Gatekeepers_and_take_their_keys_to_free_hostages") has people waiting and it never seems to pop. I looked at the wiki for Salt Flats and have a sinking feeling one event has to fail [Assault the Mordant Crescent Encampment Before Reinforcements Arrive](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assault_the_Mordant_Crescent%27s_encampment_before_reinforcements_arrive "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Assault_the_Mordant_Crescent%27s_encampment_before_reinforcements_arrive") for the correct one to spawn. The wiki is incomplete for the Assault the Mordant Crescent Encampment but at the bottom seems to indicate the event can fail which seems to me would lead to the event we need. Putting a collection behind an event that needs a failure of the event prior is just bad. Folk tend to see an event happening there and immediately assume that is the one they need and go in and complete it only to ensure that the correct event will not happen...



    Evidently the Assault the Mordant Crescent Encampment event is not connected to the Kill the Gatekeepers event even though it does spawn some minutes after the assault either fails or succeeds. So I guess you have to watch for the assault event first to know the other might then spawn.

  6. > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > I haven't finished the story yet, nor have I explored the map completely.


    > What I _**DID**_ do, though, was ride the canoe around the harbor. I mean, Just sitting there in the boat as sharks and dophins swim by as you lazily take a 10~15 minute circuit with a cub navigating the way, that was such an enjoyable moment that to me and already makes this map so amazing.


    > Well done Anet!


    OOH I have to check this out!

  7. I really enjoyed this map while exploring. There are quiet areas that you can just look around at the beauty. It is a refreshing change from maps where mobs are attacking no matter where you are. I plan to go back and listen to the npcs as I came across a lot of interesting conversations. Very nicely done map.

  8. Aside from the convoluted way to get to the Maintenance Door button which I finally figured out I pressed it and nothing happened. I ended up coming back several times and trying and finally the button worked to disable the force field so I could destroy the shield. It was very non intuitive trying to figure out what to do just to get to the maintenance button. LOTS of say chat from folk in there who had NO idea what to do or how to get where they needed to go to the button. I figure the button was bugged which just led to even more frustration.

  9. > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

    > what is this Magneton hammer you speak of?


    > is it Shiny ?


    Very interesting area. It took me a bit to figure out how to do it since there not only a heart but also an achievement tied to it. Initially a bit frustrating but once I figured it out it was a lot of fun. (Got the heart and the achieve) It is very Shiny!!! I would love to have one.

  10. I did this achievement pre-PoF mainly doing the U.N.I.T. event in Brisban. Often there were others there so we had anywhere from 3 to 6 giants at a time. It did take some time but we had fun passing the time between event spawns and with some dedication we got it done. It was great that PoF gave more giants to kill so it is a lot easier to work on this achieve, though I still feel we should have gotten a title for being dedicated enough to keep at it and get it done!

  11. Iron Marches map shows IP as 34:237:26:26:0 I have been back here over several days and two events seem perpetually bugged. The first is the Raid the Separatist Camp with the Warhound Village Veterans. The NPCS are stuck running in circles down in the separatist cave. The other event is Defend the Siege Devourer While It Assists Troops. The giant devourer is stuck in the Brand south of the HP and doesn't move. Because these events are stuck the prior event chains are not spawning at all either.

  12. I got it done before when we only had the very few giants to kill. Toxal Bog U.N.I.T. event is still the easiest and the more people who are there when the event starts the more giants spawn (up to 6 I think) We used to get a group together and spend a day there getting as many kills as we could. Plus if the event failed it reset quicker. Since this was one of the toughest of the slayers I do think it deserved a title.


    The 'other' slayer achieve that really, really needs a title is the Thirst Slayer. 100K drinks deserves a title. I am still disappointed that Festive Imbiber was so easily gotten at 10K drinks and the other one takes so much more and gets you nada.

  13. Definitely this! I would be a lot more likely to collect endless potions if there were a place to store them other than inventory. Something like how the finishers are stored would be neat and if we could stack the other ones in there to be replaced once you get an endless would be even better.

  14. We just did Plains of Ashford with two guildies who did it for the first time. They said they got credit for Zone Defense and that was the only thing showing under Current Events. Neither got Awakening Threat achieve nor did they get any mail from Ninn. They even went to another map to see if it would pop and it did not. I completed Zone Defense and Portal Breaker is greyed out for me now.

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