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Manasa Devi.7958

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Posts posted by Manasa Devi.7958

  1. I've been thinking about why I can't bring myself to replay this part of the saga. And it's really quite simple. "Champions" for me combines unappealing gameplay with unappealing rewards. This is a deadly combination. I'll play appealing content with unappealing rewards. I'll spend some time playing unappealing content for appealing rewards, until I get those rewards. I'll fawn over appealing content with appealing rewards and play it for a long time. Who doesn't?


    Now, these are subjective terms. My "appealing" can be someone else's "unappealing", we all have different preferences. (I'm using these 2 terms because they're the most neutral ones I can think of. The least loaded terms, so as to not predispose people through use of language.)


    Now, I'm wondering how other people see these two aspects of the saga (gameplay and rewards).

  2. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > >It also makes little sense to be able to craft an upgrade of an item without having crafted the item being upgraded first.

    > > This is video game sense I guess? Because I can't discern any other kind of sense in it.


    > You build on top of an existing model like how they did precursors.

    With precursors you take a part of the earlier design to use in the newer design. Totally different.

  3. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > @"Tony.8659" said:

    > > The huge grind for the Crimson & Azure weapon collections is just beyond awful. Prismaticite Crystals take a long time to grind this is not content. The only thing I'm doing is to get all the recipes for both collections and thats it, for the achieve points. I can only imagine what other grind collections for the next 2 living world episodes, I don't even call them episodes more like here is more grind content because we have nothing worthwhile to actually give you. Sorry but pass on any more future god awful grind fest collections. Is Arenanet taking a page from Black Desert Online? To me it seems so with the grind.


    > Yeah and you need to have crafted the base Dragon Slayer weapons before you can even buy the recipes for the Crimson and Azure weapons. Apparently, replayability means gating collections behind other collections and requiring rerunning the same content dozens of times. I guess that's one way to do it.


    > In the IBS they have added so many of these grind or gold sink weapon collections to pad out the episodes. Hopefully this over reliance on grind will be dropped soon. I certainly hope it doesn't mark the direction that the game will be going with in EoD and afterwards.

    The whole chapter is tainted by a very unsatisfying reward structure. You play to earn the right to spend tons of gold (or resources worth tons of gold) on things you might not want if it wasn't for the "progress". If you play long and hard, the more gold you can spend. What?

  4. Ironically, the requirement of 5 CM completions for the achievements has me playing less instead of more. I've only done 2 CM completions, 1 each for 2 different missions. I'd have gladly done the others as well, but upon finding out I needed 5 completions per mission, there's no point. I'm never going to do all of them 5 times, and doing each of them just once is useless.

  5. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > New maps are good for you, maybe, but that doesn't make them good for the game. People keep saying, and I've seen it a number of times, that the population is less than it was say 2 years ago. How would anyone know? We have so many more maps. So many more metas. So many more places people can be.


    > If the population stays stable, new maps eventually become unsustainable. And Anet said straight out that we won't get new maps for every episode for the Icebrood Saga a long time ago. This isn't new information. It's been around a while.


    > For every person who asks for new maps, another person is complaining that people spend 2 hours on the new maps and never go back there.

    I guess it's preferable that people don't even show up for their bimonthly "2 hours" at all then?

  6. First time I won't be bothering with a chapter meta. After a quick check to find a way to get to 31 achievements, it would seem I need to spend many hours repeating DRM cms or spend hundreds of gold on weapons I don’t want and a few less hours on DRMs. Not going to happen. I wouldn't even do the awful DRMs 5 times without challenges if that got me enough achievements. They're just so terrible, an insufferable mix of boring, annoying and unrewarding, it's almost beyond belief.

  7. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > Not entertaining enough for me to replay over and over again, and the reward structure sucks. Prismaticite isn't a reward, it's a license to spend gold on weapons I don't want. The worst part of it for me is having to do the challenge modes 3 times to get the "top responder" achievements. I do want my stretch emote back, so I'll suffer through it. These kind of achievements used to be "one and done", until the Icebrood Saga. Well, I guess they needed to add a reason to repeat the missions. Game play and rewards certainly aren't cutting it.


    > Its 5 times for the cm acheivement sad to tell you mate.

    Well eff that. Didn't notice 1/3 in my achievement tab was only the 2nd tier. Time for an extended break then. Again.

