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Posts posted by meeflak.9714

  1. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @zealex.9410 said:

    > > Some times i feel the playerbase does more harm to this game than any bad decision by anet.

    > >

    > > (Excluding some cases ofc towards pvp wvw but even there the playerbase will find a way to kitten themselves over.)


    > This is very true. Community is the biggest problem of this game :)


    For real... The community does more to taint the image of the game then the game does itself... It's extremely unfortunate to see all of these "fans" of the game, berate the game over the most miniscule complaints they can muster up. People who have a personal vendetta, because they feel under appreciated , or whatever it may be. Those who come into the forums to cut down the devs and the community like they do, really don't understand the harm they are actually doing.

  2. > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > > **But** what we usually have in this forum, and what op is addressing , Is lack of constructive feedback .. we have soooo many threads in this forum that are just complaints, without any sort of actual conversation points. Without hardly any constructive criticism to give, that's the problem.

    > Let's not pretend like OPs post was constructive.




    Let's not pretend that any of these threads are Constructive..... Let's not pretend like any of these threads provide actual feedback, confront actual issues, or give any genuine attempt to settle problems

  3. > @maxwelgm.4315 said:

    > Many of us are actually out there playing the content, even if at a slower pace than those more comfortable with static groups. I don't see how it's a problem to complain when Anet themselves recognize the 10-people format makes it somewhat harder to find groups. Also, if you're from EU servers take into consideration that the EU pug raiding scene is much more active (to the point that US, at times, has literally NOTHING on LFG, not even guild recruits and sellings), and EU peak hours are the best for raiding. Kitten, who knows if these people are not complaining WHILE they are waiting for their pugs to fill (I certainly do while waiting for fractals when I play out of reset hour).


    > I also don't see how it's a problem that the forums contain more complaints than anything. People will always be more vocal when they are unsatisfied, for the ones happily raiding are busy inside the game like you put it yourself.


    > It should also be considered that GW2 has little to offer in the way of guild oriented content (no GvG, guild missions getting the dungeon treatment, guild halls prohibitively expensive for tight-knit communities), and so it does look like a break from tradition when raids are released that push for guilds to group up and practice rotations. When elite zones were released in GW1 it was established that 99% of the content (including the main story that was the bread and butter of that game) was better enjoyed and easier to accomplish by being inside a guild, whereas in here we can't even access personal bank and proper merchants from our halls. Complaint about the pug availability and quality **are** to be expected, even if they are unwarranted; after all, the Raid team **is indeed** Anet's A-Team.




    There's a big difference between the issues you bring up and the General complaints on the forums.. seriously. You bring up the lack of guild content that benefits from raiding, and the problems with lfg, these are real issues absolutely and constructive feedback on these issues is always welcome


    **But** what we usually have in this forum, and what op is addressing , Is lack of constructive feedback .. we have soooo many threads in this forum that are just complaints, without any sort of actual conversation points. Without hardly any constructive criticism to give, that's the problem.

  4. > @LordOtto.2650 said:

    > Would you shut up?! I cleared from week one w5 b1 b2 b3, I even carried ppl, I did cm boss 1! I won't carry anyone on DHuum, I won't PUG it! Ever! I won't promote floating kitten, that you can't even control, it's not fun, all the effort to kill Dhuum is behind that mechanic! It's sickening! Next time read something, before you post! Ok, you wise man?!



    You can control the orb just fine. It's not even a hard mechanic... It's a linear orb grabbing mechanic, same as kc. It's honestly easy, the hardest part of it is getting to your green circle Everytime, with the soulsplit/ other mechanics. When your up there though, all you do is run into some orbs, couldn't be easier. Idk why you're complaining so heavily about this, but not xeras gliding phase, sabetha cannons, sloth mushrooms, or any other mechanic that has people who have to know a mechanic required to progress the fight

  5. > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > @FrostDraco.8306 said:

    > > Edit: All of these people claim to be of like mind. Why aren't they forming squads with each other? It's baffling to me.

    > Get a 10 people that don't like raids, and you will get a group of people that, surprise surprise, _still_ don't like raids.

