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Posts posted by Xaylin.1860

  1. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > Yeah I mean I just dislike the daze mantra and mantra of pain playstyle (instant damage and cc generally). We'll see.


    For me, MoP is the bigger offender, to be honest. MoD takes way more skill and trait investment to deal damage with.


    > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > Power Chrono in SPvP runs Rune of the Mesmer and is one of the deadliest one shot builds out there right now.


    The deadliness hardly comes from lockdown rather than from a skill combination which basically has been used since launch, though.


  2. > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

    > > @"Xaylin.1860" said:

    > > > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

    > > >Funny how he wanted holos to get only the toughness reduction and not all the other stats. Here is the full description.

    > >

    > > Hehe, I'm aware. People just like being salty from time to time. For example about Sneak Gyro and Mass Invisbility. :# ;)


    > If you're talking about my previous post, i can't understand what's salty about it. Traited Mass Invisibility is now outright better, it's a fact - it does the same thing as sneak gyro, but better and with twice the targets, with the only drawback of a slightly longer cast time. We had discussions about Sneak Gyro before, and i already said how its effects aren't good enough for an elite (and as stealth is problematic and there aren't decent ways to make it better, they should just scrap the concept of that skill and make something else). And indeed, Mass Invisibility ended up with similar effects and cooldown while retaining its higher amount of targets. And yet people still complain about Sneak Gyro even in the balance thread...


    I'm just teasing.


    To make it short: You need two traits for the effect you're describing. MI is still worse. And this doesn't even consider the Toolbelt skill. Therefore, I find this comparison rather odd and not very constructive. I can understand that people complain about Elites being not as impactful as they probably should be. But this is not a Sneak Gyro related issue. And I also feel that Sneak Gyro is still on the stronger side. At least strong enough for me to still use it.

  3. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    >And I just hope there won't be a viable or common mantra build now.


    I can understand the concern. But as I said... they didn't increase frequency. However, now +Daze/Stun duration might finally be worth investing in. For example, Runes of the Mesmer. Right now, there just is no point to it. I'd love some of the original characteristics of the class being improved. We clearly aren't considered when it comes to boon removal. So it might as well be soft CC.



  4. Me...



    > This update also sees a large overhaul of revenant healing builds through changes to the staff weapon and the Salvation trait line. Revenant healing is heavily focused in Legendary Centaur stance and suffers greatly when the need to swap legends presents itself.




    >We're leaning into the unique healing-orb mechanic of the staff's weapon-slot 1 sequence and spreading it around to other skills and traits.





    > **Ancient Echo**: This new baseline revenant skill grants the revenant 25 energy and a benefit based on the current legend. When not using herald or renegade elite specializations, this skill will be available in the second slot of the profession mechanic bar.


    Interesting but I don't really care.



    > **Healing Orbs**: These objects were previously dropped only by the staff's weapon skill 1 attack, but they have been reworked and are now created by other skills and traits.


    > Increased the size of the healing orbs' visual effects for better visibility.

    > Healing orbs now heal up to 5 allies in a 120 radius when picked up.

    > Healing orbs now activate even if the character that triggered them is at full health.

    > Healing orbs now activate if they appear on a character.

    > Increased the healing of the orbs.


    Thank god they are area effects now. Still hate 'pick up' stuff in GW2.




    > Salvation traits have been reworked and repositioned within the specialization. The new structure is as follows:

    > **Minor traits**:

    > _Healer's Gift_: This new trait causes a healing orb to be created near your location when you finish a dodge roll.

    > _Life Attunement_: This new trait grants 120 healing power and converts 7% of healing power to concentration.

    > _Serene Rejuvenation_: This trait's functionality is unchanged.


    I really don't care for Healers Gift. But Life Attunement is great. Hardened Foundation is aweful.


    > **Adept traits**:

    > _Vital Blessing_: This new trait allows healing orbs to grant 2 seconds of vigor to affected allies.

