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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @Majic.4801 said:

    > > @Zaraki.5784 said:

    > > Guys you're super noob if you consider this fight to be difficult, maybe you should consider changing game to Super Mario or something like that...


    > Oh, you think you're so leet? Duel against me in the Hello Kitty Online Jungle Jumper mini game and I'll show you a world of pain.


    > A bright, pastel-colored _world of pain!_



    Oh? Well I **MAJORED** in pain, and have a minor in _suffering!_

  2. I went with mostly happy.


    Although there are a few things that cause concern for me, including the recent MountGate, the fact is, night after night, I log in, spend time with my guild, get some gathering or some achievement done, role play with my friends, etc. Night after night, for several hours, I forget about my problems in the real world, and I'm entertained.

  3. > @Teratus.2859 said:

    > It really doesn't matter to me.. I see characters standing around in a group spamming some aoe skill.. I don't care if they are at the computer but doing something else.. they are still not playing the game and getting rewarded for it.


    > By my definition that's no different than afk farming so I have no issue with reporting them on sight.


    > Considering minions masters are common culprits of this and I happen to be a big fan of the minions myself.. I consider myself personally invested in cutting down these afk players when I find them.

    > I certainly don't want to see minions.. a mechanic I love in gw2 get changed in any way because some people are abusing it like this.


    This is pretty much my stance on the subject as I main a reaper minion master. These AFK farming necros are really making the rest of us honest necromancer players look bad, and we're hated enough as it is.


    However, reporting is about all we can do. As @Illconceived Was Na.9781 has repeatedly said, not just in this thread, but also many others on the same subject, I report everyone in that group and move on. Let the GMs sort it out.

  4. > @Haleydawn.3764 said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > Since the only names that become available are chars that are deleted/renamed you could always ingame email them and ask to be notified if they ever are going to delete/rename their char. You might offer them some gold if they do so and you get the name.




    > I’d find that a bit weird tbh and block the person who messaged me that.


    > If someone wanted any of my characters names, I’d charge the gold price of a name change contract at the time, if I wanted to give the name up that is.



    In my case I'd charge the gold price of a Permanent Hair Stylist Contract, and then maybe we'd talk. Maybe.

  5. One of the things I can't stand in other player's role play is when their character is portrayed as an ultimate badass. Always trying to pick a fight, always talking tough, and nothing can hurt them. I just roll my eyes and walk away.


    Also, one of my characters relies heavily on /e, because she can't talk. So a greeting from her would be something like /e signs: ~Good morning~.

    Somehow she's become one of my most popular characters. _~shrugs~_

  6. > @Veprovina.4876 said:

    > > @Danikat.8537 said:

    > > Disclaimer: I didn't read most of the replies because of the massive spider pictures (which I was entirely expecting to see).

    > >

    > > The day they add spider mounts to GW2 is the day I uninstall the game and never look back. Which would be a massive shame because I love this game but honestly I can just about deal with the spider enemies - mostly by staying at range with the camera zoomed all the way out and angled above my character, never putting the mouse over them and killing them as fast as possible. (And on bad days by avoiding areas I know I'll encounter spiders.) I can deal with the ranger pets by staying away from them - including going to find a different bank/merchant/TP if one is too close.

    > >

    > > But spider mounts would have to be far, far bigger than either and could appear anywhere, including in situations where I cannot avoid them. I can absolutely guarantee it will be the mount of choice for afking in populated areas too.

    > >

    > > (And no, it wouldn't help if they looked like those "cute" fluffy spiders. If you're arachnophobic they are just as terrifying as any of the others. Yes I've seen the posts/videos on Facebook, repeatedly. Some people genuinely seem to believe the archaic advice that looking at the thing you're afraid of will do anything except make it worse and others apparently think other people's phobias are really funny and a great source of entertainment is to send pictures to your "friend" who you know can't stand them. On the plus side I've cleared several people who clearly are not my friends off of Facebook.)


    > The Arachnophobia is strong in this post. :tongue:

    > Spiders are bros. They keep the annoying bugs in check, i always leave a couple at my house to kill the flies and mosquitoes.


    > But what you wrote here, how you experience it, this is probably why they scrapped the spider mount in the first place. It's fine for people to avoid areas with spiders in them, but a spider mount, presumably with a specific mechanic it has (like other mounts) that would require you to use it to traverse certain areas... That would lock a bunch of people out of that content.


    > Unless they also release an arachnophobia filter with the spider mount that replaces the mount with raspberries or something. That could work.


    She's not the only one that feels this way. She does the same thing I do, avoid spiders as much as we can.


    There was similar thread in the old forum where a poster actually laughed at us and called us liars regarding our arachnophobia.

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