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Bast Bow.2958

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Posts posted by Bast Bow.2958

  1. I feel somewhat uncomfortable because of your post OP. This feels very, very private. Maybe I need to apoligize because I feel uncomfortable, not sure.


    I agree more love, more kindness in my words, is always good.


    As other said as well, if a game brings you so low you’re thinking about stepping out of life, you really need to take a break. Not only from the game, but from the computer and being inside, probably.

    You should also seek professional help if you feel this bad. It’s good to open up about this, but I wonder if a public game forum is the right place.


    I wish you all the best.

  2. I really like nature, so sylvari for me. I think they're fabulous. I like their lore and the way they look.

    I like cats as well, I like the way charr look, but their lore is too agressive for my liking.

    Asura are a bit funny but too arrogant which makes them annoying.

    Humans I've known all my life, so too boring for me.

    Norn are pretty cool, I like their lore as well with their spirit animals. But they're too keen on being on their own.


    In the end I think it's a nice mix of races, I wouldn't want to miss one and I like the fact they have different cultural behavioural aspects even though it's not my initial preference and I like sylvari far most.

  3. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Bast Bow.2958" said:

    > > I don't play much anymore, but I remember really liking the spirits when they moved with me in WvW. Wouldn't that invite more active play? Maybe decrease their spiritbuff-range a bit to prevent them from getting OP. And make them less susceptible for AOE but I believe that's covered already.

    > > I found it pretty neat in WvW, hanging around mid/back-line with my little zoo around me.


    > not really since you just poped the skill and then ignore them till they died with no regard of when and where to place them. i'd like spirits to get a bit of a rework but just making them move again would make them more passive if anything


    Hm yes that's true. I guess it's how you define more active gameplay. In the way you state it I agree with you moving spirits is not more active gameplay. I interpreted it otherwise.

  4. I don't play much anymore, but I remember really liking the spirits when they moved with me in WvW. Wouldn't that invite more active play? Maybe decrease their spiritbuff-range a bit to prevent them from getting OP. And make them less susceptible for AOE but I believe that's covered already.

    I found it pretty neat in WvW, hanging around mid/back-line with my little zoo around me.

  5. Pretty marvelous writing this is. (trying) To get players somewhat emotionally attached to Aurene and then letting her die. Now who DOESN'T want to play the next episode to see what's up next? Bravo Anet. This isn't sarcasm btw.

    Personality I really do hope she'll revive in some way. But it shouldn't happen too much to main characters, you'll withhold getting fond of a character if main characters are dropping by the bunch but also getting revived again. People get trust issues and it’ll lose a certain depth. That shouldn't happen.

  6. I'd like a Guild Wars 3 eventually, but not for now and a few years. I do not have a clue how Guild Wars 3 would be like and what could make it stand out of the crowd. I remember didn't knowing that either when playing Guild Wars 1 and they announced Guild Wars 2. But boy was I happily surprised. For now we're good I think and hope, hopefully with 1 or 2 more expansions. I do hope for a Guild Wars 3 after that, "when it's ready" (Yes Anet, it's a trauma from 10 years ago, please do not tell us that for 5 years again, just announce it later then xD)

  7. > @"Adenin.5973" said:

    > > @"Bast Bow.2958" said:


    > > Could you elaborate more? How guild wars 2 lacks a reason to do so? I'm interested how so, or in what way it can be different. I find it somewhat hard to come back to the game lately. I've had those periods before and I always come back though. I'm blaming it on getting older and having other priorities, but maybe that's not it so I'm curious about your findings.

    > >


    > Well, it's the core principle of GW2 to be not a game that is played the entire time until one day the studio stops making new content for it, like it's the case for example with WoW.


    > GW2 is from the ground up designed to be a game where you drop in to play a few days and then simply stop playing it. The devs/designers stated themselves that "it is okay to stop playing and come back later". Well that's honestly not so much okay for me. I expect something more from an MMO in 2019.


    > Now, how is this philosophy noticeably in game? Very easy. The main content of GW2, besides - and lets be honest here - pretty slim expac releases every few years, is the living world. What does living world offer? It offers several months of dev time, that created a few hours of okayish story and a map, maybe some skin you can get if you want to. That's it. It's content that you play through once, the hardcore ppl do it maybe for achievements several times but then it's done. It's one time content. You throw it away aftrer you've seen it. It's like a movie. Star Wars is fun and awesome. If you watch it, do you really want to watch it tomorrow again? The majority of ppl wouldn't want to do that, because the "progression" and "reward" of a film is not the nice visuals, it's the story that unfolds. Since you already know that story now, there's nothing you gain from doing that again.


