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Posts posted by Edge.8724

  1. Totally support this.

    Got a few ideas...


    Human male:

    -More long hairs (not pony tails, just straight long)

    -Medium beard


    Sylvari female

    -More style that looks like human's, but plant-like

    -More medium hairs


    Sylvari Male

    -Long hairs

    -Medium hairs

    -Some kind of grass-like beard


    Asura Female

    -Long hairs

    -More medium hairs


    Asura Male


    (But honestly, these poor dudes needs a face revamps as well...)

  2. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > Just... don't think it's invulnerable. It really isn't. You'll have to sacrify huge amount of dammage to have decent sustain.


    > kitten, you mean I can't have 40k hp with massive sustain and oneshot everything around? So unfair.


    I know, right?

  3. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Warlord.9082" said:

    > > Nope. I'm not interested either. On the subject of why people want it: no idea. Rather see an entirely new creation.


    > because:

    > * tengu were planned to be playable at some point before launch

    > * tengu's story is in a state where adding them as a playable is basically flipping a switch

    > * tengu played an interesting part of factions

    > * weebs



    That pretty much explains why there are some people that wants them so much, and myself included to be honest.


    Also, I largely prefer tengus over charrs. I always prefered non-human races, but in this game, charrs, I just don't like the design XD

  4. > @"mauried.5608" said:

    > The game seems to have a mindset of kill everything as quickly as possible , and the addition of mounts has just made this worse.

    > I cant see any solution.



    This is the results of what happens when you remove roles.


    I like to do dammage but also beeing quite resilient. This is an extremely unpopular opinion and everyone call me "subpar" and "inneffective" but meh...


    To be honest though, the other stats are not very effective compared to Power, Precision, Ferocity. Those 3 have too much synergy between each other.


    Toughness doesn't scale well and having 2k or 3k toughness don't make a lot of difference against mobs (still getting hit for 5k dammage frome some mobs sometimes)


    Healing Power don't scale well with healing skills (passing from a skill that heals you from 2k to 3,5k with tons of healing power? Why?)


    Condition Dammage, this needs a total rework. It's really only great against ennemies that have huge health bar. Dammage like this could apply some "instant" dammage when you hit, and not a measly 200 burn dammage per second. Having precision to be useful with condition dammage would be very nice too.


    Ferocity needs to be greatly buffed but at the cost of having Precision significantly decreased in efficiency. Why? Well, why is it possible to have 100% critical chance? Of course this will be meta! In my opinion, only full Assassin stat with precision runes can someone have at least 80% critical chance (to make fury have some value).

  5. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > It was never meta, it was passable however.

    > >

    > > Daze on traps needed to go, that was complete bull. The rest should be rolled back though.

    > > "Guard is supposed to guard, not damage." -gw community


    > Doesn't it suck when the "community" decides your role versus the one originally described by the developers who created the game?


    From the game itself; Guardians are specialiased in defensive magic. They should be able to defend at least. Right now, they sucks at dammage and defense. (unless you're a firebrand it seems)


    Core Guardian should be a bruiser.


    Dragonhunter should be high dammage with a bit if support but only in their virtues.


    Firebrand plays its role as intended which is full support/Dammage over time.


    This might sound or even be subjective, but these are my views for the Guardian.

    Yes, specialise in defensive magic, yet they smite their foes and empower their allies (hence why I put core guard bruiser style)


    Dragonhunter are inspired by wich hunters, they are zealous in their mission on exterminating dragons. They should do more dammage than that while keeping their support from their virtues (really like the DH virtues as they are right now).

  6. I used 6 runes of speed and lots of swiftness. It was kinda fun to run like a missile XD


    P.S. I'm not a WvW player, I only step in and out from time to time. I only wanted to run at the same speed (or near that) of a mount to follow some peeps, but my set-up was really not competitive.

  7. Devona's armor is a really nice sets that is fairly cheap and even comes with a Rune of Strenght per piece (which isn't a bad rune neither).


    Of course, that was an exemple for the heavy category.


    Search carefully on TP, you can be surprises by price/quality on things sometimes.


    Also, dungeons are also a nice way to get some, if you have a team that is willing to farm the currency.

  8. This kinda reassures me in one thing though... If I'm in silver or bronze that doesn't even mean that I'm an extremely bad player anymore. I'm just trying my best in PvP matches and somehow half of my team is doing nothing or literally doing absurd things all the way (even saw 4 people, 2 on my team and 2 on the ennemy's and they were dancing in a corner of the map.)


    Oh well, I'll still try my best 'cause I'm me and at least I have rewards.

  9. I wanted to try it. I bought it. Played it. Didn't regret it.


    Why should they make this free now? They still.could make a little more money with that.


    And this; why does me and the many players who purchased it should be penalised by giving it for free? Is there a good reason to make this game free to play?

    I get that it's not very active, however, there is a great amount of solo content (well, it is based on solo content, literally) that it is still worth bying it.

  10. No matter how much sustain I have (and I solo a lot) the crazed centaur sharpshooters at lake Doric always murder me dramatically. (I have 3,700 armor and those **** hits me for around 5k to 6k per auto-attacks. lol) But some people told me in map chat that these are exceptional ennemies. I don't have trouble anywhere else.

  11. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > If people are hovering high in the sky, I just don't look there. But If they are hovering just a little bit over the floor, that's a clear sign of "Look at me" players. Why else would you want to do that?

    > >

    > > It's like when the new SAB chair came out, there were tons of SAB chairs everyfuckingwhere.

    > >

    > > Same with the skyscale chair.

    > > Same with wings. With anything "flashy" actually.

    > >

    > > There's not really anything that can be done about that as it's literally a human behavior.


    > Slightly different in that anet makes a lot of money off those things and that allows the rest of us to play for free after initial purchase . . .


    Yyyup, that's a good point.

  12. If people are hovering high in the sky, I just don't look there. But If they are hovering just a little bit over the floor, that's a clear sign of "Look at me" players. Why else would you want to do that?


    It's like when the new SAB chair came out, there were tons of SAB chairs everywhere. _Edit: used a bad word that the filter didn't see. sorry._


    Same with the skyscale chair.

    Same with wings. With anything "flashy" actually.


    There's not really anything that can be done about that as it's literally a human behavior.

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