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Tuna Bandit.3786

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Posts posted by Tuna Bandit.3786

  1. Pfff not impressed at all. Necro, specially scourge should be nerved instead of buffed.

    Condi Damage is already OP in WvW, and you're making it WORSE! Wow, the lack of insight is just EXTREMELY dissapointing.


    Beyond that, one fix... Seriously?!?!? ONLY ONE FIX?!?!?!


    Wanna see succesful dodges with "evaded" ON my screen and STILL being hit?

    Wanna see me waiting in camp resolve IN THE BACK falsely hoping to get out of combat on a reaper, invane?


    Fix that first before you mess up the game even MORE with this so called "Balance patch"


    Just a reminded, your PREVIOUS patch BROKE MY REAPER! and not a THING has been done about it.

    Ever since you decided 'You cannot recover health in schroud" it often means not recover AT ALL!!

    (See Camp resolve remark)

    I relog at least a DOZEN TIMES A DAY to just simply get out of combat.

    And every time we report it "How is your connection" ehhh NEWSFLASH! It is NOT my connection, It is YOU BREAKING IT SINCE THAT PATCH




    So you can imagine that, beyond these notes, I wonder... what will break now... Because things will break... that is unfortunately, considering your track record a GIVEN FACT.

  2. Still an issue.


    I am tired of Drizzlewood Coast with the unbalanced rules.

    If I cannot damage a sniper, despite it being in range because there is no path. THEN WHY CAN THE SNIPER DAMAGE ME???

    Rules should ALWAYS be 2-way, regardless the sniper is an NPC.


    Getting sick and tired of having to climb on a ledge to shoot a sniper POINT BLANK with a 1500 range rifle. That is just stupid.

  3. One of the most annoying things is crashing during unskippable cinematics. Some story instances are prone to do that more than others.

    Now that I am replaying the storylines on an Alt account, I am getting more and more frustrated with it.

    When it happens, it's during unskippable cinematics.

    In some cases I have replayed ENTIRE story missions SEVERAL times before I could get the credit.

    Example is HoT: On my Main account, I had to beat Mordremoth 6 times, yes SIX times before it FINALLY went through.

    That is INCLUDING redoing the pre-content completely because well... NO CHECKPOINTS!!!


    Why are you refusing to put in checkpoints?

    Why are you refusing to make the cinematics skippable?



    Just now it happened at "The World Summit"

    A very long instance with several cinematics that can crash you.

    My luck: it happened after I beat the Dragon's Lt.


    My problem is simple: I have to redo the ENTIRE instance, because of the lack of Checkpoints.

    There's a good chance during any of the cinematics I will crash again.

    I cannot be bothered right now, if Anet cannot be bothered to at least put in simple checkpoints or skip buttons...

    I sure don't wanna repeat the above and be stuck with this instance several times before I am "allowed" to progress.

    It simply isn't worth my time.


    It's time to listen to your customer base, time to revisit these lengthy instances and put in checkpoints and simple skip buttons.


  4. There is one thing that keeps bugging me though...

    The messages that appear in center screen, They are WAY too much in this map. It is borderline SPAMMING.


    Sometimes I get like 20 within 5 minutes. The immersiveness is wasted that way. It is too much....

    So please... Stop spamming us.


    Or at least give us an option to disable those annoying messages.


    While I wrote this messages, standing at base camp in Drizzlewood, I got 17


  5. If you have to aim in the air, and have the white dot against a blue background, it simply isn't there.

    The middle of the screen is kinda an estimate. You need to be precise with those baloons. After 9 events I managed to hit them 2 times.

    I too, hope they will enlarge it, or have an option to use proper crosshairs, instead of the tiny one it uses now.


  6. After some extensive playtime on the map:


    Yes episode was short.


    The participation system is flawed. It highly favors staying close to base and only run Supply Bulls. On regular events (defend, capture etc) I struggle to get to 100% participation before the meta begins (from start to finish) But... half hour running both bulls from base gave me 170%

    Ehhh what??!


    Siege is clutter in my oppinion. The only usable is the flame ram to get doors down. The others are useless and not comparable with WvW.