    > _Blinding Truths_: This trait's functionality is unchanged.

    > _Tranquil Balance_: This trait's functionality is unchanged.


    Love the Vigor and have been advocating for some Vigor on Ventari for quite a while. <3

    Just wished it wasn't on those pesky orbs...


    > **Master traits**:

    > _Words of Censure_: This new trait creates a healing orb near foes when blinding, immobilizing, or affecting them with a control effect. This trait has a 0.25-second cooldown but can create multiple orbs if a single skill hits multiple foes with a single strike.

    > _Resilient Spirit_: This new trait causes the revenant to gain barrier every 3 seconds while in combat, based on the number of boons they have (to a maximum of 5 boons).

    > _Invoking Harmony_: Icon updated. This trait's functionality is unchanged.


    Invoking Harmony is still useless for 50% of your switches. Pitty. The two new traits look interesting, though.


    > **Grandmaster traits**:

    > _Generous Abundance_: With this new trait, Legendary Centaur skills create 3 healing orbs by the tablet. All other legend skills create 1 healing orb by the revenant.

    > _Unyielding Devotion_: With this new trait, revenants gain 15% damage reduction for 2 seconds when they heal themselves and 5 seconds when they heal an ally.

    > _Selfless Amplification_: Moved to bottom row. Icon updated. This trait's functionality is unchanged.


    Still two heal-focussed traits which I don't like. However, I find both new traits to look interesting.

  5. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > Sorry but im critically thinking here.

    > Druid cannot will that -20% back into existence

    > You can simply press the "s" key and dodge to dodge backwards :+1: While being able to cast skills that would normally be interrupted if other professions tried to do this. :astonished:


    I just feel different.


    > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > Considering they nerfed Mirage Cloak to .75s despite that, I doubt it.


    Druid has been nerfed several times in the past. How is this an argument against Mirage?

    While Mirage Cloak has some benefits it clearly has disadvantages as well.


    > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > Of course there is, daze mantra buff + confounding suggestions buff.


    The changes don't increase the frequency, though. Which hardly makes it any more spammable than before.


  6. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > I just hope the new power mes build won't be a mantra spammer.


    There is nothing new that improves 'spamming' Mantras. If anything, they improved Mesmers overall **lockdown** abilities. Which I'm all for.

  7. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > I see...


    > So now the middle tree of Dueling in mesmer will be a kinda dead tree unless you run condi inept.

    > Maybe people will use sword/sword and the sword reduction trait which is kinda meh and irrelevant...


    Well... in Power builds I don't feel like using it at the moment. Not as long as Evasive Mirror and Fencers Finesse are on the same tier.

  8. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > im not sure the ability to dodge backwards really counts.. you could simply walk backward while dodging lets not also forget that mirage also gained the power to attack and use / channel any skill while being able to dodge which more than makes up for something as simple as "being able to dodge backwards" No other profession can do this.


    If -20% stats on pet counts for Druids, I feel like this easily counts for Mirage.


    > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > About Daredevil, is it not a trait who changes your steal to swipe becoming 600 range unblockable?

    > If you take that trait that happens, unless they made it a minor of daredevil and cannot be changed.


    It's the Minor.

  9. > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

    >Funny how he wanted holos to get only the toughness reduction and not all the other stats. Here is the full description.


    Hehe, I'm aware. People just like being salty from time to time. For example about Sneak Gyro and Mass Invisbility. :# ;)

  10. So, after yet another round of random nerfs... can we get our Vigor uptime back now?


    I do like the CC related changes. I also agree that shatters are bloated and I personally favour more F-specific traits. However, the change to Blinding Dissipation reads as a pretty big nerf. The change to Master of Manipulation just makes me extremly angry. It's so lazy and makes me never want to touch that trait. Mirror over Super Speed anytime.


    Now... I'm wondering... will Chronomancers actually eventually lose Distortion for CS?

