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Strider Pj.2193

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Posts posted by Strider Pj.2193

  1. Ok.. then raise the cost of precursors for gen 1 legendaries. They are significantly lower cost today then they were three years ago.


    The cost of a gen one legendary continues to drop. Despite the rise in mystic coin prices.


    - Farm gold, buy them.

    - Do WvW skirmish tracks to get 6 a week.

    - log in

    - Do the mystic coin daily event


    That’s.. what, just from playing around 75 per month that actually don’t cost money....


    4 months you have more than a stack. In 7 months you have two stacks.


    If you want it faster, but it.

  2. > @"Charley.1489" said:

    > Is there any server now in wvw where people actually tag up and make an effort?


    No if you mean PPT. Well, that’s not completely correct. On NA there is SoS/YB. Maybe a couple in EU.


    An effort to find fights? Many of the servers do. Which is also why many of them will only PPT in limited fashion: to get a server who only PPTs to actually fight over something.

  3. > @"Shroud.2307" said:

    > **Bugs**

    > * Dolyaks desync as soon as they're culled.

    > * Various locations Obstruct Projectiles despite no terrain interference _(south east camp Alpine BL, Pangloss Rise EBG, etc.)._

    > * Hylek and Ogre Mercenary NPC's reset to their respective camps if they exit combat.

    > * Supply Camps briefly contest while capturing.

    > * A Stonemist Castle Archer NPC sometimes aggro's on Dredge Turret at the west side of the castle.

    > * A Wildcreek Run Archer NPC sometimes aggro's on the Veteran Bog Skale.

    > * Players frequently desync while Mounted appearing in one location when they are often no where near.

    > * Battle Maul goes on full recharge if the target goes behind the Mount.

    > * There are extra NPC's in Green Keep _(Veteran Orb Magus x2)._

    > * Neutral Doe mobs can rally players

    > * It is impossible to enter Danelon Passage in EBG without being Marked if Langor Sentry is alive and Quentin Lake has Watch Tower. This is the only camp like this.

    > * Green Keep Watergates scale their health based on the tier of the Keep when they used to always remain Tier 1 due to siege not being buildable there _(unconfirmed)._

    > * Blue Keep patrolling NPC's have an extra long leash and can chase nearly to Stonemist _(possibly share a leash with Anzalias NPC's which have a very long patrol route)._


    > I'm sure there are others I'm missing. There are also a lot of exploits, probably double that of bugs, but I'm not going to list them here so as not to encourage people to abuse things that they don't need to know about.


    Out of curiosity (and I am not thinking it will make a difference) have you posted exactly this list in the bugs forum?


    Some of these I know, some are new to me. And I know people have posted many of them in here (WvW forum) over the years, but slapping it up in the big section might (.0001 probability factor) get someone’s attention.



  4. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > > > > How can you farm transmutation charges in PVE in the same mass like PVP or WVW without spending gems or gold?

    > > > >

    > > > > The same way WvW players farm gifts of Maguuma, gifts of exploration, play the mode.

    > > >

    > > > But how do I play PVE mode and farm as many transmutation charges as I would if I farmed WVW afk?

    > > > There are only a limited number of maps you can explore per character.

    > > >

    > > > Or is this another, boo you must play all game modes otherwise you are not worthy.

    > > > Sure, I like to AFK farm wvw. It's anyway so sparsely populated that I no longer take away anyone's place :).

    > > > Of course it's a pity for the few who still take WVW seriously, if they have a bunch of people who only do the most necessary and 80% of the time just stand around. But in the forum you get to hear again and again, play wvw x).

    > >

    > > Yes. You need to be in WvW or sPvP. But the Neat thing is, you get them JUST FROM LOGGING ON.

    > >

    > > But of course you can also buy them.

    > >

    > > See? Four easy sources of getting them. In fact, I’d love to be able to sell the 3000+ ones I have!

    > >


    >. I hate these exhausting comparisons like taking a lollipop away from a child ...


    But yet, expecting a business to give away something they have successfully monetized isn’t childish?


  5. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > > How can you farm transmutation charges in PVE in the same mass like PVP or WVW without spending gems or gold?