    > Who would have thought?


    > Hint: getting all the complaining people together still changes absolutely nothing about raids, so i have no idea why you might think it would help with anything (except perhaps making the complains more visible).




    At least it visualizes how bloated the forum's are, with non Constructive complaints and useless criticism

  6. > @FrostDraco.8306 said:

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/Z24VgbT.png "")

    > Pretty much everytime I visit this thread, this is all I ever see.


    > No wonder people complain about getting clears. Theres more than a squads worth of raiders/fractalers complaining rather than out there clearing the raids/fractals. And this is just from the first page. Most of which were posted within the last few days.


    > Edit: All of these people claim to be of like mind. Why aren't they forming squads with each other? It's baffling to me.


    All these people ARE like minded, that's why they're all content with making ridiculous complaints rather then playing the content...

  7. THIS SO MUCH........ And hardly any of these threads are constructive in any way.... It's absolute nonsense.read these threads and the things they complain about. It's hardly constructive, and always close minded, one sided and completely disconnected from any of the actual problems in the game..


    It's disheartening to come in here and see this crap all the time...these people making this wild complaints are doing more to hurt the raiding community then anyone else =/

  8. It's your own problem, you admit to this yet post a thread complaining about raids...


    You admit it's not a raids problem, but here you are complaining anyway....don't blame the raids man...don't say raids are making you sick of gw. If you don't like it, then don't play it, if you feel like your burning yourself out, then take a break, but don't blame the content.



    This forum space is filled with people who make irrelevant complaint about raids, and arenanets hard work simply based off their own problems.it's really exausting.


    You enjoy the content or you don't and if you don't, then don't play it. If you're coming here to provide constructive criticism then please do, but blaming raids like this, is not constructive, it doesn't add any value to discussion =/





  9. Raids are definitely worth doing, not only for the rewards but for the experience. Some of the best mechanics in the game are in raids, and it's always exciting to get your first kill on a new boss =) what you have to look out for of course is the groups. Make sure you get understand a groups expectations when you join, if you join an experienced group when you're not experienced you can expect them to get upset. Look for training runs and try to find a group of people that's willing to teach! Training runs are posted in lfg pretty often. I know I see them usually everyday, for various bosses.theres training runs, semi exp runs, runs for fun, don't get too discouraged by a fee negative experiences. Raids are what you make of them so make sure you understand that =) there's alot of general negativity in the community towards raids , they definitely impact's new raider's opinions, don't let they get to you !! Hop in and have fun !

  10. Idk why you're blaming arenanet... How do so many threads like this get put up in raids/fractals .....like what are you even complaining about? If you were Truely doing bad at greens (sounds like you were) then practice, and you won't get kicked. If the commander was just a toxic waste, then it doesn't matter how good you are, you'll probably be kicked. In either case it's not anets fault though...


    What does this ridiculous thread accomplish? Selling raids is a whole separate issue intirely, but it's not the reason you're bad at greens or the reason you're comms a toxic leader..


  11. Gw2 is such a good MMO with all the perfect systems in place to have a life as long as WOW, if there advertising was better though... For real...


    I'd like to see this game run that long ,then when gw2 has finally reached the end of it's life ( plz not for at least another 8 ish years) I'd like to see arenanet move on to something new

  12. > @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

    > Skill effect slider was promised some time before HoT. And it was not even that bad back then. Guess making sure that players can see is not a priority.


    I play on a potato six year old PC.. it's really not that big of an issue, idk why it's being over dramatized so hard.


    Can it by annoying? Yea it can, sometimes the blues at VG are hard to see, they spawn on a cycle and have alittle audio queue. There's more then enough time to react.

  13. ??? just watch a guide man. The indicators aren't invisible obviously, if people clear it daily. There's visial queues, audio queues, time metrics, there enough tell's in the game for every mechanic that you should be able to figure it out


    If you feel like you can't learn while dying, just watch a guide or join a training. There's plenty of both .


    This is just another thread complaining about a non issue in raids, asking for anet to Change them to cater to you...