  11. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > Fatal Frenzy: This trait no longer gives boons. Instead, while in berserk mode, this trait reduces toughness by 300


    > Throw this on one of the Holosmith Minors, too.


    While I'm not against it in general, you need to consider that Holosmiths already get a penalty when it comes to using Kits.

  12. > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > I must admit though I really don't like Desert Distortion - personally feels really uninspired and a filler trait that could be far more interesting.


    While I feel it is slighty undertuned I love it for the obvious synergy with baseline Mesmer. There is close to none besides Riddle of Sand (which is even less inspired and random) and Vigor (for which Duelling got nerfed.... yey.)


    I think, I might dig up my Mirage rework when I got some time...

  13. > @"Odik.4587" said: [...]

    I'm a bit confused... Either you didn't really read my post or you didn't understand what I meant. ;)


    > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > Hmm, must say sadly I'm not too keen on that alternative for EM - would rather prefer something else around mirage only (eg Deception skills, dodge, mirrors, detarget/shuffle, mobility with dodge, etc) rather than linking with core shatters.


    Mh.... it is connected to Mirrors, though? :p


    * More condition removal (because it doesn't only work on dodge but also by consuming Mirrors)

    * Synergizes with Desert Distortion and increases active defense this way. It's just not a SB anymore.


    I like the detarget idea, though. "Be de-targeted everytime you gain Mirage Cloak". That would be so fun. Haha. Totally useless in PvE, though. I wouldn't like it to be connected to Deceptions. We already got a trait for that.


    Just another idea I had... didn't check all relevant skills, so I might have missed problematic interactions:

    "Gain Mirage Cloak when executing a successful Leap finisher."

    Sword Ambush will probably have to lose its Leap finisher then... but it could be fun.

  14. > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > Desired Changes - Important:

    > 1. **Infinite Horizon as Grandmaster Minor - this is the NUMBER 1 change I strongly believe should be done for Mirage** in order to balance the class. Obviously merge Speed of Sand into Adept Minor. I don't care what new trait needs to be made to fill the GM Major spot (possibly a trait that allows fast side/back strafe movement as an alternative to Sand through Glass pseudo backwards dodge) - do this, _rebalance all ambushes_ then change Elusive Mind and tweak Dune Cloak if necessary to balance.

    > 2. **Critical Infusion** - restore to 5s on crit (10s icd) to be in line with all vigour traits again. No reason to have this at 3s following mirage cloak duration nerf.

    > 3. **Jaunt** - reduce charge cooldown to 20s in pvp/wvw (leave max count at 2). Again following mirage cloak nerf, the additional mobility from Jaunt is far more important than before and in hindsight wouldn't have had to be nerfed if you (Anet) had just nerfed mirage cloak first.


    I agree.


    I also wouldn't mind Jaunt losing any kind of damage as long as I get more mobility out of it. I'd rather see more condition removal.


    I had an idea for Elusive Mind. Not directly dodge-related, though.

    "Remove 1 Condition when creating a Mirage Mirror. Reduce the CD of Distortion by x seconds when gaining Mirage Cloak."



  15. > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > Chaos Line: Ya I agree. However, I still think it is a good idea to delete 'Auspicious Anguish', replace it with Curunun's version of 'Master of Manipulation', and then come up with a new trait in the 'major adept' category. Additionally, we NEED to find some way to nerf Chrono bunker. However, if Curunun is right about the chaos trait line, then the only reasonable potential nerf from there would be 'Chaotic Dampening'. I mean . . . I highly doubt the devs would be ok with just nerfing 'Decent into Madness'. However, we really need to find a way to nerf Bunker Chrono ASAP before the devs do. If someone wants to nerf chrono bunker before the devs do without touching the chaos line then plz come up with some ideas. I'm fairly open to any ideas.


    Well... again... If you want to nerf Chrono, nerf Chrono. Get rid of Protection on Shield. Or nerf Continuum-Split.


