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Posts posted by Linken.6345

  1. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > > @"Clisna.3041" said:

    > > > For me, I play GW2 from openbeta, and I really missing LW1. Why ANET can't focus on more world meta event or world bosses but more and more raid????

    > >

    > > Sigh, you say you miss LS1 but the first year of LS1 was packed with instanced content and no world bosses or meta events at all.

    > > The latter half of LS1 contained both meta events and instanced content, in a mix.

    > > Tequatl Rising, Twisted Marionette, Triple Trouble, Battle for Lion's Arch, Scarlet's Hologram were all the meta boss events during LS1, with the exception of Tequatl, they all happened in the last 3 months of LS1, out of 19 months of the total duration.

    > > Just because you forgot about it, doesn't mean LS1 had a "focus" on world meta events, that focus was only in the last few months.


    > This.


    > People enjoy saying a lot of stuff like:


    > - the focus is on raids and fractals when it should be on open world

    > - LWS1 was way better than the rest (from a design and health perspective for the game)

    > - dungeons had no meta

    > - the game caters more and more to hardcore players

    > - raids are to challenging

    > - etc.


    > None of those statements are true.


    > - if compared side by side, the focus of GW2 even during HoT was and always has been with a very VERY huge majority open world, solo content and story

    > - LWS1 was great, it was epic, it was mostly fun and it was an absolutely terrible design decision. Temporary content of this magnitude which is lost for ever is just doable (not with the amount of resources available)

    > - dungeons had a very clear meta and the same people complaining now about meta where the ones screaming about how arenanet should fix zerker meta

    > - over 90% of GW2 content is super casual and the releases for instanced challenging content are far and wide. Every single story instance does not scale, even if one should run into an issue of severe disability to deal with something, take a 2nd person along in this MMO and you will breeze through the content

    > - raids are compared to other MMOs and their raids barely worth mentioning challenge wise. The major difference people are having a hard time with is personal accountability meaning you can't just brain dead follow your tank heal carries but actually need to provide some minimal amount of player activity


    Well to be fair sure dungeons had a meta but anyone could complete dungeons 5 bear bow rangers could clear any dungeon with enough time.

    That is not true for raids.

  2. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > > If you'd asked me in late 2012 for the cause of players deserting the game, I would have said, "PvP was not sufficiently engaging compared to GW2's competition." That's because my guild -- several hundred players -- went from an average of 200+ online every time I looked to myself and maybe 1 other online inside a week. However, that alone is not the reason. Neither is anyone else's pet peeve.

    > >

    > > The observed drop in revenue for GW2 over 5+ years is far more likely to be due to a large number of reasons, rather than a single cause or any subset of causes. Every complaint unaddressed over the years had the potential to bleed players. Given just how many complaints have been left unaddressed (or were addressed too late), the possible causes number in the thousands. Some of those complaints likely caused more player bleed than others, but that does not mean they were the "proximate cause" of the diminishing revenue.

    > >

    > > Over the years, ANet has tried to respond to complaints. They've left a lot of the complaints unaddressed. Maybe they will respond to this one. Maybe not. However, it seems unlikely in the extreme at this late stage that failure to provide access to a single tier of rewards by a greater number of paths is going to be the straw that breaks the pack dolyak's back.


    > While I agree with you that it's highly unlikely that this will be the coup de grâce. As it seems so inconsequential really, in the greater scheme of things, and how much the game offers.


    > But, This reminds me of what someone said on another forum, "without a long term goal, the game becomes grind for the sake of grind", which has no staying power, Legendary Items were put in to give players long term goals, and Locking Legendary Armor behind Raids, removes them completely as a long term goal from near 80% (according to Anet 20% of the players raid) of the population.


    > As you said, there is already a long standing list of burdens and issues that have not be addressed


    > And... Remember.... it's called a "straw" for a reason.


    Good news then that its not only behind raids they 80% can go wvw or spvp for their legendary armor.

    Just got to 300wvw level myself so still a long way for me to go but getting there.

  3. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > > > @"Evolute.6239" said:

    > > > In an ideal world with endless resources, there would be an extreme amount of content and rewards for all game modes, playstyles, etc.

    > >

    > > Again, **it is not about quantity.** It is not about *"enough."* If you offer me a hundred rewards that I don't particularly care about, while withholding one reward that I *do* care about, then that is not a "fair trade-off."

    > >


    > They will pretend not to understand this.. until you take something away from them.


    It was never taken away from you tho, its still there just have to do the content to get it.

    I to was against looking legendary armor behind raids, alot of people complained and now its spread out to wvw and spvp aswell.

    So people like you that dont want to raid got your long term goal already start wvwing or spvping.



    Havent seen a raider or a fractal runner complain that aurora aint earnable in their game mode as of yet.

    I wonder why.

  4. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > I just drop them as i mine them

    > I mean, when you're done with the backpack its just clutter.

    > I wish anet would give them 1c value so i can sell all junk on the vendor instead of personal destroying them


    Do people not read responses anymore.

    There is a value to them now for 100 of them you can buy a bag with 1 random gear inside it from one of the cat golems in fractal lobby.

