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Tuna Bandit.3786

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Posts posted by Tuna Bandit.3786

  1. Although frustrated when I wanted to give Raids a try, I've never felt the need to IM a person to complain about their requirements.


    You're right. What you ask, is up to you. No Argument there.


    The frustration was more towards trying to find a group that was doing a training. At times you could look for hours at the LFG and none showed up that welcomed unexperienced players.


    I found a guild that took me in, and we did training runs.


    In LFG there's no reason to get frustrated over anything Strike related when some ask for Raid Li.

    Reason being: it's just a minority of groups that ask that in Strikes.

  2. Ok both screenshots are on Verdant Brink. That's the first Heart of Thorns map. Yes some things will be hard to reach or out of reach there since that map is designed to teach you how to glide and use updrafts (after training the mastery)


    If you need specific points in that map, you can also try ask someone if they can help you out.

    I often port people to places in those maps, if I am on my thief or mesmer

  3. Ok Let's fix stealth with:


    1. Senturies

    2. Watchtower Tactics

    3. Target Painter and Target Painter Traps

    4. Warclaw Sniff


    Ow wait...


    Reason for above is simple, I hear the complaints too ingame, yet none of the complainers EVER uses a Painter.


    "A deadeye is tapping our keep!! arrrgggg!!"

    "Did you put painter traps down?"



    Nuff said.


    As for Ts's suggestions:

    You have any idea how much I rely on stealth to not insta-die to the current condi game that those toxic, stacking 10 in a squad Scourges are doing?

    Fix stealth? Above sounds fine IF AoE can NO LONGER STACK either. 2nd AoE on top of 1st? NO GO.

    If those conditions aren't met, you did NOT fix deadeye, you KILLED deadeye in the game mode.


    I rather deal with 10 deadeyes on ANY toon than 5 scourges


    Now do us all a favor and stop targeting the deadeye only. Getting sick of the constant complaints while the real issue lies in the so called "Balance Patch" that was recently released making DPS useless, making glass even more glassy and making Condi OP to extreme toxic levels.


    Yet here we are bikkering about stealth again...



  4. Hmm, there's a few things I don't remember from last year.

    1. All progress is per toon, rather than account. I don't remember having to buy all upgrades on different toons last year. Why is that anyways?

    2. Since when does dodge not work at all anymore? Last year I remember dodging the Queen Dog Bee attacks, specially the spins, this yeah that is absolutely futile in any mode.


    In general... not enjoying it this year to be honest.

    In this manner, it can be cancelled as far as I am concerned.

  5. I've noticed this a couple of times now, and beside the fact that these are annoying and extremely disruptive to the WvW game, it's also bugged.


    I was warned that I would be redirected within 3 minutes, but got redirected about 10 seconds later.


    Don't give us a 3 minute warning when we get booted pretty much immediatly.


    Stop disrupting WvW with so many updates and furthermore, follow your own warning, 3 minutes is acceptable as you promise, yet 10 seconds is **_ABSOLUTELY _**not.



  6. I agree with Cuks, the fact that you can include Bjora now, means you can farm it with more variety.


    And yes, plus there are 4 more in closed chambers on the map (3 on the new west side, one on the east) with quite good chests inside as well.


    When I did the skyscale, we didn;t have icebrood yet, so what I did myself was what Cuks suggested.

    On Jahai, I visited the heart I mentioned with 9 alts every day... cause well... fast! lol

    On Thunderhead I did the hearts and ran all the dwarven chests daily, was quite fast.

    Istan is the easiest one, since that gives 25 per heart and 25 per 75 ice shards. You'll have those 250 in no time, specially if you include the meteors as well.

    Kourna I disliked most, few easy hearts, but also 2 that were an absolute stupid grind. (Seriously, I needed to kill how many awakened to get that heart full? as bandits say "You're Kiddin', right?"


    But just... don't wear yourself out with a grind, never worth it.

    I've seen people take a break and even quit because they washed themselves out on the skyscale grind.

    It's not worth it.


    A too big grind is one of the main reasons for people to quit a game. I think (or hope at least) ArenaNet learned their lesson and realized that the Skyscale grind was damaging to the game.

  7. You replied when I was editing my post lol.

    There are 4 rooms in Bjora where you can do light puzzles. They are fun to do, and give good loot, including shards.

    If you miss the essence mastery, that changes things. The most of the shards I get from those chests unfortunately.