    Don't get me wrong. CS is an awesome mechanic. But it made balancing Mesmer so damn difficult, it is not even funny. If they'd at least replaced F4 with it so that there is a trade-off, people might complain less. Again... it's not what I want. But I really don't want to see anything non-Chrono be nerfed because of Chrono.



  16. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

    > I only like confounding suggestions and critial infusion, plus maybe portal, rending shatter and mental anguish, out of all these.


    The CS suggestion is tasty... <3 (probably too strong for an Adept trait)


    Big no no to the Chaos-changes, though. The minor traits already got a rather low uptime and I really don't see how Chaos is an issue per se.

  17. > @"RUNICBLACK.7630" said:

    > > @"Xaylin.1860" said: [...]

    > Actually I was confused with regard to if you modifying Zealous Scepter as well as moving it , my error, on the new GM trait I would love it but I unfortunating I don't see them doing it even though most of the guardian players have been asking for it since the release and when they FINALLY did give a base movement buff they applied in [...]


    We'll... we wanted to add mobility. So we should. Of course, you're right. We don't know if this aligns with ANets vision for Zeal.


    > > **Symbolic Power** (still Minor)

    > > * Symbols burn foes upon creation (Duration might have to be increased)

    > > * Gain +10% damage bonus while standing within a Symbol

    > > * ~~Symbols deal +10% damage~~

    > > * ~~Stat conversion~~

    > > The 33% burn is way too unpredictable (which btw. also means less counterplay) and the additional Symbol-damage is neglectable.

    > Ok let me make sure we are both on the same page here [...]


    Waaahh. Such a long text. ;)


    To make it shorter: I want to swap the main-effect of Symbolic Avenger with the increased damage on Symbolic Power and then remove Symbolic Avenger.



    > > **Eternal Armory**

    > These are most of the same thoughts I had when I considered the idea of giving the SW symbols but along with the cooldown issue expecting them to spend the manpower and resources for designing new symbols for each of the SW lets just say I wasn't to optimistic but they have surprised me in the past like when we finally got our Staff back with a much better rework on skill 1 and 2 so who knows.


    Would it be so much work, though?

    Sword = Sword Symbol or Scepter Symbol (Think: Damage)

    Hammer = Axe Symbol (Think: CC)

    Bow = Staff or Mace or Longbow Symbol (Think: Invigorate allies)

    Shield = Hammer Symbol (Think: Protect allies)


    > @"otto.5684" said:

    > Alacrity, symbols on SW. You guys are going way too far.


    > We want to work with what we have now and realistic fixes. Not earth shattering changes that will need another year to fix.


    > We need Anet to:


    > Ensure that dps builds are competitive in PvP and PvE.

    > Support multiple viable builds.

    > Help DH become PvP viable.

    > Help FB power builds in PvE and PvE.

    > Most importantly, Anet understand the impact of any changes before implementing them.


    For not wanting to put in too much work, you want quite a lot. ;)


    The only superficial and easy thing to do is buffing numbers. And this hardly will improve the gameplay overall.


    On a different note: Not every spec needs to be good everywhere at everything. DH in PvP, sure, feels reasonable. FB power builds not such much. That's a very specific expecation and, at least from my point of view, is contradictory to DH being the designated power spec. FB got other things it is good at.

  18. There are three dedicated 'arche-types' I'm missing on Guardian.

    * Rogue-like

    * Tank (a real one... :p )

    * Ranged Caster (partly covered by FB)





    * Capabilities: Mobility (e.g. Blinks), (area) boon removal, hybrid damage (good ranged single target, low to average area dmg)

    * Class mechanic: 'Stealth'-attacks (e.g. Ambushes, could affect either AA, Virtues actives or Symbols)

    * Weapon: Dual Pistols

    * Virtues: F1 = Boon removal, F2 = Mobility, F3 = CC instead of defense (e.g. pbae knock down)

    * Utilities: Manipulations, Deceptions or Tricks




    * Capabilities: High Thoughness/Vitality, Wards and hard CC in melee, moderate but not high melee damage, average group healing

    * Class mechanic: Not sure . Either something like Berserker or Adrenaline could work.

