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Posts posted by Edge.8724

  1. Marauder is actually a very good stat. You shouldn't be ashamed to use it.

    I can understand to play glass canon in fractals or raid since they have organised groups, but in open world, you should bring more survivability or else, you'll always die in 1 hit.


    As many others said, Marauder stats is very good. (Even gives you more Precision than Berserker).


    You can change some trinkets for more defensive stats;


    Another maybe redundant thing, practice makes perfect. Guardian naturally have many defensive tools to defend itself (aegis, blinds, heal).


    What build are you playing? I'm gonna assume a meta greatsword sword/focus build on metabattle or snowcrow.


    On greatsword you already have:

    -Blind and heal (skill 3)

    -Retaliation on skill 4

    -Pull on skill 5 (which can interrupt)


    On sword/focus you have:

    -Blind on skill 2

    -Projectile defense on skill 3

    -3 blocks on skill 5.


    You also have the 3 virtues (f1 has blind if used with radiance, f2 heals and f3 blocks on demand)

    Don't be shy to use other utilities that can defend you too.


    For Open World, I can suggest this build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAEx3lVwoYIMP2IOyL/nVA-zRZYBB5/EUgYU/OjIUBVIFU8A-e


    Same weapons as yours, more survivability and still decent damage.


    Tips to upkeep retaliation, f1 grants light aura wich gives you retaliation if you are hit. When aegis blocks, you gain retaliation. Using greatsword 3 on a light field grants light aura (ex, skill 4 and 3 right after).


    You might not like it, but I disagree with improving hp of Guardian since the class is by default pretty strong.


    Keep in mind that you can always play with your spec and utilities. In Open World, it's important to have at least:

    -1 stunbreak

    -1 condi clean

    -decent healing

    -still priorise damage.


    Hopes this helped! :)

  2. Voted Warrior. Either other classes are way too strong or Warrior is simply overnerfed. A lot of rework is in need here.

    A close second here would be mesmer;

    Chrono lost its ability to shatter witouth clones (making it very clunky to play) and mirage, tough fine in pve, in pvp and wvw it only has 1 dodge. I mean, yes, sure, 1 dodge...(core is still core...)

    I think Anet is extremist and somewhat weirdly lazy when they "fix" classes.

  3. Yeah, like others mentionned, you can't change races mostly because of the personal story.


    However, I would recomend deleting your character only if you ran out of character slot (like others said, birthday gift, etc...)


    The "truth" about asura beeing goblin-fish super ugly sounds rather subjective. At first, Yeah, I didn't like them in general, but once I saw some other asuras characters, I was like; what if I try to create a cool look? I tried, spent a lot of time doing so but managed to create a unique character design that I really like and never regretted.

    You really can't say an entire race (specie) is ugly, that's extremely subjective. There are uglies and beautifuls in each of the race and even in that, this is subjective too.



    > Asura:

    > Raptor: Golem

    > Skipper: Golem

    > Skimmer: Golem

    > Jackal: Golem

    > Beetle: Golem

    > Griffon: Golem

    > Skyscale: Golem


    At this point, I'd like to see another Asuran civilisation drastically different than what we have right now living... somewhere. A bit like they did with the Olmakhan for the Charr. Right now, when we think about Asuras in general, we always think about either golems, experiments or inquest.


    About the topic;

    I really like the idea of race thematic mounts to be added, however like some have said, for them to be race locked is pretty unlikely and I agree with that too.

  5. You shouldn't say "all asuras are toxic". Lol.

    There is always a minority that are actually very chill.

    I also disagree on banning an entire race from a gamemode, some people plays that race because they have fun with it. Sure, some people play them to troll others and because they are small, but those who have fun beeing an asura for the sake of beeing them shouldn't be punished.

  6. Here's what I know:


    If you want to play a DPS build in high end PvE, Firebrand works best with Condi. Dragonhunter works best with Power. Core Guardian can also work but it's more Power than Condi too.


    If you want to play Support, Firebrand is the best you can have and I heard it ether play Minstrel stats, Harrier stats or Diviner stats.

    Core Guardian has some very niche support builds that could work but I suggest playing something people are more familiar with.


    I'll try to suggest something that will fits you as much as possible. First, you want your first stats to be viable everywhere in pve, open world, fractals, strike and raids? I would suggest Diviner stats Firebrand build. It's Power, and its primary function is to give mass Quickness. You should be wanted pretty much everywhere with this.


    Some more veterans might give better suggestions, but based on my experience, Diviner Firebrand is quite welcomed everywhere But, sometimes people will prefer something else. But this is the closest to "viable everywhere" as possible.

