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Bast Bow.2958

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Posts posted by Bast Bow.2958

  1. Hey Lonami. First of all, I love your ideas. I was enthousiastic too when you posted your cantha expansion idea, and I’m not enthousiastic much anymore lately considering gw2. I find a round of applause well deserved for these specilizations.

    They’re very creative and I really love almost all of them. I especially like the first and last expansion ideas. As a ranger main I’m loving all 3 ideas of swarming pets, having both active at the same time, and botanist as well, botanist is awesome!


    It’s obvious you intertwined gw 1 lore into these ideas, that really gives me a gw 1 nostalgia feel. It also makes me feeling all gw 1 professions should be in 1 expansion, not divided in two. But I am following why you did it the way you did, and I’m hoping very much more gw1 professions will make it into gw2 as a specilisation.


    I’m not a big fan of the second exp-idea. The charr technology in GW2, even though I think it fits very well and it’s written very good as well, is just not my taste.


    Again, thanks a lot for these awesome ideas. I’m hoping Anet will take a peek into them and maybe more.

  2. Heya Cjam.


    Always had cats living with me, from when I was born. Grew up learning to appreciate nature. Started to grow on me even more when I grew into adulthood. Love long walks in the forest.

    As for my irl profession, I work in psychiatry.


    So when I started playing guild wars prophecies, ranger was definitely going to be it, nature and the love for animals.

    Same for guild wars 2, though pre-release I was still in doubt with guardian (the mending people part of me), but since it was a soldier profession, packed in heavy armour and too sturdy for my liking, ranger was my first choice again. Druid being a supportive spec made it complete again.


    Mesmer is my first alt, maybe reflecting the mysteriousness it embodies, people not really knowing what to think of it/her/him. I hear that sometimes as well about myself, sometimes being a compliment, sometimes not lol.


    Second alt is guardian, explained that already, and then I had all 3 armour classes.


    Then comes elementalist. Because it’s bound to nature as well.

  3. > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > Of course they *could* make a sequel with a new engine with all the bells and whistles but I believe it would be a bad idea. From my point of view the transition from GW1 to GW2 wasn't at all what I expected and believed it should have been made better. I don't want to see the same thing happen again. Now look at the image below. This was a montage done back in the time of GW1 which showed just how little of Tyria we had explored. In GW2 we've explored less since the bottom portion is Cantha. There's plenty of lands we haven't explored yet, lands we've never seen, even in GW1 so if anything, this is the direction GW2 should take; expand, explore, polish.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/TF9tejf.jpg "")



    Yes I saw this image too a long time ago, I believe it was created at the start of GW2, which also added maps from Guild Wars Books into it. I'm hoping this map is something Guild Wars 3 will become. I think it's too big for Guild Wars 2 seeing the current maps we have now.


    I would love a Guild Wars 3 when the time is right. Not any time soon of course, timing doesn't feel right. I'm guessing 1 other expansion in 2019 or 2020, and then I'm hoping for a Guild Wars 3 in 2022 at it's earliest, 2023 or later more likely. All speculation and dreams.

  4. > @"AEFA.9035" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > > @"Bast Bow.2958" said:

    > > > My biggest dream is still spear! \o/

    > > > Off hand sword would be cool too.

    > > >

    > > I dream to a polearm /spear for ranger too. Also an off hand sword would be nice, depend what skills will be , because dagger main hand is horrible, at least for PVP.


    > Spear on land is so far from reality, although I would LOVE spear because it would remind of of GW1 Ranger build that I used to play. But if i remember correctly ANet mentioned they will put a boundary between water and land weapons.


    Spear/Polearm reminds me of GW1 too. I loved Paragon.



  5. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > We had a support.

    > We had a dmg spec.

    > Only thing missing is a control spec.



    Yes this seems logical to me too.


    My biggest dream is still spear! \o/

    Off hand sword would be cool too.


    But I think it’s going to be hammer, which definitely isn’t my first choice, but still a better choice than rifle, which I think doesn’t fit the ranger. I know about the 100 discussions with all reasons why rifle should or should not fit the ranger, imo/my taste it still wouldn’t fit.


    I got lucky with druid + staff and soulbeast + MH dagger, which I really really like and was hoping for a lot, so no biggy this time it won’t be my first choice :).





