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Strider Pj.2193

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Posts posted by Strider Pj.2193

  1. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > * Guilds are a fun way to make a small, cozy, community of like-minded people,


    Can be.


    > * Guilds are a great way to get things done. They focus the goals of several individuals with the exclusion of distractions,

    > * I find that guilds become ghettos where community members disappear to and barely participate in the non-guild activities,


    Really poor choice of words to me. If they didn’t participate in ‘non guild activities’ then you wouldn’t see people at festivals, in WvW solo or other than guild activities, in open world activities etc.


    > * I think that Guilds take players AWAY from the community as a whole, obviously becoming a smaller entity that doesn't communicate with others,


    Within WvW it’s actually allowed me to meet more people from multiple guilds. It’s been a greater variance of backgrounds in my experience.


    > * It seems that Guilds turn inwards, becoming self-reinforcing cults, justifying their own beliefs and activities with the approval of one another and a lack of detracting voices.


    Any ‘group‘ has that potential. GW2 as an entity experiences that in regards to other games.



    > What do you think? Am I wrong or not? Let's see your comments.


    > I accept that the responses will be opinions, and that ultimately we won't come to a conclusive answer. The discussion is worth having, however, because it could help Arenanet decide whether or not to put effort into Guild-oriented content/mechanics.


    Well, they haven’t put any effort into anything guild related other than a new guild hall per expansion or a few decorations since HoT.


    I wouldn’t expect them to do anything anyway...


  2. So.. now I can only guess you are trolling. No where did I defend the toxic behavior. I made a constructive suggestion on where you may get a better response.


    Again, it’s something that is possible in the whole game, and happens in PvE. You really should post it in the general discussion thread.


    Good luck to you.

  3. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Nordic Natedog.4360" said:

    > > I'm not saying people complain about my build. I'm saying I hear people complaining about one build or another. I also see a ton of people just hanging out on siege when there is very few foes. Oh, I see 2 thieves better get on the cannon type mentality. I only posted the video of game play when you don't choose that kind of mentality.

    > >

    > > FYI, Even against full comps I do significant damage as I'm not running merely burn guard with my setup. It is full on hybrid (cele and grieving).




    > **some people defending SMC**


    That’s why they won’t push out. Most are pugs that play on EBG. And, many, if not most are not truly vested in nor familiar with WvW.


  4. > @"Mithras.2805" said:

    > **You are wrong in saying that this is the game mechanics.**


    No I am not. It’s a GW2 mechanic. Not specific to WvW or sPvP.


    I made a suggestion to you that was constructive: take this topic to ‘General Discussion’ as it is a **game wide mechanic** not specific to WvW.

  5. > @"Touchme.1097" said:

    > I think ArenaNet should bring back Dhuum ban and apply penalties to unsportsmanlike conduct in PvP modes and WvW. This kind of conduct prevents other players' enjoyment of the game and should be discouraged. In addition good conduct needs to be reinforced and better rewarded in order to **train players** to avoid toxicity.


    Yes because we are what? Dogs? Cmon now.


    Dhuum bans? Yes for hacking.


    ‘Unsportsmanlike behavior’? Really?

  6. As I stated in the other thread, why post it in WvW?


    This is a **game mechanic**.

    You aren’t going to get many ‘supportive’ responses in the PvP or the WvW section.


    Most of us who frequent those sections have little problem with in game messages or mail. In fact, many of us find it... humorous. You will find much more support in the general discussion section as, again, it’s a **game wide mechanic**

  7. I guess the whole ‘sticks and stones’ saying just doesn’t come through...


    I take it you’ve never been left to ‘bleed’ out.


    I also don’t know why you posted this in the WvW section. This is a **game mechanic**.


    PvE players can do the SAME THING.


    It’s not a WvW issue. Plus, you’d likely get a much more receptive audience for it.

  8. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > ~~The EB Breakout event NPCs aren't spawning at all now.~~

    > >

    > > ~~Red capped everything we have and now there's no Siegeraiser to help ... well I suppose it's not so important as we don't have five people anyway. ;..( ~~

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > ~~... reminds me of when [Captain Placeholder](

    ) disappeared.~~

    > >

    > >

    > > Please ignore, he finally appeared! :D


    > What is funny is in core, he was amazing, powerful, took forever to kill, and was pretty much a 100% chance to take the tower, hell, in many cases he would cap the tower on his own if only a few defenders showed.....Now, he melts and often times never even makes it to a tower. That and when you are in the position to need it, there are not 5 people on the whole map.


