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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > Well, I guess that answers the on-going questions of "Are we ever going back to Cantha? Is Anet even allowed to include Cantha after DR's Canthan District was pulled?"


    > I have to admit I'd prefer somewhere new. I've been finding myself very curious about the lands east of Ascalon since PoF came out and the world map was expanded - the in-game one doesn't show much but the image on the Wiki shows a lot of land in that direction. But it will be interesting to see what Cantha is like now. Also maybe this means we'll get pandas back as ranger pets and Robert Smith can make a triumphant return to chasing people around PvP. (Yes I called my panda Robert Smith, and yes it was hilarious to see people running from a killer panda.)


    > And, with most of the areas from GW1 back in GW2 it becomes almost certain that we will get to go somewhere new in future.


    Robert Smith from The Cure?

  2. > @"Valdenroth.6530" said:

    > > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

    > > Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case. Letting blocks make characters and their animations invisible in PvE areas would fix ALL of our problems with the few toxic members that consistently harass the RP community. Just blocking out the person 100% would make us so happy. Until then, there's a small group of scummy humans that get off to spamming skills in the middle of a bunch of people just being nerds. Would be nice to be able to enjoy my night off work doing what I love.

    > >

    > > **I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone.** There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.


    > I do it because it's fun to ruin ya'lls cringefest.


    > Rpers are the most cringy people you'll ever meet in mmos and they have a habit of doing that cringy garbage in public areas where you're tying to get stuff done. Very annoying to be, for example, escorting an npc to a destination and coming upon a charr and sylvari having an intimate conversation about tossing his salad like it's never been tossed before.


    So your "solution" to meeting...two(?) RPers, is to be extra cringy yourself? What a brilliant plan. :#

  3. As a role player (well not as much these days, but I did do a lot of it in previous years) who has been trolled quite a bit during our public sessions, I really get what OP is asking for. It would have been nice to have a report feature that encompassed what these role play greifers were doing.

  4. > @"Blur.3465" said:

    > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > > @"Blur.3465" said:

    > > > I really hope it's not just trailer...

    > > > Also, is it just me, or did forum font get really small?

    > >

    > > I thought I was crazy, its def smaller.


    > Aye, it's really small. I'm struggling to read it xD


    Good to know that I'm not the only one. The eyestrain is real.


    I mean, not good that we're all struggling, but good that I'm not imagining things.... or am I?

  5. They way I see it is I paid for this game and, by extension, my characters and their names (including all the extra character slots and the one name change contract I bought and paid for with real money).


    They're mine, even if I haven't used some of those characters in a while. They mine, _period._


    So why should I have names taken away from me, names that i paid for, because people like OP cannot figure out their own character names? That's their problem, please don't make it my problem.

  6. > @"Nidome.1365" said:

    > > @"Cameron Rich.3905" said:

    > > Hey there everyone, thanks for taking the time to post your feedback on yesterday's changes. Your thoughts are incredibly important to us, and help us work to make the game a better experience for everyone.

    > >

    > > _~snip~_

    > >

    > > Finally, as some of you have experienced, we introduced a unique flavor mechanic to the fight when the group fails, to make it clearer that Drakkar's influence has won out in the struggle.

    > >

    > > _~snip~_


    > The changes to the fight have made it even more of a blob-fest. Without a blob the odds are you will now fail.

    > The "unique flavour mechanic" is probably the worst idea you have ever implemented. There are already people talking about forming squads on maps to deliberately screw with the Drakkar event to deliberately make it fail and make the "unique flavour mechanic" happen. The "unique flavour mechanic" encourages trolling and is anti-social.


    > You seriously need to consider rolling this event back and rethinking your changes.


    Full agreement here, and with other posters in this thread saying that this is a dealbreaker. There's a reason why forum posters have said for years that Open World PvP is a **_very bad idea_** for this game every time of of those threads asking for it come up.


    "A better experience for everyone"? I'm sorry, but this is completely wrong.

  7. > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > _~snip~_

    > Quite honestly, my family hasn't played GW2 in a while, because it just isn't interesting. We are playing games like ESO, TABS, Minecraft, ARK, Atlas, Empyrion and even Stardew Valley because it now has a multiplayer component. Only one of those is an MMO. These games aren't new, they just are more interesting to us than GW2


    > Your mileage may vary, but for our family bus only an expansion will get us back playing GW2.


    It's true in my experience. Even I, a Guild Wars 2 die-hard, find myself playing Minecraft and Destiny 2 with my friends (many of whom I met in Guild Wars 2) a lot more often these days. I still play Guild Wars 2 fairly regularly, but not as often or as long as I used to.

  8. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > This describes me perfectly. However, I have spent 6,547 hours in the game since March, 2015 when I first switched over from Guild Wars 1. So, am I a casual or hardcore?

    > For me, playing time doesn't decide that.


    > So, maybe you just have a lot of free time, or nothing better to do instead, or both. Who knows? Those things do not mean someone is suddenly hardcore (or even dedicated).


    > As an extreme example, i wouldn't call a couch potato a "hardcore tv viewer".



    That's a good point because I spent a lot of those hours relaxing and roleplaying in various spots across Tyria, instead of doing content or whatever else.


    EDIT: Deleted repeated word.

  9. "One is a veteran of the game, that played many years, generally knows how to play, and understands the game mechanics. He never went out of his way to look for that info, though (and, specifically, practically never uses out-of-game sources), nor did he ever thought about, say, spending several hours at the golem practicing his rotations - everything he knows he picked up naturally, by playing the game. And while he may be aware that some builds/play styles may be better than others, he picks what he plays by what he finds more fun, not what is most effective (and, as such, he is not above playing, say, a bearbow). He plays the game for story and relaxation, and isn't really interested in stuff like "being challenged" or "proving yourself" - he just wants to have fun."


    This describes me perfectly. However, I have spent 6,547 hours in the game since March, 2015 when I first switched over from Guild Wars 1. So, am I a casual or hardcore?

    (The answer may be in the thread already, I skimmed past most of the posts)

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