  6. > @"Finding Sanity.1283" said:

    > I had to log in to comment on this because I notice a bunch of new people and possibly old players that are oblivious to what content they have played and gw lore. Im no lore genius, but I played gw since Factions came out. and Gw2 since beta. First off Cantha felt like home to me. Here's the wiki so I wont bore you with my explanations of the place. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cantha & https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Cantha


    > I found it the most enjoyable content to date. Which is Including gw2 (but pof was/is interesting so far because I think Nightfall was pretty cool). Seems we've almost come full circle on the lore aspect of the game. And have pretty much covered all of Tyria, 3 fold.. and somewhat backwards, Which always made me anticipate that Cantha would eventually make a return. As for Humans, it would be kinda off topic to make an expansion based around a different race since gw is so human dominant. Although they wasnt the dominant race to start with. To people saying they need to explore more of the Norn or Charr, We've all been all over Ascalon, Elona, all of Tyria for going on 2 decades with only a brief layover on the Canthan island. Theres no more to explore with the Charr, we know their story, where theyre from, what they do. Theres not much else to know. Other than Rytloks time in the Mists to become a Revenant, that was kind of random. Maybe we could all go to the Mists and have the best of both worlds?

    > The Norn, we had Eye of the North in gw1 which Norn'ed me to death. Then as a playable race in gw2 and learned more about Jora, Eir, Braham, etc. Theyre pretty much the dwarves of the shiverpeaks now. What we dont have or havent had much interaction with (although a few quests and interactions in gw2) are with the Dwarves. But according to lore, only the stone dwarves would be around in the current timeline unless the asura had some waygate to send us back in time. Which anything is possible in the world of game development. Monk and Ritualist class lore has barely been touched on like most elite specs, But there has been nods to the history with certain class specs and books or npcs here and there as of late.

    > TBH im quite sick of risen, undead, elder dragons, branded, destroyers and mordrem. The Balthazar fight was at least a nice change back to the good old days of fighting a singular antagonist boss. (Abaddon, Shiro, or even Kanaxai ) Although, fighting his herald and himself many times throughout the story was redundant and annoying. I do miss the world bosses in gw1 with the glowing aura based on their class. So yea. Give me Cantha, monks, rits, slums and sewers, asian culture, dark gothic atmospheres of Echovald Forest, moody music, statue blessings, some dragon moss, kirin, Am-Fah to kill with a stack of rice wine red bean cakes with a modernized Shing Jea boardwalk and Canthan New Year and i'll die totally satisfied. :)



    It seems you think about it the exact same way I do, lore-wise I had figured the same. And you're an gw1 vet as well :).

    It would fit going to Cantha next. From all the dragons we've faced so far, I believe the only one left is the underwater dragon, which is supposed to roam around cantha regions if I'm not mistaking. I wonder though if this would make it a more underwater themed expansion then. And I wonder if an underwater themed expansion would be something Anet would want, though. Also I'm wondering if the playerbase would fancy something like it. Underwater doesn't seem like a popular place to be amongst the player-base.

    The crowded, multi-level streets of kaineng and other cities however, would be a nice addition to what we have in GW2, I think. We already have the vast, dry and large landscapes of elona, HoT-jungles, shiverpeaks etc. An asian themed expansion would be something really nice imo.

    Cantha is my favorite expansion of gw 1 as well, allthough I can imagine other people wanting something else (for now), the nostalgia of Cantha really wins it over for me. Starting on the relatively calm shing-yaaay! island, going to the crowded busy cities on the mainland with the nasty afflicted, towards the damp, dark old forests of the kurzicks in echovald, jade sea wasn't my cup of tea though. Oh, and Ritualists! Aaahh. And please, Tengu when Cantha comes!

  7. Anduriell let's become friends in game, add me. I'm positive I can show you all good things in game and make a smile on your face for christmas this year. And maybe, just maybe, after all those years of yelling and screaming on forums how extremely awful your life as a ranger is, you might just see light at the end of the tunnel. I can show you the way!

  8. > @"AnariiUK.7409" said:

    > GoTL base duration was stealth nerfed to 6 seconds too (Was 8 seconds pre-patch). Together with its reduction to 3 stacks, it might be worth bringing double druid again.


    > Did a little bit of power soulbeast testing too but so far I'm not getting any amazing results. I think it's about the same as before in raids due to the removal of steady focus. Will give this some more testing later on!


    Still waiting on your testresults, or what your conclusions are? :)



  9. Anet and/or moderators come on in and close it, please.


    You’ve build up a nice reputation over the last few years, STIHL. I’m genuinly wondering if you keep thinking it’s not your fault, again and again. You must also see some kind of pattern that threads in which you keep posting like this keep on being closed.


    But hey, some people just wanna watch the world burn. Path of Fire suits you well, if you’re playing it

  10. > @Issildia.1289 said:

    > Someone Mentioned the name Warden, it reminded me of the Wardens from Factions. They became very vengeful creatures after the Echovald forest was petrified by Shiro.


