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Everything posted by zealex.9410

  1. > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said: > F2P accounts should have to reach rank 30 or more before entering ranked gameplay and tournaments. > That requirement would then be reduced to the usual 20 for unrestricted accounts. > > And if rank 30 isn't enough and cheaters keep abusing F2P accounts, then raise the rank to 40, then 50 and so on. And if they keep at it even after they reach 80, then the PvP rank should be uncapped like WvW rank which goes past 10K, and keep increasing the requirement until cheaters using F2P accounts give up because it takes too long. I dont think f2ps should be allowed to join ats at all frankly, some of the hackers just want to ruin the experience and hurt the studio so id lock the gates completely for the most competitive events in pvp.
  2. > @"Cynz.9437" said: > I would be against it. I have an alt account that doesn't have xpac (got it before GW2 became f2p). I enjoy playing it for fun and do some ranked on it as well. I don't think one need to limit pvp for f2p accounts just because of few hackers. I think it would be better if Anet support actually spent more time banning few hackers than limit experience of thousands of players. It shouldn't be THAT hard. Also, pvp community is small as it is - why make it even smaller? Apparently some hackers have been banned multiple times but getting back in to resume is as easy as making a f2p acount. In wp's vid the hackers had 19 ap (the baseline for new acounts) so its obvious that they are using f2p throwaway acounts.
  3. > @"Dantheman.3589" said: > The answer is obviously ofc not- the game is offered as free to play and restricting a whole game mode is a blatantly out the question idea. For pvp i was thinking of only locking ranked and ats unranked would still be available to all, plus tbf the f2p version is more of a glorified trial.
  4. > @"Bojjang.1052" said: > I main Warrior. Have not played since HoT. > Wanted to get into PvP even though i have been hearing a lot about the state of Warrior but I did not care. > > Anyways, played pvp. Had a 1on1 against a Hunter. Hit by 7k World Impact followed by a 7k Maul. > > Yeah, gg enough pvp for me. I started Warrior because I wanted to hit like a Truck and not to be hit like a Truck. Dont you wonder why the ranger hits that hard? What conponents go behind this and what you can do within your power to deal with it effectively? Im not saying gw2 pvp is well balanced or that rangers dont deserve a nerf (i frankly dont know) but im not sure its a problem with the game that another class bursts you like you desire to burst others and your reaction to that is to drop pvp and make a complain thread.
  5. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > @"DoomNexus.5324" said: > > Also.. More money doesn't hurt, at least I don't think NCSoft would complain if Anet had more profit.. So even IF they made enough from the gem shop there is still nothing wrong that they want to get paid for actual content they developed. > > Would that actually lead to more profits, or would it just drive players away, who might buy something in the future? > I can't see how they would get more profits, when players, who occasionally buy things from the Gem Store, start to leave the game because > between-expansions content is no longer free. > After all, free content between expansions is one of the stronger points for GW2. > > I certainly wouldn't want to pay for Living World of the abysmal scale that Season 5 (and especially Episode 5) delivers. > It works for other mmos so certainly if theres good content that worth paying for theres a playerbase thats willing to buy that. (just look at the ppl that were asking for an expansion for years since pof even after ibs was announced.
  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > But the lay offs were not known to be connected to gw2s finances, they were connected to what appeared to be unviable side projects > > The problem with saying this might have prevented lay offs is that funding a game like gw2 - which isn’t a major AAA title - with compulsory paid dlc and expacs and micro transactions is that you squeeze your population too far and reduce it likely to levels which could have risked those lay offs coming earlier. > > I’m not always a critical fan of LS, but I’m confident in believing it would have been a disaster to charge fully for it. They took a chance with free LS for loyal players and it paid off massively Clearly the gw2 finances didnt allow them to expand their studio and list of games not to say that gw2 itself is in a pretty low point overall. Other mmos have managed to find big success with charging for content because alot of ppl would rather fund the content outright and not buy or gamble on cosmetics for that.