    Balista: utterly useless, set one up to get that sniper up high that kept hitting me... NO go... Balista should be able to kill those but runs into the same stupid rule that enemy will insta-heal back to 100 due to different elevations...

    Seriously, take that rule out, or take the snipers out. I prefer the first because the sniper idea is cool. But allow us a PROPER counter.


    Special missions, seriously 40 (!!) achievements that give ZERO points? WOW... Yeah they give commendations, but the list of achievements with all unlocked was just RIDICULOUSLY long. Overkill for sure. Scroll through to find that 1 achievement... can I get compensation of overly use of scroll wheel? hehehe


    I hope that experiment goes into the bin for next episode, but considering I suspect an expansion of current map, I fear the worse.


    The thing is, overal I love the map and the meta, and would love to see more of this, but please consider the above. Implementing siege is one thing, but make it at least usable?


    Anything positive?

    Love the action. The map itself is great. Its also a good balance to not TOO challenging to find your way, or too simple to get bored quickly.

    The meta is nice, and the variety of events (not simply kill this kill that) is also very welcome.

  7. - Necro: Loosing minions sometimes when mounting

    - General: Targeting system. Yes the turrets instead of the enemy (Even if the Enemy Engineer is closer than the turrest) in drizzlewood

    Although the 2nd I would describe as a MAYOR bug.

    The entire targeting system is messed up, and an utter nightmare for me.

    - Elevated maps: Targeting on a different floor level

    - Targeting enemies on other side of the wall instead of the one in front.

    - Pop ups that stop game play (the warning "the server was unable..." for example that randomly pops up and MUST be x-ed away or you cannot do anything)


    Actually anything that forces more mouse use is not a minor bug for me personally.

    I use a toggle to lock my mouse on my character. This way I can easely move around without having to press too many keys, or even worse: hold down a mouse key to steer. Current setup means I can steer by only moving the mouse without keeping any buttons clicked down.

    This has to do with my artritis hands. So any time I am forced to release, target manually, and lock again, I have a 2 to 4 second window where I cannot move at all.


    Yes I know action camera might be a solution but again, you have to get out of Action Camera to target, or click windows away, and re-enter.


    The targeting system in this game sure wins the "Worst ever" rewards as far as I am concerned.

  8. Got a few more that would improve my quality of life:

    I'd even say it would dramatically lower frustration levels:


    First off:

    Ability to turn of Notifications on Masteries etc. The big yellow/black obnoxious notification that repeats constantly (for example in Bjora, I get that notifaction for any great chest on my alt account that I need to train tier 3 of all 3 essence lines. This results in a dozen popups per day easely. Plus I cannot get near oakheart's essence in Draconis or elsewhere without being spammed with this same notification) They also need to be x-ed out... Handy if your mouse is LOCKED to your moving. I would LOVE to see these notifications gone permanently.


    That leads me to nr2: Abbility to turn off auto-pickup of Oakheart's Essence.

    I cannot begin to count how often I got into trouble on my main account while fighting a mob and getting too close to one of the nodes just to see my weapon skills be replaced with that useless Oakheart's Essence. It's so bad, that I seriously consider to skip the mastery on my alt. (the last 2 in HoT Ancient Magics are useless anyways to me)


    3: Bloodstone Dust, Empereal Fragments and Dragonite Ore.

    let us please sell this at a vendor or so. Currently even after using the gobblers, I still destroy 500-ish empereal fragments a day. That's nuts, I consider this stuff Trash. Can we please get a solution for that? I mean I destroyed likely in the millions by now. Their use is so extremely limited, yet every new map ads more to the already massive piles we get. We really don't need 3 to 4 stacks of this junk a day.



  9. Fully agree. It is not a desired behavior unless it goes both ways.


    If I am not capable to hit that sniper because there's no direct path, the HE should NOT be capable to keep me IN COMBAT and therefor DENY me ANY form of counter.


    As for the In Combat:

    "Simply stealth and get out of sight"


    Yeah that comes to another bug that I keep reporting invain:

    The not being able to get out of combat issue.

  10. This is an issue I noticed already all over the place, and I suspect it's a bit a design feature, but specially in the new map, it shows that it is actually a bug.


    Any enemy that is not on the same level as you, cannot be killed.

