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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. Considering I didn't start playing this game until March 2015 (I was still very active in the original game until then), I would have NO account if the server was reset to OPs date.


    Not only that, I don't want to lose all the work I put into my account.


    A very solid *_NO!_*

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > If ANet is going to do any work at all on a new festival, I'd rather that they do more work and introduce a new festival (or reintroduce one or more of the one-time festivals, e.g. Queen's Jubilee). I like Wintersday a lot, but partly because it's special to December and it's short-lived. If it were available 6 weeks/year instead of 3, it would be 2/3 the fun, not twice as good.


    You're starting to sound like a Baggins. :)


    I hadn't considered the other festivals like the Queen's Jubilee and the Bazaar of Four Winds. I like those ideas for a summer festival even better.

  3. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > I will snerk so hard when build templates finally get introduced, and all the people who wanted them so badly start complaining that they're not satisfied. Like Fleshy's signature says: _"Be careful what you wish for..."_


    > Wise devs would present possible build templates implementation and ask customers for feedback before releasing them as a surprise gift and create more problems than solve in the process.


    Agreed, but this is Anet we're talking about.

  4. > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

    > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > TERA is also for 12+ years old people and in TERA, you can buy lingerie and potions in which that lingerie is visible for everyone, so yeah...


    > In TERA you cant play as a rat-goblin asura though (no Popori and Elin are not comparable) so yeah....


    But you _can_ play as a hairless ape....oops I mean "human".

  5. > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

    > So you want a winter/Christmas themed festival to take place in July? I mean, I appreciate that you like the game modes that come with Wintersday, but this just seems a bit silly. If you're gonna do that, why not start demanding people to celebrate Christmas in July?


    It's Wintersday, not Christmas which doesn't exist in Tyria. Also, they did it in Guild Wars, why not Guild Wars 2?

  6. > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

    > > @"sakura.7961" said:

    > > Discord is also a textchat, not just a voicechat. You can use it without mic and sound.


    > It feels like I am going have pressure to talk on the mic. I don't like talking through a headset or mic. I like writing.


    I don't use a mic, yet I chat with my guild on Discord. In fact, most of us rarely use the voice portion. We mainly use Discord for out of game chatting.

  7. > @"Morsheira.6102" said:

    > Blocking is only effective on the speech portion. It doesn't stop them from standing on top of you with their mounts. It doesn't stop them from spamming weapon skills (Which has audio effect too.) It doesn't stop them from doing every visibly distracting and immersion breaking thing they can think of. Yes ignoring them works to an extent, but there really should be consequences for peoples actions. The reason why trolling of RPers is such a problem (in this game and others) is because very few companies will ever do anything against people harassing RPers. If there were actually consequences, the amount of trolling would most certainly drop.

    > And to the person saying just RP in Party? Why should I have to 'hide' and keep my gameplay (because it is a form of gameplay) to a private channel and everyone else can spam everywhere else out however they want? RPers have just as much a place in MMO's as anyone else. Also, the Trolls will specifically go to places like the cities etc to disrupt larger scale events. So why should entire communities be forced to 'hide' because people cannot show basic respect?

    > Bottom line is, there needs to be more people can do to report those who are harassing RPers. And GM's need to start taking it more seriously.


    Thank you! _~claps_



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