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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

    > I don't own the permanent versions of the finishers, but I have over 700 Mad King and over 700 Scarecrow limited-use finishers. I'd love an option to not get those anymore . . .


    As would I. I don't WvW or PvP and I have over 1,000 of each that will never be used, and that number is increasing daily.

  2. In case you don't know already, you might get some help at [gw2timer.com](http://gw2timer.com/ "gw2timer.com/").


    Go there, look on the right of the page, and look for "Pact Supply" and check out the drop down menu. It should show which vendors are selling what for the current day. This should help you decide if it's worth the waypoint trip or not.


    I hope this helps.

  3. > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > > @Malediktus.9250 said:

    > > So how do people feel about this one month after the expansion release?


    > I still have plenty to do.

    > It's not the regular players' fault that some people need to locust content and then flail around for more.

    > Wait for the raid wing to open; that'll give some AP.


    Same, I still have lots and lots to do in the Path of Fire maps. I've barely even scratched the surface for Vabbi.

  4. I see nothing wrong with OPs "pity completion" request, as long as they actually tried and not just AFKd through the whole instance.


    As for "twitch skills", I certainly don't have that. As a 49 year old gamer, with slow, fumbly fingers, I was able to beat this puzzle last night, 4 times in one round in one case. It really is memorization. Humming a tune while running and jumping also helped calm me down and focus on the path.

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