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Posts posted by Ashantara.8731

  1. > @"Morvran.8265" said:

    > Personally I'd love to have 4 choices (Imperial, Shing Jea, Jade Sea, Echovald) but I feel like that's unrealistic.


    Ooh ooh, an Echovald cathedral would be awesome as well! =)

  2. > @"Brycar.2651" said:

    > Why? What is the point of a guild hall except some nodes?


    Its atmosphere, the fun of decorating it, the extra services...


    > I’m in a very active guild. We never use it.


    Not the fault of those of us who do and enjoy upgrading and using it. ;)

  3. Bjora Marches with its dark, spooky forest, puzzles, dungeons and bits of ancient Norn mythology (especially the old library) was fantastic. I also love the weather effect during the first meta, and the variety of events. The story there was enjoyable as well.


    Unfortunately, they missed the opportunity to dive deeper into Norn lore after that and add more hidden places and puzzles and an adventurous mythological feel for the season. :/


    The introduction of Strike Missions is also a big plus in my book. :+1: The newer DRMs are also quite enjoyable, as are the factions event weeks.


    Then there was the lousy implementation of build "templates" - thanks for that. :angry:


    The Charr part I didn't enjoy for most part. Yes, the intro map was a lot of fun and well designed (the jumping puzzle, the concert, the map per se) - but I can no longer take the Charr seriously. A teen warband of unintelligent brats, an imperator who fell from grace (i.e., Smodur), another imperator who's megalomaniacal (i.e., Bangar), more of Rytlock's immature emotions and grumpy babbling, badly written casual modern talk dialogue all over the place (not just Braham but almost everyone). Ugh. Away with it!


    So, overall, rather a disappointment for at least 50% of its content.

  4. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > I'm not entirely sure that the bounty ones are working for the sickle. I tested both in my home instance (chef-garden only, I don't have the other two) and in Timberline Falls. I did not see any extra materials over what I would expect randomly from normal harvesting.


    I believe the Bounty one works perfectly fine. I gather seeds for ascended food daily and often get extra strikes out of it. :)

  5. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Typical!




    > What is today’s?


    Seems like there are only two missions that the game chooses from daily: the Megadestroyer world boss and the Forging Steel mission. Better than no variety at all, I say. :)


    > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > Are you excited for the Champions finale, including today's patch?


    I have to admit that I can't wait to see Ryland fall and be gone for good. The whole Steel Warband was a big pain in the behind.

  6. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > **Easy three**

    > * Shiverpeak Pass (Icebrood Construct) -- DPS golem

    > * Fraenir with firebrand per party to aegis becomes more or less trivial , you can jump the wave attack

    > * Voice and Claw with double firebrand and possibly druid if one is condi quickness --- people used to farm it


    > **Ones that you don't want to PUG often**

    > * Boneskinner unless you have 3-4 healers (double healbrand+heal scourge/druid) and decent DPS - not a required weekly chest strike so you get terrible results when it's not the daily

    > * Whisper of Jormag - your success goes up exponentially if you run a scourge with transfusion and use wurm on last 25% in hitbox , druid is also a good choice. Whenever I tag for this I put "stack on green, spread on red, don't chain people or stand in hitbox" in squad message so people don't have excuses.

    > * Cold War when it's frigid footfalls (10% health per tick armor ignoring) week - play a slightly ranged comp with condi scourges + power tempests , condi RR renegade , druid, condi StM chrono unless you want to run more than 3 healers or run DPS scrappers . DPS requirement is low but it's long, the reward is based on cleaved mobs in first half so condi scourge , power holo (swap to scrapper at boss), and DPS tempests are good due to cleave.

    > * Forging Steel - it's very long, if you want to do it run superspeed holo to superspeed the tank


    I'm sorry, but I have to correct you/add a few things:


    * **Boneskinner:** You don't need 3-4 healers. You need high DPS, 1 HFB or 1 Ventari Rev for reflection domes, a Druid, and 1 Scourge for F4 ports, and most importantly people who know how and when to dodge and how to CC fast with the Special Action key. The boss can be killed in 1-2 minutes that way and becomes easy to farm. (In a high DPS scenario, it's tolerable if some players are downed during the fight as long as they don't die and are immediately brought back on their feet.)

