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Posts posted by meeflak.9714

  1. Alot of suggestions assume 1healer, I'm pretty sure two healers will be pretty standard, 2druids. 1druid1tempest. 1druid1rev. Whatever it will be.


    What am I missing with all the one healer suggestions I've seen. I'm pretty sure pugs will still run two healers

  2. > @Zlater.6789 said:

    > > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > > > New Meta is going to be Druid, Chronomancer x2, Soulbeast, Condi DPS Warrior, Fill x 5.

    > > >

    > > > From initial testing, it appears as though all DPS builds have been brought down to 30k DPS. Might-stacking builds (cPS, Renegade, Scourge, Deadeye) are around 26k DPS.

    > >

    > > Who's filling the second heal spot? Pretty sure that soulbeast isn't required and it'll be a healer rev/temp


    > Who said you needed mirror comp? I think it would be a 5-4-1 setup with druid taking the 1 spot. something like:


    > Chrono-soul beast-dps-dps-dps

    > Chrono-warrior-dps-dps

    > Druid


    > In this comp, a soul beast would definitely use "leader of the pack" to share "one wolf pack" to the 3 dedicated dps. At least that's what I think @"Mikeskies.1536" is saying here. Can you confirm that?





    Seems more appropriate to me, are we going to put all the healing on one druid ?


    Sure add a soulbeast in somewhere, but I'm pretty sure we'll need a second healer

  3. > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

    > New Meta is going to be Druid, Chronomancer x2, Soulbeast, Condi DPS Warrior, Fill x 5.


    > From initial testing, it appears as though all DPS builds have been brought down to 30k DPS. Might-stacking builds (cPS, Renegade, Scourge, Deadeye) are around 26k DPS.


    Who's filling the second heal spot? Pretty sure that soulbeast isn't required and it'll be a healer rev/temp

  4. ****> @Aetatis.5418 said:

    > as i mentioned in another thread, shroud is now the dmg GS has been before the patch (with grace of the land... which is gone now). and GS is slightly behind it.


    > full buffed on golem shroud: 28.5k dps

    > full buffed GS: 27.7k dps


    > however, i am still trying to figure out a rotation that uses more shroud, more high dmg cd's and stuff


    That's actually a good number considering every class dropped like 4k dps

  5. Challenge modes in "the most challenging content" in gw is redundant and shouldn't have been included imo. You're making raids to be top tier challenging content, so just make them the top tier challenging content. It doesn't make much sense to me to intentionally balance a boss to be easier just to add a challenge mode to make it harder when difficult encounters are already the design goal. I personally hope to not see more CMs and to instead see that development time used towards fine tuning mechanics and balance in the bosses,baseline.


    The devs have stated they ran out of time balancing w4 bosses, but felt like they had CMs balanced well. Why? Just put that effort into balancing the boss and the mechanics

  6. > @Talindra.4958 said:

    > > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > > > @Sephylon.4938 said:

    > > > We'll see once the next raid wings are released. My guess is new leg armor skins and some new wepon skins or something along those lines.

    > >

    > > Unfortunately they said they have no intention on making new legendary armor sets


    > No intention of making new leg armour doesn't mean no intention to improve current to make it more shinny and attractive right :p :p :)


    We can dream =(

  7. I don't like PvP, and I don't go complaining in PvP forum's about how I don't like it and it should be more fun for me


    I don't like WvW and I don't go complaining in WvW forums about how I don't like it and it should be more fun for me.


    Why do people insist on coming in to complain about content they don't care to play


    Not every piece of the game will suit every player in the game, and you shouldn't expect it to. Arenanet made raids to be that they are, and they are using thrrr development time to reach their goals, instead of trying to cater to a part of the community that doesn't want to experience the content the way it was meant to be delivered


    Also... You can pug raids quite easily, you don't need to run qt builds if you know what you're doing in the fights




    Raids just take a desire to learn and adapt. They require a level of enthusiasm and dedication to the content. The player has to have a sense of commitment to learning the fight and their class.