    > >

    > > The same way WvW players farm gifts of Maguuma, gifts of exploration, play the mode.


    > But how do I play PVE mode and farm as many transmutation charges as I would if I farmed WVW afk?

    > There are only a limited number of maps you can explore per character.


    > Or is this another, boo you must play all game modes otherwise you are not worthy.

    > Sure, I like to AFK farm wvw. It's anyway so sparsely populated that I no longer take away anyone's place :).

    > Of course it's a pity for the few who still take WVW seriously, if they have a bunch of people who only do the most necessary and 80% of the time just stand around. But in the forum you get to hear again and again, play wvw x).


    Yes. You need to be in WvW or sPvP. But the Neat thing is, you get them JUST FROM LOGGING ON.


    But of course you can also buy them.


    See? Four easy sources of getting them. In fact, I’d love to be able to sell the 3000+ ones I have!


  6. > @"Shroud.2307" said:

    > I don't recall ever seeing it in any patch notes that Barrage is intended to ignore LOS. Correct me if I'm wrong.


    > It isn't the first thing to do so and later be fixed though. Coalescence Of Ruin used to go straight through gates and that was fixed, Oppressive Collapse used to be able to hit on walls, and that was fixed.

    > This may be an unintentional change that ANet doesn't feel needs to be immediately fixed and will be addressed in a later patch.


    > Whether it is or isn't intentional, 99% of Rangers are too simple to capitalize on it anyway.


    Found it from game release notes on May 8th, 2018: late release.



    ** Gray.6029Gaile Gray.6029

    May 8, 2018

    Late Notes: May 8, 2018


    05/08/2018—May 8 Release Notes


    Profession Skills




    Barrage: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from being targeted in certain areas blocked by line of sight.

    Fanged Iboga—Consuming Bite: Fixed a bug that prevented this skill from increasing its damage based on the number of conditions on the target.

    Canine—Crippling Leap (Soulbeast): Fixed a bug in which the displayed range of this skill was lower than intended.

    Canine—Brutal Charge (Soulbeast): Fixed a bug in which the displayed range of this skill was higher than intended.**

  7. > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > Just curious how coverage would work? Even at higher tiers with full populations there can be giant gaps in content. If they did go smaller how would you deal with the possible boredom from no one to fight?


    They wouldn’t be smaller. In fact, the potential is some of the ‘worlds’ could end up being fewer and larger.

  8. > @"Zolazie Grengche.3051" said:

    > I should be able to shoot over walls as well with Toggle Action Camera and say, Mortar Kit, Grenades, Long-Bow on Guardian, or Warrior.


    I won’t argue that point, but it was a deliberate change for ranger. Whether it’s liked or not...


    > @"Strider Pj.2193" I never said I died to barrage....


    Fair enough.


    > Don't assume my gender! D;


    Not sure who this is referencing, but after reviewing I know I didn’t give a gender.

  9. > @"primatos.5413" said:

    > kitten they just forgot to fix it..


    Actually, it wouldn’t allow you to Target things inside the tower at one point, and within the last 18 months (ish as I know someone will have the actual date: here’s looking at YOU @"Balthazzarr.1349" )the developers changed it to its current function.


    Also, if you are dying to barrage.......(more to the OP that you @"primatos.5413" )

  10. To the OP:


    - will there be ‘gaming the system? Yes

    - Will there be population disparity? Yes

    - Will coverage still rule? Yes


    But ask yourself: how does a guild actually recruit players for WvW?


    The current system encourages those guild to bandwagon to open servers, recruit people from those servers and their links, while making the jump again , to open servers to recruit.


    With alliances, if someone sees your guild and they like it, and the guild has space, they can select that guild for WvW selection so during the next world formation, they go with the guild.


    Anet has effectively crippled Guilds in WvW. They need to give something back.

  11. > @"Gudradain.3892" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"Gudradain.3892" said:


    > > For starters, it would be likely 2 alliances per ‘world’

    > >

    > > And the number of ‘worlds’ will be dependent on overall population. So, there may only be 9 worlds (3tiers) or there may be more if enough people (5 tiers etc)


    > A strong argument for alliance is to create an identity the players can relate to. If you just do "alliance-link" you just killed alliance identity just like server-link killed server identity.



