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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

    > Only sittable chairs I could find so far are the ones you place in the guild hall. Been running around to a bunch of places looking


    My guild mates and I have found many sittable chairs in Lion's Arch, Divinity's Reach, and Rata Sum. For Lion's Arch, try the chairs in the Crow's Nest, the Cave Bar nearby, and the Vigil Bar near the fractal/WvW portals.


    For Divinity's Reach try the various bars and enterable houses in Salma, Rurikton, and Western Commons.


    For Rata Sum, try in the lower areas, and your home instance, at the top of the pyramid you face when you enter.


    EDIT: You can also do some (but not all) emotes while sitting!

  2. I can see it now.


    You find yourself racing towards that boss, trying to get to it so you can complete your achievement, or get that much needed collection item. Your're almost there, you can see the fight, and right as you get within range to tag it, a ranger uses Longbow No. 4, and launches your much needed boss off a cliff. Unfortunately, you can't kill that ranger, and they just laugh at your frustration.

  3. 1. **Is the new open world content supposed to be this hard or am I just undergeared?** - I'm going to go ahead and say that it might be a combination of both. Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire were both designed with level 80 characters in mind.

    2. **Which classes/specs are the easiest for the open world to gather up Masteries e.t.c.** - I'd say this is subjective. For me, I pretty much did everything with my power reaper and she did ok gaining experience. You might like another class.

    3. **Where do I start with gearing up? I know I should aim for ascended gear but where do I start with that?** - I'll leave that for someone else with better experience than me to answer.

    4. **I've never done fractals, do I need to gear up more or is there some other preperation i should be doing before jumping into tier 1's? How long do fractals usually take? I don't have a whole lot of time to play and setting aside large amounts of time ca be difficult for me.** - I'll leave that for someone else with better experience than me to answer.

    5. **Is there any easy ways to make gold? i remember it being very difficult to make gold when I played before.** - I'd say getting gold is easy, all you have to do is play the game. However there are many ways to get gold faster. The method is different for everyone.


    Not a complete answer, but I home some of it helps. We're glad you came back. :)

  4. > @"Vrita.7846" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > I think the rest of us are going to need some context, because otherwise, this thread makes no sense.


    > During Fractals of the Mists there are these things called "Instabilities" that add a mechanic to the fractal. Last Laugh is one of many instabilities you can get for a fractal. Basically what Last Laugh does is whenever you kill a mob, summoned or not, they explode knocking you back and dealing damage. During trash heavy encounters, you can find yourself chain cced cause getting hit by multiple explosions with knock you back multiple times. Today's fractal dailies were pretty bad cause they were all trash heavy.


    Thanks for the explanation. Wow that sounds horrendous! :o

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