    The people who don't want to do these things aren't going to make use of arenanets development time, because raids aren't for them and that's totally okay, just as I wont make use of their development time in PvP. The content is there for those that want it, if you feel like you want it enough to complain about it, I'd recommend putting that effort in to learning the fights.if you don't feel like doing that, well then . You probably don't want it to begin with


    I'm sorry if this comes off as snobby or I'm coming off as a jerk. But these threads grow exausting and coming into the forums to appreciate the content arenanet has made is always spoiled by people who want the content remade to suit them



    Ily I'm sorry I ranted <3

  8. It brings a more engaging style of play to a healing class, skills are fun to use and gaining astral force seems properly tuned. Staff skills are alot of fun and have very specific uses, there's always somewhere where you'll use them. I've been very please with druid since HoT launch and I think anet will have a pretty hard time ever making a better healing spec on the other classes lol

  9. There's so much to do in this game, honestly. What has worked for me since the launch of the game, is taking the area's about gw I like best and building a goal around them. For me I shared your love for the combat system, so when I started at launch I made it my goal to finish all dungeons all paths. Then as the game grew I just set new goals around the areas of the game I liked best. Tier four fractals, raids, learning new classes, ect. That's what im doing now, finishing my legendary armor and trying to learn all classes and roles in raids



    Im sure you'll be able to find something you love to do in the game if you try to set a goal for yourself around the areas you like most.

    For story maybe you can play through the beginning of the personal stories on all the races so you can see all the race specific personal story segments, or take a sylvari through the heart of thorns story. Go for the achievements in the expansion stories.


    Im not sure where your experience is in end game combat for gw, but maybe try shooting for higher level fractals and raiding. Raiding has some amazimg story to it as well so you get alittle bit of both worlds and is definitely worth checking out if you haven't.


    Setting goals in this game has kept me playing since September 2012 and im sure it'll help you out too.

  10. > @zealex.9410 said:

    > > @CptAurellian.9537 said:

    > > > @Maunzi.3764 said:

    > > > >What I really wanted to address here is the belief that you need full ascended to raid, this is just not true.

    > > >

    > > > Caveat: If you want to join pugs, yes, you need at least full ascended weapons, or they WILL kick you for poor performance. (well, at least if the group wipes. If they don't, you might be fine)

    > >

    > > Ascended weapons are probably a good idea (at least for power builds), because they have a comparably high influence on your damage due to the buff in weapon strength. No other single item gives a 5% boost of your total damage over exotics. For most condi builds, however, it's probably negligible.


    > Yeah but getting asc viper stuff is Kitten

    An easier way to get ascended vipers armor /weapons is to change stats on a different set type

  11. > @Maunzi.3764 said:

    > >What I really wanted to address here is the belief that you need full ascended to raid, this is just not true.


    > Caveat: If you want to join pugs, yes, you need at least full ascended weapons, or they WILL kick you for poor performance. (well, at least if the group wipes. If they don't, you might be fine)


    I cannot think of a single training pug that kicked people for running a proper exotic build. And I addressed that if you know your class and rotations well you'll be okay training in exotic, so you shouldn't be kicked for poor performance, should you.. my message was geared towards someone looking for training and I tried to emphasize that you'll need to know your class and rotations

  12. There are multiple discord servers and guilds that train new players, but don't be afraid to check lfg from time to time and jump into training raids as you find them , they come up often enough (I run some myself) and most of the people running them are well informed and will help you learn the fight. Lfg isn't the best tool for beginners but it's a tool non the less.


    It's always a good idea to watch some guides beforehand so you can get a feel for what you're getting into.


    What I really wanted to address here is the belief that you need full ascended to raid, this is just not true. What's more important when you first start raiding is that you know your class, and you know your rotation. These play a much bigger role in your dps then your gear does, and if you're well practiced in your class you'll be able to hold your own just fine in a full set of exotics. When I run training groups I only require exotics and a good understanding of your class.


    Qtfy is an amazing tool to learn both your classes rotation, and gearing path, but don't be afraid to go for exotics while learning. Just keep the build proper =)

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