  14. /sigh.......there's four tiers, if you can't do tier 4. Do tier 3, and so on until you hit a tier you can manage. Then practice, and work your way back up to tier 4. It's not even hard. Anets not on drugs. No developer has a twisted mind. They are doing a really good job building new fractals, and bringing in new mechanics to make the fractals more engaging, hardly something to complain about.

  15. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > @Henry.5713 said:

    > > You sound so bitter. I feel sorry for you for whatever happened to you during your time raiding in other games.


    > It was like recovering from a drug addiction, I didn't realize how really bad it was when I was doing it, but over time, it dawns on you, how truly heinous and devoid of social grace some of these people are. They are this embodiment of Juvenal delinquent mentality where the feel fully entitled to ridicule anyone and everyone for not playing they way they think the game should be played. I put up with it all for the sake of some digital bauble, I turned a blind eye to it, and in some cases I even justified it. Most likely said many of the same things you are saying today.


    > But it's not healthy, it's Like doing drugs, It's impossible to explain to someone how really bad it is when they are addicted, how much it really ruins the game and the community, how truly damaging it is, and everyone in the raid community, either, will turn a blind eye or justify their actions. Much in the same way Alcoholics will always deny they have a problem and justify their drinking.


    > It is, what it is.


    > Maybe one day, you will realize it.. maybe not.


    Not everyone in the raiding community has these problems though =/ that's the thing. There can he toxicity in all aspects of the game, and there always will be. People rage over failed metas, people rage over a PvP lose. People rage over raids. Not everyone is toxic and the raiding community as a whole shouldnt be look at as being toxic because of the outliers, or a some preconceptions you may have from past experiences =( you know what I mean ? I absolutely love the people Ive met through raids. Not all of them of course, there are those too toxic to bear. But many many people I've met are fun, lovable gamer's like anyone else. It's really really unfair to judge the whole community so heavily. We're just having fun man

  16. > @zealex.9410 said:

    > Is it bad for 1 boss to be abit too hard for pugs? I mean it being on the same lvl defeat the the whole idea of progressing and demotivates new ppl to stick with raids.


    It won't be too hard for pugs though, it's harder for pugs but it's killable. People will clear it more successfully in time.


    **But on that note** can we get a dev response to how they feel the raid turned out as a whole ? Personally it feels like one of the best crafted wings, and the bosses are alot of fun ( I haven't finished dhuum but gotten pretty close ) was balance where you wanted it to be ? Are you satisfied with the final boss ?


    I'd love to see some Dev feedback on it =) ?

  17. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > > > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > > > > @Kenny.5826 said:

    > > > > > > why not embrace the challenge and have a sense of accomplishment when you finally down a/that boss. Feel like the hero you were meant to be by bring down your enemy.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > **Truth?**

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Because after over a decade of raiding, I never felt like the hero.. I always felt like a rat in a maze. Raids were always more a grind-chore then a challenge where I was forced to constantly deal with people I didn't like and attitudes I can't stand.. I bit my tongue to all kinds of douchebagery all in the quest to grind out some stupid bit of loot just to remain top tier, for no other reason then to keep viable in raiding community.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I would much sooner quit this game, then ever go back to playing like that **again**.

    > > > >

    > > > > And here you are again in another thread, comparing gw2 raids to other games......it's....not....the....same....game.......

    > > > >

    > > > > Whatever game you played before, whatever experiences you've had, are completely irrelevant when talking about raids in gw2.. gw2 had no gear treadmill, gw2 isn't a grind for gear stats to win kind of game.. you can raid in exotics and never look back. And even then ascended is just one step up and easily obtainable in the raids themselves.. you're not going to have to grind for months to gear re gear your toon every expansions.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > The more I read your posts throughout the threads in this forum the more it becomes clear you don't understand how raids in gw2 work. You should really take the time to do some research before spreading negativity around the forums

    > > >

    > > > LOL, reality check, YOU the Players, **are all the same**, the game itself is irrelevant. Just because the mechanics of the raid a little different, does not change the elitist toxic mentality behind those that play it.