    I was attacked from a rock by a sniper, shoot back and every damage I did, he immediatly returned to 100%

    Any damage done with siege to enemies on a wall also same effect.

    Balista attacks me, I return fire with Balista, yet enemy again returns to 100% immediatly.


    Now, why is this an issue?

    How are we suppose to take down enemies that are killing us from on top of a wall?


    This is not how warfare works, Plus the benefit is one-sided.


    This is silly, this needs to be fixed.

    If they can Damage ME, then I should be able to damage THEM.


    Plain and simple.

    Fix please.

  11. I have to ad one tiny lil critisism to this story.

    Without giving away but very last part: Why was the sound so obnoxiously loud? I mean...

    OMG I had to rip off my headset to not go deaf, because I had not a second time to reach for the volume.


    Only one question:


  12. yeah my feedback, will be as objective as possible


    The map looks great, but i see area's for improvement.


    Center Screen messages:

    We are used to that from other maps, but in this map, I get what, 5 to 10 every minute?

    You obviously went overboard with those messages. This feels worse even than Lake Doric which is a map I systematically avoid due to those annoying messages


    And what did you do? You made them bigger, WAY bigged. 4 line messages. Seriously?


    The events:


    Some bosses have too many portal around to too many high places, you feel you're chasing them for no reason but the chase.

    It's frustrating that a boss stands on top of a tower, you have only minutes left to finish, you finally reach him, just to see him port to the other side of the camp to another high tower. Come on, seriously? Once or twice ok, but this boss (forgot the name, was in Leadfoot Village) ported at least 7 times during the event.


    What I do not like as well: you again came up with a way to let us train something before we can use it: Waypoints, or in this case Waystations.

    Seriously? What is up with that? Are you out of good ideas for masteries? What is next, a map where we need to train something to be able to view vista's?


    The positives: Good map, nice design. More than enough to do. (maybe a bit too much lol) A capping system like WvW would really be a nice addition.


    But seriously: Remove the sheer amount of mid-screen messages... Please I beg you!

  13. I am on the point that I am considering to ask my money back on my alt.

    This is getting to a point where I start to believe this game is broken beyond repair.


    Unplayable, and ONLY fixes we see is TP store stuff.

    NOT a word about the broken skills, the immence lag, the loss of content due to disconnect while utilizing for example revive orbs


    As for broken content:

    Stood in camp resolve for 10 minutes trying to get out of combat: old bug, NEVER heard something about it.

    Being stunned by a Awakened Canid: Stunbreaks shows 5 seconds cooldown, second stun, goes to 10 seconds cooldown.

    I mean STUNBREAKS are suppose to get you OUT of stuns, not be PART of the stun.


    I litterly have an entire list of issues at this stage, with the lag being nr1.


    And the SECOND arenanet is suggesting me to take a look at my router settings, I am gonna scream.

    When an ENTIRE map is complaining about lag, it is likely not MY side that's the problem.


    "Ow but Internet is heavier loaded due to corona ep.." STOP RIGHT THERE!

    I have heard complaints and been reporting thunderhead peaks lag since OCTOBER LAST YEAR

    I've been reporting the in combat issues and storyline connection issues for OVER A YEAR.


    I am a PAYING customer, I payed you TWICE for 2 accounts.

    ALL I ask for, is treat your paying customers as they deserve and at LEAST acknoledge the issues we are reporting.

    The silence is deafening and a VERY disturbing sign to me.

  14. For the first: Scourge builds are usually Condition Damage, and an insane amount of it.

    Example (still valid)


    For the second. That depends on too many personal preferences, to really advise one.

    I can say what I enjoy playing most besides Necro, and that is Thief

    Specifically Deadeye, glass canon build. A lot can be close to one-shot in PvE, but it has some risks offcourse. Stealth is your friend when you are squishy

  15. From what I see on the video:


    1. The lag, yeah hard to play that way. When you see such large battles. (obviously the enemy was attacking Jerrifer Tower) don't engage the enemy. But go to the tower and defend from there, or help repair any damage. This will give you participation, and is less vulnerable to lag. You can also man siege and help from a distance.


    2. Let people know you're new to WvW. Ask questions in Map chat. (more general advise to others reading this, because you've got the warclaw so are obviously somewhat farmilliar with WvW) But the tip to ask questions still stands valid, regardless of level.


