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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @"Stoneheart.6547" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Look at Heart of Thorns at release, the devs listened far too much to the vocal minority that demanded harder content. It proving to be super difficult for the casuals to deal with. Only now after significant nerfs to HoT, the difficulty increase is much better.

    > >

    > > Though Path of Fire is paced much better, having more room to maneuver in. As well getting rid of the multilayered mess of the hot maps that added to the confusion and turned off many players.

    > >

    > > So no, GW2 do not need higher difficulty. Thats what challenge motes is for in fractals.


    > I was talking about the base game, not expansions. **I think the base game could be modified a little to increase the challenging content for everyone**, not only for players who have bought the expansions, and also, I was talking about the difficulty from the start, not at the endgame. It doesn't need to be impossible to solo, all basic content could be soloable but more challenging, like old school MMORPG's.


    Not everyone wants that though.

  2. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Arioch.6507" said:

    > > > @"Taurid.1753" said:

    > > > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

    > > > > Wasting tons of dev work on a mount designed for a single map? Really unlikely.

    > > >

    > > > While the scale is much smaller than a mount, that didn't stop them from locking LW3 masteries to the maps they are used on and no where else.

    > >

    > > except for that gliding everywhere else.


    > Gliding is a HoT mastery, not LS3.

    > LS3 masteries were

    > * Counter Magic special action: small use outside LS3 maps.

    > * Thermal Tubes: Only LS3

    > * Koda's Flame: Only *that map*.

    > * Spectral Agony: All PvE

    > * Oakheart's Reach: Only that map **And Guild Halls**

    > * Siren's Harmony (or whatever it was called) Only that map.


    > So 3 map-locked, 1 over several maps, 1 semi-wide and 1 gamewide.


    Just adding a slight correction in bold. :)

  3. I see the MMO experience as more like going to the city. Yeah, you're going to see a _lot_ of other people, but you're not going to interact with 99.8% of them.


    I'm glad I can spend hours doing my own thing. I'm glad I don't _have_ to depend on others to get something done, but at the same time, I'm also glad people jump in and help me take down that open world champion that I needed for an achievement (like what happened last night). I'm glad to have multiple guilds to ask for help if I really need something and to socialize with. And most of all, I'm _really glad_ I have the option to solo or group up.





  4. > @"Elemag.2364" said:

    > The iron ore and the logs are in my inventory. Tried to sell them at a TP or elsewhere, doesn't work.


    As two posters suggested above, check and see if these items are in an invisible bag. If they are, move them to a different bag. You can check to see if you have an invisible bag by hovering your mouse over your bag slots.

  5. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

    > > > > I'm seriously too depressed to be angry or disappointed.

    > > > >

    > > > > I will say this though, this game ran a lot better when MO was at the wheel. Lets look at MO's track record perfectly executed LW Season 3 with a fast turn around time on Path of Fire.

    > > > >

    > > > > Mike Z, Episode 2 late, Episode 3 might as well be my pizza that was already 2 hours late and got delivered to the wrong house.

    > > >

    > > > So we are getting longer episodes, better quality episodes (s3 was an inconsistent mish mash), a realisation that this requires a bit more time to make and to quash bugs....and this is meant to representing poor direction?

    > > >

    > > > It is a few weeks late to keep the quality up. This is a good thing.

    > > >

    > > > I just cant fathom complaints over content being slightly longer in lead times (by a miniscule amount no less) in an industry where pretty much every major product gets delayed.

    > >

    > > I think the issue with this statement is that people are going to expect the next episode to be much more than what it might end up being. The longer it takes for this "quality" the more people are going to expect. Might have just been better to say that it was delayed because of new tech, or just said it was delayed and given us a teaser of some stuff in the episode they know will actually make it into the game. Instead we have a post saying they're pushing it back because they want it to be better quality and then silence for weeks. What happens when this episode releases and there are 10 or 15 bugs? Like a collection item achievement that can't be completed because some events are bugged, or an event that doesn't spawn, or a story instance that disconnects repeatedly? People are going to be expecting a bugless pristine patch and it's an unrealistic expectation that they've almost set for themselves by statements like this.

    > >

    > > I honestly don't think people would be as impatient if they had posted little teasers here and there or a general timeframe. But given no timeframe and no update on where the episode is currently at or teasers it's completely within reason that the patch may not hit until august or later. Even next year. "Delayed for quality" and "on the horizon" doesn't say anything other than the fact that the episode is being worked on. For all we know they started on the episode 5 minutes after that post.

    > >

    > > Not saying they did or didn't, but 2 out of the 3 episodes this living season has been delayed and the amount of bugs with collection items and lack of large events/fractal/raids last episode, I can understand the skepticism.

    > >

    > > It's great the we supposedly have this huge multi-million player influx of people briefly switching over from a failed mmo-launch because of one apparently monumentally influential youtube person and 15 posts a day about how amazing the game is from possibly more than one account, but for the veteran players who have a lot more invested in the game and will stick around after the "refugees" have either stayed or moved on to the next big craze the wait is getting a bit tiresome.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > To be honest, I would guess/expect most of the veterans not to be overly bothered (or even notice) by the wait. It's no great length of time of time by a long way and even if people dip out to play others things, they will return and play the episode to its fullest. I can't see any change to that for most people whether the episode takes 2 months or 4 months.


    > Could there be teaser pics every now and again to breed excitement and speculation? I wouldn't argue against that at all, that's a sound idea and suggestion, but we aren't in a territory at the moment which is anywhere close to being problematic for the health of the game which some others allude to.


    I'm certainly not bothered, and I have a large amount of things to do in the game. I don't understand these complaints above about how there's nothing to do in between episodes.

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