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Bast Bow.2958

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Posts posted by Bast Bow.2958

  1. As some others stated too. I think the change of grace of the land opens up more build diversity in raids, which I think is nice. The same set raid composition meta is no more. I think it’s good this way there will be multiple good raid compositions, differences will get smaller, so small hopefully most people will get less cramped and tense about a certain raid meta composition.


    I believe condi soulbeast wasn’t very OP it needed nerfs to torch and sharpening stone though?

    Happy with the stances.


    If this will hurt pvp and/or wvw I feel sry for you lot. I can’t really tell now.



  2. of course, anduriell. Haha.


    I'm really happy with the changes at first glance. A lot of improvements which were needed. I don't see how it doesn't improve PvP as well, but I dont PvP.


    And of course there's still room for improvements, but for now I choose to be really happy with what we got, instead of focussing instantly on what we don't have yet.

  3. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > Only female quaggans are cute, male ones sounds too much like someone drank something too fast and it "Went down the wrong hole" and they're trying to talk the whole time during the coughing (minus the coughing).

    > Choyas look like Chucky mixed with Gengar and Slimer (well the green ones)... so Choyas.

    > Next that boosted their ratings was the renowned heart for them in PoF.

    > The next that boosted them even MORE was the Choya scout next to that heart explaining the surroundings.

    > And while I never got it (mainly because it looked too silly/stupid for me, but it was still cute as kitties), that Choya roped to a stick weapon in the Gem store helped a bit too.


    > Oh and my little mini Choya I have walking around with me every so often also helps... so...

    > Choya all the way.

    > I also like Choya children, I don't like Quaggan kids. They keep making me think of "kick the baby".





    Especially the part of the talking while coughing made me laugh


  4. Yes. Bought it actually. Indeed it seems like a compromise of those 2. And it being wireless is nice too. I haven't tried the G600 so I'm not sure how accessible those buttons are, but these are very accissible with your thumb, you don't have to (over)stretch your thumb to press all the side buttons.

  5. > @jcbroe.4329 said:

    > > @Evolute.6239 said:

    > > Top tier condition dps as soulbeast, top tier core meta condition druid in fractals, top tier core healer/condition support druid in raids, great bunker druid in sPVP, top tier roamer as druid or soulbeast

    > > Mediocre in blobs in WvW

    > >

    > > Far from useless.


    > Pretty much this.

    > I'd like to just add the organized WvW groups worth their salt will run heal Druids, even if they don't actively recruit them.


    > So really that only leaves "bag tagging" as something that's mediocre.


    Woohoo ranger!! o/



  6. Thanks all. Because of your input I wanted to go for the G600, but it’s not available in my country anymore. Instead they offer the G602, which is what I bought. Did some more research about palm- and claw-grip and this mouse should fit me. There’s really a lot of info about a mouse which I didn’t knew before.


    I don’t have a valid reason why I chose Logitech over Razer. Only thing is I’m familiar with Logitech and I’m not with Razer. Well and the G602 has less buttons, but enough for me so I don’t have to learn too many buttons to muscle-memorize. And it’s wireless which wasn’t what I was looking for inititally but it’s a nice pro. So it seems there are some small reasons for me to chose Logitech over Razer.


    Now I’m in the process of learning all the buttons. Which makes my rotation a bit slower for now, but probably will get faster once I’ll start to get familiar with them. And jumping back into raids, shrugging off the rust, it’s been 2 months.


    Again, thanks all for the input.

  7. > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > @Sandzibar.5134 said:

    > > You wont get a response because I expect to ANET this thread would be perceived as an attack / overly aggressive. You're not really asking specific questions or reasoning for a specific change, or providing numerical data to justify anything. It just comes across as angry. All caps doesnt help either. Sorry.

    > >


    > You are exactly right.


    > This is the reason ANet hardly responds to forum questions, people do not like to be attacked and that is pretty much what they get when they do respond. Framing the thread as an attack to begin with is counter-productive.





  8. > @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

    > Have you tried to bind all skills on keyboard. You can use those close buttons (e,r,q,12345, etc and then put different skills in shift+insert Button here) control+(insert Button here)


    Yes I tried. Somehow I can’t make it work for me. Thanks for the tip though, I’m certain it works for many others.


    Thanks others too




  9. I'm struggling to do everything with my keyboard with my left hand, and I don't have enough buttons on my current mouse to bind all utilities, elite, heal, F-skills, weapon swap etc. That's why I'm planning on buying a MMO raid mouse. If you have experience with either mentioned, which one do you prefer, and why?

  10. > @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

    > > @Cynn.1659 said:

    > > > @"Bast Bow.2958" said:

    > > > Hello.