  5. > @"shejesa.3712" said:

    > It's hard to tell you something constructive... Just git gud as some people say. Tune down your post processing and watch your steps. Dodging sideways helps as hell. And I think that you can't dodge everything. So stay close to your druid. Plus your special action key is a stunbreak. Utilize what you have instead of kitten, if I did it on my 2nd try (all hail mighty Balthazar form that is impossible lore-wise) with zero knowledge of the mechanics


    Not impossible lore wise at all since this is way earlier in time when joko destroyed the sunspears

  6. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Feanor.2358 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > @meeflak.9714 said:

    > > > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > > > > @zealex.9410 said:

    > > > > > > Some times i feel the playerbase does more harm to this game than any bad decision by anet.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > (Excluding some cases ofc towards pvp wvw but even there the playerbase will find a way to kitten themselves over.)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This is very true. Community is the biggest problem of this game :)

    > > > >

    > > > > For real... The community does more to taint the image of the game then the game does itself... It's extremely unfortunate to see all of these "fans" of the game, berate the game over the most miniscule complaints they can muster up. People who have a personal vendetta, because they feel under appreciated , or whatever it may be. Those who come into the forums to cut down the devs and the community like they do, really don't understand the harm they are actually doing.

    > > >

    > > > It happens in every game. Forums are irrelevant, what happens between different players in game is bigger issue, especially when game loses its identity to pleasaure minority in expense of majority :)

    > >

    > > It's not an issue, it's a normal process. As evidenced by it happening again, and again, and again, it totally different environments. And it's not driven by "minority", it's driven by the player base as a whole. You can complain all you like about it, or you can accept the facts and adapt. The choice is yours. In any case, I would advise against thinking you understand something about the game better than the developers. Even with their professional qualifications aside, they have a lot more data, a lot better view and therefore far better understanding of the game and the processes in it than the average player.

    > >

    > > P.S. By the way, putting smiley faces on all your posts do not make them any less toxic and hostile or any more true.


    > The playerbase as a whole is not unified, universal sentient being. Every person has own personal goals and ideas and you can't generalize like this :)


    You mean s/he cant do like you do and think they are the majority when complaining about fractals getting to hard and competing with raids?

  7. > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

    > > @Vinceman.4572 said:

    > > > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > > The reason why people were uninterested in old "50" fractals was lack of rewards and ongoing dungeon farm :)

    > >

    > > Totally wrong. Ppl ran their daily dungeon tour and afterwards 50 - 40s and 30s especially **because of* good rewards (a.k.a. asc gear to that point in time)

    > >

    > > Btw. T4s were very hard today with Aquatic, Snowblind and Thaumanova... /s


    > Just for short info they nerfed the rewards from 2 gold to 50 silver for the dungeons and increased the rewards in fractals this was the reason


    Yes and then they reverted the change by giving more tokens to counter the less liquid rewards.

    Add to that do 8 dif paths for extra 5 gold and tokens and your up to around the same in value.

    Not counting the chance to get lower tier material that sell for a nice sum + other rewards in there.

  8. > @LordOtto.2650 said:

    > So, dhuum needs energy ball control, and you say that that is skill related to gw2?! The entire game rely on that mechanic, and wow, so hard boss, when your real skill needed is the same as other raid bosses, kite, dps, tank, and place markings! So we basically rely on 3 people, who can do energy ball, who don't fail the hole 10 minutes game, and that is so cool?! It is cool, when you are in a guild, 3-4 people learns it after 100 wipes, and likes it too, 'cause I hate it and never will do it, and me and my guild will rely on those 3-4 people to do a "hard" boss kill! When this boss isn't hard at all, it's hard because of that green mechanic, what it shouldn't be in the game!


    Its not like this wasent used before hand kiter at deimos anyone?

    most pugs still use 4-5 people to run to green on vg.

    Fire kiter at sab?

    Mushroom eaters at sloth?

  9. > @Ertrak.9506 said:

    > > @Vulf.3098 said:

    > > I wouldn't call Cairns orbital sweep subtle because the animation makes it pretty kitten clear it affects an extremely large amount of the platform. Pretty much that whole fight is watching his animations.

    > >

    > > I almost always start that boss first when I make pug groups because it is a clear indicator on peoples skill level and it gives me a good idea on which bosses I will be leading the group into after that for kills.


    > It is definitely not subtle. People did not dub that attack "the long kitten of justice" for nothing.


    Are we talking the attack were cairn slam down his arm and spins it around the floor?

    If so how hard is it so see really? he plop down his arm then you dodge clockwise into his arm when it move towards you.


  10. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

    > > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > > But that's the whole point - i did like t4s originally. It's the _content_ that changed, not me. The game that i liked is being changed, piece by piece, into one that i find far less fun.

    > > > Yes, i did stop doing fractal dailies and now visit that part of the game only very occasionally. That is what i am complaining against - these late changes chased me away from the content i was completely fine with before. **That** is what hurts the most.