    > > >

    > > > If it did.. 'be a little more accepting.. but I have the read the same tripe you are saying today 10 years ago on another games forums.. **Always the same**.

    > >

    > > The vast majority of us aren't toxic. I'm not, the community I surround myself with are not. But here you are calling the whole raiding community toxic. Cutting them down. You're mindset, you're attitude, is what's toxic in this forums. More toxic then most raider's I know. You're the only one to blame for your bad attitude, move past the people who you disagree with, move past the people you find toxic.. make the experience what you want it to be.stop coming into the forums to offer nothing but negativity


    > Sure you're not.. I'd said the same thing myself for years.


    > Here is the truth, you only want this game mode so you can feel better then other people. If everyone could raid, it would lose it's shine and you and yours would cry for something else to set yourself apart as better then the unwashed masses.


    > You call me Toxic because I want a game that is inclusive.. how wrong and bad of me to feel that everyone should be able to find their own journey and enjoy the game fully at their own pace. Yes, how wrong of me to want to include people, how toxic of me to want everyone to have fun.. I am such a horrible person for that, at least.. I am to people like you...


    Wow dude calm yourself. I never callled you toxic for the reasons you described . I called you toxic for well, being toxic. Your negative attitude, your close minded approach to conversation, and your impolite way of speaking to people. I don't care if you don't raid. Raider's aren't better then the rest of the community, because as I've said the whole community can raid if they so choose, and I'd continue to raid no matter how many people were able to clear it simply because it's the most engaging content in gw for me. The combat in this game is really fun, and raids do the best at stressing all areas of combat.


    I never once said including others is bad, I never said you're a horrible person. I never said anyone's better then anyone. Don't put words in my mouth.


    There's not much reason to keep responding to your you've done this same thing over many threads, and there's no use. You'll never look past your own negativity. This will be my last response to you on this subject.

  18. > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > > > @STIHL.2489 said:

    > > > > @Kenny.5826 said:

    > > > > why not embrace the challenge and have a sense of accomplishment when you finally down a/that boss. Feel like the hero you were meant to be by bring down your enemy.

    > > >

    > > > **Truth?**

    > > >

    > > > Because after over a decade of raiding, I never felt like the hero.. I always felt like a rat in a maze. Raids were always more a grind-chore then a challenge where I was forced to constantly deal with people I didn't like and attitudes I can't stand.. I bit my tongue to all kinds of douchebagery all in the quest to grind out some stupid bit of loot just to remain top tier, for no other reason then to keep viable in raiding community.

    > > >

    > > > I would much sooner quit this game, then ever go back to playing like that **again**.

    > >

    > > And here you are again in another thread, comparing gw2 raids to other games......it's....not....the....same....game.......

    > >

    > > Whatever game you played before, whatever experiences you've had, are completely irrelevant when talking about raids in gw2.. gw2 had no gear treadmill, gw2 isn't a grind for gear stats to win kind of game.. you can raid in exotics and never look back. And even then ascended is just one step up and easily obtainable in the raids themselves.. you're not going to have to grind for months to gear re gear your toon every expansions.

    > >

    > >

    > > The more I read your posts throughout the threads in this forum the more it becomes clear you don't understand how raids in gw2 work. You should really take the time to do some research before spreading negativity around the forums


    > LOL, reality check, YOU the Players, **are all the same**, the game itself is irrelevant. Just because the mechanics of the raid a little different, does not change the elitist toxic mentality behind those that play it.


    > If it did.. 'be a little more accepting.. but I have the read the same tripe you are saying today 10 years ago on another games forums.. **Always the same**.


    The vast majority of us aren't toxic. I'm not, the community I surround myself with are not. But here you are calling the whole raiding community toxic. Cutting them down. You're mindset, you're attitude, is what's toxic in this forums. More toxic then most raider's I know. You're the only one to blame for your bad attitude, move past the people who you disagree with, move past the people you find toxic.. make the experience what you want it to be.stop coming into the forums to offer nothing but negativity

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