    I edited previous post to ad about 1 of the hearts I saw people doing the hard way, in Jahai, which is actually quite fast and easy if you know how:


    Jahai Bluffs tip on the Pact Vanguard heart:

    I see a lot of people do the golem parts etc, but please... ignore that stuff.

    Go immediatly to the test dummies, stand on a shard, then pick up - throw - pick up - throw...

    That one goes real fast that way - I did that on multiple toons for the Mystonium.


    Just trying to save you some time there :)

  8. On those shards, yes they are easy to farm.

    Open Essence chests.

    Do the light puzzles

    Get any norn chest you see,

    Get the nodes,

    Do the meta's


    I farm them daily and this morning's run took me about an hour and a half.

    2 succesful meta's, all 4 light puzzles (I didn't touch the open world ones) all essence chests, and quite a few nodes.

    Result: 800 shards.

    Considering that the exchange rate is 10 of each currency for 75, That's an easy 100 to pick up.

    (Except Kralkatite Ore, that's 25, for 75 shards)


    What I would do:

    - Do all maps you need to do for currency, and take the shards as well.

    - When you run all maps at least once, you will learn which is the most grindy, or least to your liking to farm.

    - Start buying that particular map's currency with shards first, to get it done and over with.


    So when you use the shards as complimentary way to get your currency, you'll simply be done faster. Each map has daily limits anyways.


    Edit to ad:

    Jahai Bluffs tip on the Pact Vanguard heart:

    I see a lot of people do the golem parts etc, but please... ignore that stuff.

    Go immediatly to the test dummies, stand on a shard, then pick up - throw - pick up - throw...

    That one goes real fast that way - I did that on multiple toons for the Mystonium.


    And btw: You can get a Sun's Refuge portal scroll by doing the achievement "Poster Child" (easy quick achievement - wiki it)

    Then take your other toons into Sun's and exit through the south-east portal to end up at Pact Vanguard.

  9. Zojja's is basically Bersker Stats.

    So when you set Frostfang to Berserker, yes the stats are exactly the same.


    The benefit of legendaries, aside from what Randulf already mentioned is the ability to switch out upgrades and infusions on the go without an extractor.


    Simple example (since I have frostfang and this is a situation that does occure)


    I run Superior Sigil of Bloodlust on it, but when going into an instance with a single boss, you obviously don't build bloodlust stacks.

    So I simply switch it out for Superior Sigil of Force real quick.


    You can do that any time you're not in combat.


    As for transmuting, that is purely visuals, purely for the looks.

    The weird thing is, the weapon appears to become legendary (color changes from pink to purple) but only takes on the looks.


    As for the vision crystals: You can craft those.

    5 Dragonite Ingots

    5 Empyreal Stars

    1 Augur's stone

    5 Bloodstone Bricks

  10. This is really becoming annoying. I am today farming Bjora and up to now, I had 6 of these pop-ups


    Twice I got them in the middle of the meta's with a full squad being on those maps.

    Why is this still an issue? 50 people on a map doesn't seem under populated to me.


    Secondly... why on earth would we want to change maps?

    The rewards are not compensating what you loose by switching maps, right now I have:

    - Full stack of Bloodlust

    - Full stack of Essence of Valor tier 3

    - Full stack of Essence of Resilience tier 3

    - Full stack of Essence of Vigilance tier 3


    All that will be lost if I volunteer. With no garuantee that that map is actually more populated than the one I am in right now.


    So 2 fold on this bug:

    1. Please take a look at this system for it often falsely offers us to switch maps.

    2. Please fix the loss of our stacks when switching maps in this manner.


    I am not switching because those minor rewards do not compensate the loss of those 4 stacks.

    Not even close.

  11. Take out the commander to destabalize the group.

    Sound and very normal tactics in warfare wherever you go.


    Recent example: while roaming I got steamrolled by a 30-ish squad.

    So yeah I don't feel any remorse about returning and taking down the comm.

    That's not me being a pest, that's me doing valid retaliation.


    Action equals reaction.


    If you don't like warfare and tactics, don't play wvw


    As for the "biggest charr in front of the pack" haha so recognizable.

    Use an asura, hide in your squad and make it harder for us to pin the comm but nooo... make it as flashy as possible.


    I always go for the biggest charr with that ugly warbringer backpack 'cause you know... odds :)

  12. Can we please have a change for that puzzle?


    I was litterly rotating the last of the mirrors when I got booted out for the Meta... which starts about 10 minutes from the moment I got kicked out.


    That is messed up...

    Please let us finish once inside the chamber... This is NOT fun, this is actually extremely frustrating.

