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Posts posted by kharmin.7683

  1. > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

    > They still need to fix mount damage scaling though. Makes some pve events really difficult when you can't tag a single enemy during the entire thing.


    I've had pretty good success with asking in map chat for people to not mount-kill during daily events. Granted, I shouldn't have to politely ask but when I do I notice a significant reduction in that action.

  2. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:


    > Actually I think dps meters are wrong and anet disrespects player privacy allowing these tools to spy on me without my knowledge or consent. However, Chris Cleary stated they don't find it an issue. This means my opinion is irrelevant and I am going to follow Anet's infinite wisdom in their actions, endorsing all their decisions.


    > Since dps meters are allowed and blessed by game creators, since they failed to provide build templates but allowed 3rd party, unsupervised dev to give us such tool, they should also allow gearchecking on daily basis. Clearly, they don't see a problem with disrespecting player privacy.

    Allow me to apologize for my assumptions, then. ;)

    I do find agreement with your concerns in regards to player privacy.


  3. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > > Game will be better with this. Just like dps meters made it better.

    > > > > That's a very subjective point of view.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > That's what anet thinks currently.

    > >

    > > Really? Anet thinks that DPS meters made their game better? Hmmm


    > Thay allowed them. They wouldn't allow something they find as bad for the game.


    Making the game bad is one thing. Saying that some third-party tool makes the game better is saying something completely different. Again, as I said before this is a subjective point of view. You seem to feel that these things make GW2 better, and that's probably true for you. Others in numerous threads have argued counter to your point.



  4. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > >

    > > > Game will be better with this. Just like dps meters made it better.

    > > That's a very subjective point of view.

    > >


    > That's what anet thinks currently.


    Really? Anet thinks that DPS meters made their game better? Hmmm

  5. > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:


    > This is how you get the most spent by the most people: start high, eventually go down. And as the price goes down, the likelyhood of more people getting it goes up. By the time no one else or very few more people would buy it, you lower the price, and what you get is way more people buying it for the lower price, and you earn more than what you'd earn from the few people less that would pay the full price.


    I'm not sold on this example. If the price will eventually go down, and everyone knows that it will, then no one will purchase at the "premium" price -- rather, they will wait for the price reduction which they know will occur. Sure, there is the likelihood of more people purchasing as the price goes down; however, there would probably not be anyone purchasing at the higher price. I know that I wouldn't.


    /me shrugs



  6. > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

    > The thing is, I'd expect the player base to have grown over the years and story missions we've had before this. So while the boss times should remain steady, they should definitely get harder as we go. Avoid increasing their health, but definitely add more mechanics and tricks.


    > I mean, you wouldn't expect a Mario game to have the same difficulty in 8-1 as it did in 1-1. You've been playing for a while, you should have grown as a player, and if not, well, RIP.


    Good point; however, I imagine many players who have grown frustrated at the instanced content haven't continued with it, so when new chapters come out with higher "learning curves" it just increases the frustration. Personally, almost all of my characters are stopped at Claw Island because I hate that instance and would rather spend my gaming time doing other things. I have grown as a player by managing my way through open-world content in Core, HoT and PoF, but the solo instances still frustrate me.



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