  7. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > I think they did all they intended with Strikes. They set up a range of difficulties and enough that they could rotate them with a days grace so that every day of the week wouldn't be the same as the previous week. > > I don't think it's a question of them dropping them, it's just they did everything they planned to do for this Season. 6 is a decent number to have and strikes (pun intended) a fair balance of how many to have. At the end of the day, there has to be a finite number and 6 was that number. > > They can now hopefully come back to these in EoD or LS6. Or backdate older content > > Also DRMs don't replace Strikes, they carry on the basic format Forged With Steel created, so in fact they are doing what people want - not abandoning ideas and carrying on with new ones. The bigger issue is, they didn't really do much with the content. DRMs are fairly basic, whilst Forged was much more varied and interesting (imo). Ultimately the two have coexisted since Visions, albeit under different names rather than one repalcing the other If they stop with strikes rn or after 1 or 2 more the feature will be wasted. It has the potential to fill a space between the bigger time investment of raids and the way smaller time investment of fractals while also giving lw storng multiplayer sense and replayability. They should refine the design instead of dropping it entirely.
  8. > @"Vavume.8065" said: > It will never happen in PvE, fashion is what makes GW2 what it is, and Areananet rely on it to sell outfits etc. Never said the players wouldnt be able to see their own fashion.
  9. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > @"Cynder.2509" said: > > I mean WoW got an entire engine update too so why not GW2? > And for everyone asking "will it make the game look better", did that make WoW look better? > > No it still look like bloody WoW. It certainly made wow run better tho. As for visuals concerned, a big part of why the game can look bad is the visual clutter for abilities and such. Visually the game looks fine but most ppl can even up the graohics options because if you do that and then go play wvw or a meta your pc will melt.
  10. A better post processing or unbundling of what post processing does into their own options, an upgrade to vulkan and dx12 and finally some touch ups to models and the lighting system should also get nuked because its bad. All that and a robust system that hides effects, mount skins and abilities of other players will breathe new life into the game.
  11. They added a longterm grind goal with the icebrood infusion last patch. De we really need another one so soon after? The milking is strong with this one it seems.
  12. Would they? I dont think they hold a candle to the portal and magic sickness events or the reforging of saladbolg.
  13. They didnt release an exoac on the clock after pof so its been tought for those who were hoping for espects to change the way we play. Luckily those are comming with eod.
  14. I thought it was on character for the Asura to seek aid (if they needed it) from someone like Jormag. I mean hey players have speculated that for years jormag is the counter to primordus and it would be logical to conclude asure have done so as well. This is the asure afterall we ar talking about, they experiemented and tortured sentient species in the past for their research, their morality at the very least should make this development not an asspull imo.
  15. If you figure it out pls tell me, id like to minimize the effects of legendaries for clarity's sake.
  16. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > I guess Anet wants to push their favorite cast. Fan favorites, the likes of Canach and Blish, would take the spotlight from the characters that "matter". Aww man i really loved Blish, he was such a cool character and interesting concept in gw2. I wish they didnt kill him off and instead let hik exists and potentially explore his character and the whole concept of his character.
  17. > @"sitarskee.5738" said: > > @"zealex.9410" said: > > > @"sitarskee.5738" said: > > > I mean, a clear roadmap wouldn't hurt, like they did some time ago but maybe a little bit wider this time so we know what we're facing. > > > > > > As for the quality matter, for some it might be not enough, for some it might be enough. Overall, I'd say I expected more but that's the only reason I am slightly disappointed. We can't expect "expansion level content" with LW anymore since expansion is announced though. So yeah, it's ok I guess. > > > > Do you honstly believe the gap between lw and expac content is so small that its unreasonable to expect more? > > > > I had set my expectations thst this would be a smaller release but you have to keep in mind that this didnt meant the udpate came out faster, it came mout a month and a half later than normal. > > I didn't say that gap between lw and expac is small, you got my point wrong. What I meant by saying that is that they said they would bring expansion level content with IBS episodes due to no plans on having an expansion but then they announced an expansion and since then the quality of content has dropped. They just don't plan on bringing "expansion level content" in IBS anymore since there is an actual expansion on the way. True, still this is quite bellow anything we saw in se3 or 4 so far, hell the 2 episode finale of se4 is blowing this out of the water if we are in for 3 more episodes kike this.