  8. Not entertaining enough for me to replay over and over again, and the reward structure sucks. Prismaticite isn't a reward, it's a license to spend gold on weapons I don't want. The worst part of it for me is having to do the challenge modes 3 times to get the "top responder" achievements. I do want my stretch emote back, so I'll suffer through it. These kind of achievements used to be "one and done", until the Icebrood Saga. Well, I guess they needed to add a reason to repeat the missions. Game play and rewards certainly aren't cutting it.

  9. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > > > I guess I'll do the missions once more for bonus participation rewards at the end of the week.

    > > >

    > > > Just do four events in Field of Ruin.

    > > > That is much faster than the DRMs and gives you more tokens.

    > > >

    > > Alas, too late. I didn't check that achievement category so I missed that, and I already did the DRMs now. I had a good groups though so it went as fast as it can.

    > >


    > I think that'll be available everyday (until the next faction comes, probably mid January), so it shouldn't be too late.

    It's too late in the sense that I'm done with this now that I've spent my 5 tokens. I would've preferred going to the FoR for 5 tokens but now that I already got the 5 (bought one with a material donation) I have no reason to go there.

  10. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > I guess I'll do the missions once more for bonus participation rewards at the end of the week.


    > Just do four events in Field of Ruin.

    > That is much faster than the DRMs and gives you more tokens.


    Alas, too late. I didn't check that achievement category so I missed that, and I already did the DRMs now. I had a good groups though so it went as fast as it can.


  11. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > What do I think? It's all a bit boring, just those 3 near identical missions. I won't be contributing much to advance the progress bar. Here's hoping the next few weeks will be adding some more interesting and substantial stuff.

    Quoting myself here. I expected there would be more than an NPC replacement and a different brand of tokens. "Interesting and substantial" this is not.


    I guess I'll do the missions once more for bonus participation rewards at the end of the week. A shame I can't preview the rewards before earning some tokens to see if it's worth the trouble.

  12. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Anfalas.7325" said:

    > > This is still a bug. It is account-wide but it doesn't happen to all players, and yes, Anet is aware of said bug. For example, if I go into my home instance where the node is my guildmates get the Common Charr Salvage (a blue item that needs to be 'used'), but I won't. It won't appear in my inventory, but does appear on the right side of the screen where the loot table appers. I've filed two ingame bugs and one on the website, but no response as to when this issue will be fixed, if at all.


    > As already mentioned in previous posts, this is not a bug. The salvage goes straight into your wallet now - no more item in your inventory.

    I'm getting 1 charr salvage and 2 direct to wallet deposits every day.

  13. > @"HakuroDK.9385" said:

    > Also, you want to -really- entice me? Do that, and make the final reward a converter for that map's currency/crafting materials. That'll light a fire under me to get going on those metas! Do you know how many Eitrite Ingots I have that I can't use!?! If I can convert 250 of them into a single Iron or even Silver Ore, I'll be content!

    More converters would be nice but eitrite ingots are a bad example. You can just merch those, for well over 1g per stack. (Can't remember the exact figure.)


    I'd love one for hatched chilis.

  14. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

    > > > @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

    > > > I kind of liked it. I liked that it drew people back to older content.

    > >

    > > Same here.

    > > The way how they butcher new maps made me appreciate the old maps. Not every place needs a meta or a warzone.

    > > I also got a nice GW1 feeling with the destroyers rising up.

    > > Only thing i would change is more story and the way how the story is presented.

    > > Having those conversation in the background while being busy fighting makes me lose the story feeling


    > Yea were are all the vine touched/death destroyers from season 3.

    > Why are there no new destroyers that are vine touched/death& branded now after kralk released its magic?

    There was an NPC who mentioned this IIRC, so it's a plot point apparently. Stay tuned, I guess.

  15. So, the Crystal Forger mastery. "Defeating a dragon champion in a Dragon Response Mission grants additional materials while under the effect of a Dragon Boon."


    As far as I can tell, I get a few extra Prismaticite Crystals. Is that right, or am I missing something?


    Edit: Actually, on closer inspection, the crystals I thought were extra seem to have come from the Daily Dragon Responder achievement. I got exactly 3 materials after the champion kill and I'm pretty sure I used to get a few before completing that mastery. So, where's the extra? Am I getting 3 instead of 2 now? Not great.

  16. I'm not interested in the dragon slayer weapons. I don’t care about the skins, and I don’t care about the AP for the collection. Yet the resources needed to craft them play a big part in the reward structure for the new chapter, which is a bit annoying. The prismaticite crystals serve no other purpose (so far), are account bound and have no merchant value. I'm looking forward to the day my material storage runs over and I have to decide whether or not to reserve storage space for the crystals, just in case. Potentially the next hatched chili.

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