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Posts posted by Edge.8724

  1. > @"Zacchary.6183" said:

    > How about Duel Invitations? You invite someone to duel (assuming they have not blocked you or duel requests in general) and upon accepting you two become hostile to each other until one is defeated. Then they revive. That way, people who couldn't be bothered can continue playing in peace.


    This is the only thing I'm open for.


    But except this, it would be super annoying to just chill in towns, sitting there and/or chatting with friends and then getting nuked by some people just for fun.

  2. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

    > > to berserker as a gm trait in exchange for % damage boost or stab

    > > Pros/Cons?


    > you have to be kidding lol


    > berserker (both banners, and power dps) are currently overperforming dps-wise

    > and here you are, asking for even more dps.


    > you do realise that the next balance patch, in 3 months from now, will nerf berserker by either putting an icd on f1, or lowering the damage mod from bloody roar from 20% to 10%?



    > enjoy your 3 months, i know i will


    I am unsure of where and how Berserker is overperforming. Even Warrior as a whole. The only reason people will want to have a warrior in their team (pve) is for their banners and Empower Allies. Nothing else. Even if you ditch the banners, and spec purely for DPS, people will not want to have you as a Warrior because other classes are simply just better at that than you.


    Instead of just saying "Berserker is overperforming DPS-wise" without any source, proof of concrete points, It's just senseless and it sounds highly subjective.


    If a Warrior should not do good DPS as you seem to say, what should he do? Bring banners and CC? He already does that and it always been.




    As for the 3 bars adrenaline, I'm honestly not sure. I kinda like the idea of a certain trade off, but it seems to be badly executed.


    My suggestion would be to make it a bit like Spellbreaker. Put 2 bars of adrenaline, use 1 bar for core burst or 1 bar for berserk mode, and then unleash what you have with your "berserk" adrenaline bar. I wonder, really. 3 bars would be really fun to have in berserk mode, but maybe berserk mode only.


    I have trouble coming out with ideas. These might sound like bad ones XD.

  3. Usually, high mobility, stealth and short high burst successfully kills Warrior.

    Conditions are also super effective against them.


    For Power, watch out for their Endure Pain skill. It last 2 seconds and grants them immunity against power dammage. However, you can still CC them or put some cover conditions (weakness, immob, cripple, etc...)

    Their Bull's Charge is pretty predictable, you'll see them just rushing at you. Dodge that, don't attack them while they use it, it is an 1,5 seconds evade.


    For Conditions, If you have boon rips, the only way a Warrior can deal with conditions is with Resistance and/or a Condi clear (2 charges, 50 seconds recovery per charge with 5 seconds cooldown between the 2).

  4. > @"Julia Nardin.9824" said:

    > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > Will there be more race specific diogue in the future story? For exemple, if you play as an Asura, characters will react and speak to you knowing you're one.


    > Thank you for noticing we do that! In regards to future story: We've been trying to identify more situations where these sorts of variants have the biggest impact, so we can write alternate lines when it makes the most sense to do so. You may notice an uptick depending on what race you play.


    Thank you for your answer!

  5. This whole trade-off thing is very badly executed in my opinion.


    Stat loss shouldn't have been introduced, though I might have tolerated it if it was tied to a beneficial grandmaster trait.


    The initial trade-off should be the fact that you can only equip 2 core specialisation instead of 3. Maybe also tweak the main profession mechanic too. Engineer already loses their F5 skill to their elite spec variant. Berserker is a very bad exemple of this tough, in the way that it already had some kind of trade-off with their F1 (while in berserk, lose access to tier 3 burst). They could have done the same thing as spellbreaker; keep their basic F1, but only 1 bar of adrenaline available to use (either core burst or primal burst.)


    So no. Stat loss is a very bad and lazy design.

  6. Honestly, it's the mobility of engineer in general that makes me just not wanting to fight them. I hit one and he just start running extremely fast while also leaping to the other side of the map. He don't teleport, he just simply outrun you.


    Aside of that, too much access to protection. I know spellbreaker is here, but not everyone one of them runs builds focused around boon removing. It's not worth the risk, you'll sacrifice all your dammage and defense for this.

  7. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

    > > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > > I find the best way to fight CI Mirage right now is to start playing Firebrand. Every other side-noder besides Holo has been nerfed and CI Mirage is a pretty hard matchup for Holo(Another class with way too high sustain/damage and the only other not nerfed this patch btw.)

