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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. Ever since they added that toggle in the settings, I've been in pure joy never having to hear the awful sound that weapon makes again.


    I'm sorry OP is having problems though, and I'm sorry I don't have any constructive advice.

  2. > @"Hypatia.3160" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > I have 0 keys and about 160ish Black Lion Chests. Guess which of the two I could use more of?


    > Having completed everything for the Griffon collections except for the parts I needed to buy I needed to generate more gold than I had on hand so I started to burn down my inventory. Think I had a stack of 60 chests gathering dust. Sold off 50 of them on the TP for a quick 1.2g. :3


    Oh yes, I've sold off full stacks of Black Lion Chests before. It's really the only thing to do with them other than destroy them. There's no way I'll _ever_ buy 250 keys.

  3. I currently have 165 transmutation charges. As an RPer, even if I stopped getting transmutation charges from now on, it will still take me a long while to use all of those.


    I have 0 keys and about 160ish Black Lion Chests. Guess which of the two I could use more of?

  4. Personally I feel the cadence is a little _too_ fast. As it is now I feel a little rushed trying to get things done in each new map on top of getting things done in other areas. (I realize that I'm an anomaly here)


    I do log on every night and I farm, craft, try to get an elusive achievement done, level characters, RP, get a dungeon or fractal done, work on that legendary. Not all of these are done on the same night, mind you, but I guess my point is that I'm constantly busy. It boggles my mind when people say they are bored and have nothing to do, when in my personal experience, there are a zillion things to do.

  5. > @"Hypatia.3160" said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > Excuse me but what the kitten is this about?


    > One of the possible PvE dailies is to finish a heart in the Elon Riverlands. I also got the Vista for that area in my mix. I wound up spending a bunch of time there last night between working on map completion and the Griffon tasks there.


    Not only that, but when I was doing my taskmaster daily, there was an honest to goodness doppleganger event happening! I enjoyed seeing that. :)

  6. You know, for the longest time I desperately wanted to see an updated Cantha. Would Kaining City still be a dump or would it be more cleaned up and modernized? Would the Jade Sea be an actual sea now? I posted many time in the Cantha thread in the old forums. Any time anyone even breathed the word "Cantha" I was taken back to that wonderful Factions expansion with wistful nostalgia, and it was wonderful.


    However, after Path of Fire was released, and all of us old timers were hit hard with nostalgia (which I loved, by the way), I started to come to a slow realization that as much as I love Cantha, and would certainly still really like to go back, I'm finding myself more and more wanting to go someplace new. Someplace that isn't human centric. Someplace we haven't been to before. A new land to explore.

  7. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > The forum has taught me that there's nothing Anet can do about anything without people getting offended about it.

    > Free virtual ice cream in Lion's Arch? How dare you! My character is lactose intolerant.


    > That said, a letter from an NPC setting us on some sort of bizarre mission or scavenger hunt might be fun. It would be optional. It would be a little something silly. People would still complain like crazy--"This was stupid, you wasted my time." "You used resources on THAT when you should be busy nerfing druids everywhere??" "OMG, I had to delete a letter with sentimental value to receive your announcement" "Why do we have to do a mission for Laranthir? I hate Laranthir's botanical guts."-- but maybe not so many of them.


    Right? "Great community" indeed. :)

  8. > @"DarkForcE.9210" said:

    > > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

    > > The situation: we all know that botters have characters spring up on resource nodes, farm it and poof away.


    > I think this is common for everyone where they park their alt at rich nodes...


    The ones I'm seeing aren't at rich nodes. They're are at common nodes. They blink in, take one swing at the node, and blink out, often too fast to even get a screenshot unless you're ready for it.

  9. > @"Nikal.4921" said:

    > The number of poofing bots I've seen lately in Bloodtide Coast has gotten absolutely out of hand, and I've been watching the market tank for the wood tiers found there. They are not visible long enough for me to catch their names- esp considering many of them have nonsense names or strings of random letters that are not easy to grasp at a glance. I used to see them Dredgehaunt Cliffs, but BC seems their favored place now.


    > I would love to report these bots, but how when you can't get their names? They poof in and out almost instantly and **all wear the Royal Guard outfit**. Can't Anet track this sort of thing on their end?


    I've noticed that too (bolded). Doesn't that imply that their account has been around a while?



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