  7. > @"Humor.5763" said:

    > I straight up read none of this except the title.... This may be wrong but let me explain....


    > Warrior used to be a beast Solo, or in a party. easily doing more damage then any other class in early stages. This was due to being able to kite bosses with rifles with Bleeding doing mass amounts of damage, and before they nerfed the entire "Seed Healing Turret", where you could bring multiple items with you, where you could solo champions, and even event bosses.


    > This is what made me delete my lvl 80 warrior, and Guardian, because these two classes got nerfed so far into the ground a few months/years after launch, it became almost unbearable to play these two classes. Thus, creating new classes.


    > I'm not too sure how it is now, but from what I've seen, Melee Rangers. and even Revenants/Renegades (DoT) can do WAY more damage than warriors. I almost see absolutely no Warriors now, unless it's a new player who's trying to learn how to play for the first time, because no one in their right mind would choose a warrior over any other class. I've even seen how engineers work, and despite their lack of damage, at least their support roles outwiegh the roles of a warrior in any matter, whether it comes to damage, or support. Warriors are absolute trash, and at this point, should just entirely be removed from the game, or reworked until they are viable again.


    > This is just me speaking from someone who's went from Launch Warrior, to the Warriors now. It's sad that no one wants a warrior in their party, and they're considered a "Lowbie Class".


    The only solution seems to rework the entire class. Because right now, it's either "too op" or "trash". It's always truly balanced.

  8. Yeah, and force the dps race even more. No thanks. I largely prefer tactics and mechanics instead of just " MOARR DAMAGE!!! ".

    Also, it will make lots of people quit high end pve or even quit the game.

    As for me, I don't need video games to be an additional source of stress. Thanks.


    P.S. While we're at it, there's tons of stats combos out there. Could be nice to see more viable builds using other stats instead of the same 2 that has been used for 6 years and more.

  9. Imagine myself, not using a meta build and pugging XD.

    I just abandonned all "high end pve" parts of the game and just chill in open world until I'm bored. What else can I do?


    Edit: Of course if I see a group demanding x class with x build, I don't go. I don't force myself into other groups. But when a group don't put their requirements in the lfg, all those questions and accusations are just rude.

  10. > @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

    > You get to live that fantasy for a few seconds when you use Rampage.


    > Honestly, I prefer warrior as the "normal guy/gal" instead of an unstoppable juggernaut. What you are describing feels more like the fantasy of Berzerker in particular and I agree that that elite spec could do a better job delivering on that fantasy. Hitting Zerk Mode should be an "oh kitten" moment for the opponent, a kite-or-die situation, but with the toughness penalty of Zerk Mode, it's more like kite-or-die for the warrior themselves.


    > But fantasy-fulfilment aside, the last line reads like a contradiction, someone who can both take a beating and is also a huge threat sounds like a balancing nightmare. I also don't feel like warrior should be limited to melee range, a warrior is a soldier and soldiers always use the most effective techniques available to them. Historically that meant spears over swords for better reach, bows to wear the opposing army down , then later guns and artillery. The melee-only fantasy seems much closer to guardian who are the noble paladins, knights in shining armour who always fight with honour. And even then DH subverts that trope.


    You nailed it.

  11. I never got killed because I used a healing skill with an activation time, actually, I hate the healing signet. It doesn't really give you that much. Mending is way better, defiant stance can also be good for more invulnerability (at the cost of an healing skill though...) To the limit is actually pretty decent and awesome if you run Tactic with the trait. Adrenaline and Endurance are never useless.


    For the healing power, I've seen better results with Mending and To the limit. Those 2 skills scales pretty well with it. Appart of those 2, the other skills don't offer a lot.


    The only use for Natural Mending may be only if you are solo and you don't have someone buffing you.


    Warrior is really weak, but mostly because of the other classes that are really overperforming. It's no secret that a lot of traits and skills needs to be reworked as well.

  12. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > i highly recommend holosmith, holo mode is the warrior you always wanted to be, super forgiving as well in OW, you can also use your flameseeker prophecies.

    > > and yea warhorn on warrior has 0 use across the board.

    > >

    > > also warrior in pvp is currently trashed and pve is always banner slave meta since 2012


    > "Banner slave" sounds as if all you do in group content is just place banners like some kind of additional support with negligible impact on anything else. Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high, dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior will make you be near the top of the deeps charts. So not really "banner slave", more like solid dps with additional group utility in the form of banners.



    Warrior are bannerslave. I don't remember having them allowed to have access to utility skills other than "place the banners". Also, remove banners and warriors can kiss high end pve meta good bye.

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