    > > >

    > > > I was wondering, would a MMORPG-mouse help to get your skill rotation better/faster for a DPS increase? Any experiences?

    > > >

    > > > Thank you

    > >

    > > Not really, im sitting at 800+ LI with my crappy $10 mouse. Good keyboard is where it's at. You are supposed to activate skills by keyboard, not clicking them. If you want to have easier time at doing proper rotations, get a good keyboard instead. Fast keyboard without mushy keys will help you more, the only time you use mouse is to rotate camera and point where targeted aoe will go.

    > >


    > Well, a player could also use a mouse like Logetic G600 with many buttons on the side and bind skills to them. That's what I do and I think that was what the OP was referring to. In my case having most of my skills bound to mouse keys by my thumb helped a lot, but I don't raid. I suppose it depends on personal preference but a gaming mouse can be helpful to those that prefer them. One bit of advice if the OP is considering a gaming mouse, check them out in person before buying because having it fit your hand well is important in my opinion.


    Indeed that's what I was referring to. I'll be clearer next time.


    Currently I have 6 buttons binded, which is enough in some builds, but not enough for me for most builds I play. I can't have everything binded to my mouse, which is what I would like. I got my healing-skill , F1, F2, elite skill and weapon swap binded. I would like to bind my utilities and more F-skills too. I suppose some, or many people have their utilites on Q, E, T or left TAB, Q, E or something?


    Also, I'll take in account to try out the mouses before I buy them, thanks for the tips.


    > @altermaven.7385 said:

    > I've been trying to find the right mouse that would allow me to find the right setup, not just for GW2 though. I had a Naga and couldn't find myself to work the buttons well. Considering for the first 10 years it was all a 3-button mouse for a companion, I've been wanting to find a mouse with a not-so-complex thumb setup. I'm currently at a Logitech G502 and it provides me with DPI and two easy thumb buttons. The rest I can command with keyboard shifting (SHIFT+key, CTRL+key, ALT+key) to access other but less-demanding things (such as LFG panel, mounts, etc.) Some games I play don't really allow that, though.


    > It boils down to the desire to train your thumb. I'm not a clawgripper, and that's basically from years of not using that kind of grip. If I can get a palm-gripper (or whatever kind of grip that is) with easy nearby thumb buttons, it'd be a gift. But I've been batting zero.


    > Any suggestions would be welcome.


    I'm making a new post or poll for what MMO-mouse people use, watched some videos and read about them, still can't make a choice. I'll post in the other sub-forum about raiding.

  11. Zaishen. Lore-wise it ties the loose ends up very nicely and furthermore it's a nice opener for the third expansion being in cantha because the zaishen order orgins from cantha, if a third expansion will come.


    Sry for the messy english


  12. > @Swagger.1459 said:

    > > @ninjambo.3784 said:

    > > > @Swagger.1459 said:

    > > > > @ninjambo.3784 said:

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > People who have been saying Soulbeast is trash need to take a second look at it. Unblockable attacks when entering beastmode is by far the best trait we have ever had for PvP/WvW in this game. And Basically permanent 17% Damage bonus. Taking Rock Gazelle with a greatsword or sword also makes this build even more mobile than Druid. I made a video demonstrating this. I didn't include 1v1s in here because you will win 99% of fights with ease if you rotate your Beastmode correcly. The only thing hard to beat sometimes is a condi mesmer. Anyways, enjoy the video!

    > > >

    > > > Yeah, the daggers and slot skills are trash. That’s the major problem many of us have... And obviously the build you posted doesn’t even use them.

    > > >

    > > > I’m sure you’re a great player, but c’mon now... We can’t claim a spec is something awesome when the majority of the new spec isn’t used or viable comparatively. That’s like saying Deadeye is great, but not running rifle or any slot skills...

    > >

    > > You have a good point that dagger and most of the stances are bad, but that is a bad comparison. The spec is awesome because of traits and because of the variety of useful skills in beastmode. Having a bad 1hand weapon and some bad stances does not mean the majority of the elite spec if not being used. Beastmode is the main feature of the specialization.


    > That’s a completely valid comparison. Players are dissecting, and judging, the entire new spec based on its merits. Those areas are beast skills, trait line, dagger and slot skills.


    > So when you say “People who have been saying Soulbeast is trash need to take a second look at it.”... You’re completely dismissing rational and factual arguments that dagger and slot skills are trash, despite you knowing those dagger and slot skills are “bad”. Some of the traits aren’t even good either.


    > Your argument isn’t even that strong because almost the entirety of your build is core ranger... sans 1 new pet, a couple beast skills and trait line... That build is not a full Soulbeast, and to dismiss valid player complaints, about the entire spec, seems petty... It’s also misleading to players gathering info, and paints the picture to the devs that Soulbeast is fine... when the entire spec is not.


