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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

    > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > Mind telling me some of the things they did?


    > The April Fool event for 2015 involved the aviator joke. This is where everything turn brownish on screen, and your character would run around with their arms extended and make airplane sounds.


    > Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/April_Fools%27_Day_2015


    > Unfortunately, a few days prior, someone hijacked a commercial airliner and it crashed. I'll not get into the morbid details, but some felt the joke was in poor taste given the recent tragedy. Of course, this was totally beyond ANet's control, but people got upset about it regardless because . . . well . . . people. It got so bad that ANet even issued an apology.


    > And ever since then, the April Fool events have been absent as far as in-game.








    I distinctly remember that. And thanks to people like that, and the people who were all "but muh character looks weird with arms stuck out", ANET will probably never have a April Fool's event again. Gee, thanks complainers! :/

  2. From Dulfy:


    > The events seems to rotate between maps in this sequence:

    >Metrica Province –> Caldeon Forest –> Queensdale –> Gendarran Fields –> Plains of Ashford –> Wayfarer Foothills.



    And yeah, you DO need to be fast, as the mobs don't seem to scale well, and even the "Champions" seem to die quick, leaving many players unable to even get a tag it.

  3. $25 for a single skin is absurd. @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" is right. 700~1000 gems for a regular outfit (which is really 10 versions per outfit) is the standard that ANET set for years. Why this sudden departure from the norm?


    Although I can easily afford it, I will _never_ buy a Mountfit™ at that price point.

  4. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > You can buy more than allowed but you can’t use the excess bank tab. You can either contact support to see about a refund or hold on to it in hopes they increase the max number of bank tabs allowed.


    > It’s best to buy bank tabs directly from your bank. If you can’t buy from your bank you’ve reached the max allowed.


    This is one of the things I've always felt was rather fishy about the gem store. It _feels_ like it's a setup, a scam, a way to make you throw away gems if you didn't know that you could purchase from the bank panel. However, although I imagine that's intentional, it might not be.

  5. > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > I'll never understand what this fascination with capes is.


    > It was a major thing in GW1 that many players liked. Every player would automatically have a cape showing off their Guild's emblem. If you saw a bunch of players with the same cape, you knew it was some kind of guild activity.


    > I don't think capes would work in GW2 as good as they did in GW1. We already have so many back-items that the capes would be pretty rare. You could make stupid rules like "everyone has to wear their cape during guild missions", but that would feel forced. If capes had been introduced to GW2 before the first Halloween event, when we had 0 back item skins, they could've worked.


    > I think the argument ANet gave against capes was that they don't work well with the Charrs' hunched backs. And since they didn't know how to make capes work on one race, none of the races got capes. Or was it a problem with stowed 2h weapons? I don't remember that precisely.


    > @"CJFreeze.1368" said:

    > Endless soul and for those wondering. Capes were around in the first GW. for GW vets like me its weird not seeing capes. I do miss capes...


    I know, I played Guild Wars 1 since 2005, and I thought they looked ridiculous then too (I always had mine off. :) ).

  6. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > I agree. The idea that 20 people would waste their time chasing one character rather than actually contributing to their server's score is pretty much a joke.


    > On the flip side, kudos to the mesmer who effectively singlehandedly removed 20 opposing players from the playing field.


    Ohhh that backfire. Well done. :)

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