    * Weapon: OH Mace

    * Virtues: Create Wards and/or Symbols on use.

    * Utilities: Stances (mainly selfish)




    * Capabilities: Ranged damage and debuffs (Weakness, Blinds, Vulnerability, Chill)

    * Class mechanic: Attunement swapping (Virtues)

    * Weapon: WH or new Staff-skills (= Staff skills change when equipping the traitline)

    * Virtues: Act like Attunements and amplify your respective abilities while attuned to them.

    * Utilities: Glyphs



  19. > @"RUNICBLACK.7630" said:

    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/73047/guardian-rework-just-for-fun#latest

    > While there is stuff in there that is obvisously overpowered they did bring up an idea of a mechanic of using the symbols in a way similar to Symbolic Avenger , its a mechanic that would allow us to not have so much tied to Aegis and its pretty under used except in a few exceptions. It would also allow for some interesting play and counter play but require more situational awareness (much better than the Dragonhunter traps but the same time show a thematic reasoning for the segue from the Core Guardian to the Dragonhunter traps(yes I know to most people its unimportant but the storyteller and lore buff in me it just makes better sense) ). You could use them in such a way as gain different effects if you enemies are in the symbol versus the guardian being on them and this could dramatically change depending on which trait/trait line the guardian had taken. I am not saying that Symbolic Exposure, Symbolic Power, Writ of Persistance or Symbolic Avenger are worthless but by speading them out and maybe mixing them up more you could truly have a huge amount of versatility to the class with a tool/mechanic that has been there in the game since beta and it would also be without having to create alot of new assets in the game (models , texture, new animations etc)

    > Just some ideas I look forward to hearing mor of your ideas



    I do like his thoughts on core Guardian and DH (more soft CC) when it comes to lore and Virtues. Not so much on FB (Alacrity, which I disagree on due to balancing, and Poision, which I simply don't feel to be appropriate) or the trait rework, though. His idea for traits deviates way too far from what ANet does. While they do not communicate specific rules they obviously have guiding principles. Some examples:

    * Max. 1 weapon trait per tier.

    * At best 1 'main' utility trait per line (there are outliers like Mesmers... and Inspiration is a huge mess because of it :#)

    * 2-3 themes or gameplay-types per traitline (they started fleshing this out with the huge trait rework and HoT)


    However, he is right about baseline Virtues needing a facelift. Most certainly not Resistance on F1, but better actives for sure.


    Regarding Symbols trait, I'd be careful because you could end up like Mesmers where Phantasms or Interrupts are overemphasized. Having traits in Zeal and Honor feels fine to me. Maybe Valor could do with one (Protetive Reviver from Honor instead of Strengh of the Fallen). DH could get Cripple on Symbols (we had that trait once...). FB is a bit difficult. I wouldn't want Symbols to Daze (Axe trait). But Quickfire could also work on cast for Symbols. It is underperforming anyway.



  20. > @"RUNICBLACK.7630" said:

    > > @"Xaylin.1860" said:

    > > I like adding mobility here. I made a write up a while ago but lost it due to my computer breaking. Just some thoughts.

    > >

    > > **Zealous Scepter**

    > It sounds interesting but kind of would have see a little more detail on what you would like this to do, but it sounds interesting


    It's the new GM trait... I quess you overlooked it since you didn't comment. =)


    > > **Binding Jepoardy**

    > I see what your saying but we lost one of our other sources of Blind with the change to Focus(and frankly I feel its much better as it stands) thats why I suggested just change it to where it triggers on Soft CC's so our cripple, slow, chill etc would be more relevant not sure if I'm in agreement on it giving Aegis being as we really have so many ways to get it as it stands, yes it would have synergy with the traits you mentioned but I really think we have access to it enough as it is.