    > > >

    > > > As a Firebrand, you hardly interact with the enemy Mirage, and the less interaction you have with them, the more fun and rewarding GW2 PvP is. =)

    > >

    > > Dude you a spellbreaker, 60% of the time you immune to powerdamage and on top of that your dodgeroll van hit more then half the skills of hot elite specs, you have amazing damage, above AVG regen and mobility

    > >

    > > How easy you want to have IT?


    > Tbh I would love to be immune to damage 60% of the time again, but Endure Pain and defense have fallen out of play almost completely in PvP.


    > If you're a WvW player, I feel you.






    I would love to be immune to dammage at that percentage of time. Also, same thing for dammage on dodges. But I don't play Berserker stats in PvP, that is suicide.

  8. I think Greatsword is "Meta" in raids only if you play Berserker, for Arc Divider. I personally use it very often on core warrior and spellbreaker, but I don't really do raids or fractals with my warrior, I use my second main for these.

  9. Well, biggest flaws...


    -Big telegraphed attacks (flaw mostly in wvw and pvp)


    -Lack of viable range weapons and skills (you are forced to play melee)


    -Not so great defense against conditions (you need to build for it, speaking mostly in pvp. In pve, one skill is usually enough.)


    -Lack of sustain compared to Guardian, Ranger and some Mesmer builds (Mesmer got nerfed pretty hard recently, so I'm bot sure if it still has decent sustain now. Didn't mention Ele, mostly because sustain is probably all they have, unless it changed).


    -Lacks some true invulnerability (Endure Pain is only 2 seconds in pvp/wvw and 5 in pve, with long cooldown. Also, it only works on Power based dammage. You can still be knocked down of condi bombed while using it.)


    -The only reason peoples will ever want you in high end pve is for your banners. Nothing else. (The only positive thing about this is that Warrior is required for "Meta builds".)


    There are some pros to play Warrior, but the flaws and the cons are still there, putting some shadow to theses.


    -Simple to play. Yes, it's easy to learn. No, it's not necessarely easy to master. It takes high training and timing. But some changes to traits and skills will help too.


    -Decent survivability. Mostly for open world pve and some pvp builds (pvp is borderline imo. You can still pretty much be downed in seconds anyway). But in open world, it's generally a good class to play solo.


    Edit: Forgot a thing which can be important, as a warrior, you have very few boons! So no Protection (If you specced Guard Counter you can have some), no Regen (unless you trait for Dodged March), almost no Quickness. They also have no way to Blind ennemies (unless you play mace on Berserker I think)

  10. One of the things I really enjoy is that most of the time I try to fight a tough ennemy (champions) or if I try to do a group event alone (because I didn't saw anyone around), well a group or a few people usually stops doing their things to help me. Also, most of the time I need help and I ask in map chat for some, I get some answers from peoples willing to help me.


    Due to this (and also because I think It's nice to do this), I always help people in need when they ask in the map. Ex: "can someone help me fight the champion beetle in far silverwastes?" I stop doing my things and go for it.

  11. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Mister Ch.7854" said:

    > > So what's the point of this post again?


    > Well the post might not have a purpose but looking at the video, it's clear that the cast time on the axe primal burst is awful. I like axe because it's usually a quick weapon but this primal burst... It's so slow... It hurt my mind just seeing it.


    Even the axe's burst on core warrior feels kind of slow. They should put the animation and cast time like the dagger's burst. This one feels smooth, fast and nice.

    Well, come to think of it, I'd like every weapon's burst to have a smoother animation and cast time now.

  12. I am quite often into the PoF maps and I always meeting people. It's not like some core maps (looking at you, Southsun Cove).


    But I can suggest a little change which I think could be reasonable, increasing the respawn time of mobs. Range and difficulty of mobs are really not a problem.

  13. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > @"Edge.8724" said:

    > > > Is the tooltip or the skill itself that is bugged?

    > >

    > > v

    > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > > According to wiki info, with 702 healing power, mending should heal for 7222.

    > > >

    > > > Looks like they need to adjust the tooltip numbers down.

    > >

    > >


    > The wiki is not an official platform for the game. Only anet knows what is bugged.


    I saw something in the forum a little earlier and Stephane Lo Presti said that the wiki isn't updated and maintained by the devs, it's by fans / players.


    So you are correct. The bug, the devs team need to look at it and fix it.

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