    You would identify with your alliance. (If you choose to be in one).



    > Also, having very few worlds will never create an healthy competitive scene.


    You said earlier it would be ‘too big’ to create relationships with people yet, when I note they are smaller than servers, you say it won’t work.,


    > There will be worlds (alliances) stronger and everyone will know which one and there will be weaker worlds and everyone will know which one. As soon as the matchup begin, you already know: "Ok this world will win, and this one will lose".


    Of course their will be alliances stronger than others. Just like our current tier system. And you don’t know that now?



    > You need more worlds and **smaller** worlds to create an healthy and interesting competitive scene.


    Which prevents people from having coverage and creates empty maps.


  12. > @"Gudradain.3892" said:

    > No, it won't work. The main reason is that there is not enough population.


    That is what makes it so Allianced MAY work. Population flux is what can make this potentially successful.



    > We barely have enough population to fill 12 servers. So, at the maximum, we will have enough population to fill 12 alliances... With so few participants, it's not very fun.


    For starters, it would be likely 2 alliances per ‘world’


    And the number of ‘worlds’ will be dependent on overall population. So, there may only be 9 worlds (3tiers) or there may be more if enough people (5 tiers etc)



    > Also, an alliances would be too big. The goal of an alliance would be to create a sense of community. But, to create a sense of community you have to know the other players and the amount of players needed to fill all 4 maps is way too big to know nearly everyone, or even a decent portion of the players in your alliance. You will basically be fighting with strangers...


    So, an ‘Alliance’ of 500 people would be too big?


    And again, one alliance wouldn’t have to fill 4 maps. Likely it would be two alliances with some unaffiliated guilds and random single players that would make up a ‘world’



    > The requirement to fill 4 maps, instead of 1, doomed WvW from the start.


    It really didn’t. But maybe at some point in the future that would change.

  13. With the exceptions of the very vocal special people in team chat, most people I have encountered in WvW are helpful.


    Continue to work with people. You may even forge lasting game friendships.


    Hint: if you run close to the Warclaw, you get a speed buff that helps you keep up, called ‘Warclaw’s Blessing’. Also, swap out a trait or skill that gives you speed buffs (may have a couple depending on your class), so you can keep closer to other Warclaw players. You might lose a little damage or defense, but there is safety in numbers. (Literally and figuratively)


    Oh, and yes, many of us are a little salty about the lack of attention. That being said, it isn’t directed at you specifically, more the idea and concept of being provided even a shred of respect by the developers.

  14. I’ll leave this here again: I think Anet has chosen the two most populous servers on NA and EU and set them as the ‘population control’ points.


    For example:


    BG sits at 50000 play hours (not real numbers, examples)


    Anyone who hits that play hour threshold goes ‘full’.


    BG drops to 40,000? They stay full and any server that is above that new threshold is ‘full’.


    If, the algorithm fails and BG opens, they close it as soon as they recognize it within that day.


    It does a few things:

    - keeps the evil empire closed

    - Makes more worlds appear full

    - Makes WvW look more populated

    - Creates more opportunities to drive people to link servers spreading out population

    - Pushes transfers for more gems.


    But, who knows.


    Makes me wonder if Gandara is the EU control.

  15. > @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

    > Hey guys. since last week. when i was in large group of players it become so so laggy. its like 10s delated. it happen on event like leyline or wvw.


    WvW has been like that on and off for several years.


    Let line, is just a crap ton of people in a small space, with all the effects.


    > Just wondering is it my net or sever? there is no issue when i run dungeon or fractal.


    Dungeons and fractals are instanced, so your likelyhood of lag isn’t small.



    > anyone can give me some advice. thanks


    In WvW basic models, shaders off. Others may have other ideas. It makes it *better* but not always good.


    3 ways in small spaces are horrendous in WvW.

  16. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > If you die in Guild Wars, you die in real life.


    > Yeah, that's not true. I've died a LOT in GW2 and I'm still here.