    Harsh times in the forums for people showing soulbeast works for them. So I think you both are right, would that be a suitable outcome for you two?

    I wasn't under the impression OP was saying all of soulbeast was fine, he only showed us a way soulbeast worked for him (which I think all of the players should look for in the specilisations).

    It's like a condi druid playing sb - a/t and saying it's great. Doesn't mean he likes staff and all the traits, or there aren't things that can be improved or are bugged, right?

    To be honest Swagger I think it's nice to see a good soulbeast player enjoying it and sharing it. Pretty welcome amongst all the things that still need to be improved, which you are probably right about. I think Anet can't miss those when they read the forums, what do you think? :)

  13. > @Cyninja.2954 said:

    > Ah yes, the easy solution to a way more complex problem.


    > The core problem is not Mesmer, Warrior or Ranger at the moment, those classes being desired is just the result of said problem. **The core problem is and always will be peoples desire for maximum efficiency.** No amount of nerfing, rebalancing or changing will affect this (unless you actually get 2 classes to perform the exact same function within minimal difference to each other). Sure you might shake it up and have other classes take the place of current desired classes, but that would just mean exchanging class A for B.


    > This is not unique to GW2 by the way. You can see it in any challenging game mode of MMOs (check WoW Mythic+ dungeons for example and how the meta changes there constantly too even though differences might be minimal between roles). The more difficult the content, the higher the demand for maximized group compositions as to reduce the chance of failure.


    > Also prentending like this was not an issue at the start of GW2 is a pure lie. First off, there was no challenging game content at launch, and even the most challenging content (I'd go with dungeons before fractals were added) had a developing and established priority of which classes were prefered. The amount of maximisation simply increased with higher challenge. Fractals had a very clear optimal group preferance (and still do). Pretending like the game changed even though it did not will not do your argument good.


    > My recommendation:


    > - don't expect every class to be similar desired for raids, ever! It won't happen, ever.

    > - wait until the new raid meta comes in within the next couple of weeks (after patches, nerfs, balance changes and playtesting of highend guild) before making any type of argument about change

    > - play multiple classes (at least 1 desired class) if you are serious about raiding.

    > - get good at things most people can't or won't do: Handkiting at Deimos, orbs at KC, tanking, etc. You get a very fast feeling for which things are desired the most, since those are usually the roles/classes you have to wait for the longest.

    > - start leading your own raids with your own rules. The fights are by far easy enough to take suboptimal group compositions, especially when players are good at their class. I'd take a good necromancer over a poor elementalist anyday as dps for example.


    This is the answer I think. There were similar discussions before and I stated the exact same as this poster. Totally agree.


  14. > @shadowpass.4236 said:

    > > @jcbroe.4329 said:

    > > > @Arheundel.6451 said:

    > > > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > > > > @Ranys.4028 said:

    > > > > > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > > > > > You are basing your opinion that it's a great spec in PvP on 30-40 1v1s with a thief?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I believe I also mention a going into WvW for the whole evening and not losing once.

    > > > >

    > > > > And that formed your opinion of it in WvW, I was referring to PvP. I mean, even though you spent a *whole evening* in WvW, it's not nearly enough time to generate an informed opinion since you'd have such a small sample size of players to vs.

    > > >

    > > > Isn't your opinion based on limited experience too?

    > >

    > > Extrapolate some educated and more than likely accurate guesses though.

    > >

    > > * Gets owned on Ranger; a core class that even pre-HoT was considered one of the best duelists in the game; low skill player that lacks game knowledge and build understanding.

    > > * Thief friend doesn't know the first thing about thief and doesn't even run efficient setups; low skill player that lacks game knowledge and build understanding.

    > > * Duel for long period of time without outside sources being introduced; skill plateau, fighting one person at one skill level, introduces game mechanics, and thief doesn't try to run other dueling or counter specs, overall maybe a millimeter of progress made

    > > * goes into WvW and plays/roams; people are upleveled, running PvE builds, and no skill based "matchmaking;" inconsistent environment and no metric to measure effectiveness with and the likelihood of a low skill, poorly built, poorly geared character is high in WvW in a lull, worse after an expac release.

    > >

    > > Who knows, I could be wrong, this guy could be the Helseth of Rangers. But based on the rating distribution of PvP players and coupled with the impressions of Soulbeast here being "oddly" in disagreement with everybody at that upper end of the measurable skill system, we're probably talking a level of play where just dodging and knowing how skills work will win you every fight, no traits or elite specs necessary.

    > >

    > > But I'm sure Soulbeast is good wherever this gameplay is occurring, just like everything else, coherent or otherwise.


    > Well said, well said. +1


    > /claps


    Have to agree, +1

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