    3. As mentioned before, you are not looking for tons of kills, captures etc. That actually does nothing for your reward track. Just make sure you keep participation up (at least tier 3, but preferably keep it at tier 6) even dumping a single supply in a wall that needs repairing gives participation.


    4. and last tip: WvW gives more than Gift of Battle. Most reward tracks that you finish for the first time give you 7 clovers, and 2 on repeated finishing.


    I do agree that it is somewhat strange that there is no way around WvW for Legendaries, unlike PvP, where the things you need for most of them, can simply be bought on the TP. But it's just the way it is.


    With the lag you're experiencing, play smart. Stick close to towers and keeps your servers owns, and try to stick with groups if you see one, don't be the hero that charges in first, that's suicide, just stick with the main body and just spam 1 if necesairy. (yeah unpopular advise in the eyes of the WvW diehards, but then again, they must recognize your problem seeing the lag your experiencing)


    Also: What server are you on? Maybe there are some Forum readers here on the same server that can give you specific hints as which commander is new player friendly etc.

  16. The biggest issue: They don't even recognize the problem.

    So many reports, not a single word.

    That worries me more than the actual lag.


    Specially WvW, Thunderhead Peaks...

    And not to mention the NUMEROUS bugs introduced with their "Balance Patch" that have never been fixed... but the moment a shiny is bugged in TP... they are on top of it.


    I worry about the game, due to the lack of feedback on these urgent issues.

  17. None of the above, we need an extra option:

    ArenaNet is the top reason for dying.


    All other things I die occasionally when I make a mistake, but the VAST MAYORITY of deaths is broken game content.


    I contribute 75% of my /death stats to Areanet's fault. Plain and simple. Therefor the /deaths stats are a joke to begin with


    - Insta death on falling 1 freaking meter... happens often (Stop gliding to land, instead BAM dead. - Mostly Bloodstone Fen)

    - Death because of lag - Thunderhead Peaks anyone?!?! the biggest joker map currently in the game for months already

    - Death because of cinematics in storyline during a fight that does NOT skip - Found myself dead too often, getting out of that crap (if I actually didn't crash due to it)

    - Deaths because of skills not doing what they promise (dodge, stunbreak failure etc)

    - Deaths because leaving map/instance without warning or even getting close to visible border

    - Deaths because of poison (example in Tangled Depths - despite having the correct mastery)

    - Death because I attack an enemy but a freakin oakheart essence is too close by and is automatically attached (dumb design!)


    Do I need to continue?



  18. I just did a story instance on an alt and disconnected right before the last fight.


    These disconnects always happen to me on both accounts, during unskippable Cinematics...

    The downside is that it boots you out of the instance, and you have to replay the entire instance again.


    Forging the Pact in this case, already a dragging instance, now have to redo it. Valuable time just lost... gone.


    This also happens a LOT on the HoT finale, where there are - weirdly enough - no checkpoints.

    On this main account, I crashed twice in that one, after defeating the dragon and had to do the entire (LONG) instance again, FROM THE VERY START which took a total of 3 hours..


    yes **THREE HOURS **to complete that ONE instance.

    Killed the dragon THREE TIMES just to get it done!


    So my questions are:


    Why did you never bother to put in checkpoints on some of these long instances to prevent us wasting our times doing things dozen times over?


    Why are these cinematics still unskippable while they are the MAYOR cause of disconnects?


    I don't get that AT ALL.


    Yes at this moment I am mad.

    This has been an issue since the day I started playing this game about 2 years ago, and nothing has been done to meet us half way.


    I am VERY dissapointed in that, VERY.

  19. This has been an issue since day one.

    The 2nd mirror in this particular puzzle is often borked.

    Specially when multiple people play the puzzle at the same time.


    This issue is still not resolved and extremely frustrating when it happens while you're already progressed trough the puzzle.

    You gotta waiting for the beam to time out, start over and hope it wont happen again.

    I had one occasion that it started to work after 3 times and... I got booted out because Drakkar.


    So please fix this... ASAP.


    Check this out (unlisted video purely ment to show the issue)




    Mirror is correctly pointing, yet it stops right after the beam leaves the mirror.



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