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Posts posted by meeflak.9714

  1. Positives: =) =)

    -Mounts, which seemed like a foreign idea in gw2, were implemented so flawlessly that they instantly felt they belonged in a game that strives so hard to break conventions


    -map design is amazing, should be considered an industry standard for amazing world building


    -story seems to be maturing, and the delivery of story through instanced content and ambient lore is amazing


    Negatives: :'( :'(

    -elite specs can feel alittle too niche, spell breaker/mirage


    -i agree PoF doesn't need metas, but a lack of epic open world encounters is slightly disappointing. I'm sure there's a balance somewhere that would please both crowds without invalidating HoT.

  2. I know you can get HoT stat selectable gear. Selectable ascended pieces are in abundance In raids. But I do not know for sure if you can select those stats not owning heart of thorns. Personally I'd be more inclined to say you can but again, I'm not sure. I'm sure there's an answer out there and I'll give a look around for it.


    Side note, berserker ranger is not in a good place, but will be fine for open world roaming in pve

  3. They are both different flavors of maps is all. When you enter a jungle you expect to see twisted mazes of trees and vines, when you enter a desert you expect to see slow rolling landscape and vast areas.


    I personally feel both HoT and PoF maps do an amazing job at getting the feel for the area across. You really feel like your in a tangled jungle in heart of thorns and I loved that about it.


    Exploring heart of thorns maps and path of fire maps are equally amazing but completely different experiences for me, and I think that's a pretty amazing accomplishment. I wouldn't say"never go back to HoT maps" if you are entering the jungle it should feel like it, and I think they did a good job at delivering that feeling to us.


    Just as the jungle feel like the jungle, the desert feels like the desert, both were different products aimed at a different type of environment and a different type of exploration. Because of that I feel it's hard to draw criticism over heart of thorns based on what path of fire brings in terms of exploration, because they weren't designed to give the same experience.


    Both the expansions maps were amazing to me, and really did an amazing job at demonstrating the feeling you should get when visiting the jungle or the desert.


    So please, if the biom calls for it, bring back the twisted mazes of landscapes or the vast open areas, so long as they are as emersive and real as both heart of thorns and path of fire are

  4. > @Quarktastic.1027 said:

    > I don't understand the min/max crowd. Boasting their dps numbers on a target that doesn't move or fight back. This build is great...if your target is a punching bag. In real world scenarios I wonder how a build like this would fare against other condi builds, especially those that don't depend on flanking or on your enemy standing in traps/bonfire.


    Yea no one is boasting man... It's to help the community compare builds and damage outputs.. every build in the game is going to lose some dps in real encounters. The golem is meant to test what a build can do, and then the players have to take it and put it into practice in a real situation.. there's not a single build out there that isn't effected by a bosses movement.. but in all honesty, this build isn't effected all that much. Just like condi ranger, when that was extremely good in raids, you won't have to worry too much about flanking or traps If you know the mechanics. Tanks control where the boss faces , where the boss moves, you'll be able to flank in most situations. You'll be able to place your traps and bonfires well in most situations. You'll still be able to hit similar numbers in most situations.

  5. > @Mirta.5029 said:

    > > @Epphyx.5078 said:

    > > Yep some other game would force you to buy the expansion to be able to play your fractals...

    > > Anet prefers not to.

    > > I personnaly prefer Anet's way of doing business


    > However the expansion pack released with no new fractals up front. I do not know how worth 3 fractals would be every 2 years if you buy the expansion "pass". That being said, currently there's no incentive for your vanilla fans that loved collecting dungeon sets, dungeons and did some fractals to come back and buy Path of Fire.


    It doesn't matter if the expansion was released with new fractals up front, don't you get that ? Because the new fractals would not require you buy POF.

    Fractals are not connected to expansions in anyway. They could launch 50 new fractals at the same time as PoF and you would still have no incentive to buy it.

  6. > @zealex.9410 said:

    > > @StickerHappy.8052 said:


    > >



    > Mirage needed more.


    > @zealex.9410 said:

    > > @StickerHappy.8052 said:


    > >



    > Mirage needed more.


    We needed bug fixes. And QoL. Other elites got reworks to fix how clunky they felt. Mirage. Firebrand... We got nothing to address the clunky feeling of beast mode and we got nothing to address our bugs. You know. Like.. not getting your own buff's when using your own skills...


    This is assuming that if they were included fixes they would have been addressed in this post, which I'm sure they would have.


    We did get a maul nerf though

  7. > @"Substance E.4852" said:

    > lol just noticed druid changes are also inbound.


    > InB4 Druid gets hit with hard nerfs to make the nothingburger that is Soulbeast look more appetizing.


    > In all seriousness though, Druid is in a perfectly comfy spot right now. Any changes to it are almost certainly going to be some kind of nerf.


    My hope is this.. elite specs are designed to fill specific roles for the classes. So druid, being a healing /buffing class, shouldn't see nerfs to make soulbeast look better because that's not the role soulbeast is trying to fill.


    Nerfing the support elite spec doesn't effect the dps(lul) elite spec


    A possibility though is nerfing core ranger since it's what would compete with soulbeast

  8. > @Daniel.5428 said:

    > I picked Deimos because, for me, was a challenging and a cool fight. I like W4 because it remembers me of the Dark Souls series and, for me, Deimos had a really cool design. And he had the last item I needed for the legendary armor, of course, so first time I defeated it I was very happy.


    I'm in the "wing four was alittle too easy" crowd, but deimos is pretty awesome, and I absolutely agree. Wing 4s design is amazing. The art in that wing is just nuts. The design of the prison, the boss models, it all looks sooooo good lol.

  9. Was a hard choice between xera and sabetha. Both of these fights require so much team coordination and personal responsibility. I love the added layers of environmental mechanics like cannons and the real fight in xera, gliding lol. These fights really keep you on your toes and really do the best job at keeping everyone in the raid team worried about all mechanics at all times.everyones got a role to fill or a job to do, but these to fights do the best at keeping the whole party engaged in what everyone else is doing, great design!


    Edit: my rankings go

    Sabetha>xera>sloth>deimos>Matthias>samarog>KC>cairn>Vale gaurdian>gorse>MO


    I did my best to rank them but I love them all =) they are all fun


  10. > @BadSanta.6527 said:

    > > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > > > @ProtoMarcus.7649 said:

    > > > For raids I have a hard time seeing how Soulbeast can replace druid

    > > >

    > > > For fractals, it loses a bit of team buff but the self DPS should be higher

    > > >

    > > > Still feel Druid would be best in fractals too

    > >

    > > I won't replace druid ofc but elite specs aren't designed to replace each other. The hope should be it's a good enough dps option to earn a place in raids


    > no one talking about replace , we are talking about an alternative but idont think soul beast can be an alternative for ranger and ican see teams asking from ranger player to switch to druids


    I responded to a specific comment... Where it says " for raids I have a hard time seeing how soulbeast can replace druid" so I said " it won't replace druid ofc" do you need more context?


    Edit: people will ask you to play druid if they need a druid.. I was saying. The hope is soul beast will work as a dps option...

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