    I totally agree with you. There are two issues with your suggestion, though.

    * It partly conflicts with Dulled Senses. While ANet introduced traits which do similar things, they avoid them doing the exact same.

    * If it worked with Cripple, Slow and Chill you got soooo many skills and trait to consider that it might end up difficult to balance.


    That is why I'd rather add something else to make it a bit more universally appealing for people who also don't like the other traits on that tier.



    > > **Symbol traits**

    > I don't agree with you on getting rid of both the 10% damage buff and the Power from Toughness maybe one of them to offset the change but instead of it always burning on the first hit possibly make so that the chance of burning is increased 100% if they have over 5 stacks of Vulnerability on them so as to bring in some counter play on its effect

    I think we are miscommunicating here.

    **Symbolic Power** (still Minor)

    * Symbols burn foes upon creation (Duration might have to be increased)

    * Gain +10% damage bonus while standing within a Symbol

    * ~~Symbols deal +10% damage~~

    * ~~Stat conversion~~

    The 33% burn is way too unpredictable (which btw. also means less counterplay) and the additional Symbol-damage is neglectable.


    > >

    > > **Eternal Armory**

    > When I was getting frustrated with Spirit Weapons in the first place I went to the idea of Symbols myself but I stepped back from for a couple reasons, if they use already existing Symbols there is an issue of Cooldown being to long for any real usefulness , if you go with a "lesser" versions of existing Symbol we have real mixed bag of they interpret it (sometimes lesser is sometimes truely lesser sometimes it isn't with regard to different skills in the game but usually they still hover around the original cooldown time) , or possibly you go with completely new symbols while overall this would be the best option it would also be the most unlikely being as the design work involved would greatly over just using an existing symbol. Giving the Shield a stun break I agree would be great and there is a precedent for with the Warrior's Shout "Shake It Off" (it also cures three conditions off of the Warrior and his allies as well)which they changed to an Ammo system with a 5 second delay between each use and 2 charges so if they were to be even handed there wouldn't be any reason to remove the Weakness just increase the recharge time from 1 second to 5 or maybe 8 seconds .


    I think creating totally new Symbols is unrealistic but we should be fine with the existing ones.

    * If it were the normal ones, we could just increase the re-use timer (as you suggested for the SB).

    * If it were lesser ones, well... we'd have to hope for ANet not totally screw them over.


    SW already are a form of area denial but have to distinguish themselves from Consecrations and Traps. Symbols could fill that gap and make them more interesting.

    * Synergizes with all Zeal Minors

    * Synergizes with Zealous Blade

    * Synergizes with Writ of Persistence (but could also be interesting for Empowering Might...)



    > > Switching **Communal Defense** with **Fokus Mastery** [...]

    > Interesting take on this over Communal Defense and Focus Mastery swap but I not sure if they would do it because with swapping Stalwart Defender with Focus Mastery I don't think there is any other trait on any of the classes that gives a 240 point bonus to a stat on a Major Adept trait I may be wrong but I can't think of one.


    You're right about that. But let's be honest... it's probably the worst stat besides HP and doesn't even fit Shield that well. Considering it is more of a supportive weapon, Fokus is actually better for personal defense. If it was for me, I'd add some Aegis related bonus and removed the Thoughness. Yes, this would only affect one of two skills. But I'd take it over Toughness anytime. Not even Warriors have to deal with Toughness on weapon traits.



    > > ---

    > >

    > > **Virtues**

    > >

    > > ---


    > Merging them like that would "probably" move the Virtuous Solace trait into a Grand Master trait slot which unless something got move out of this trait would leave a conflict because of the next trait below.


    > As I mentioned on the Master of Consecrations there is a conflict unless a trait gets moved down or out of the Virtues line along with vacant slot for Adept as you mentioned assuming the modified Scepter trait worked out.


