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Endless Soul.5178

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Posts posted by Endless Soul.5178

  1. > @"Ol Nik.2518" said:

    > Just keep hoarding... you never know when we get another Skyscale. Everybody will be farming peppers and you will be showing off your newly bought shiny :)


    This is my advice as well and it worked well for me when doing the skyscale steps as I already had stacks of map currencies tucked away in my material storage. make the collection an easy breeze. Hoard, hoard, hoard as much as you can and save yourself some headaches later.

  2. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Ryukai.6524" said:

    > > Not even attempting to bother with this thing anymore, was about ready to throw my keyboard out the window. Can't even use a tonic to make myself smaller because of the bundle you have to carry, means that I can't physically see the 'steps' as they are hidden by my Charr's size so I have no way of judging how close my toon is to falling off an edge. :anguished:


    > I gave it the good ol' college try for about 30 minutes and said the heck with it. Not worth any more of my playing time and/or frustration. Glad that there are more hard-core JP enthusiasts who enjoy it, though. Good for you!


    I actually love jumping puzzles. I've even done Chalice of tears several times with no mesmer help. The Clocktower? I can beat that one with regularity. I find that they help keep my fingers nimble and dexterous.


    This jumping puzzle though, it's easily the most difficult jumping puzzle in the game for me. I'll beat it someday though!

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