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Everything posted by XenesisII.1540

  1. > @"grave of hearts.7830" said: > Oh i should had added music too,when i am in an action mode i expect to hear some epic music. > Yet all i hear is the same depressed soundtrack style jeremy soule had 10 years ago,cripes is it that hard to make an epic version of the gw2 theme and make it the combat theme or something else to help wake up the player? > The remnant of a hero battle music was great,why we dont have that kind of stuff in wvw? > You can use your own music. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack
  2. The points conquest system is pretty old, outdated, and always favors bigger server populations with coverage. It should have never been used in a system that has a large variance in player numbers, points is fine in systems with set team numbers like battlegrounds or basically every team sport. It could use a change, but given the state of the game, and anet, and staff on wvw, I wouldn't count on that ever happening, so no point asking for a wvw overhaul of any sort, but maybe additions. But seeing as they can't even do weekly events more than once per year I don't even think we should even bother with this either... Ok so war variances. Could be something to add, like dynamic events to region zones, and I don't mean pve events as we have an entire other side of the game to enjoy that and a lot of wvw players don't enjoy pve in wvw anyways. But they could add stuff like hot zones, where a condition goes up for like 5-15 mins in that region zone (I mean the region zones as in the area of structures that is also used to restrict glider flight, mounts speeds, and banner uses). Essentially it would work like guild claim bonuses in the area, except this affects everyone in that region area. The conditions could be anything like I dunno adding random effects or stats like positive or negative stats, for example: * everyone fighting in the hot zone gets +50 power -50 toughness * or adding bonus to some extra wxp (the reason why I stated the 15mins timer is to match the wvw starter boosters * or adding extra health * or -50 endurance * or 50% run speed * or -100% res speed * or double points for capturing and defending an objective there * or when you kill someone it leaves a poison cloud on the ground for 5s * or when you kill someone it pulses an earthquake in the area that cripples everyone in a 600 radius * or when you kill someone it pulses 100 lightning damage to those in a 300 radius The effects should not be too powerful as to want to make players just run to the next region to fight. We also see other games use resource nodes as a way to encourage open zone fights (black desert online and ashes of creation will be doing this?), this could also be added as farming rich nodes, or supply nodes. All events should mostly happen in the middle of the maps so to keep it fair for all sides to reach them, and promote easier to reach fights, much like smc draws bees to it's honey. A minor bonus to wxp gain should also be applied in that zone like 20% more wxp for 1min on a kill. Maybe even add that hot zones are sparked (instead of set timer) when orange swords go up in an area. I'm sure there's a ton of random stuff they could come up with, heck even add the mistlock instability that people have been asking for, do it this way limited to the objective zones instead of the entire map and one week events, so you have an actual choice to fight in them or not.
  3. It's the lowest tier currency along with karma, you can buy a lot of basic wvw stuff with it, but it is not the major currency of wvw. After 8 years there's no reason for anet to put in a badge sink, it's a general currency which already gets added to new stuff, but they bring out new currencies with the new stuff so that you don't use banked currency to mass buy new stuff (like living story stuff).
  4. You would have to get rid of boon balling first. Even then mass cc combat is not fun, even the immobilize we have is annoying as it is. We already had the high damage for 5 years, which led to the mess they added to cater to that high damage, auto proc defenses, more boons, longer boon durations, more spamming boons, more convert boons, more condi's, more corruption, more evades, more blocks, more reflects... should have kept things to field blasting...
  5. They like to balance around problems, not the problem itself (hence why this trait was even made). Besides organized groups LOVE boon balling, so good luck with that. :grin:
  6. It was a bunch of nerfs patch, did you really want to be included? :lol:
  7. Not for me, I've had it happen while fighting tower lords and not from a dismounting. Notes: Weapon swap sigils have 9s internal cooldowns. Regular weapon swap has 10s cooldown. Other things like warrior trait brings swap down to 5s. Ele attunements, eng kits, guard tomes, rev legends, death shroud, celestial avatar, attack while mounted can all proc the sigils. I played on mesmer which has none of those, ran up to a tower lord after not being in combat for more than 10s and still not get energy to proc on the first weapon swap in combat, I've seen it happen in every type of fight but not always, sometimes I felt like cleansing didn't proc either but not something I actively watched. I don't know if it's a case of lag or whatever.