  18. > @"lokh.2695" said: > We can count ourselves lucky if there is a plan beyond the next three months. By plan I mean an actual direction and an idea of what will and what will not be inplemented by said time, not the PR-speak that are """""roadmaps""""". If the best we can have 8 years in is a plan 3 months into the future then we have a serious problem on our hands. Deep vision and realistic scopes is what leads to success and growth.
  19. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said: > > @"sitarskee.5738" said: > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > And when the new raid doesn't hit in March, then what? > > > > > > Sorry. Rhetorical question. > > > > I don't know if you realize but it's not just GW2 community that has a bunch of crybabies so I doubt devs get affected by their flaming etc. when they don't get what they want on a certain date. You kinda make it look like it's only GW2 problem while it's pretty much everywhere. > > The point here is that one should not look at other games. But just to comment on the GW2 community. Yes, my experience is that there is a lot of commotion once such a date is not reached while it was promised. Even when it isn't promised at all, but doesn't arrive when one expects it, the reaction can be very flammatory. Just look at the most recent release. It was expected earlier in november. The lack of it resulted in very pitty comments Looking to other games is how you improve your game. The easiest example of this is to simply look at Anthem, that game viewed talking or taking notes from other games in the genre as taboo and it flopped because of it. Its one of the biggest differences between 1.0 and 2.0, they now practically model their mockups based on what the competition does. The goal isnt to reinvent the wheel its to take existing concept and see where you can improve upon them (mounts speak to that more than anything).
  20. > @"sitarskee.5738" said: > I mean, a clear roadmap wouldn't hurt, like they did some time ago but maybe a little bit wider this time so we know what we're facing. > > As for the quality matter, for some it might be not enough, for some it might be enough. Overall, I'd say I expected more but that's the only reason I am slightly disappointed. We can't expect "expansion level content" with LW anymore since expansion is announced though. So yeah, it's ok I guess. Do you honstly believe the gap between lw and expac content is so small that its unreasonable to expect more? I had set my expectations thst this would be a smaller release but you have to keep in mind that this didnt meant the udpate came out faster, it came mout a month and a half later than normal.
  21. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said: > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said: > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > > > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said: > > > > > > 5. Yet another chapter of living story released without a strike mission that prepares players for raids. I thought the goal was to give people a clear path to raiding content? That is what you claimed back at the beginning of the Icebrood Saga. > > > > > I don't believe that this was ever stated as a goal. Do you have a quote somewhere? > > > > > > > > Clayton Kisko (Senior Game Designer) said the following at the announcement of Icebrood Saga Episode 1. > > > > "A new type of content, known as Strike Missions, is coming with the new Living World. This is 10-player content against challenging bosses and are meant to be an easier stepping stone to raids. This comes with a Public Mode where anyone looking to go for the same boss as you in the map will be put in the same squad, which should allow for more organisation as you tackle open world content together. " > > > > > > > > Unfortunately I can't find the official link atm, but here is a review website if you wanna read about it in detail. > > > > http://virtuallyinterrupted.com/the-icebrood-saga-announcement-summary/ > > > > > > Thanks, again. Where does it state that there will be a strike mission released with each and every chapter? That is what I am trying to find out. > > > > Neither I nor anyone has said they had to release a strike mission with every single chapter. I'm just disappointed they haven't released a proper strike since Whisper. IMHO Forging Steel and Cold War don't count as they are much more Meta event and instance dungeon based. (Meaning you don't fight a single raid boss as a 10 man group that needs heals, boons and a tank.) Strikes had so much potential, and now it just feels like yet another abandoned piece of content. > > I get that and yes they had potential, but seemed fairly clear that as stepping stone to raids, the number would be finite. Once Visions came out and the structure for daily rotation was in, it was clear that they had designed all that was coming. > > I'm not sure they have been the success they could have been, but I think the Saga has done all it intended to do. 6 is pretty decent number - we don't have to see one per release. More might come with the expansion. > > I wouldn't say it is abandoned just yet. Just a complete set for this Season Are strikes locked behind the ibs saga? New players that might jump in Eod will likely use the boost and go do EoD and after that the next season of lw. These ppl are gonna be able to play Strikes? I think it would be far better for the health of the game if strikes kept of as a stepping stone to raids and just released more so ppl would try the new stuff. Like ff14 does with trials. Every lw gets a couple that give it more replayability and cool story encounters.