    > What does the Living Story therefore not offer? For example a new mechanic that scales (endless coop horde defense modes etc.) , or a new way of enhancing and building your character. Something that you can do hundreds of times, is every time a bit different maybe, offers even after the 100th time still something as a meaningful reward (fractals are lackluster when it comes to meaningful rewards). The obvious thing here would be a gear treadmill, like WoW has, or another system like paragon points, that are a very longterm thing in some games, where you need to do specific things to get new abilities or better stats. There are obviously tons of other such things they can come up with. Now, again, this is very against the entire concept of Anet, to not get any more character progression, so that ppl are not "afraid" to get back to the game and have to grind a few weeks to get back to where other players are.



    > I was very excited about the HoT expansion. Especially because of one thing, that was promised to make up for the lack of a gear treadmill: "Masteries". Yet they turned out to be a complete joke, that was done without thinking too much within the first few days of each expac. There is no character progression in GW2 that would keep you playing for more than a few hours. Progression, which is one of the single most improtant things I consider when I decide what RPG I want to play.


    > Give me new skills, new mechanics, new gear, new skins, new auras, new ways to experience the world. And yes, GW2 surprisingly does that. Mounts, elite specs, gemstore skins etc. But here's the improtant thing: These things must build on each other to be progression and even more important, the key in longterm progression, is the word "long". In GW2 everything is super fast done.


    > Another game I've played for ages was Diablo3. Besides its flaws, it got one thing absolutely right imo. And that was the reward part and the progression part, combining them both together with a system that has an insane amount of replayability. Diablo essentially is a long story mission with incredibly amounts of trash mobs and tons of bosses in it. Once you complete the game fort the first time, you unlock a higher difficulty level. Now, why would you want to play the exact same game twice in a row? Here's the thing: Mechanics of encounters change, loot changes and you get more and more powerful until you're a literal god.


    > And then? You do it again, why, because the treadmill works. But that's again not all, because you start realizing, some of the items that drop make your class just gamebreaking. And completely alter the way your entire class plays. And then when a new season comes, there are new types of these items available, making new stupidly op or fun builds available, so you go out in the highest possible difficulty levels with the highest drop chances to get this loot. I don_t think I've ever played a game where RNG felt that good, not because the items I wanted dropped so much, but just the thrill of hovering with my mouse over a freshly identified legendary, knowing this drop could indeed change everything.

    > And even then, you had almsot infinite amounts of paragon points to farm, to noticeably enhance your character stats.


    > GW2 has none of that. Really, literally nothing of that. there's not a single MMO, that had loot that lackluster, boring and uninspired or such a lack of longterm progression combined with one time only throw away content sparsely spread across each year.




    Interesting read, thanks. In reaction to this post and the discussion that followed with other people:

    I don’t think it hurts looking at other games so that you can learn or implement things in GW2, right? While also being happy with what we have already.


    > @"Adenin.5973" said:


    > GW2 absolutely has great classes and a nice world with awesome event systems, a pretty decent combat system, the best mounts in any MMO so far, awesome customization systems and so much more. But it has the absolute opposite problem that WoW has. While playing GW2 feels great and you want to play it, it absoluitely lacks a reason to do so. and while you always find something you could do in WoW to further Progress, the game just isn't fun enough to do that for a long time.



    Could you elaborate more? How guild wars 2 lacks a reason to do so? I'm interested how so, or in what way it can be different. I find it somewhat hard to come back to the game lately. I've had those periods before and I always come back though. I'm blaming it on getting older and having other priorities, but maybe that's not it so I'm curious about your findings.


  9. Hello!


    So I'm well underway of making legendary armor. But I can't set myself to actually make it. And I'm looking for reasons to either make it, or not.


    Reasons to make legendary armor for me are:

    - Switching stats easily

    - I have most of the materials, it won't cost me a lot more to finish it.

    - I play on 1 profession only, so it makes sense to make it because I'm not playing on any alts.

    - Status, pride


    Reasons not to:

    - I have all ascended armor I need for the gametypes I play, berserker, viper and healing. Could easily make another set with all the boxes etc from raiding if I needed to for any other gametype. Allthough I do find it a bit annoying to swap all my gear around if I want to change stats.

    - I don't really like the medium legendary armor esthetically. I don't think it's very bad, but I don't particcularly think it fits my profession and style.

    - It will set me back a lot of gold and materials which I can spend on legendary weapons I like.


    So if anyone could add any more reasons for either making it or not, or highlighting points I already mentioned and why it would be important, please do.



  10. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > There are already threads on this topic. Maybe use those?

    > >

    > > Checked and double checked the guild wars 2 general discussion forum. This is literally the only forum post on this topic. But hey at least you told someone to cross their Ts and dot their Is, regardless if you were correct or not.


    > There were 2 before you posted fyi. One has been deleted or merged and the other was worthless anyway. So they were right, but at time of your posting you wouldn't have found them anyway, so no big deal either way


    Yes there was actually a pretty big thread already about the new legendary longbow.


    Anyways, from what I've seen so far in the trailer the new longbow is not my style. Kudzu is though. And I like the fact they didn't make another leafy/natury longbow so there is something in it for all of us and matches other styles better. Have to see what it really looks like when it releases.

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