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Posts posted by Ovalkvadratcylinder.9365

  1. > @"Botinhas.2018" said:

    > Pve carebears cry kitten on anet live streams so anet devs drop best fight servers on t5, just so that bandwagon carebear servers can freely steamroll upleveled blobs on t1-t2 GiGi


    maybe the bandwagoners should learn to do some ppt instead of chasing ez farm all day every day unless ofc they wanna stay in tShit that is

  2. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > > > From spamming water 1 on staff tempest to spamming mortar on scrapper. You always had a sense for quality gameplay.

    > > >

    > > > I’ve been healing since before you could probably type on a computer...solo healing ICC 10 and 25 man since WoW days on Druid and shaman and played every iteration of competitive healing and a mix of my own creations since GW1. You don’t know what it means to hold halls or have an 8 man depend on you to tank Dhuum, heal your party and keep the grenth spirits alive in a UWSC.

    > > >

    > > > Even on the now nerfed full heal tempest I could still probably cleanse more conditions than you on your full cleanse whatever tempest. Your “quality gameplay” is my version of casual gameplay

    > > >

    > > > Proof is all there...maybe you didn’t notice in the video but this is Indo and his guildies. he’s there on the cleanse meter running “your build.” He’s near the bottom....no offense to him he’s a great guy and a great commander...so your gonna have to keep holding your little grudge until you can prove to me what you think quality gameplay is.

    > > >

    > >

    > > For being this great, it is sad you are complaining so much about overpowered builds based on unintended interactions getting removed. I would get it if someone who is mediocre at the game complained because his cheese build does not carry him any longer. This, this is just sad.


    > Sounds like you play meta scrapper but can’t stand it when someone with anything remotely off meta is able to do more than you can?


    > So you cry for nerfs, then the nerfs happen and it’s the creative and the better players that pay the price for that. I’m sure there’s a lot of builds you consider “overpowered.” Maybe that’s the que for you to look into your own performance.


    jesus.. get over yourself man. neither was it far from meta nor was it any more creative than using grenade barrage when it released two skills at the same time or when elementalists meteor showers were so bugged they hit for 15k each hit, Learn to play an actual build

  3. > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > It was overpowered as hell.


    > Overpowered and yet it isn't even in the meta?


    > The rune had a trade-off that grounded it... like any other ability that siphons conditions from allies, you had to be able to deal with those conditions on yourself. You could be pulling upwards of 80 stacks of burning...so if you weren't on your toes and paying attention it meant you'd be dead in a split second.


    dude you knew it was coming... everything about it screamed unintended

  4. > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > @"Longshot.1237" said:

    > > they need to finally give ele and eng active combat weapon swap, I think it would be fair after all these years.


    > I imagine weapon swap will be coming to Ele and Engi with the new elite spec


    I dont want a wep swap on engi. I want a charrcar...

  5. - Speed of Synergy: This trait has been reworked. It will now grant superspeed for 5 seconds to allies in a radius of 240 around the engineer when using a healing skill. Using a healing tool-belt skill grants the engineer 7 seconds of superspeed.


    the problem with this trait is that the logn super speed is gonna get removed ALL the time by other shorter source sof super speed unles you implement a priority system for it that makes the longest sources overwrite others.




    - Soothing Detonation: This trait has been reworked. It now heals in an area around the engineer each time they use a tool-belt skill instead of when using a blast finisher with a fire combo field.


    this trait worked in any combo field... do you guys not know your own game?

  6. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > https://imgur.com/wyIDNSV

    > >

    > > @"Justine.6351"

    > >

    > > This was just now

    > >

    > > 12 revs


    > 1) All your screengrab shows is the number of Heralds in the party. It doesn't tell us if they are Power or Condi, using Hammer or not. A Condi Herald running Glint/Mallyx using Mace/Axe + Staff is a common sight in zergs these days.


    > 2) Let's make it simple though, and say all those Revs were Power Heralds...it still doesn't tell me they are using Hammer. They could very well be running Sw/Sw + Staff or even Axe/Mace + Staff. This is a melee push meta.


    > 3) Let's make it every simpler though, say all those Revs were Power Heralds AND they had Hammer equipped. Nothing there to show me where their damage is coming from. Is it from Hammer? Or is it from their offset weapons, Sw/Sw, Axe/Mace, or even Staff? In all likelihood their #1 source for damage is Inspiring Reinforcement.


    > Why list these points? Because before the last patch, Hammer Revs were meta in zergs, and capable in roaming (though sw/sw Rev was better for roaming obv). They were always Power, and their #1 source of damage was always Hammer. They could run Glint/Shiro if they were more aggressive, or Glint/Jalis for additional support.


