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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Did you purchase the additional bag slots recently on offer? If so, anything moved from them to a bank seems to cause a crash.


    > I'm sure the Devs are working on it; in the meantime, if you deposit from bags in other slots, you should avoid the issue.


    > Good luck.


    Interesting! I wasn't aware of this bug.


    As a matter of fact, I was on the very character that I got the extra bags for when they increased the limit recently. I suppose it's possible that the Piles of Incandescent Dust was in one of those bags, while the other items weren't.

  2. Error reports have already been filed. I'm creating this topic mainly to see if anyone else is experiencing this.


    The first time was a surprise when the Error Report window popped up after donating a bunch of items to Esa in the guild hall. So I went back, with the intention of depositing one item at a time, and the Piles of Incandescent Dust was the first item, and instant crash to desktop with the error report window popping up. I logged back in, deposited other items just fine, a couple of trebuchets, some airship oil, etc, one at a time. No problems. I deposited the Pile of Incandescent Dust and crashed to desktop again, so it seems something is wrong with that item when donating to the guild.


    [Pile of Incandescent Dust](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Incandescent_Dust "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Incandescent_Dust")


    EDIT: I just realized this should have been posted over in the Bugs forum. _~facepaws~_

  3. > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

    > Where did Steve for Horror, Andy for Viscount, and Jerry for Lich come from? I can kind see Andy from Viscount of C**andy** Corn, but I have no idea about the others.


    Usually by people who think they're being cool and funny, but end up looking like frat bros.

  4. > @MarkoNS.3261 said:

    > > @Vanive.3804 said:

    > > One of the more annoying things about GW2 is the borked aggro radius, and the fact that you can not force de-aggo from mobs you might be stuck in combat with due to lag or due to buggy AI. I don't know how many times I've gotten stuck in scenery; Even the /stuck feature is screwy at times, or have died and can not teleport anywhere due to being still stuck in combat. Sometimes re-logging isn't an option due to you getting kicked from the map.

    > >

    > > There is also the whole having to run halfway across a map to clear aggro so you can pull out your mount because something thousands of meters away still wants to kill your character; even though he doesn't look like it, just to run into something else to pissoff. This is annoying and pretty much kills this "Joy of movement" thing you folks at anet so proudly touted in your PoF developer diary. I just want a button I can spam for quick deescalation like old MMOs used to have because apparently even in this day and age AI doesn't always work as intended. ☮


    > forced leave combat button? yeah that wont be abused at all.




    _Player aggros lots of mobs and drags them towards others players, then hits special de-aggro key, and laughs while other players are inconvenienced._


    I mean, yeah that happens today, but it seems to me a de-aggro key is extra enably.

  5. Necromancer.


    I've played my necromancer for 3,015 hours. She's my main, my first character, she's the one that's made the most gold for me, filled my home instance with stuff, maxed out my material storage,, etc.


    My next most played character is a mesmer at 885 hours for reference.


    I don't care what the meta demands I should play, I love my little necromancer.

  6. Not sure if it's the same across all races, but zooming in on my female asura, her lips are definitely saying "What?", complete with the eye squint, in a _"what's your problem?"_ manner. I love that level of detail that went into the animation. :)

  7. > @Zoria.1392 said:

    > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > the whole game?

    > >

    > > Settings > Sound > change the "my unique item sounds" and "players' unique item sounds" the way you want.

    > >

    > > Now praise Lord Joko for this setting.

    > > 3 prayers before you go to bed.


    > I tried those settings and they had no effect on that toxic mini. I have no clue why. That mini makes me re-live someone is **gasping for air.** I HATE it and there were several posts about it on the old forums. Those settings should work on minis but it seems to only effect weapon sounds.


    Yeah, that's what I think when someone has this mini at the trading post or the bank, and it's _**LOUD**_.

  8. > @Palador.2170 said:

    > > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > It's also worth noting she no longer hobbles along like she did in the attack on LA stuff. Whatever genetic defect may have been illegally addressed using dragon modification.


    > Which brings up a good point, actually. As sylvari seem to be uncorruptible by any dragon other than Mordy, maybe she's going to find a way to make others uncorruptible as well? Even if it doesn't last very long, or might have some side effects, it could still be a very useful thing to have access to.


    There's a theory, that I find very plausible, that she's injecting blighting fluid with that [suit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi%27s_Outfit "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Taimi%27s_Outfit") she currently wears. It has bright, blighting fluid colors and injector looking parts.


    From her dialog in "Research in Rata Novu"s...

    >! Commander: What's that sludge you're keeping it in?

    >! Taimi: Blighting pod fluid! Remember that stuff? It has wonderful preservative, and even _*restorative,*_ properties!


    It can't be proven right now, but I like this theory.

  9. > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

    > > Hot Take:

    > >

    > > Alternate playable races were a mistake that negatively affected the amount of armor arenanet was able to do for players on release and moving forward. It's like they learned the lesson about the complexity baloon with the old skill system and came up with a creative approach but decided that somehow it would take less man hours to extrapolate out armor designs for not only multiple genders, but multiple body physiologies.

    > >

    > > I'm not saying remove races, but I can't help but wonder how many more armor options we'd have if they went the route of the first game's human-only characters with a wide variety of ethnicities and cultures to add uniqueness, and combined it with the simpler medium/light/heavy armor classes rather than the class- specific designs used in GW1.


    > Honestly if GW2 only had human races I probably never would have played it.


    Yes, I wouldn't have played either. I have 16 characters, only one is human, and I barely play that one. Humans are _booooring_

  10. > @Fallesafe.5932 said:

    > > @sorudo.9054 said:

    > > i think you don't know the reason why it is called a desert, if i see a group of players every 5 seconds i would find it to crowded and especially in a desert.


    > That's just a terrible argument. It's not empty because it's a desert. It's empty because it's a boring, F minus expansion with a weekend's worth of content.


    Really? I don't think it's boring. I'm sure many of the people I meet there are still doing content as well. I still have lots to do in this expansion. _~shrugs~_

  11. > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > > @Mewcifer.5198 said:

    > > > > @Dandaros.8491 said:

    > > > > NO.

    > > > >

    > > > > For the Xth time.

    > > > > Too much dev time for a cosmetic change

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Now stop

    > > >

    > > > No. I am allowed to express a desire for something even if it's highly unlikely to happen.

    > >

    > > Then can you keep it all in ONE thread, and not 23 threads daily?


    > I'm not the one making the threads so not really up to me. But I do agree that multiple threads is unnecessary.


    On, no no Mew, I meant you as in "all you people who want new races", not you, you. You and me, we're good.




    It's 6:30am for me, I need some coffee.

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