    So not only do I need to wait potentially over 30 minutes to be able to finish that one...

    I actually will have to do it from the start again!

    Not amused with that joke.


    Seriously ArenaNet, please make it so that once in: You can finish.


    Actually if I got kicked out when Jhavi leaves, I would've finished it easy.


  13. 5 to 10 should be more than enough, provided you got enough DPS.


    The minute you exceed the 10, it will scale up with 2 locations per rotation so keep that in mind.

    First part you have to defeat 5 waves of Mordrem Maws which are protected by 2 vine tenders each. It's timed.


    The thing is, 1 spawns, you deal with it, wait for the next round... when you have more than 10 people, each round will spawn 2.


    A good strategy to start with, is to let everyone position themselves in the center of the Guild Hall, before you interact with the NPC inside and start the mission. This reduces the travel time to the first Maw.


    Another tip: You can get help from outside the guild. Anyone coming along with you, doesn't need to be in the guild even, as long as they are in your squad before you enter, you'll be fine.


    (This is the 2 HoT guild halls. I am not aware of any differences with the PoF one)


    I've seen people struggle with 10, and others breeze through with 5 or 6.

    As long as you have one or two players that can melt the vine tenders quickly, you'll be fine. (Power Reapers for example)

  14. According to the Tool Tip, this setting allows you to ignore repeatable renown hearts hero points.


    I have this option checked, because to be honest, the constant ping and the heart objectives popping in and out of the content guide, are annoying as heck.

    However, it does nothing, I still get spammed with the ping and the info in the content guide.


    And yes, sounds silly, but it's for me a reason to minimize my stay on maps that have repeatable renown hearts. I cannot stand that ping anymore by now.



  15. Down Penalties - the reason does make some sense, however in a lot of situations it doesn't.

    We all talk about learning, which is a valid reason. but ONLY if we have opponents that cannot in ANY situation just down you out of the blue.


    - Downed without being struck by AoE... have it happen and since patch on a very regular basis

    - Downed by a shot from an NPC straight THROUGH A WALL... have that happen TWICE just today.


    In those cases, a downed penalty feels as being fined for playing by the rules.


    What I learned in those situations is very simple:

    "Too bad for the other players in that event, I ain't returning to a cheating NPC."


    Ps: Purely speaking PvE in this situation.


    Anet needs to fix their "..." before they penatalize me for being downed. VERY simple.


    As far as the above, NPC's that can shoot through solid walls, floors, can down you out of the blue without warning, can one-shot kill a full health 40k warrior with ton of sustain without being downed... This game is the worst, since the balance patch.


    So many things broke, so few got fixed.

  16. Here we go again: Anet should NOT have killed Roaming.

    The problem does not lie with the DE.

    In order to hit THAT hard as you suggest, we need to run glass. VERY glass.


    The problem lies with zerging killing Roaming. Who wants to roam (other than with a deadeye) if you're basically instantly steamrolled the minute a zerg spots you?


    I can go on right now... go roaming into enemy territory and record how I will be steamrolled (GARUANTEED) if I don't have stealth capabilities.

    That video will litterly without editing be max 5 minutes.


    Nerve DE, and you nerved one of the last real roaming classes, and with that... the death of WvW.


    What you really need to do, is learn how to counter a DE. As many said before: If you know how to counter a DE, you can win relatively easy.

  17. Deadeyes are not ruining WvW. Zerg are.

    Deadeye is the only viable roaming class left if you do not want to be steamrolled by zergs constantly.


    Tell me this: Does your Zerg leave a single roamer alone trying to capture a sentury? I doubt it, you likely will use the Massive power of the zerg to steamroll the poor roamer without him giving a fighting chance. Am I right? AM I?!?!?!


    If your zerg cannot deal with 3 deadeyes in a keep, then you are not doing your job.


    The second question: When you are going for a keep with your Zerg, and are met with strong defences, but... one allied thief is in there and offers to port a few behind enemy lines... Will you deny this opportunity? Likely not!


    Deadeyes are always hated... that is... ENEMY deadeyes are always hated... Allied deadeyes are loved.

    Same goes for other classes that seem OP. Rangers, Scourges, Ele's etc etc... scroll through the forums and see how often people complain that class X is ruining WvW.


    To come back to my own remark of Zergs ruining WvW... They aren't

    But they are when they have to kill that single player, even if the player is retreating... that's not fighting that's slaughter... yet you see it constantly.


    So the fact your Zerg was unable to get those 3, kinda makes me smile. Sorry it does.

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