    * **Fraenir:** Not only can you jump the wave but you can also avoid the heavy damage during the elemental's second phase by people _not_ stacking/overlapping the orange circles (when you have a well trained HFB who uses their F3 dome, or a Rev's projectile reflection dome, and Aegis during that phase, you can stack of course). Stability also helps (the same goes for Shiverpeaks Pass and even is a must-have at the Kodan).

    * **Cold War:** Again, high DPS is key for success (the more enemies you defeat, the more chests will spawn at the end - the highest I've seen so far were 9). You don't need more than 2 healers (preferably 1 HFB and 1 Druid, of course the non-HFB group needs 1 QFB as usual). You also have to look out for the final boss' retaliation - don't stack up too closely or your healers won't be able to save you. ;)

    * In general, besides Quickness for each group you also need Alacrity and a Banner Slave.


    The order of difficulty is:


    1. Shiverpeaks Pass

    2. Fraenir

    3. Forging Steel

    4. Kodan brothers

    5. Cold War

    6. Whisper of Jormag

    7. Boneskinner (_actually, as mentioned before, this one is very simple if people have proper reflexes and everybody does their job right; Whisper of Jormag involves a lot more mechanics and movement_)


    You can PUG them all if you find a group that is asking for KP (including Boneskinner Vials, which are referred to as "Bone KP"). Most of those groups are extremely good. Not sure if that's what the "lazy" OP is looking for, though :p , but it makes things fast and stressfree. :)

  7. > @"Svetli.4276" said:

    > She is a Elder dragon...she is corrupting us...we are her minions....we kill elder dragons...all of them must go.

    > am I the only one who is still himself ? this madness must stop o_o


    :sweat_smile: "The madness!" :o

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > The issue is that players are doing CMs the same as they would normal mode and other open world content. They don't look to improve and try things differently. One of the major reason that players run out of time is because of horrible DPS.


    This. I went in as Power Dragonhunter as well as Heal Firebrand, and I have had a few groups that were terrible at DPS (as you said, below 10k for sure) and/or support (e.g., the HFB did not provide enough Stability where needed). Those players also did not dodge the attacks whose damage cannot be outhealed. Then again, I had groups that were the complete opposite (less than 50% of players I encountered, though).


    As for Snowden Drifts, there are safe spots in between the AoE spots and you have to dodge the growing circle-attack. That's all. However, I'm not certain whether the defiance bar issue has been fixed properly or whether it might still bug out at times...

  9. > @"Cynder.2509" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"Cynder.2509" said:

    > > > Please don't judge me or make assumptions as I've stated multiple times that I have raid experience, play since 2012 and know everything so stop making assumptions!

    > >

    > > Uhm... it seems that _you_ are the one making assumptions. ;)

    > >

    > > > I know I could just ask ingame lfg but I'm too paranoid and anxious for that and nobody on lfg would even want me as I'm pretty worthless so I ask here to maybe have a premade group.

    > >

    > > How did you manage to do raids then, if I may ask?

    > >

    > > I'm usually a bit on edge myself when I join a group of strangers, but I am confident in my own skill, plus when you join KP teams you usually end up with good or even excellent players that make for a smooth fun ride where there's no feeling of pressure at all. I can recommend that, as you certainly have KP since you used to raid, right? :)


    > God, I wish there was a function to block people on here sometimes for multiple reasons with one being this...

    > Can you please move on and go away if you have nothing helpful to say and just want to mock me?


    I didn't mock you, I was trying to help you by telling you that there is no need to be afraid of the use of LFG and how you can put your raid experience to use. I was trying to encourage you to not shy away as you can indeed find truly laid back groups via LFG. I was also sincerely curious on how you managed to raid when you are having concerns about joining strangers.


    But hey, if you perceive every comment that goes a little out of the way of what you were asking for as a personal attack, then suit yourself. You obviously _are_ making assumptions of other people's intensions and you are also being extremely rude - so good luck and goodbye.

  10. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > This problem is also occurring with the scavenger's harvesting sickle.


    Of course it does, as it is **a problem with the glyph**. The type of gathering tool doesn't matter.


    > Edited to ask: does this also affect the gathering banners and guild buffs for gathering?


    Banner and guild buffs have nothing to do with the functionality of a glyph.

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