    Are you sure? Or is this some form of an afterlife for you?


    Did you take the red pill?


    > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > I can confirm that the cost for the nearest waypoint is reduced to what you have, even if that's nothing. But it is only the nearest one, further ones cost the full fee.


    > I've actually gotten back down to literally nothing in my wallet twice since starting. Both times it was mostly due to buying large volumes of materials from the TP. Once just by coincidence I was able to spend exactly what I had down to the last copper on a buy order. Another time I had a tiny bit left and for some reason decided it would be a good idea to go to Dry Top (which at the time was still very active) to get more gold. I waypointed in during the sandstorm, got killed and the reduced waypoint cost used up the last bit of my money, then got killed _again_ and got to use it for free.


    > After that though we killed the champion dust mite twister and I managed to survive a couple more battles and ended up with some coin and an inventory full of stuff to sell. Admittedly I could have just sold some materials i already had in the bank, but since I was in the middle of a big crafting project I didn't want to do that. (What I should have done was just headed into the nearest map and gathered whatever was growing there to sell, but I think at the time a champion train seemed like a better idea.)


    That’s some good stuff Dani. I never realized that. I have been so fearful of spending my last copper, not because I didn’t think I could revive, but because it took me sooooo long in game to get to having more than a gold.... (yeah, I just didn’t get the whole selling stuff on the TP for months......)

  17. > @"TallBarr.2184" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"TallBarr.2184" said:

    > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > @"TallBarr.2184" said:

    > > > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > > > a couple of people with dozens of multi boxed accounts could q a map and do nothing, not only preventing real players from playing but preventing any progress for the server.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you had read the post one of the policy changes i suggested was not allowing multiboxing on queued maps

    > > > >

    > > > > That sounds great. But then again it doesn’t.

    > > > > - How does the system know that you have a ‘multi boxed’ account open when the map queues?

    > > > > - Would you have to register your accounts as ‘linked’ to prevent them from being involved in the same matchup?

    > > > > - Or the same map?

    > > > > - Where are the preventative measures to prevent the potential abuse?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > -

    > > > > Where are the preventative measures to prevent the potential abuse?

    > > > I would assume that is support? that handles and investigates any reports

    > > >

    > > > > How does the system know that you have a ‘multi boxed’ account open when the map queues?

    > > > People record and report multiboxers/botters in open world, i'm sure there will be people that does it in world vs world if thats the case. I dont know and neither do you what tools Anet have to see if people are multiboxing or not.

    > > >

    > > > > Would you have to register your accounts as ‘linked’ to prevent them from being involved in the same matchup?

    > > > Not sure what you are asking, **accounts would have to be on the same server.** Nothing i have proposed suggests that being on different servers would be okay. If they cant already track it i dont think they ever would be able to. Unless they are investigating a specific account and see that the accounts are on different servers and in wvw at the same time.

    > >

    > > How would they know, and how could you be prevented from having them on a matched server..

    > >

    > > You offer no controls.

    > >

    > > Of course, a developer could check.. yes.. from reports.

    > >

    > > But nothing identifies you or the account as a multiboxer for people.

    > >

    > > Sooo many things are ‘at your word’ for this game. I get it.

    > >

    > > But that doesn’t mean we have to say it’s fine nor that it’s OK by Anet in these modes.


    > Can i put accounts on different servers now? - yes

    > Would i be in trouble if anet found out - yes


    > Policy i suggested:


    > Can i put accounts on different servers now? - yes

    > Would i be in trouble if anet found out - yes


    > What identifies a multiboxer in openworld? multiboxing is allowed in openworld, same rules would apply there as in wvw.


    Big difference is: you want to make it Easier.


    Again, WvW has little left in the area of legitimacy. Don’t take the remnants.


    There is NO scenario that you can convince me that would be ‘harmless’.


    You didn’t respond to my earlier post saying:

    > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > So, to support your search for legendary items **on multiple accounts**, you want to establish the process to legitimately allow people to manipulate matchups, potentially create kill trading ease, And / or shred any remaining speck of legitimacy of WvW?


    > That kind of sum it up?


    It’s a hard no from me.

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