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Posts posted by Edge.8724

  1. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Guardian+Revenant which would lead into the current meta support setup for 5 man groups (Firebrand and Renegade, aka Firebrigade).


    > Mesmer+Ranger for the classic Chrono+Druid setup which still sees a lot of use in 10 player content and is perfectly fine for 5 man content, though high end challenge mode fractals will benefit the Firebrigade.


    > Otherwise just go with what you enjoy class wise. The most important aspect is to actually enjoy what you are playing.


    Gotta second this, probably the best class combo there is right now.

  2. It's no secret that most people will expect you to play a very specific build in group content (fractals, unless you are with friends that don't mind). Also, It's sure that low damage build tend to not go well in this game.

    What is your goal with your guardian? Heal? Supporting your allies? Are you mostly playing this in open world pve?


    I can suggest a build I love to play in open world, although I never tried it with other people (I get too much insults If I'm not "meta" most of the time).


    This is NOT meta by any mean.


    This build; http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAw6llZwoYIMN2JWMP1pMA-zxYYvw6RHMC+MaUFEzEwiDA-e.


    This is a bit like a "paladin" roleplay build, very classic. The goal of this build was to do 3 things at once, deal enough damage to kill, sustain yourself and heal/support your allies. With this build, however, ennemies will mostly want to attack you. (Toughness = aggro magnet). This can be good or not depending on what you want to do. If you want to relieve pressure from someone, it's good. If you are in danger, this is not good, but you shouldn't die easily especially if you know how to use the build.


    Once your initial aegis is gone, priorise F3 before any other source of aegis.


    Each block will heal you for almost 2k hp. (Around 1 880 I think)


    Use the sword of justice for vulnerability and for soft cc.


    Signet of Judgement for passive tankiness and low cooldown stunbreak.


    Your healing skill will fully heal you and heal your allies for a large amount. Same goes for your elite skill.


    Sword for offense and mace for defense.


    The only skill you are allowed to spam here is F1. Use the other skills carefully.



    I don't have problem playing the famous glass build, but I really love and prefer this build and I play it whenever I can. Give it a try and maybe you'll like it or not.


    Main things to consider when building:


    -Learn every bit of your desired class, what it can and can't do.


    -See what you can do with weapons you like.


    -Note what is your purpose.


    -pick traits, stats and skills that synergise all well with your overall build.


    This is mostly it. I'm not a pro by any mean, but I do love my guardian and I'm sharing some fun things with it.

  3. > @"Brad.9730" said:

    > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > >

    > Warrior elite spec will likely focus on their core theme of being a master of arms and weapon diversity. I’m not sure how that would manifest, but since they conjure banners and are missing a support/tactics feel, it seemed like a neat idea to conjure weapons we can’t use normally (polearms/throwing spears, greataxe, fist/claw weapons, etc.).


    I picture the warrior using utility skills a bit like engineer's kit, a "weapon" kit skill that replace your current 1 to 5 skills to a specific weapon skill (like a lance, greataxe, crossbow, etc). I would totally play that. Nice suggestion btw.

  4. Your drawing is well done and I see what direction you were trying to go (with the "feirce and cute" thing).


    You seem to be leaning towards a cartoonish style right now. I feel like it's a bit more cute than feirce. To be more balanced, you'll need to add a bit more detail on the feirce side (specifically looking at the eyes and mouth), but not too much. Big eyes is what usyally makes a character cute and friendly looking in a cartoonish style.


    My final concern would be her left arm (or our right when we look at the drawing). The arm seems a bit twisted and not in the proper direction compared with the rest of the body. The main thing to rework would be the hand. A tip I use is to look at myself in the mirror with the same pose as the character I wish to draw. (Look closely how your hand would look like in the pose). I think that is what you meant by "proportion", however, if you were really aiming for a cartoonish style, your current body / head / limbs size is quite good.


    In resume, small rework to the eyes (for a little bit more "feirce" look) and the position of the hand for now. (I'm really no expert at drawing, this is simply my observations.)


    On a side note, I like your drawing and your style.

  5. That whisper from the other player that doesn't want any warrior is so toxic and a major reason to why I don't PvP. I'm playing a game to have fun, I'll use what I am more confortable with and be as helpful as I am. But just because a certain class is behind the others in a fan made site that contains fan created PvP builds does not give any right to discriminate someone for using this certain class.


