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Posts posted by Aerinndis.2730

  1. I had trouble with this and fighting the Skritt for the boots when I did it. I finally assumed the Skritt is probably on a cooldown and won't give the boots if he recently gave them to someone else. I was doing it at a time when a lot of folk were and had to go away and come back when few were around and he finally gave the boots.


    The dialogue was not particularly intuitive in figuring out how to get the rune after getting the armor.

    Wiki dialogue link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Master_Sergeant_Shadi


    This may be the bit of dialogue that folk need to get this completed:

    "I've been asked by a mutual friend to retrieve Golash. Can you help? (only when Equipment Tracker is complete and Open Skies: Elon Riverlands has been started.)

    Oh, I think I know who you mean. She's still around, eh? Good for her. Here's the rune, and be safe. (Receive Golsah, the Rune of Honor.)"


    Looks like you cannot get the last dialogue until you have interacted with the remains of the last Spearmarshal and start Open Skies: Elon Riverlands.

  2. > @"Leablo.2651" said:

    > Snip<

    > ...

    > But for those of us on links, we have neither our own server identity (no borderlands) nor a permanent association with another's. We just get passed around to pad out the numbers wherever it's convenient, for Anet to make WvW look more balanced than it is. This seems to be based on the idea that as long as they keep fiddling with the minor things there will be some kind of change, or at least enough distraction, to keep people from focusing on the elephant in the room, which is that this is a one-server meta. That will not change until Anet is willing to make truly disruptive changes to WvW.




    I am on a server that has been linked twice in a row with the same T1 server. We never seem to get paired anywhere but in the upper tiers anymore. Our population fluctuates especially when folk bandwagon to our server so they can play with their chosen server that they can't get into so it gives a false impression that we are more active than we really are. They leave when the pairing is over. It gets really old when you are in the catch-22 loop we have been in for months....


    We can't get new commanders to come and stay and try to build up our server so we are no longer linked. No one wants to come to a linked server. So we do the best we can with the existing guilds who do WvW and get out there and try help the paired server. Some servers have been more overtly friendly than others which has helped a lot in working with them. But we have also had our commanders yelled at on reset night for showing up in our home borderlands because the main server wanted their people all in there instead and we were in the way despite our group doing a great deal on the map that night.


    Change is needed badly in WvW. We have to sit and watch the bigger servers play Tanks Wars and have to follow along because we have no choice. It is hard to convince new folk they will have fun in WvW in the current climate where there are no true battles any more. Just massive blobzergs that respond when a camp is taken so roaming is a thing of the past and the only thing your server can do for the week is reclaim when the other two decide to come in and take everything on either side of your spawn at the same time. I am seeing more folk just in for their pips and then out for the rest of the week because WvW has gotten too tedious to bother with.



  3. I was able to get this done by striking each fountain a couple of times and moving to the next one. The middle room has the most fountains so it is better to go there and run around and get as many hits as you can vs. trying to get the two that are on each outer edge. I was getting credit for most of the ones in that room each time. It did take participating in the event quite a few times to get it done though.

  4. I had one fall yesterday right by the Astralarium so I went over to it. I spent the bulk of the time taking out the enemies and the other enemies that were already there. It left little to no time to even harvest anything and of course there were people who came and just started harvesting, never mind helping those of us who were just trying to clear the area so everyone could harvest.... Time this is available is an issue especially if you don't care to be killed while trying to harvest even one thing. Not sure this is something I would even look to doing since it was over so quickly. Also from the above comments having to fly half a map over and then take out the enemies and then try to harvest, well..... no thank you.

  5. > @"Shining One.1635" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > It wouldn't be reasonable to refund all or even part of the value simply because we no longer have the same interest in them.

    > I'm not looking for a refund. I'm just looking for something useful to do with them. As others have suggested, giving the items to someone who doesn't have them would fall under "something useful" in my book. As it stands right now, my only options are store or delete.