  22. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said: > > @"zealex.9410" said: > > The scope has been a mess and thats because you havent set a clear plan for how Gw2 is going to stay relevant and evolve and grow for years to come. > > > > Arenanet isn't a company that does it like it is supposed to be done. They have never been that way. If you've been with us for longer you should have known that. It started a long time ago with the gw1 campaigns that went to an expansion and gw2 and the ongoing changes to the living world. > Arenanet isn't using proofed business models like other bigger companies. They do it their own way. The result is a game that has been refreshing and renewing the genre. It was Arenanet that started the titles and achievement system. The first without monthly fees and still presented a big game where you can spent a lifetime online. The first to say goodbye to the trinity. Etc. > To be innovative you need trial and error. It means they constantly try to improve the release schedule. > I just dont see for who the game is refreshing rn and who has really benefited from the way the game has progressed post pof. Most parts of the game see minimal to no changes and additions, when it class to class gameplay the last thing you think its thats refreshing. They have innovated in the past while following a proven format, some of the best things about the game came from expansions (masteries, mounts) THE MMO thing to do and stuff like titles or achievements never required the game not have an update plan for content. Hell one of the most set in stone mmos, ff14 has introduce big qol to the gerne with its visual options when it comes go clutter and combat in general. Wow has followed the format for years but that didnt stop them from doing things like the Mage tower in legion or Torghast in shadowlands. Refreshing features and innovative changes dont require you to re-invent the wheel.
  23. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Swagger.1459" said: > > > @"Jilora.9524" said: > > > Like I have the gold but why would I dump 70+ gold each weapon plus the time gate to acquire the new lodestones. 50 orich ingots 10 ecto per lodestone. > > > I legit bought the mark and pact black lion entire sets for less then 1000g and you get 14 tickets back like 560g back and you then think hey complete the new set for 20 AP and 12 AGs is somehow worthy of our gold. > > > I know alot will do these but just another set I'll skip because you think making these new weapons expensive instead of shaft hilt 4g inscription 5 ectos or something reasonable adds to your game. Well it doesn't > > > > This is what we call an _optional_ material sink. Material sinks like these are necessary for the game. > It would be far more optional if there wasn't a mastery point locked behind it. > Hows the mastery economy now? Do you need all previous masteries in Ibs to max out the ibs trees?
  24. Theres def some good stuff here but overall i think it was too small and it took to long to produce. I really liked the worldbuilding and showing how diff races have diff agendas and aproach situations differently. The dialogue was solid as well to a surprising extend compaired to some of the older releases. The reuse of old maps is really nice too, we have so many maps getting dusty and they could always use more content (sadly for me the drm are pretty boring so id prefer new events actually or even a strike set on a vanilla map. Its also worty considering that since hot is included in pof they should consider those maps too when they add new stuff. In short if this update took 2 months like normal i wouldnt mind but it took almost double that and no mater what, for the time it took, its underwhelming.
  25. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > I enjoyed the VA and some of the teaser bits of story for what is to come. The dialogue between Taimi and Braham was well done and it was nice to see the Asura have their own agenda with Primordus and not care as much about any threat of Jormag or the Frost Legion. That was a welcome bit of story lore consistency that has been lacking for years > > There was also a piece of music which felt very Canthan - to the point I almost feel like it slipped in by mistake or as a teaser to come. It's rare the sound team ever under deliver and they didn't this time > > To be honest, i don't necs think we should be creating threads purely to praise or bash the episode. Episodic feedback threads should contain both types of feedback to help improve content going forward, but for now I'll leave it at the above so as not to drag this off course with everything I felt they got wrong The asuran agenda was prob the highlight of the episode for me, world building for the race as well as actual good writting there that makes sense.
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