    This is very concerning.

  6. @"Lan Deathrider.5910"


    The first change is more plausible if beeing added, altough the 2 changes combined would make great competitor against Restorative Might and Peak Performance.


    Unless our range's options are beeing improved, I don't see why we can't be a little more dangerous in melee. The added distance isn't op and seems really well balanced.

    2 stacks of stability for 1 seconds promotes more reactive gameplay decisions with a small, but helpfull reward if timed right.

  7. I can't login. And If I manage to be online, the max I was able to stay logged on without getting kicked was around 4 minutes.

    Also, I can't really do anything even If I'm "online" as the game seems to not know I am and then, kicks.


    Never got this problem alone. I usually have these at the same time lots of people on the forum has.

  8. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > Hmmmmmm........

    > >

    > > I personally don't like the concept of "fake tails", also, while we're at it, fake ears too.


    > I prefer fake ones over trying to explain how humans, sylvari etc. could have cat ears...or tails.


    > Fake ears, wings tails are totally realistic. I have several around the house from various Halloween costumes, and since dressing up is part of Halloween in GW2 I think it makes sense to have costume pieces to do it with. But even for this game trying to explain how some humans can have extra body parts...but only sometimes, would be a stretch.


    Oh, I get what you mean, I wouldn't want to see a human with real cat ears neither.


    But this was just my opinion on the subject, I will be happy for those that likes these accessories if they get added to the game.

  9. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > This is a problem which is affecting absolutely everyone on the EU server. We don't know exactly what happened, just that the game crashed and lost 2-3 days of data. We're waiting for Anet to fix it, but it only happened about 1.5 hours ago so they're probably still working out what they can do.


    > This isn't normal for this game, as far as I know nothing like this has happened before (there was a deliberate roll-back in 2016, but that was controlled and done intentionally) so I can't say what Anet will do to fix it. But it's definitely a problem, not something that should ever happen, so I'm certain they will fix it when they can. I expect they'll restore the servers to the most recent backup they have so we'll get back everything up to that point.


    > For now I'm just not logging in, because I don't want to do more stuff only to have that over-written when they restore the game.


    Has this happened on NA servers?

  10. I am a bit glad that I haven't touched the game this week-end but holy ****! I am not sure I want to come back now! However, this is really sad for everyone that just lost everything, what exactly has happened?


    I'll wait for a fix before jumping back in the game.


    As a sidenote, the lack of answers from the devs is disturbing.

  11. I just need to say something that a lot of people oversees about traits.


    The dedicated sustain trait of Warrior is Defense. But, never, ever say that Strength or Discipline are "sustain" traits just because it has one trait that heals in it. Tactic is a Support trait. Strength is Damage trait and Discipline is a Utility trait.


    Now here is the thing; people go to specific sites to get their build because either they don't want to make effort to learn what their class do or they just want the quickest way possible to get started (but again, they don't really fully learn the class). By the way, these sites are not official. They are fan-made.


    Now for the strength of the class, it's difficult to say, because Warrior is either too strong or not enough it seems. I'd like to think it's fine, but not really.


    -Too many weapons are clunky. A lot of traits are really lackluster.

    -Defense trait line really need a rework. When you have traits with 300 or 500 seconds, clearly something's wrong. I don't know why they keep that in the game.

    -Tactic is cool but as a Support dedicated trait line, it does not support enough even after its rework, but it defenitely has taken a step in the right direction.

    -Strenght doesn't need a healing trait. That belongs to Defense.

    -All Warrior's healing skills has been nerfed and that hurts sustain a lot.


    In conclusion, people only spec into damage traits these days and I can understand that, Warrior's damage has been significantly nerfed and its sustain traits needs to be reworked.

  12. Removal of amulets and tweaking some specific stats looks a lot like "band aid" solutions to me.


    Yet, we lose more amulets, got more 1 hour cooldown skills, more dps or sustain out of control, less build diversity and better, less communication. And now, this professionally encourage me as a player and customer to support them either by playing their game and / or bying gems?


    Some of you might be happy with these changes. Me? This seriously lacks professionalism.


    For the skills, build diversity and gameplay mamagement, both PvE, PvP and WvW has huge problems that yet the company seems unwilling to solve for some weird unknown reason.

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