    > >

    > > Again, if you find T4 too much trouble for you, then play T3. There are dailies in T3 too you don't have to play T4 for the dailies. Completely moving away of Fractals when there are so many tiers of difficulty to choose from is illogical. Many people argued, including you, that multiple difficulty tiers were good for a game, I guess it was all a lie.


    > They are changing T4 difficulty with recent additions. Shattered observatory is the best example. Even for normal mode this fractal is oversaturated mess. CMs are okay as they are intended to be raid like content. T4s are not supposed to be so.


    > You started with "dont like raids, go fractals". Today it's "dont like new fractals, go lower tier". Tomorrow you gonna tell "leave open world, go play character selection screen".


    > Anet made huge mistake catering to people like you and enforcing your misguided feel that raiding crowd can usurp and dictate how group content should look in our game. You have raids for raid content - stay there and don't change fractals in raids 2.0.


    What do you expect the raiders should do after clearing their raid in 1-2 days leave the game for the week?

    Yea that will entice them to buy from the gemstore no doubt.

  11. > @Grimheart.2853 said:

    > ...Ahem...


    > So, my broken keyboard, complimented by the realities of being a worthless peasant, has severely impeded my ability to make gold in any meaningful ammounts, making me an in-game peasant as well, effectively transforming me into something of an omni-peasant.


    > So, basically, I had about four things on my mind I currently would love to aquire. So I'd like to try my luck becomming a worthless beggar as well.


    > (Not certain if it's polite and allowed to make lists in this thread like that, but I sure hope it is)


    > I'd like to ask for one of these:


    > **A mount adoption license** (This one got to be the more desired item for me): Yeah, predatory practices, unhealthy gambling, so on and so forth... And honestly, I'm really not an addict, nor am I into gambling by any stretch of imagination. But in the relatively recent post, featuring MO's response concerning the licenses, we were given a subtle hint that non-flashy skins **make very little money**, and therefore making them is basically **not worth their effort**. Now, as a dedicated fashion warrior, the very strong desire for customiation, personalization and making my characters authentic and unique, along with the realization that there is pretty much **no hope** to get any subtle skins in the future outside of gambling, have made me give in to the vile RNG. Another license would give me another chance to get one of the few mount breeds I desire, like Clouded Corvus Gryphon or Striped Trihorn Raptor.


    > **Bloody Red Dye**: A **very** good dye, with the subtlety of the dark shade complimenting the well saturated red. I've been eyeing that dye for quite a while now. But I could never really bring myself to buy it. Mostly because before it got to the current price, it had a tendency to cost the ammounts of gold I deemed outright crushing for my average income.


    > **Murky Grey Dye**: I'd very much rather prioritize bloody red, but in case it's prices bloat out of proportion, murky grey with it's slightly charred brownish texture is an awesome dye I've been looking to use to spice up my warrior alt's classy attire.


    > And finally, **Two sigils of concentration** (I'd say this one is the lowest priority due to circumstances and inability to currently utilize them in my tests, but I'd still be happy if I managed to get my hands on those for the future): Before my keyboar situation, I was semi-actively working on trying to come up with a viable (and perhaps even borderline **optimal**) support firebrand build. Numerous theorycrafts have led me to the conclusion that I need to have that 33% extra boon duration to optimize the stats at the cost of freed up concentration and push the build's boon support further.


    > **Region: EU**


    If you read the OP your allowed to ask for only 1 thing and if you asked in the old forum thread that counts as the one.

  12. > @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

    > > @Linken.6345 said:

    > > From what Im told the ascended armor is just a reskin of the exotic armors you can buy so why not just buy the exotic skined armor of the one you want at 2000 wvw level?

    > > Shouldent have to use any marks


    > Because I want to go for a legendary set and the ascended pieces are a required ingredient for them.


    if you can craft the legendary with the 1000 level armor then you can buy the normal 2000 level armor exotic and reskin the 1000 level legendary armor.

  13. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @Deathok.2914 said:

    > > As I mentioned already add ascended shards of glory to tournament rewards and make them more viable.

    > > We really can’t do much with those.

    > > I have like 2k or so stacked up and don’t have any use for those.

    > > Would be very cool if you would give us some more possibilities how we could spend them like to be able to buy bl chest keys or unlocking ingame skins or w/e just some more options would be nice (regards to reward points in Gw1 acquired from AT‘s mAT‘s with which you were able to buy skins).

    > > Still looking for the gold, silver and bronze trim as reward from the monthly! We should totally get capes as backpiece skins since we literally have some now with pof backpieces.

    > > Maybe if you que up as guildteam the guild gets a trim or other guild rewards. I like to mention that it’s still GUILD wars


    > The new obsidian weapons will need ascended shards. So there will be some additional options next week! Getting new skins as rewards is a long process. I've had previous ideas like trying to get approval to get cultural armor purchasable with a combo of gold and pvp currency. That would be fairly quick, since the assets already exist.


    > Capes are problematic. They are difficult to animate well. Especially when it comes to tails. I know we had them in GW1, but animations there were much less complicated, including not having the ability to jump.


    I dont like spvp at all but glad they are getting updates and just want to thank you Ben for speaking with the community.

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