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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. If you're referring to the amount of things you can place in a certain area, I believe there was a comment long ago in the old forums (I'm at work, no time to go hunt it down) saying that they though there would be performance issues for people with less than idea machines if there were too many items in one place.


    If you're referring to the 2,000 item cap, would it surprise you that it started out at 1,000 items?

  2. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Rubberduckgillespie.9854" said:

    > > That's no moon, it's a space station!


    > So that's where the engineer's orbital strikes come from!


    They most likely used single reactor ignition. Anything higher, well....

  3. > @"Blacklust.4638" said:

    > So i just can not believe that you guys nerf the karma awarded by gifting presents to orphan children.

    > I mean rly now? its **Wintersday** and you just made gifting presents almost not worth it anymore. That is low Anet even by the standards you got us used with.

    > Quite frankly this ruined GW2 **Wintersday** spirit for me. Why would i go around gifting presents to the kids in DR if with boosts i barely get back the amount of karma invested into the gift?

    > But oh well merry **Wintersday** to you all it must be better then the **Wintersday** those kids will have since we are just gifting them once for achievement.


    > Slow sarcastic clap*


    Fixed all that for you. You're welcome. ;)

  4. The griffon didn't displace gliding at all, gliding is still very relevant. They are simply two different tools. Gliding can do some things that griffon can't do (precise landing, escape while in combat), and griffon can do things that gliding can't do (longer distances faster).


    That's my take on it.

  5. People hate Taimi? Ok, I can grudgingly accept that. I love her, but you can't please everyone.


    But to the people calling, wishing, hoping for the death of a crippled teenager, what in the alchemy is wrong with you?

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