    > **From the original wiki**

    > _"The mysterious and ancient Wardens guard the areas of Cantha hit hardest by Shiro’s legacy. Protectors of the Echovald that was, they now guard the petrified forest it has become. They may once have been human, perhaps powerful druids or holy men, but they long ago merged with the spirit they served to become something altogether different."_



    > Perhaps a Warden could be in the same vein, but opposite to the druid, using the darker aspects of nature magic with a melee weapon, vs using a staff to heal. Even the lore agrees with this concept. I initially voted for a rifle, but I think a hammer would be suitable for this spec. This would be the polar opposite to the tranquility of the druid. This class might have something like a Rage mechanic that builds up as they fight. Then they can transform into a wrathful and violent warden, attacking with thorns and strangling vines. Perhaps focusing on AOE conditions and aggressive hammer strikes.

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/7J1IZCd.jpg "")



    Though I didn’t like the idea of Hammer at all for ranger. I always really loved the echovald forest, cantha in general, and the Echovald Wardens also. The idea you suggest makes me come around and I do see Hammer as something I might like now, in the way you suggest.



  11. > @ZhouX.8742 said:

    > This is basically just a thread for the mains of their class to complain when in reality they're usually just bad.


    > No actual value in this at all for Anet , but they can't balance anyway so it's irrelevant.


    Not for me. I almost only play Ranger, since GW 1 actually. Pre-HoT I’d definitely would’ve said ranger. It’s in a good spot now compared to other professions. Of course there’s room for improvements but compared to let’s say Revenant, Rangers should easily take a step down. Revenants deserve it more imo.



  12. From primarily a PvE, raids and a bit of WvW perspective:


    Couldn't really choose between Necromancer, Revenant and Engineer. Necro is finally catching wind since PoF, which I think is well deserved after a long time. From my knowledge, Revenant has a niche role in raids, I would like to see more viabilty there, same goes for Engineer. But maybe I've only played in guilds/groups clinging to hard on certain meta-builds and there are more viable options with these professions that have about the same level of utility/dps I don't know about.


    I would definitely chosen Ranger pre HoT, man those first few years were harsh on Rangers, but not anymore luckily. The change to Glyph of Empowerment is good. I hope to see more versatility in raids.


    I've never ever seen Warrior in a bad spot, same goes for Guardian I think. I wonder how Warriors or Guardians would feel if they would have last place and would be in dire need of some buffs. In my oppinion they've never been there. I think during all of Guild Wars 2, all other professions have for some time, for a few months or longer. I think you can't prevent the fact that 1 or maybe a few professions will have last place, even by a tiny margin. So if I would have to chose, let that be Warrior for once.



  13. > @jcbroe.4329 said:

    > > @"Bast Bow.2958" said:

    > > > @jcbroe.4329 said:

    > > > > @"Bast Bow.2958" said:

    > > > > As some others stated too. I think the change of grace of the land opens up more build diversity in raids, which I think is nice. The same set raid composition meta is no more. I think it’s good this way there will be multiple good raid compositions, differences will get smaller, so small hopefully most people will get less cramped and tense about a certain raid meta composition.

    > > > >

    > > > > I believe condi soulbeast wasn’t very OP it needed nerfs to torch and sharpening stone though?

    > > > > Happy with the stances.

    > > > >

    > > > > If this will hurt pvp and/or wvw I feel sry for you lot. I can’t really tell now.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > It's an all around horizontal change for WvW and buff for PvP too.

    > > >

    > > > People will get there.

    > >

    > > Horizontal meaning not bad and not good, correct? And a buff for pvp. That sounds good, nice. Assuming we needed a buff in pvp

    > >

    > >


    > Correct.


    > In organized groups the Druid setup was using a full Minstrels Skirmishing/NM/Druid support build, so GotL was for sure in use.


    > GotL will still be in use post patch, since currently most groups rely on Guardian empowers for might, and it always feasible mid combat to stop and empower. However, just as with empowers and any other might source, Scourges can run heavy corruption, and might is redundant to a degree, making it only super useful to run 1 Druid per 10 people.


    > As for PvP, it doesn't break anything and it gives our builds more damage output and team benefit. It should be a nice little power boost for us that isn't game breaking.



    Hm ok, yes. Sounds good to me.

  14. > @jcbroe.4329 said:

    > > @"Bast Bow.2958" said:

    > > As some others stated too. I think the change of grace of the land opens up more build diversity in raids, which I think is nice. The same set raid composition meta is no more. I think it’s good this way there will be multiple good raid compositions, differences will get smaller, so small hopefully most people will get less cramped and tense about a certain raid meta composition.

    > >

    > > I believe condi soulbeast wasn’t very OP it needed nerfs to torch and sharpening stone though?

    > > Happy with the stances.

    > >

    > > If this will hurt pvp and/or wvw I feel sry for you lot. I can’t really tell now.

    > >

    > >


    > It's an all around horizontal change for WvW and buff for PvP too.


    > People will get there.


    Horizontal meaning not bad and not good, correct? And a buff for pvp. That sounds good, nice. Assuming we needed a buff in pvp



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