    > Just one more thing that has been left behind and forgotten.


    We used to trigger him in order to distract for hills... let him hit the tower, they respond and by the time they realized, you were banging on inner gate.

  9. > @"Grand Marshal.4098" said:

    > The way to dm other servers' folk is by adding them to your block list and then iirc unblocking them to dm them directly from that list. I haven't tried it cause ion care, but that's a way of doing it according to my guildies.


    This is correct. You are able to see the players account name and can then add them as a friend. Allowing you to direct message enemy’s. You can ALSO add them to your party... careful with that.



  10. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > > 2 warscore per kill. Technically, it does matter.

    > > > > > As far as spirit of competition goes, I guess some of us are playing a real estate acquisition game?

    > > > >

    > > > > I want waterfront please.

    > > >

    > > > Boardwalk is a fools gambit.

    > > > Red/yellow is the _real_ killer

    > >

    > > Orange and purple for the win.

    > >


    > Oh does money grow on trees in bgbl?


    > Edit: nvm i was thinking green/blue.

    > Filthy peasant


    We can nickel and dime with the best.


    Of course evidently not like the kings of SoS.

  11. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > 2 warscore per kill. Technically, it does matter.

    > > > As far as spirit of competition goes, I guess some of us are playing a real estate acquisition game?

    > >

    > > I want waterfront please.


    > Boardwalk is a fools gambit.

    > Red/yellow is the _real_ killer


    Orange and purple for the win.


  12. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

    > I'm on board, but only if it shows both weapon sets regardless of whether they're 1h or 2h. Then I could have four daggers strapped to me at all times. Or double hammers. Or tangled longbows.


    > "But AgentMoore.9453, that would look silly!"


    > _Yes._


    I just want all of the particle effects for ***ALL*** of the legendaries I have equipped...


    *nods*. Mhm

  13. > @"PrinceValentine.9320" said:

    > > @"Ronin.4501" said:

    > > > @"PrinceValentine.9320" said:

    > > > Oh yeah? Guess what squad brought SoS to 1st now on VP on Tier 1. Do you guys even command pugs or you're just so used to running with your guildies? People will not follow you if you're not popular. You're not popular enough for me to know you and I've been playing with SoS for some months now. I don't think anyone from your guild can even get the same number of followers that this ele commander is constantly getting, to follow you.

    > >

    > > Quickrain's not on SoS so I guess the joke's on you? Or maybe you're just a joke? For someone accusing another of being too self-important, maybe you should try being a little more self-aware?? A lot of veteran commanders pay attention to other commanders who aren't on their server. Clearly this doesn't apply to you.

    > >

    > >


    > Anything you say is not gonna change the fact that SoS is 1st now on Victory Points and that ele commander made that possible.


    > You guys saying that SoS only wins fight when they outnumber the enemies.





    And yet, pulling a .8 K/D ratio. The only server in T1 less than 1.0.




  14. > @"tippolit.3591" said:

    > > @"yoni.7015" said:

    > > I enjoy WvW. if you don’t like it just don’t play it. It’s that simple.


    > Fact is, **PvE** is geared to the lowest common denominator relative to skill. Hence the totally out of control application of conditions . .. run around in a blob, drop a young cat load of them in a general direction without really targeting anything or anyone and hope for a kill. A *redacted* could be trained to do that young cat. Anyone who thinks different is really not being honest with themselves, or anyone else for that matter. That said, if you like it, fine. but try not being dismissive of those who find fault with it.


    Fixed that for you.

  15. > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

    > what's the point of doing this if everyone just moves right after? lol




    At least at the start of the link process they didn’t announce it until reset actually happened.


    It at least prevented people that transferred from getting pips for at least 13 days from the start of the relink.


    But now, we let people know before the links take place.


    That being said, it likely leads to more transfers...

  16. > @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

    >. Seems its easier to attack, than defend, still makes no sense to me.


    Given equal numbers, it still IS easier to defend.


    But that would mean actually engaging the enemy.. Not staying on the wall


    Given a significant difference in numbers (25% or more) then the larger group has the advantage. And should. But even then, between respawns, and buffs for the structure, it’s takes quite a bit to tip the scales to an attacker.

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