    Not sure where the conflict would lie? Because something is missing? Or conceptually?


    **Zealous Scepter** - Moved here from Zeal. No change needed, really. Synergizes with Permeating Wrath (smaller number of hits to trigger)

    **Unscathed Contender** - Unchanged

    **New trait** - Not sure. What about a version of Natural Mender (Druid) which stacks a buff when applying boons?


    **Master of Consecration** - Virtuous Solace removed. MoC additionally grants a buff to allies within Consecrations.

    **Retaliatory Subconscious** - Moved here from Adept. CD can be reduced it if it is too weak.

    **Glacial Heart** - Unchanged


    **Permeating Wrath** - Unchanged

    **Battle Presence** - Absolute Resolution removed. Battle Presence now additionally grants this effect.

    **Indomitable Courage** - Unchanged

  21. ---





    I like adding mobility here. I made a write up a while ago but lost it due to my computer breaking. Just some thoughts.


    **Zealous Scepter**

    I'd rather see this being moved to Virtues (Adept) and replace the Consecration-trait. It is about Virtues after all. In Zeal, we could get something like reduced duration of movement debilitating effects and more damage when affected by Swiftness (more about this later).


    **Binding Jepoardy**

    This trait is actually fine when combined with enough Blind sources. But what about adding 'Gain Aegis when triggering Binding Jepoardy' (15s ICD). This would synergize with Wrathful Spirit and Shattered Aegis which I personally don't want to see removed. It not being meta doesn't mean it can't be made viable with some tweaking. Plus, not everything needs to be viable in any game mode. Even if this is a PvP-thread. Same goes for Signets, tbh.


    **Symbol traits**

    I'd like some aspects of Symbolic Avenger being merged with Symbolic Power. Remove the +10% damage boost of Symbols and the Power-conversion but make Symbols **always** burn on the first hit and increasing your own damage while standing within them.


    **Eternal Armory**

    Assuming Spirit Weapons become ground-targeted, remove the Burning and instead make them cast a specific Symbol on cast. From there, tweak the Utility skills. Shield should be a Stunbreak, even if it means a higher cooldown or removing the Weakness. They will still trigger Burning due to the reworked GM Minor.


    **Zealous Something - New GM trait**

    What about 'Gain 11% increased movement speed per active Virtue. Using a Virtue grants you Swiftness for 5s. Regenerate Health while affected by Swiftness'. Ties in with the new trait in place of Zealous Scepter and is somewhat on theme with Zealous Blade healing a bit. Would also be nice with Shouts and not - yet again - favor Meditations.







    Switching **Communal Defense** with **Fokus Mastery** caters both, Fokus and Shield. However, this is very unlikely to happen (2 weapon traits on one tier). Instead, I'd love to see Focus Mastery and **Stalwart Defender** being swapped. Sure, not very appealing for PvP, I guess. But it just makes sense when looking at the traitline overall.







    I hate how the healing part of **Force of Will** competes with **Writ of Persistence**. I'd prefer it to grant Concentration instead of Outgoing Healing. For healing, just increase the HP scaling on Writ of Persistence.








    I already described some changes in the Zeal part.


    **Master of Consecrations**

    Merged with **Virtuous Solace**. I do like Ottos idea about the damage buff and removing the proc.


    **Absolute Resolution**

    Should be merged into **Battle Presence**. Replace it with **Retaliatory Subconscious** so it can synergize with **Unscathed Contender**. Not sure about the new Adept trait, though. I'm sure there is something generic we could add here. ;)


  22. > @"alain.1659" said:

    > All I am saying is that movement speed trait should have other benefits. A good trait adjustment is already needed for DH.


    The thing is, it does. It includes a quite powerful Immobilze and damage. Now, we could argue wether this fits the Virtue. However, the trait is still pretty good. I'd even argue that it's much better than Natural Stride. You will always find stuff on other Classes you might want on a different class. But it would be pretty boring if everything was the same.

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