    This is how I feel. It would be nice to be able to do something with items we no longer use. If I could gift my spare salvage-o-matics somehow it would be wonderful to be able to give a new player or a guildie something nice. Or be able to get something for our guild hall by turning older things into a special vendor. For me it is more about recycling. I got my more than fair use out of these items but would like to re-purpose them somehow.

  6. > @JanHermann.2436 said:

    > Someone (a few of them here) has already said this and I'd like to put my voice to it:

    > Why don't they put those skins in groupings (i.e "Raptor" category where you get only one of those raptor skins) for, say 600 gems per pop and individual skins for 800 gems?

    > That way they still suck the gold out of the economy and earn money and players have a definite option for whatever they want to purchase.

    > Anet saves face (a bit) and players are happy, what would be wrong with that?


    > Regards.


    I like this idea too, putting each type of skin in their own groupings and letting folk buy them that way. But I wished they had done something different overall.


    It would have been neat to have animals with these various skins (or call them different breeds) out there that you run across in the open world and you would get a hint that you had to find a particular breeder who is producing these animals. Once you found that person and let them know you were interested in that particular 'breed' they would have you accomplish some things for them in order to reserve an animal out of a litter. I would have no problem with doing things say over a week or two for a breeder so that he would let me buy that skin directly. (or give a voucher to take to a Black Lion Trader that would enable me to purchase the skin from the gem store) It would be a lot more fun and be more consistent with the world instead of blam! here are a bunch of flashy skins you can have this instant that have no relation to the story or Tyria. It would give even the plainer skins some meaning and and context and I think folk would find this a great incentive to collect all the skins.

  7. Fancier skins could be pricier. Plainer skins should be cheaper. Let us buy them by the skin not pray and hope we get the sparkly one. I may not want all the skins but I would buy a lot more if I had a choice and they released maybe one or two at a time. It makes me kind of disinterested in even buying a holiday skin which I am sure will be released with Wintersday and probably RNG and/or more expensive to boot. 2K for a mount skin should get you a matching outfit..... Bad, bad decision to do it this way. I have not heard any positive comments in game about this gambit. Folk are more than willing to spend their gems just not in this way.

  8. Harvest a bit as you make your way to the Pact Supply agents or hit several events for map rewards. You should get enough mats to sell that more than pay for wp costs. Also if you belong to a guild that has high enough upgrades then you also get the Waypoint Discount. (i.e. Level 27 gives you 10% and Level 40 gives you %15 discounts)


    I keep an eye on the gw2timer.com in case there would be any new items added (hopefully!) but usually I collect the Mapping Materials that I use to enhance collecting mats in the maps that have stuff I am looking for. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_bonus_reward

  9. In the Desolation one of the best areas for awakened is the Bonestrand Garrison a bit southwest of Bonestrand WP. The event there spawns lots of awakened. I was with a group and got a large part of my achieve just doing that one event. We then ran along the road along the scourge WP and picked up any events enroute to kill more awakened. All in all it was pretty easy to do quickly that way.

  10. > @Zaklex.6308 said:

    > The skritt doesn't automatically give you the item, it's rng but in his case it's a 50/50 chance, you either get it or you don't. When you talk to Shadi there's an entirely separate dialogue from the normal one after giving her the equipment and getting the MP, only then do you get the Rune(well, not really the rune, it just shows up in the Achievement, at least that's how I got it, not an actual item to get rid of).


    I figured the skritt was on cooldown which was why I could not get anything from him initially in spite of fighting him over and over. When I came back after collecting the other items on the list there was no one around and I immediately got it once he was defeated so I suspect a cooldown mechanic in place. The dialogue branch was not obvious with Shadi to get the rune but I sort of remember it was on or near the bottom of the options and it lead to telling her you had all her armor and she then gave teh rune to me. The dialogue should be clearer since some of us completed this long before we had to go back to get the rune later.

  11. I completed the equipment achievement first and got the mastery point for that. When completing the Open Skies: Elon Riverlands I had to go back to Shadi and you get a conversation option that you found all her equipment and she gives you the rune then. It doesn't automatically drop.

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