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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > You can buy equipment bags 1 item in each from the fractal lobby.

    > > They cost100 each and you can buy 5 a day so thats less then a weeks worth of blade shards you have there mate.


    > [Equipment Bag](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Equipment_Bag)

    > > Double-click to open. Contains a single piece of masterwork or better gear.



    Wow, that'll help me a lot as I have several stacks of the things.

  2. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Yeah, that's what I tell myself. Every year. But hope springs eternal! :D


    > > @"Scarlett.1605" said:

    > > I am excited, I still have not ever ( in 5 years ) finished the jumping puzzle, but this year, its gonna happen!




    Gaile and Scarlett, if my old, fumbly, medically conditioned fingers can do it, so can you (It helps that I hum a tune as I go along). :)

  3. I _kind of agree_ with OP. There are a select few posters on this forum that, for whatever reason, seem to post a lot of passive aggressive negativity mixed in with I'm-always-right-ness. I see their name and think "here we go again, and start reading their post. Sure enough, it's their usual negativity.


    Of course, as an adult, I just scroll past and don't deal with it, but some kind of block feature would be nice too.

  4. If the moon is a gas giant, then wouldn't Tyria be the moon?


    Also, I've always wished that Tyria had more than one moon just to reinforce the fact that _we're on another planet_.

  5. > @leftharted.7102 said:

    > im super casual and by No means a min/maxer; but id say ive watched A TON of GW2 YouTube footage, pvp, pve etc over the last, what, 5 years?


    > and Never have I Ever seen an auto attack doing more than maybe 2k, and this is usually on the third wind up of 2h melee hits, or slow-as-molasses deadeye auto with tons of Vuln already applied; and therefore not super consistent... 95% of the time auto attacks I've seen are in the ballpark of 700-1100....


    > if you can show a AA is doing 6k-8k consistently without babysitting other mechanics; or spreading large amounts of Cheese, then ill bite. But, I doubt it...


    > game is fine as-is; if you want button bloat with meaningless auto-attacks go play SWTOR. just my 2c.




    Agreed. I have the distinct feeling that OP is looking for problems where there aren't any.

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