  8. > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said: > Chrono is still in the garbage lmao Never said they weren't, just that they reverted one major dumb change(at the cost of nerfing more stuff). :lol: Rangers think they're the top in getting nerfed, but I don't think they even compare to what mesmer/chrono/mirage has had taken away from them.
  9. Sometimes I use to see sigil of energy not proccing at the first weapon switch in combat as well. Dunno if this is a problem with certain sigils or weapon swap sigils in general.
  10. > @"otto.5684" said: > But that leaves mirage where exactly, in the trash bin? And the funny thing is CMC admitted as much, so... is fixing that a 3 year task? Well for pvp anyways, they still have their 2 dodges in pve. He admitted the change might have been heavy handed, and it's obvious he just wanted to wash his hand clean of the problem. Took them like what 7 months to unscrew the chrono no clone no shatter change?, we're passed that for the mirage screwup, they probably won't even bother with changes to the spec anymore, not when they have an expansion and probably new spec on the way to replace it, one I'm sure they'll happily nuke again.
  11. > @"Opopanax.1803" said: > I really dont do pvp or wvw, but I really cant imagine who came up with the idea to nerf DODGE, of all things on Mirage. It just feels like a quick, cheap patch. Well, the wvw balance dev decided they couldn't balance the base mirage mechanic because I guess it would affect pve, I guess he didn't want to bother balancing the skills and traits around it with wvw only changes(what he should be doing), so he decided to nerf the dodge instead(knowing it would also hamper the class too much) to limit it and then left it to the pve side to balance it at some point(never). So yes, a quick cheap change with the added benefit of less qq from other class players. And now I'm sure something will happen with this post....
  12. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said: > > @"XenesisII.1540" said: > > Lets stop beating around the bush after 8 years, just turn every structure into a camp and be done with it, cause obviously some people don't enjoy a challenge and just want to roll over everything. > > The only "challenge" involved in taking a fully upgraded and claimed structure is having the attention span to endure 10+ minutes of dodging trebuchets, arrowcarts, and ballistas while half a map Q of players sit on the walls pretending to do something. > > The most exciting thing about WvW is combat because it's something GW2 has done better than any MMO out there, but for some reason many players would prefer to avoid it at all cost. > > I would in fact support turning every objective in to a camp because it would do away with the waiting around for an objective to open and everyone would actually be forced to fight and engage each other. > But I guess spamming 1 on an arrow cart while a few dozen people inside the structure do nothing, or spamming 2 on a catapult or ram while again a few dozen people stand around doing nothing, is a lot more exciting and "challenging". If you don't like fighting for a structure then don't fight in one, go for the open field fights, you HAVE the option to do so. I don't like fighting under siege either, so I don't sit myself down under them for 10 mins and then cry about it, I just avoid it. And if an idiot commander keeps trying to brute force their way through one entrance over and over and over under the same siege, instead of finding a better place to siege, not wanting to clear siege properly, that's on them. Wvw is also fighting for objectives, not just some open field arena. But I guess just running up to the lord with no resistance is a lot more exciting and "challenging" too.
  13. Lets stop beating around the bush after 8 years, just turn every structure into a camp and be done with it, cause obviously some people don't enjoy a challenge and just want to roll over everything.
  14. > @"Zape.2094" said: > Mesmer (no idea what build yet, I just thought itd be nice to have the portal utility to sneak inside an objective before the enemy caps it) You're better off using a thief if that's what you want to use a mesmer for.
  15. > For those who loved this !@#! idea, **please go play other games.** Stop whining!!! Just dodge! Block! Don't stand in red circle. And please stop trolling Anet by making them believe that the majority of WvW players really want this dumb changes. **Mounts are great, Glider too, Desert BL its one of the best maps. I want flying mounts too.** Make this possible, think outside the box. All great things that have contributed to wvw being the best it has been in the past 5 years and will continue to help it grow it's population! Don't worry a lot are playing other games at this point...
  16. Broken specs and broken mechanics killed roaming, way before mounts give it the last kick.
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