    > Today, you cannot 1v1 with Hammer. A Hammer Rev is always running Glint/Jalis, and spends most of their time in Jalis....because Inspiring Reinforcement is their top source for DPS, and with the CC spam we have today and FB nerfs, Revs are seen as secondary stability-bots. Hammer is only of use when your group coordinates phase smashes, which requires targeting and pulls/CC, the above mentioned "Rev bomb"..which suggests a Revenant's main DPS contribution to the squad is a single attack every 12 seconds? Coordinated Phase Smashes were always a thing, but back before the patch, Hammer Revs had at least CoR with which to do damage...now they are relegated to spamming their auto-attack which in most cases just gets reflected back.


    > So, please tell me, someone who has played Rev for quite a while in WvW, both before the patch and after, that Hammer for Rev is fine, and needs neither buffs nor nerfs? That a DPS build that brought some boons has been reduced to a boon build that now brings some DPS is a positive thing in your opinion?


    > I have no issues with Rev getting nerfs like everyone else back in the patch, but ANET went too far in the wrong direction - rather than just addressing damage coefficients, they played around with cooldowns and mechanics.


    > Before they shut it down, Vabbi's website listed a Hammer Herald build that replaced Staff with Mace/Axe, because the 'changes' ANET made to Surge of the Mist were that horrible. A build that was known for stacking might and fury to 10 players by channelling Glint is instead now sought to fill gaps in stability by channelling Jalis so players aren't constantly ping ponged.


    > But so long as we have people like you telling ex-Herald mains that everything is ok, I guess it must be, right?



    wow you actually wasted time of your life typing all that when infact the point of the photo was never about using hammer or not but rather about having revs at all.


    I raised the rev bomb topic to make the point that revs are in fact used for something substantial in wvw

  7. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > > > https://imgur.com/wyIDNSV

    > > > >

    > > > > @"Justine.6351"

    > > > >

    > > > > This was just now

    > > > >

    > > > > 12 revs

    > > >

    > > > I'm impressed.

    > > > Now you go and play hammer Rev for the month of June and get back to us here. If you go so far as to post your own vids of hammer Rev play in WvW, in a substantial way, I will finally shut the kitten up about it and admit I am a salty boy crying cause their class got nerfed.

    > >

    > > I can't personally do that myself, i've never got the hang of recording videos and i have deleted arcdps due to crashing in wvw, I am sure there are rev players who do record or stream in wvw

    > >

    > > All i'm saying is Hammer rev is fine, doesn't need nerfs, doesn't need buffs


    > I watched a kek rev and he seemed to have a lot of revs in squad so I will have to accept what you are saying regardless if I don't like it. Facts are facts I suppose.


    But why wouldnt you like the fact that alot of players do play rev? isnt that the whole premis of this thread?

  8. > @"DeathMethanol.6358" said:

    > Hey everyone,

    > me and my friend recently came back to Guild Wars 2 and beside PvE, we wanted to play a bit of WvW. Unfortunately my friend is on Blacktide, which is a bit dead for WvW and I am on Desolation, which is decent, but full. So, we decided to both transfer to a good WvW server. Here is my question: do you have any suggestions regarding decent EU servers when it comes to WvW? Currently we are mostly interested in servers with frequent public commanders, were you can just hop in and join (we made meta builds for WvW). In the longer run we will probably consider joining some of the WvW guilds.


    > Any suggestions are welcome!

    > Thanks for help.


    the fsp/uw link has quite a few commanders and active players. This week is kinda dead due to first week of relink but its prob gonna get more aciton the comming weeks.

  9. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

    > > https://imgur.com/wyIDNSV

    > >

    > > @"Justine.6351"

    > >

    > > This was just now

    > >

    > > 12 revs


    > I'm impressed.

    > Now you go and play hammer Rev for the month of June and get back to us here. If you go so far as to post your own vids of hammer Rev play in WvW, in a substantial way, I will finally shut the kitten up about it and admit I am a salty boy crying cause their class got nerfed.


    you do realise the phrase "rev bomb" is used on multiple servers right? what do ou think it refers to? something unsubstantial?

  10. I played a metric shit ton of hours wvw this weekend and prob earned the same amount of gold. Yet for some reason I dont even feel mad about the thought about a reroll.

    I guess Ive come to realise that in 3 months i will have forgotten about this and in half a year theres gonna be a new thing to complain about.

  11. > @"Kontrolle.3514" said:

    > after 7 jears of GW2 engineer was finally meta in WvW as damage dealer, it lasted 2 months. Thats sad, but it has been 2 good months.


    the powe coeff nerf isnt even that much.. people are still gonna paly dps scrapper in wvw

  12. If anything they should make ALL aoe skills unable to hit ontop of walls... How is it that the walls are more in favor of the attackers getting some extra kills rather than for the defenders to actually defend?

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